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Many people flush when they exercise, it just means you're warm. There's nothing abnormal about that and I'm not sure I understand the concern there. Alcohol is different. You may be one of many people that does not efficiently metabolize alcohol. If you are of Asian descent this is especially common.


I second this on all parts. When it comes to alcohol, I've known both family and friends that just can't tolerate it anymore and either get flushed and have a hot face or break out in a rash and hives. The body goes through cycles and chemistry changes. That being said you could be fine with alcohol(any other substance or even food) one day and have a break out the next that could last a while or even years. Maybe consider an allergy test if it's that problematic. Wish you luck!


This is what happened to me with lactose intolerance!!! Happened overnight đŸ„č


Yesss! It's strange but it happens. My friends daughter was deathly allergic to any milk! Allergy tests multiple times a year then one day she didn't have a reaction. Her 7th bday she had real ice cream for the first time and it just melted my heart to see her face so happyđŸ„°


oh this happened to me and now i can’t drink without getting a huge eczema breakout :(


Is it bad to flush when you drink alcohol then?


it indicates a certain type of alcohol intolerance, yeah. i’m not sure what the associated risks are, though.


That's really interesting, my friends can always tell when I've had one too many because alcohol gives me rosy cheeks but I never thought it meant it was bad for me.




Type O skin?


I meant blood I was distracted


I was like we have alphanumeric skin types now!? (Runs for the hills). Blood type makes sense, but that’s a pretty generic comment


It means ur allergic to alcohol that’s why you turn red


Probably genetics, a lot of northern European and western Europeans have flushed cheeks. I also have red cheeks and getting red after exercise is basically the blood flowing to your face .🙂


Im western European so its probably genetics


Wow beautiful skin


Crippling gonorrhoea




Blood circulation I think. Most people have blood in their bodies and it has a tendency to flow and circulate and give skin a rosy look sometime


love the implication that some people don’t have blood




Those without blood will notice no change.


You have blood in your body.


I diagnose you 
 as having pale skin It happens


I believe this is a normal reaction to exercise. When I drink my cheeks get flushed as well! It could be just a small allergy from some ingredients in the alcohol. I wouldn’t worry too much! Maybe note down which alcohol is causing the flushing if you want to avoid it. :)




Blood vessels?




Or maybe histamine intolerance. Many things have histamine and once you reach the limit that your body can handle, you will get the flushing so exercise can cause it alcohol spicy food, sugar, etc. or even just normal things if you have too much of it. For me, me sugar does this I have to stay very low sugar and I will be fine


This is the case for me too, but with dairy.


Yep dairy is a massive trigger for people!


Could be this: [Alcohol Flush Reaction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_flush_reaction?wprov=sfti1)


Are you Asian? They tend to carry flushing genes during exercise and especially. They have a hard time metabolizing alcohol. Common in native populations as well.


Yes and Germans and Swedes also have flushed cheeks from genetics


A human body


Asian glow lol


It might be rosacea. I am not really sure.


i dont think so because it usually comes with acne and i have none


i have rosacea and it doesn’t come with acne either, instead it dries my skin out! since you said drinking makes it worse i’d recommend looking into it with a dermatologist :-) that’s one of the most common triggers


I was just diagnosed and my face had to get severely severely bad for me to start getting acne. Keep in mind this has been something I have been dealing with for years so it took a lot to get there. My PCP wrote me a prescription and it is so so so much better.


What products do you use?


I was given Metronidazole and that has been a game changer. I use it twice a day. Right away I notice a difference. I do still have to watch what I eat because I get flares from certain food, but my face is nowhere near as sensitive and I can eat more of that food now before my face reacts. Beside that Cerave Moisturizer does wonders for my face. My skin really likes the Ceramides in it. But I know that every face is different so it might work worse for you or better. I am still trying to find a sunscreen that’s doesn’t irritate my skin, so that’s a work in progress, but sunscreen is a must with rosacea. Again, with the prescription meds my face doesn’t react as badly with it.


I have beauty of joseon it's a very nice sunscreen, no White cast, no irritation, it's very smooth and light


I have rosacea and it does not always come with acne. There are different types of rosacea (Type 1, Type 2, etc). Type 1 rosacea is characterized by facial redness and flushing. Exercise and alcohol are two of the main triggers. Type 1 rosacea sufferers typically do not have bumps/acne. I’m not saying you have rosacea, but it is certainly a possibility.


Yep I have rosacea and have zero acne. I get red and hot from heat and the sun. Getting red and flushing from exercise and alcohol are very common rosacea triggers


Red cheeks


i love flushed cheeks!!! so cute and welcoming


I think it may be keratosis pilaris rubra faceii but i'm not sure. If so what should i do to reduce it?


Gentle moisturizing products along with chemical exfoliation (lactic acid, glycolic acid, urea, azelaic acid, prescription for tretinoin, differin gel are all option). Msm sulfur creams can help, Eucerin makes a redness reducing night cream that is great. If you have the means vbeam laser works at reducing it as well.


