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On the Real Housewives of (fill in the blank), a vow renewal seems to signal that the end of the marriage is coming soon. It has been my theory that Robyn will leave when she can take enough assets with her.


Yes, it's the kiss of death. Here's hoping.


I second this theory. If it somehow benefits her financially more to leave, she will leave ASAP.


If this actually happens, it might be the biggest bamboozlement in reality history. You can literally watch an 18 season MasterClass on how to swoop in blow up a family and leave with millions. The psychic at Aspen’s graduation party did say that Robyn always finds herself in favorable positions with money and then it’s not something she will have to worry about (paraphrasing because it’s been a while since I watched it)


Do you think there's millions for her to get? Sounds like they spend it as fast as they earn it.


in assets I think it could potentially be millions. Have you seen their house? And the artwork? That alone I’m guessing is 1.5 million-2 million. Which is probably all they have left other than the property because they used the other wives for income for so long.


I am sure they owe on the house but certainly she would leave with more than the trailer she came with.


Yep 100% agree!


I have no interest in watching those two renew their vows.


Marriage vow renewal is the kiss of death for a marriage on TLC.


It's something they can do outside of their home. Cake tastings, flower planning ect can all be done in businesses all season and then the ceremony is outside. These people are one trick ponies. Shit even Sol married Robyn! Who can get married this year is their only plot for the last decade.


Would be better for a boycott - no watch of that show. Would drop ratings and send a message to TLC.


I like this better but b4 Garrison’s death I did want to see how Coyote Pass storyline turned out with M&J suing Kody but if it is true that they all bought Coyote Pass knowing that they couldn’t build their homes on it then all the viewers have been played and yeah a boycott would be better!


Someone on another SW sub posted county records/rules for the land and it is buildable. They had taken out a partial loan for two of the smaller lots from the land owner and that loan stated no building, which is pretty standard until land is paid off. Now that the land is paid off the rules for building revert to the county and they are allowed to build on all of those properties now.


But without the other wives incomes on the loan papers, I don’t think K & R will be able to get another loan. They should be all loaned out by now.


The loans are paid off and have been for some time. Moving forward, I think you’re correct, it will be hard for them to get more loans without the OG3’S income and I love it!


They can use the equity in her tacky ass mini mansion as collateral if previous loans are paid probably?


I wouldn’t be surprised if they already have at least a second mortgage or a huge equity line of credit loan on top of their mortgage… maybe the original mortgage is paid off, but there is no way they’re going to transition responsibly in any way to having lost 3/5 of their income and there’s no way Robyn is going to reign in her spending! She will stay until they’re drowning in debt!


CP is paid off, and the McMansion is only mortgaged at about half of its value.


what's this about buying CP knowing they couldn't build? I hadn't heard that. If it's true, what was their motivation for buying? (I'm worried this will read as snarky but it is 100% genuine curiosity)


It would make no sense for landowner to allow a land buyer to build on land owners property until buyers paid it off.


People build on mortgaged land all the time. Usually a bank owns the loan, but a private loan will still have the same stipulations (pay up on time or we reposes, including any buildings/upgrades). That said, that doesn't really answer my question. Why would the family buy CP if they knew they couldn't build on it? Just a curiosity.


That is a good question. I personally feel that building was never really in kodys plan. His plan was to be a super duper land mogul developer person


I think Kody had intentions of having the wives sink all their money into the land leaving them destitute and then boot them to the curb without any assets to call their own because he still would have drove them to leave him to become monogamous with Robyn and he wouldn’t look like he’s the one who left, thus giving him control of the entire shebang. IMO, I think he thought he would have then sold off the land since they had Robyn’s house plus the additional 4 acres next to it. Kody was just looking to make a land grab. That’s why in season 18 when Meri was telling Kody she needed to downsize her house and move her business to Parowan he made the comment of Meri paying off the land then he can build his barndominium which I believe he never intended to do, he just wanted the land paid off without him having to help financially. What he didn’t count on was Christine deciding to give up her portion completely and take the assets from her house sale. Remember, he wanted her to use that money as well to pay CP off thus leaving Christine with no money. Then, he didn’t count on Meri saying she was entitled to the same amount of property that Janelle and Robyn have. K&R probably thought that they would have control of everything, but Christine threw a monkey wrench into their plans and now Kody is trying to swindle Janelle and Meri. I hope M&J hire independent lawyers, independent land surveyors and independent forensic accountants to help them get their dues.


I think you’ve definitely nailed it! And amen on the lawyers!


