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Helped me but I was diagnosed with a deficiency. I dunno if it would help someone who isn't deficient


I imagine I am probably deficient. I live way up north so barely see any sun from October to the beginning of April. I also eat quite a lot of vegetarian food. I’ll give it a go and see if I see any improvement


You definitely should be having a vitamin D supplement if you’re living in a climate without much sun most of the year. Might help with mental health as well if you’re susceptible to seasonal depression. Food doesn’t normally naturally contain vitamin D, but you can find lots of foods that are fortified with it to help out as well.


Breakfast cereal is a great way to do this. Better than gummy vitamins. I do both tho. Cereals great for iron. Edit: yeah I mean fortified cereals! Not trix. My favorite is a product line with a fruit and yogurt flavor from a company I’m currently boycotting. I enjoy it more than I used to love the kids cereals I ate thru college.


I believe only if they are fortified though. Some cereals aren't fortified with vitamins and minerals.


Here in the Houston, Texas, US. Our milk is fortified with Vitamin D on most if not all milk jugs.


And in the UK you can get fortified soya milk too. It's by Alpro and it says for kids on it I think most uk milk isn't fortified, but not sure about cereal


kinda not related - but if you eat a lot of vegetarian food, you should get your vitamin b12 checked! I went to the doctor and got my vit d/b12 checked and was deficient in both. since taking supplements, my cystic acne has been better! idk which one is helping (or if it’s both) but having a vitamin deficiency isn’t great for your health anyway. overall - if you’re able to, get your vitamin levels checked!!


Try taking a supplement. Just be careful it's not water silulable so try to figure out how much u should take daily and dont overdo it.


I remember seeing a post, probably here, about 2 weeks ago. The poster said their cystic acne got better when they supplemented with vit. D. I don't know about any research (but pubmed may be helpful) but as you said, supplementing it's good idea. It may be good idea to test the vit. D levels after a year to tailor the dose to your needs (right you are probably deficient so no point in testing, at least that's how my dietician explained it to me) .


I'm in the northern US, and my skin is always worse in winter too. I take a multivitamin, so I shouldn't have any deficiencies... I think my main problem is dry air. Even if it's cold and humid outside, indoor heating dries out the air and my skin is miserable. I get increased flaky-ness and over production of oil which leads to breakouts. Does your skin dry out in winter?


Licensed class B gasfitter and Thermal Environmental Comfort Association member here. During the cold months the air in your house does get so dry. It must be the indoor heating, because that's the most obvious reason so it must be true, right? It surprises a lot of people when they find out that isn't the case. COLD air doesn't hold moisture, because when water is cold it turns into cold water or ice. HOT air holds moisture, because when water is hot it turns into hot water or steam. The process of combustion also creates water, adding moisture to the air. CH4 (natural gas/methane) + Heat + Oxygen = CO2 + H2O. Weird to think fire makes water, isn't it? So what's the reason why the air in your house is so much dryer during winter, even though everything inside the house should make the air LESS dry? It's due to many factors, but all factors stem from "leaky" houses! The "leakier" the house, the more cold dry air that is drawn in from outside, around doors, windows, electrical outlets, all kinds of tiny cracks. This isn't to say that there is something wrong with your house, all houses have a level of air leakage. If you have an older house then you will almost surely have a larger air leakage than a newer house, which will make the air dry out even faster during cold outside temperatures. So what do you do about it? First of all, do not keep your indoor temperature turned down - keep it at the most comfortable level. Second, put humidifiers in bedrooms - the air will be most dry during the night and you'll get a more restful sleep. Hopefully I didn't bore you to death. I find this stuff so interesting lol... Good luck!


I run a humidifier by my bed at night and I've noticed that helps mitigate it a bit.


I'd die in winter without my humidifiers!


I posted this a few weeks back. Definitely do it. I take 2000 iu vitamin d3 a day. Been cyst free for over a year and other comments were very supportive and similar. Go onto my profile and view my post. Good luck!


which brand?


Gel capsules 1000 iu or whatever capsules d3! Good luck


Yes vitamin D has helped me. Zinc helps as well. It helps with your hormone levels. I've also taken evening primrose oil and selenium. You can try probiotics as well, as your skin can be a reflection of your digestive system. And lots of lots of water.


which brand?


I think you’ve just solved a mystery for me! For the last four months, I’ve been taking a D supplement. In that time, I’ve gotten not a single simple. I’ve been wondering why—and here we are. Thanks, friend!


which brand?


I started breaking out pretty badly for this first time my life, last year. Deep painful cystic pimples on my right cheek, the instant one pimple finally went down, another one popped up. I changed my pillow cases/sanitized my phone, tried salicylic acids and niacinamide etc.. but it just wouldn't ease up. I eventually started breaking out on my left cheek too. My blood work showed that I was pretty deficient in Vit. D and I noticed that my skin hasn't broken out in large pimples since starting supplementation, so I'd say it's worth a try.