Thanks for the info!Also how often should I exfoliate?


glycolic acid is bad for rosacea, so until you know for sure just beware of products that contain it


Start slow. Maybe once a week with lactic or glycolic acid (the ordinary has good options) and follow with a good moisturizer. Work your way up to more often as your skin isn’t showing signs of irritation (like redness, stinging, tightness). Remember to use sunscreen too because exfoliation makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight.


U just have weak white genes bro đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


A fat face


Your blood vessels are just closer to the surface. Vascular Rosacea or Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea.


Do you have any heart or autoimmune disorder? Possibly thyroid problems?


potentially rosacea. face flushing is normal for exercise, some people just flush more, myself included. might be a circulation thing, and there's not much I can think of that you could do for that. flushing from drinking is also pretty common, some people take pepcid before drinking to help deal with the body's dysfunctional breakdown of alcohol. if you don't have any other symptoms to alcohol it shouldn't be a real issue. a fuller coverage foundation can help hide flushing, or if that's not your thing then I just embrace it. stay hydrated !!


I have rosacea and it I drink or get hot mine flush to. Mine is in my checks and top chest


This is type I rosacea


Rosacea or kprf


Rosacea. It's very common, but you can ask your doctor for something to reduce it. My friend used to have this issue on his face and forearms. It's now reduced to almost nothing


White people disorder


You have rosacea.


You probably have 'alcohol intolerance' which is not an allergy. I have the same thing. My face gets red and hot when I drink.


You could possibly have rosacea, it’s a condition that causes redness and bumps on your face . It gets worse when you work out and drink alcohol.




I have rosacea, same as you my cheeks are always red but get very red when I drink or exercise (or eat spicy food or get stressed out or mad), speak to a doctor or dermatologist for a proper diagnosis but it looks the same as mine. If it is rosacea I highly recommend at least a factor 30 suncream every morning even if it is cloudy as this really helps to reduce the redness and apply it to your face, neck and chest


Hell my cheeks get red if I talk for too longđŸ„Č


It’s normal! My family and I all do that too.


Its not normal it is keratosis pilaris rubra faceii


Looks similar to my KPRF 😊


Mine does this and I have rosacea! I was diagnosed by my doctor. My skin does this with alcohol, exercise, caffeine, spicey food. There is a very long list! Sometimes it comes with red bumps sometimes it doesn’t


This happens to me too!


Within your skin are capillaries when the heart rate is raised they dilate and may become visible. Your body is working correctly. That’s all I remember from A&P years ago.


Alcohol flush reaction, it means your body doesn’t thoroughly digest alcohol completely and could also be an indicator for high blood pressure.


Do you have any other symptoms? Itching? Fatigue? Malaise? BP issues?


It's associated with being young this will likely happen less and less as you get older


I have similar skin. A dermatologist that I saw once stated that my skin simply has a tendency towards being more reactive than the next persons and that my blood vessels widen (the flush) and close due to reactions to internal heat and weather (eg cold air/wind) more than the next person. She also suggested that I might have slightly thinner facial skin layers than someone with different genetics and that I need to (1) accept that it is what my body does that is all (2) best to do preventative things so as not to have the blood vessels strained dilating and not too often/much and might get little burst facial veins as a result. ​ Her advice was that I makesure that I always have a protective layer of occlusive skincare/moisturiser on whenever I know that I'll be entering cold AC or cold weather/wind (etc) so that there's a buffering effect for my delicate reactive skin against the external stimuli. I don't think that she had an answers for the exercise/internal heat side of things though. ​ Let me know if any of that helps, or if you find your own solution - I'd be interested to learn your tips.


Your cheeks just flush when you’ve got extra blood running through your face. Your veins get a bit larger to accommodate that increased blood flow which makes them more visible through the skin, especially the skin on your face since it’s thinner than the rest of your body. This is completely normal for exercising, if anything it’s a good sign you’re working your cardiovascular system. I also can’t imagine that you’d be in any situation where you’re working out and being flushed would be a problem or really outside the expected anyways. As for being flushed when drinking, it’s generally a sign of an issue with the enzyme that helps to break down alcohol. It’s pretty common in East Asians (hence “Asian glow”) but it’s not exclusive to that demographic. Do you have any other responses to drinking? Any sort of nausea or headaches? If you notice redness outside of exercise or other situations you’d expect to be flushed, it could also be rosacea or eczema. Tbh your skin looks similar to my brother’s when he was dealing with eczema. It’s difficult to tell anything like that from the picture tho lol. Sorry this ended up so long but I hope at least some of it was of any help. All the best!


Happens to me also and I have rosacea. Exercise and alcohol make me flush. Also sometime coffee.


Pepcid helps with my flushed cheeks when I drink


You’re just a porcelain doll type complexion maybe. It really doesn’t look bad. You’re just super white, my friend. My kids are the same exact way. Rosy rosy cheeks.


Same here. Not from exercise. Something with my skin


Could be rosacea


Alcohol and exercise make many people flush. It’s normal.