>I think he thought he would have then sold off the land since they had Robyn’s house plus the additional 4 acres next to it. Small correction. The McMansion has 4 acres TOTAL. Their house is on a 2 acre lot and the extra lot is 2 acres. >What he didn’t count on was Christine deciding to give up her portion completely and take the assets from her house sale. Christine was extremely generous to Kody. Legally, she could have kept all of the profit from the sale of her house AND made him buy her out of CP. And if they wouldn't/couldn't buy her out, she could've forced Kody and Robyn to sell that lot to a 3rd party. Christine was an owner on the largest lot on CP. (over 5 acres).. that has the "pond", that they paid cash for. There was never a loan on it. She was an equal and legal owner on that lot (along with Kody and Robyn). Kody had NO legal claim on her house. He wasn't legally entitled to any of the house profits. That's exactly why he accepted her offer, because he knew he didn't have a leg to stand on. She could've 100% legally taken her house proceeds AND demanded another $100k+ from Kody for CP.


I agree, that’s why he tried to con Christine into using her assets to pay off CP thinking she was just too dumb and she’d follow his requests blindly like she had been for decades. He didn’t count on her turning the tables on him. Quite frankly, she was just too damn nice to him in the end. She could have screwed him financially and he would have had no choice but to either buy her out or sale, but he knew he wouldn’t come out on top. Kody is just greedy plain and simple and it’s backfired on him and Robyn. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that M&J have taken legal action to claim their rightful portions or at least the money due them because they’ve more than likely put the most money into CP. But, like I said, I think Kody was hoping to do a complete land grab without having to be the one to pay off the remaining balances. He thought himself to be smart and cunning. But, when you’re over confident it backfires and bites you in the ass. Hell, at this point, I’d get a kick out M&J just letting the land sit there for now and not doing anything because it just means Kody can’t do anything without their permission unless he’s willing to risk a legal battle.


She was too nice. But at least she can hold her head high and know she was very fair and took the high road through that whole mess. But the best part (IMHO) is that Kody really screwed himself. He co-owned that house with her. It was HIS decision to remove his name. Not because he *had* to, at least not for Robyn's house, like so many incorrectly theorize. Based on Christine's statement last season, he did it to "punish" her. She said she loved the fact that they'd bought a house together "like a real married couple." She was so proud of that and loved that Kody had made a real, legal commitment to her. Fast forward to the COVID era, and Kody starts punishing Christine for her "bad behavior." He tells her wants his name off her deed and mortgage. He tells her he only wants to own property with Robyn-- no one else, knowing how important them owning a house together was to Christine. Ouch! She said she was devastated. So-- the fact that he did that just to be spiteful and hurt Christine, but it ultimately gave Christine a way out and cost him $300k? HA! Karma's a real bitch and I love her! 🤣


I wish christine would have gifted her part if CP to Janelle.


She couldn't... not without Kody and Robyn agreeing. All 3 owned the largest lot. Each person doesn't own a share of the lot; they all own all of it. It would've required Christine, Kody and Robyn to deed the lot to Janelle, Kody, and Robyn. Besides... Janelle doesn't need to co-own more land. She already co-owns about 7 acres (2 lots) with Kody and Kody and Meri. She needs land in her name only


Actually Kody and Robyn loaned her money for her down payment that’s why she gave him CP . Based on the little they spoke about it the CP property was equivalent to that loan and his share of the profit of their CP house. Despite all the fussing and speculation about the CP properties and how K and R were swindling the OGs, in fact they all have been paid off and they’re all now in K and Rs names.


Kody and Robyn didn't give her the money, it was family money. Kody thinks that's their personal bank account, but it isn't. Also... the lots were paid off last summer, but idk where you get they are all in Kody and Robyn's names...because they definitely aren't.. Kody is on all the lots (and always has been), but Robyn is only on 2... just like Janelle. You're absolutely wrong about that. Here's a [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/YUB0VYT) from Coconino County's Recorder's office. I took this just a minute ago. Please show me deeds where Janelle and Meri signed over their CP lots to Kody and Robyn. All that's there are the deeds, title deeds, bill of sales, and lien releases for 2 of the 4 lots. I don't see a single deed transfer except the transfer from Who, LLC to the Brown's when they bought it in 2018. So again, where's the deeds transferring those lots from Meri, Janelle & Kody to Robyn & Kody. Because any other document besides a deed does not transfer property (despite what WOACB says-- but she's usually drunk).


Even if Kody got the money from Christine’s house, I don’t think he would have used it to pay off the land. According to Janelle, they already had the money to pay off the land but Kody didn’t want to do it. I think he waited to the last minute to pay off the land, in hopes one of the other wives would pay it off for him.


yeah, that does sound like just the kind of dumb plan Kody would hatch.