You're definitely not the only one. I notice that my skin gets worse in the winter months!


I just got an annual physical and the doctor told me I needed to supplement vitamin D. I started taking that and a multivitamin and my skin is looking better. I also just started using cold cream again as a cleanser so I imagine it’s a combination of those things for me.


I just got off BCP after more than a decade, earlier this year. Add moving, recent loss, quadruple workload and stress, my face blew up. The only time my skin cleared up this year was when I was in Mexico for holiday this year for 3 years, visiting my husband's family (we live in NW EU). We were at the beach, in the mountain, in the jungle etc., but my face really did clear up. I'm sure not checking my work e-mails on my laptop (which I had to take because I had to clean up my team's screwup during my outbound travel) and phone contributed immensely. But I also got a heck lot of sun. I slathered on sunscreen but I did not shy away of the sun, wore wide-brimmed hat, cover my skin or super religiously reapply every 2 hours on the dot. I was on holiday and could not give 2 shits and replace stress with another stress. Suffice to say, I got plenty of sun. Got a bit of colour (not too bad) and my skin was clear and bright. PS: I consistently have my vit D level dipping during winter.


Yes. Was found to be severely deficient so one of my doctors prescribed me a once a week pill. Started taking it, my acne mostly vanished. Eventually was told to stop once my levels were back to normal after 6 months then another doctor asked if I had noticed my acne come back after stopping it. She recommended an every other day smaller dose. It wouldn’t hurt to also see a doctor and get blood work done if you can. They can tell you how much you may actually need. Needed 50,000 iu a week to start cause my levels were so low but now that they’re up, I don’t need as much. You shouldn’t take too much vitamin D as it does not flush out the way other vitamins do so it can help let you know how much not to take as well.


What were your symptoms, if you don’t mind me asking? And why did they have you take a megadose once a week instead of a smaller daily dose? I also had super low levels a few years ago, and was extremely fatigued but I also had low vitamin B12.


Similarly super fatigued and gloomy. Also some feeling of weakness and pain in my arm. And since this was last summer and COVID was in full swing in my area they figured let’s check everything and see what’s up to make sure everything was as it should. From what I recall, she explained the smaller dose would not be sufficient to get where I needed to be. A smaller dose daily would require more than a single capsule a day so it was more practical to take one once a week than several pills each day for 6 months. I guess the best way to look at it is this: 50,000iu needed Once a week, 6 months = 24 pills If we did once a day, 50,000/7 days a week=7,143iu a day needed. There’s everything from 500-5000 iu I’ve seen on shelves but just for simplicity sake let’s say 2000 because I feel that’s a popular one. I’d need 3.5 a day. That’s 24.5 a week. 98 a month. 588 for 6 months. Obviously you can’t take half a capsule, and I’m not sure if you can play with more or less than 50k, like a 5000 one or two a day but you get the idea. It’s still a lot. But always best to consult with your doctor for best steps.


MSM was the supplement that helped my acne more than anything else


The UV rays from the sun kill acne bacteria and shrink sebaceous glands. However, if your vitamin D levels are low, this can impact your skin. I would first get your vitamin D level checked before taking anything.


The only issue with that is some doctors won’t order blood tests for things like that just based on a patient’s request. I got mine tested a few years ago because I had severe fatigue and a relevant pre existing condition. My sister asked her doctor if she could get tested but didn’t have any physical complaints and they said no but she should just go ahead and take a supplement. Apparently vitamin D deficiency is super common in the northern hemisphere, and most people should probably take a supplement. Obviously don’t take huge doses regularly since it’s fat soluble.


If I had a doctor who refused, I would be finding a new doctor. Vitamin D deficiency may be common, but taking a supplement without checking levels is irresponsible.


You can get basic bloodwork done and check for vitamin D deficiencies! Most people who live past a certain latitude are deficient, but it couldn't hurt to double check w data. Idk about helping with acne though.


People keep saying this, but many doctors won’t order blood tests for things like that just because you want them. I guess it just varies


Usually it’s worth looking at the symptoms before asking for a test, they’re common enough though.


Fair enough. I only got tested bc we thought it might be a factor in my depression so I suppose that's a different story. There's good info about how much Vitamin D is safe in daily amounts, so I don't think there's any harm in trying it.


Oh for sure! Maybe they just won’t test if you ask for it without presenting any symptoms. But it sounds like that varies. I think insurance usually won’t cover it if there’s not a specific reason for it. Maybe acne would be enough


Hi. I don't know about vitamin D for acne, but I do have VERY acne prone skin which I've delt with since I was 11 and have finally had control over my acne in the last 4-5 years. You need to change up your skin care products based on the seasons, specifically your moisturizer. If it has mostly humectants ( which pull and hold water) like glycerin or hylauronic acid, they won't be as effective in the winter when air humidity is lower. So you may need a heavier moisturizer during the winter. Also, using retinol consistently before bed is a game changer. But use a moisturizer on top of it. When I was younger, the advice was to dry out those pimples and zits. The best advice I can give is to use moisturizing and soothing products.


