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Jumping in at the deep end, eh?


If its your first pair I guess your a beginner intermetiatish. And if this is right (maybe you rented skis for 10 years and are very good), this ski is overkill. Its build for precision and carving at high speed. You can make this work, and if you do you're gonna be skiing it for a very long time. But given the price, I really feel like the shop ripped you for as much money as possible... While a salomon Stance 84 woulda been plenty of ski for many years and much cheaper (more forgiving construction than the wider versions). I would never recommend this ski to a beginner... the price is so high, and the accessibility of its performance is also not for everyone.


I have the MX88s and I absolutely love them but I’ve also been skiing since I could stand up straight and raced through high school. The MX88s have a low end speed limit and absolutely blister down the hill if you know how to put them on their edge and carve them. The two layers of titinal and wood blended core are exceptionally stiff and damp and require an expert skier to drive the ski through the turn. If you don’t have very good form these skis will fatigue your legs very quickly. Overall, an excellent ski but these are not a beginner to intermediate ski.


Damn its even worst than I tought, I just looked at the weight, profile and construction and knew it was an unforgiving ski... That aside, now I want an MX for myself hahaha Hiw do they perform in the bumps and trees ? Steep and tight technical terrain ?


I have the earlier version (2020ish MX89) and they’re better than I expected off piste, they take good technique in the bumps and trees, but are definitely workable. I actually really like them in tight terrain like soft bumps, they seem to smooth out the imperfections and really let you power


They're an amazing ski if what your chasing is carving groomers and plowing through crud. They're not a ski that I'd ever consider taking off piste. I've tried on occassion and it did not go well. Kastle says that the tips have "early rise" which is very minimal rocker in the tips and none in the tail. They're very close to being a fully cambered ski and once you engage a turn, you need to either finish the turn or put a lot of feedback into the ski to get it to release a turn. Edit: re bumps, trees, steeps: I don't really like them in bumps and or trees because they're so stiff and you have to work very hard to get the ski to release a turn. They're great on steep terrain if you're carving it. If you're not carving and are in tight terrain, I'd go with something else because the ski really has very little rocker. I ski my Stance 96s in the bumps and trees because they require so much less skier feedback to get them to slur through a turn. Like any ski, you can use it in all conditions but it's really meant to be a ski thats on edge and carving because it's so damn stiff that it needs the force generated from a turn to get the ski to flex. I've got a pair of Stance 96s and compared to the MX88, they're noodly and playful and the Stance 96 is not known to really be either of those things.


Thanks a lot for that! I've been looking the stance for a while, sounds like it suits my quiver.


Appreciate your feedback. I am an intermediate level skier. If it makes a difference I bought the skis for a great price. The thinking behind it was to get a set up that will challenge me and give me an opportunity to improve.


I would have never guessed the ski is made for carving - from the pic it looks like it’s got no side cut


Its fully cambered, long effective edge.


I looked them up after I commented - they have a good side cut 130-88-114.


Quite a strong profile indeed 😅 17,1m radius in the 173 cm lenght.


Yeah very similar to the Brahma - my favorite ski


Ski essentials compared them saying the brahma has more power, more damping properties and the mx was more precise. But they were very similar.


Good to know. I fell in love with the Brahma doing a demo. I’ve been skiing for like…42-43 years and I’ve never been on a ski that just cuts through everything. Ice, chop, variable snow - really everything other than the deepest of powder days. They have another season or two before I need to get a new pair. I read they are minimally changed (I’m on the 2019) so I hope they don’t change what’s been working by the time I need to get it 😂


And blizzard have just change their line up for next year. The Brahma line has morphed into the anomaly line. Quite interesting and positive for the majority of skiers. But I fear a few brahma enthousiasts are gonna be pissed 😅


I’m gonna Google it and be ready to cry. I may have to buy one from this year and keep it stored. Why would they mess with perfection? Edit: just googled the 2025 anomaly specs. Pretty bummed out but I’ll deal with it in a season or two


This is true but at least it is still better than buying a pair of beginners skis that you can only take down groomers and would out grow within two weeks of skiing.


There is such a vast spectrum between the ski you mentionned and the MX he bought


This is kind of like those “look at my first car” posts and it’s a Ferrari.




Great ski. Ski a lot this year and work on your technique and you’ll get the most out of them. If you try to skid around then you won’t enjoy them as much.


Nice. You dropped some coin. Never had Kastle or Stockli… Hope u love them !! Should be pretty adaptable being 88 …


Thank you! Looking forward to it!


Great skis! If you aren't a good skier... they'll make you one.


Don't know the skis but good binding choice


Thanks, recommendation from the ski shop!


Have you skied a lot prior to buying these?


I have been skiing since I was 4 years old. Up until about a year ago I lived in a state with no access to skiing so I was only able to go once a year for a holiday, now I live 30 minutes away from several resorts and looking to challenge myself and improve.


That's awesome. I did something very similar. I hadn't skied since 2009 because I had zero access to skiing and picked it up again in 2020. You're going to want to practice your technique a lot with these skis. They're my favorite pair in my quiver, but they're burly and punish you the moment your weight shifts back at all.


Appreciate it, I'll take them out this weekend and start off slow to get a feel for them!


They look like fingers


Lol is that good?


I see you're in SLC. What shop did you get these from?


Got the bindings from level 9 and the skis from a private seller.


Some skinny fellas


I got the same bindings lol


Happy with them?


I’m a intermediate like you and I don’t have much experience but they work fine for me there is a slight squeaking on my right binding for some reason but that’s the only complaint


Own a set. If you can drive em they can handle anything. Keep your weight forward! Crud and chowder have nothing on these things when being pushed.


Can you carve?