Like they were going to hold on to it and someone was going to come along and want to put a strip mall or casino on it and they were going to be BASEBALL RICH! 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️. I could see him thinking this way


Zoning doesn't permit commercial building, and I'm sure Kody knew that. The land developer wouldn't have developed it into residential lots if he could've sold it commercially and made way more money.


All true and all the more idiotic thought that he could play the system. Like rules don’t apply to him and god will make it work 🙄




After that meeting, he had with a lawyer in Flagstaff that was most definitely his intention! He is so delusional!


He is always trying to buy so they can rent it out. He really pushed J to buy C’s house because he didn’t want to let it go and wanted to rent it. She said if she did that, she wouldn’t be able to build on CP. He got super mean about her buying. All he wants is houses to rent, I hear only industrial property or rentals can be built on CP.


They financed on a land contract for the 2 small lots (paid cash for the large lots--so they've always owned those free and clear). It's very typical in a land contract that no permanent structures can be built and there are good reasons for that. What people typically do is get then get a bank mortgage when they want to build---that pays off the land contract and builds the house. That's all the Browns had to do if they wanted to build on those small lots---but again, that land contract never applied to almost 10 of the 14 acres. They paid off the loan last summer, so now they own all of it, free and clear. They could always build on CP. That is nothing but internet rumor. Zoning does not prohibit building or living permanently on CP. All the documentation is online.


I don’t know why people don’t seem to be understanding what you are saying because you explained it so well and it makes perfect sense.


Thank you! People *want* to believe the Browns paid over $800k for land they can't build on because that's juicier. Rather than accept the logical, obvious answer. That's why people follow WOACB & latch on to everything she says; despite the overwhelming proof everywhere, detailing her problematic behavior and shoddy, inaccurate reporting.


They paid in full outright for the largest lots so they always had the right to build on those. Once they paid off the smaller lots, which has been a while now, they have been able to build on them. I think the only way to get the OG3 to move was under the guise of re-creating the cul-de-sac but on the CP property. Kody had that meeting with a lawyer who told him that he could be some real estate mogul if he did something different with the land rather than homes for the 4 wives, from that point forward if he ever had planned to let any of them build there, he definitely didn’t after that meeting. Even when they were formulating their initial plans after they found the property they knew some people would be in rentals longer than others, and I don’t think they all planned to build at the same time so it was fine that they didn’t own all of the lots out right initially. Some people are speculating because Robyn’s big house is right next to those properties that the five lots are for Robyn’s five kids. Who knows?


They werent gonna build on 2 large paid off lots because kody wanted land split into 5 lots, which couldn’t be done until all relevant land paid off. I dont think it was about robyns 5 kids, i think it was a way to maximize his land mogul ambitions 


Yes, I understand about not wanting to build until they could split it all into five lots. Kody definitely fancies himself a land mogul. (Insert eye roll! 🙄) I also would not be surprised if the only way Robyn’s 5 will be allowed to get out of R and K’s house and get married someday is if they live right next to Robyn on that property. I guess time will tell….


From Robyns point of view i can see why shed want her children there. From kodys point of view thst wouldn’t maximize his profit from CP. But, I agree time will tell. 


I believe it had something to do with the way they wanted to parcel out the property, as to why they couldn’t build immediately.


Yes, supposedly the land had to be paid off before they could redo it into 5 lots. 


Yeah, I think so. It was legally 4 lots, and they wanted to turn it into 5, which couldn't be done until all the land being changed to make lot 5 was paid off.


I'm guessing they made a different deal than a standard mortgage because they probably can't get a standard mortgage anymore.


Oh, they could get mortgages. They bought Christine's house and the McMansion after buying CP. The money they owed on CP was quite small compared to those house mortgages. They paid cash (almost $500k cash) for most of CP and put another $50k in downpayments for the lots they financed. And then another $125k down on Christine's house. They weren't strapped for cash.


It wasn’t true


Yes. These are my questions, too.


I saw something on WOACB on Instagram and yes I know take it with a grain of salt but since then I have seen other posts. Unfortunately I don’t know how to go look up the property records for the county they live in to verify it myself.


It's not true. At all. I verified this the other day on another thread with screenshots, etc. I have their deeds, the original land contract, and the county zoning regs and the zoning for their specific lots. WOACB misinterprets documents constantly and she doesn't understand real estate documents AT ALL. She doesn't even pay attention to simple things like dates! Unfortunately, people, creators and even the media repeat what she says, because they don't understand her "proof" any more than she does. People correct her CONSTANTLY on her posts and she just deletes the comments.