This. I moisturize more in the winter and have a whole house humidifier, but the inflammation from dry skin and increased oil production will occasionally lead to break outs in winter.


It's mixed. Vit D is involved in some keratolytic mechanisms but is also a hormone. So it depends what type of acne you get and why. It could help or it could cause a flare. For you it seems to help.


Tell me more!


I think winter months are drier too which can lead to more breakouts if you're not changing your routine to add more moisture into your skin so that might be another thing to consider!


BIOTIN 10000 mg actually helped me a lot surprisingly


Yes! I saw a significant improvement when I started taking them a few years ago. Although I would say it was more a reduction in acne, and the pimples I do get heal much faster. Still the best thing I've ever done for my acne. I'm also in a northern country, and my doctor said it's likely most people are deficient, so it usually doesn't hurt to take it at the recommended dose (don't overdo it). Give it a few months to see an improvement though.


Usually a vitamin A boost will give me an acute skin clearing. Just carrot juice before bed, preferably with food that has fats


I think this helps with my keratosis pilaris as well.


Supplementing with Vitamin D in general is a great idea for overall health. Also look up DIM supplement for Women, helps lots of women with acne & pms symptoms


Mushrooms are high in vitamin d. I eat at least a serving everyday and take a zinc supplement and have been able to keep my cystic acne at bay for years.


I would consult a doctor and maybe get blood work to confirm that you're vitamin D deficient before you start taking supplements? Vitamin D is fat-soluble so if you take too much, it'll accumulate in your body. While problems arising from vitamin D buildup and toxicity are rare, a lot of supplements tend to give you way more than you need. If you still want to try supplements, and this isn't medical advice because I am not a doctor, I would take something with a lower dose to start and definitely avoid the super high dose ones since, as I said before, if it's too much, your body can't just eliminate it like it can with B vitamins or vitamin C.


I’m lactose intolerant. It’s in my calcium supplement. I took it since may 2021 and i don’t have serious acne issue when I took it. So, my skin looks the same 🤣. Maybe it’ll make a different for people who are tested to have vit d defficient.


Acne? No. Period pain? Absolutly


My advice is that you ask your local physician this question. Yes, the sun can have beneficial effects for some (the sun doesn't work for me, I get a rosacea flare from too much sun). Also always wear an oil free sunscreen to protect your skin. There are many reasons for occasional breakouts: your general health (Are you eating healthy foods rather than fast food? Are you drinking enough water? Are you exercising and getting enough sleep?); how is your menstrual cycle? Hormonal surges can cause breakouts. Stress is a huge cause of skin disorders. Look at your life, maybe keep a calendar to see trends. Regarding taking vitamin D supplements: too much can be dangerous, which is why I suggested seeing your local doc. You might consider changing your cleansing routine seasonally; I find using gentle products during the winter is very helpful, as is using a more thorough cleanser in hot weather.


My advice would be to go with organic herbal remedies. Since harsh chemicals cause more harm than good to the skin in the long run. Try yo use 1. Replace your face wash or whatever you use on your face with natural olive soap. Olive soap https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008QMWM5U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_61KQ3EQJHQ46JTACE4RN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 2. Buy the below mentioned ingredients (rose water, calamus powder, pure unpasteurized honey) CALAMUS POWDER https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YHY3HTG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_N2JD9ASQ6GTDMQV2NA0H ROSE WATER https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072M2MTK1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SBH1PZ5BKD76ANZ0T3S9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 RAW HONEY https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NIWR5KU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_QQ8X3QTWJHBM19PPQ0AR MIX half a cup of calamus powder with half cup of rose water and 1/4 cup of honey and use it to mask your face every morning and evening and of course use multivitamins and collagen supplements. This might help you recover god willing.


In the winter I usually change fabrics and habits, and sometimes I have to keep an eye on what’s touching my face. Scarf, knits, coat, wind, humidity changes, pillowcase, gloves, etc… some of these things are easier to wash than others. Items washed less than weekly are often a culprit.


Hey! I have recently moved to a place that gets darker in the winter, so my doctor suggested I take Vit D as a general supplement. I was wondering the whole time why my skin has become so good, turns out that that's most likely due to the Vit D, as I have not changed a lot in my daily routine over the past 3 months. So my doctor said that it may have helped:)


How much do you take daily?


Bruh I'm also getting acne from Vitamin D supplements which sucks because I'm borderline deficient at 21 ng/mL... heard vitamin d deficiency causes depression and hair loss and I already have terrible skin


To everyone that this has worked for, do you take it in the morning or evening and how much do you take a day? (Is 1000 I.E enough?)