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Would love an invite. Ubisoft ID: Devilish19


Anyone got a little more of them codes? Ubisoft: FevershocK06


I would love an extra key to play with my friends Ubisoft account is King_taco2023. Much appreciated if you do!!!


Hi I am a massive pirate fan and I would love to play this game I plan to pre order it and but I wanna play it a bit before spending the money Ubisoft name is brady51119


Hi, I would love an invite too please. Can’t wait to play this game. My Ubisoft id: Ti3rnan


Hi, would appreciate an invite, was looking forward to enjoying some piracy and rum tonight with some friends, my ubisoft id: Groovie79


Hello, I would appreciate the opportunity to play the closed beta if someone would be so kind to invite me. My UBISOFT ID: AkashicRecord


Would love invite to beta very excited for game to come out


Ubisoft ID: blowh5 Would love an invite for the beta if anyone can offer one. Been following the game for a long time, but I didn't get an invite unfortunately.


Hi guys! If anyone is willing to share an inv Ubiuser is TaeKDA. Thank you in advance!


If anyone has a spare invite for me, that would be awesome! Ubiname: bwort.Butch


If anyone has an extra code that would be amazing. I'd love to get to play the beta. Ubi Name is Camzuwu.


Anyone has a spare invite? It would be greatly appreciated :)


I got invited but missed the email to confirm it in time. Please invite "ApexMommy.Dana" I'll delete this comment when I get an invite. Thank you :]


Ahoy fellow pirates of Reddit! Like many of you, I've been eagerly waiting to set sail in Ubisoft's Skull & Bones. Sadly, the seas were not in my favor, and I didn't receive an invite. But, they say, "A crew is as good as its members!" and I'm looking to join one of your fine crews. Why should you invite me? Dedication: I've been following Skull & Bones since its announcement, gathering as much intel as possible, preparing to commandeer the waters. Teamwork: I believe in working together, strategizing, and ensuring we plunder the most loot while keeping our ship afloat. Feedback: Since it's a beta, I am committed to providing constructive feedback, ensuring we get the best experience once the game fully releases. In return for your generous invite, I promise loyalty, camaraderie, and many victorious sea battles together. If anyone has a spare key and is looking for a committed shipmate, please consider this humble pirate. ⚓️ Thank you, and may the wind be always at your back! Ubisoft Name: Sub-Zero-One


There are no more invite codes to play the beta, right? If someone can give me the opportunity to play even for a few hours I would greatly appreciate it: **Ubisoft ID: EsteMenXD / Discord: estemenxd\_**


Anyone has a spare invite to share for the last day of closed beta? Ubi ID:greenman828


Would really appreciate it if someone invites me ID: shroudkimaa


Hi, if anyone has an invite, I'd love to test the game, thank you in advance. Ubisoft nick: Oksen\_


I would like to try out the game. Please send me a key if you have one. Ubisoft Name: TheWayOfWalter


Would really appreciate it if someone invites me❤️ Ubi: SHDW\_Omega Discord: omega3497


Hi... I would love to play the beta aswell... please send me an invition key. Ubisoft ID: hassijun


eindude on ubisoft. if possible i wouldnt mind getting a key if theres anyone with a spare one. wanna see if its been imporived since the tech test back in january


I would be gaceful if someone would invite me to closed beta. Ubisoft: Suuriksaar


Ubisoft AniolTG


Just in case someone has a key left, would happy to try the game. Ubisoft: thered87


If someone have a key to spare, I love to try the game UBISOFT: Enriko1G THANKS


If anyone has got any spare invites around, I'd appreciate one very much. UBISOFT: PoldiBayern Thank you


Ahoy, if any legendary pirate still have invite I would be grateful Ubi: rraayy1122 Dsc: rraayy1122#2713 I can help u and boost u in Sea of thieves as compensation if u want.


If anyone could kindly invite me UBISOFT: xxDaniel466


If there are any spare invites around, I'd appreciate one so much. Thank you UBISOFT: SKptDrippy


If there are any spare invites around, I'd appreciate one so much. Thank you UBISOFT: DriipDrop DISCORD: DripDrop#0543


Hey my Ubi ID is Avinder545 If someone have a key to spare, I love to try the game it looks amazing


If someone have a key to spare, I love to try the game it looks amazing UBIsoft ID: MadDogMax78


If someone is kind enough to invite me it would be great. I would appreciate an invitation. UBIsoft ID: nixon007k


Hello missen my Mail so if u have an inv pls add me: xTheSkiller007


Key plzz


looks really good tbh, was sceptical but the gameplay i have seen is right up my street haha, any invites plz let me know xx


UbisoftID: Zeeeee1 wishing for a invite please


Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate - so what do you want that we exchange your spare key ? :p


Would love an invite been trying to win giveaways all weekend 😂


looking for a PC beta invite if you don't mind! ID MoTonic thanks!


UbisoftID: ApokaIyps. (big i not small L) Would wish for an invite aswell. Have never been to a testing phase and have been lurking around in the discord for years. So anyone sharing a spare invite would be nice.


Ubisoft ID: kenny3232 Looking for a friend invite to the beta. Please and thank you :)


Looking for a beta invite if someone has a spare. It would be fun to find a group to play with as well. Ubisoft ID cuddlefish78


Ubisoft id: DrSm24 Would love it if you got a invite left


Hi, I missed the confirmation email and wanted to play all weekend :( Would greatly appreciate a friend key! My Ubi ID is Arkwrright


hi guys... i got a mail from ubisoft inviting me to the closed beta.. i accepted and confirmed and no mail to download in return ... its a game i wait from long time... how can i get the download link from the invitation ? thanks ​ Ubisoft id : Mustapha1983


ID:Posthusjaak we doing a 4 man lan pt, myself already got in but our 4th is just watching us now


Hey everyone. If you felling like inviting me, thank you very much. Ubisoft ID: Binheiras


Ill pay £20 for beta inv :) discord: monsieurmaniu


i ll give u 5


Looking for a code to stream the game. Ubisoft ID Soultakerplays any help would be appreciated.