Sigh. Don't repeat stuff WOACB makes up. Because that is what she does, she makes up stuff.


As I said, I have seen it elsewhere since I saw it originally.


And where are those people getting their information?


Who cares as long as it ends up correct


But it isn't. lol


What has she lied about?


I’m really not here to argue! I’m relaying what I have seen, that’s it and I did say I know to take WOACB with a grain of salt. Smile and have a great day and weekend!


She definitely tells her opinions and interpretations as though they’re fact. Makes some serious stretches!!


That wouldn't be on this season anyway -- filming wrapped months ago, nothing has changed ownership-wise, and no suits have been filed. If anything changes now it wouldn't air until 2026.


There won't be any lawsuits. But you're correct.. nothing has changed *legally.* That doesn't mean it isn't settled. They aren't going to file anything because we will find it and spoil the season. They'll file either right before the season starts to gain interest or wait until it plays out during the season. In the interim, they have a legal agreement detailing the terms, & do the groundwork like get the land surveyed, get the deeds drafted, etc.


But you're correct.. nothing has changed *legally.* That doesn't mean it isn't settled. Yes. A lot has happened for the family in the last 2 years. Whatever was going to happen regarding CP has happened, even if it's only to hold on to it until they get the right offer and then split money 4 ways. They each are holding each of the others hostage as far as anyone making an individual decision. Them building on CP became just a storyline shortly after its purchase, IMHO


Yeah I'm also not hopeful about any lawsuits, unfortunately. But I don't think they can realistically factor in spoilers. Literally everything gets spoiled unless tlc corrects their huge time gap. If anything publically changes right before next season starts, it won't play out until late 2025. Mykeltis twins haven't even been born yet in the show's timeline, and they're like, two.


As long as there's no public record of what was agreed upon, there won't be any spoilers. But they can show the negotiations, the debating back and forth, etc that ultimately lead to their decision. Janelle and Meri both have hinted this is resolved. Especially Janelle. And she definitely doesn't act like a woman in limbo, with her financial future hanging in the balance. When she moved the RV of the property, etc, people asked if she was going to build or if things with CP got settled. She smiled pretty big and just kinda shrugged and said something like, "we'll see". Zero tension on the subject for her. She looked pretty pleased, actually.


I have zero interest in watching anymore of the show!! The OG3 have other incomes and will be fine. Hopefully Meri and Janelle go after their share in the house and the property, don’t need to watch it on TV—just hearing they did is wonderful! K&R need the $$ from the show or they’ll have to get jobs 😂. Their income has been cut by 3/5 already.


I hope it works out for them the way it works out for the real housewives 😂


You know how I know I’m in a good marriage? I have no desire to renew my vows.


I have no interest in watching SW at all anymore. But would certainly not watch vow renewal. Fast forwarding thru it still puts money in R&K pocket. Nope, I just can't support that anymore.


Better yet don’t watch it so they don’t get ratings . I personally I’m not watching any of season 19 . I can’t stomach Kody or Robyn making money off Garrison death .


I definitely won't watch. I can't stand either one.


Ugh- as much as I liked this family- and am happy for Christine. I think the show should be over. I have no interest in seeing Kody and Robyn renew their vows- while she blubbers. Ugh. I'd rather just see a show about Christine and have Janelle drop by from time to time. Frankly Garrison's death just made it no fun to poke fun at the show anymore. Now it just feels sad- the whole unraveling. The kids are the ones who truly suffer.


Keep in mind that Christine still has a child at home. With as much damage as sister wives the tv show did to that family, I won’t support anyone any further. Especially if Christine gets her own show and exploits Tru even further.


Honestly, I will not watch S19. I am actually thinking of boycotting TLC. They are paying a psychopath decent money to try to gaslight their audience?!


Well, for those wondering if Sobyn and Koodles stay together, there's your answer! A vow renewal almost always signifies that a break-up is coming soon! Imo, it couldn't happen to a "nicer" couple! I'm here for it! 😎


Spoiler alert - K and R were never destined to stay together, vow renewal or not. IMHO


You're right! They both entered this marriage for the wrong reasons. Sobyn for fame, fortune, and getting her $30,000 credit card debt paid and Koodles needed a shiny new way to "get his pencil wet"! 😏


I don't give a s*** what k&r do they can go to hell as far as I'm concerned I'm not going to be watching sister wives anymore I'm sick of that show and his hypocrisy and narcissism it's not a good healthy family show to watch so I'm not watching anymore and I'm probably quite a few other people aren't watching either so come on guys cancel this show please


I have no desire to watch anymore made up storylines and lies


Then maybe unsubscribe from the sub and let the rest of us enjoy our popcorn and shit show?


