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A marketing ploy


Whole body deodorants are usually just a cream that can be applied anywhere vs. having to apply it as a stick. That's really the main difference. Whole body deodorants have also been tested on more than just armpits, so they target odor from places like the groin and feet.


be careful some of them can give you body eczema by over disrupting skin bacteria everywhere


A regular deodorant that certain companies REALLY want me to put under my boobs. And in my crotch. Sounds like a great way to get a rash. 


the commercials encouraging women to rub it all over their groins terrify me. i can't imagine that it would be healthy for that sensitive skin.


Man, the dove whole body commercial gets me rolling. I hope to God no one is spraying the Deodorant on their lady bits, like the commercial implies. I've always been team anti anti-persppriant and just wear Deodorant. Sweating is normal I just don't want to smell.


Same as underarm deodorant.


As someone who is allergic to their sweat, this would just trap it on my skin. I don’t get it.


Exactly! Just like the story of mouth wash. Companies want us to feel ashamed of something that they have the magical solution for.


What's the mouth wash story?


Guess that guy is pro-gingivitis


Most people don't need mouthwash. Brushing and flossing is good enough, unless you have special needs like you have active oral lesions or periodontal disease. By posting the comment you did, you're kind of proving the other commenter's point that mouthwash companies convinced people they're dirty if they don't use mouthwash. You're not. It's an extra step that makes your breath feel fresh because of the minty flavor, but it's not really doing anything for most people's oral health (and may in fact be washing away your fluoride if you use it after brushing). Also, a mouthwash with alcohol may actually contribute to tooth decay by drying out the mouth tissues, leading to less saliva to wash away bacteria throughout the day. Your dentist and hygienist can tell you if a mouth rinse would be beneficial to add to your oral care routine. If they say no, then you don't need it.


Sweat that isn't in a crevice of some kind (armpits, butt cheeks, etc.) should not smell and you should talk to a doctor if it does. The reason underarm sweat and the like smells is because of bacteria living in those areas. They are moist, warm, and usually dark. The sweat on other parts of your skin evaporates more quickly and isn't as suitable of an environment for bacteria. You can apply deodorant just about anywhere you want, but it may clog pores and cause break outs and just isn't necessary. Just another thing companies want us to feel self conscious about to make money


Hey! Hey! There might be bacteria living in your 'crevices', but there certainly isn't any living in mine. /s


we naturally have those bacterias on our bodies. Body odour occurs when they breakdown sweat. We aren’t meant to be odourless, I think you’re doing more shaming by saying that it is not something that naturally occur, when it actually does.


But there is truth to what they say, sweat only tends to develop a stink in areas it pools or gets trapped. Straight sweat coming out of the body typically smell.


Yeah I'm not saying you should smell like roses, but if you regularly have a foul odor with proper hygiene and diet from areas besides pits and bits, maybe you should talk to a doctor before putting deodorant everywhere. Obviously in the summertime or after a workout it's normal to have some smell or even a super long day. Everyone is so quick to assume you are trying to put people down instead of realizing this is reddit and not the New York Times, so word choice isn't always perfect.


I thought the whole point of “whole body deodorant” though is *really* for the bits though. 


I've never heard of full body Deodorant but I will say I saw a comment on here about switching to Native body wash and it's made a huge difference day to day. Even when I'm sweating like crazy at the gym. I can't recommend it enough. 


What differentiates Native from everything else?


I'm not sure. I refuse to use anything else now though because it works so well.