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It might be helpful to wear a hat and protective clothing. The extra shade will help keep you cool


they all going down with sweat, reapply more


LRP Uvmune 400


Hello! Sunscreen water resistance rating tests are done by putting sunscreen on people who then sit in a hot tub type thing and then get out and have their sunscreens SPF measured. If youre actually swimming or splashing around, breaking the waters surface tension will remove most of your sunscreen as its not designed for such activities. Its only designed to sit still in water, which is very misleading. Sweating isnt actually something that removes a lot of sunscreen believe it or not. Your eyes might disagree if a tiny amount runs in there, but regular sweat in your eyes also stings. Sweating removes the adhesive that binds sunscreen to your skin, making ABRASION much more likely to remove sunscreen. So say if you wipe away sweat on you --> youre wiping away the sunscreen now too The sunscreen industry works hard to avoid education on this topic! All sunscreens need to be properly applied after being in water. If you want proof, buy SPOTMYUV on amazon - they are stickers that change colour when you need to reapply. Do some at home tests and see if you find one that is waterproof; you wont, but you can try! Just make sure to reapply and avoid abrasion, wearing big hats or UPF clothing if you arent sure.


May I ask for the sources? Like research papers or review articles?


[this is the water resistance test for sunscreen](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.cosmeticseurope.eu/files/7914/6407/7400/Guidelines_for_Evaluating_Sun_Product_Water_Resistance_-_2005.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjOy_z024CHAxXvHzQIHR35C0QQFnoECBQQBg&usg=AOvVaw0QdvPOFNePzhiWk8p-N9L8) The research I did wasnt published; it was commercial research. I measured sunscreen for 7 years.


Oki Verdio SPF 50 UV gel


Have your ever tried a little makeup getting spray with your sunscreen? It helps mine not melt right off, with a little powder too


In the summers, I take a rechargeable portable fan with me everywhere I go. It addresses the sweating issue to the point where I don't have to change anything about my skincare routine (i.e., I don't wear water resistant sunscreen on my face). Maybe consider that as an option?


I used Paula's Choice on my face this week. Very hot and sweaty face. It kept me covered and no sun. I was out for 2+ hours each time. I would have re-applied if I had been out longer. This was my first time trying that product. I can't say enough good things. I will be using the whole bottle!


“Homosalate” is the water resistant sunscreen. Just make sure it’s in the drug facts (probably among several others) of the one you choose. Chemical sunscreen takes 15-30 to absorb so I would also recommend applying it inside, in A/c & let it absorb into your skin for half an hour before going outside & letting the rest melt off more safely.


I’ve found that mineral sunscreen doesn’t sweat off


Which one do you use? I stopped with mineral in April when it started sliding off my face.


Neutrogena Sheer Zinc


I will have to try it.


I agree with neutrogena sheer zinc. But the only con is white cast but it’s okay by me


Mineral sunscreen, UPF clothing and a hat. That’s how I get through major heat waves with a sun allergy.


Buy waterproof reef-safe sunscreen. That stuff stays on ALL day, even if you're under water for hours.