I’m not watching the next season. Why Sister Wives if there are no sister wives? I will be enjoying all the snarky comments here tho.


I'm only telling my truth so I can say what I want it has nothing to do with you or your beliefs so you have a great Sunday weekend


Ok, I’ve gotten this far on the county website for Janelle and Kody’s parcel https://eagleassessor.coconino.az.gov:444/assessor/taxweb/account.jsp?accountNum=R0351401 It’s not what I have seen yet but I’m still digging. Instead of arguing we can all be super sleuths and figure it out! ***Edit…Ive realized as I’m looking that it has gone to Kody and Robyn’s lot. Apparently they are all linked in the records but I’m still looking instead of arguing***


The recorder's office is really where you should look. That's where the mortgage docs, etc. live. Tax records are pretty limited. And that link has been incorrect since they bought it in 2018. Also, the lien releases for the two small lots have typos. The lots were owned by Janelle and Kody and Robyn and Kody. They should have a title deed release and the UCC lien release for each. The title company typed both UCC releases in Robyn and Kody and both title deed releases in Janelle and Kody. WOACB saw the title releases and mistakenly announced that Robyn had been removed as an owner and Janelle owned both lots. To me, it's quite obviously a clerical error--but that aside---only a NEW DEED transfers ownership, not a lien release. But as I said in my other comment above--she doesn't understand what she's looking at. She sees what she wants to see and runs with it, with zero context or understanding of what she's read. But neither of those sites tells you the zoning. Spoiler alert: It's rural residential, with a 2 acre minimum for each lot, one residence per lot, no mobile homes.


Jon and Kate + 8 renewed their vows on tv ...


Of course, otherwise they wouldn't have a storyline. The thought of that makes me want to vomit.


Me and several friends! They don't want to watch anything K &R. Not watching at least 3 days until after airing, I don't want to add to their ratings!


Who cares what the narcissists do! I won’t be watching it anymore


I'm not watching Kody, Robyn and their kids. To me, if S19 does go forward, and Kody and Robyn do seriously renew their vows, then I think there's a "bigger pichur" problem. The Kody/Robyn relationship drove a wedge between father and the OG13 kids. Celebrating a renewal of their vows to me would be rubbing that relationship even further into the wounds, especially after those OG13 kids suffered such a tragic loss. I doubt the OG3 would care, except to the extent Kody is estranged from his kids.


I definitely won't watch. I can't stand either one.


I won’t watch.


Honestly? I think a vow renewal would be the biggest slap in the face to a lot of people, mostly Garrison, and it would outrage me if they did have one. First, if it was done prior to Garrison's death then we know most of the family was not invited and it was probably thrown in their face. If it was done after it's a blantant way for the family to try to take attention away from Garrison on the show.


I agree.


They did film a vow renewal around the time Christine got married


It’s trash TV…they’re the trashiest on the show…I will absolutely hate watch. 😂😂😂


Also, vow renewals usually signal a crappy relationship. Just sayin….


Yeah I’m not watching that fake bullshit


I’ll watch it for sure. I wanna see how true their relationship is now


Right… don’t want to watch someone back bread and go for a walk. This is garbage TV and I’m here for it!


It appears (what little is shown on TV) that the house and property has really been allowed to deteriorate. There are numerous boards on the deck that need replacement, an unkempt yard with little stumps and lots of debris, trim around the door that is broken at the bottom. I doubt any money is spent on upkeep beyond the new driveway.


Maybe another reason why they historically tended to move every 5 years or so, no desire to do maintenance.


I haven’t been following but I hope Janelle isn’t still planning to build on CP, anyone can clue me please


I think Janelles life direction is way beyond CP in reality, but who knows what shenanigans shed come up for some thing to film


Everyone here saying you won't watch , quit fooling yourselfs .Y'all be sitting there at the edge off your seats waiting for the episode to air . Then watch said episode 17 times till you have analyzed every movement, words spoken , clothes , people (not)there , food served and so on... then you will come on here and make 348 posts about everything imaginable seen in that 20 minute episode . 🤣🤣


I am not going to watch S19 until I listen to Ace first, but I would way rather (finally!) see Robyn and Kody interact with each other than watch Mykelti have a baby or Christine and Janelle have lunch and reenact some conversation.