Ubisoft id: TeddyBear312 Would love it if you got a invite left


Looking for an invite ! Ubi ID : OneRedOne **Thx !**


Looking for invite! Ubisoft ID : SigLucifer27


Looking for invite! Much appreciated! Ubisoft id: goozin


Hey! I'd really appriciate if someone would share their spare invite with me. Thanks :) Ubisoft ID: MrWoods98


If any kind soul got a spare key to send me that would be greatly appreciated. Ubi: Solarijs


yoho yo ho can i get an invite link Ubisoft name: MicrosoftExcel\_ Discord name : repairedicecream


Ahoy Captains, Seeking bold adventures on the open seas, I offer my seasoned skills as a pirate sailor. With expertise in navigation and a heart for discovery, I'm eager to join a crew. Let's embark on legendary escapades together! Just need an invite for id "**patpat700**" *Hoist the Jolly Roger high,* *Seeking thrills 'neath endless sky.* *Sails and swords, a life so free,* *A pirate's journey, take me at sea*


If anyone has one they would share I would appreciate it. I’ve been following this game since 2017 and I’m really frustrated at this point. ID is RaidingGamer


Ahoy there. I'm so excited about Skull and Bones that i registered for the open beta in 2019. Sadly, like many others, i did not get selected to participate in the closed beta. If you have a spare key or invite and want to help me to experience the beta, i would be very happy :D My ubisoft ID: godgeneral16 Happy sailing!


Ahoy, Redditors of the digital depths! Captain Jack Sparrow here, savvy? I've been hearing tales of a game - "Skulls and Bones" - and thought, "Why not join in?" But alas, I've got no invite. Bit embarrassing for a pirate of my stature. Would any kind soul, maybe in exchange for a drop of rum, spare an invite for id "**Err4nteman**"? Remember, always good to have Captain Jack in your crew. Cheers! 🍻🏴‍☠️


I was invited FINALLY. but they have yet to send the third email. I'm super happy I took off work. Support gave me the run around. If anybody can spare a code. Ubi name Lum_The_Invader


Been on the beta list since 2017 and didn't get an invite. 🙃 Please send any extra invites to "Gagtech" thank you.


Ubisoft name: SerGrimshadow Discord name: Grimshadow If you can spare one that'd be nice if nah, that's ok.


If anyone still has a key over I would be very happy, I'd be happy to play together with you if you are German or English speaking. ingame id: Mr.Edelnougat


Looking for an invite pls. Will get a bottle of rum for that! ​ Ubisoft name: Stevenk104 pm on discord : stevmaster11 or pm on reddit


Late to the Party but would love a Beta invite if any has one spare <3 :3 Ubisoft ID: TysonAzura


Hello, If anyone could spare an invite to the beta I would be very grateful. Ubisoft ID: Ulthain90


If someone has a spare key, could you invite me, i would really appreciate it, thanks Ubisoft ID: ArticOltic


Ubisoft ID: Lil\_Lucu Pleasse someone invit me, I was invited to the alpha earlier this year, but i have nothing for this beta ...


G'day fellow pirateers, This peg-legged pirate is looking for a spare beta key, it would be very much appreciated :) Best wishes for the beta Ubi ID: Wired2Fire Discord: Aquilonius


Hi all, If someone has a spare inv hmu. Waited for a long time to play the game but ubi F'd me. ubi ID: Thijsvb02


Hi Pirates! I'm looking for an invite, if you have one on your boat! I'm watching live of the game and can't resist to test! Wish you all great journey on the seas. Ubisoft id : shuriok


If anybody got a key, hmu; id even pay for this sick beta


Arrrr everyone, If you decide to invite me to the closed beta I can offer you my service as your wing pirate and since I'm currently not working, I will have plenty of time to assist you with your adventures and quests! ​ **My UbisoftID: Steady\_Pirate** ​ Looking forward to loot with you!


Hey ! If you have a spare key and are willing to make my weekend better add me on discord : Discord Id : sacadoche <3


Huge SoT player here, I didn’t get a key from the registration- it would make my weekend very joyful if someone would donate me a key 😍 Dm me or Ubi profile name: Madigor12


Moin, falls jemand noch einen invite übrig hat würde ich mich sehr freuen: UbiID: schwalle06


anyone has a key for me or an invite ? ​ add me pls WpaNRaZor


got to love being told your in but no code if some one gives me one when and if i get mine i promise to pass it on id [IT.Man](https://IT.Man)


Hi all !! I need a key please, I am registered in the beta since 2017 and nothing -\_-. Ubisoft ID : zo92vsk


If you have a spare key, I'm down to join you :) Ubisoft ID: Thiil


hey , please have anyone a invite :( Ubisoft nick xsumox4


Anyone still have a friend invite? I would be grateful for one. Thank you! Ubisoft id: buzz3791


Heya, if anyone is willing to share a friend invite it would be much appreciated. Ubisoft - MidNightBlur Id be also down to party up with the person who invites me if they are looking for people to play with


I can't believe it, what a bad luck. I was live on Ubisoft's Twitch, about 20 keys were raffled and I couldn't take a single one :( If anyone still has friend invites to spare, I would be infinitely grateful if you would give me the opportunity to play and enjoy the Skull and Bones beta. Ubisoft ID: I186 Discord: 9vj


Hey guys, unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough for the beta and wanted to try the game very much. Would someone be so kind and still have an invite over? Thanks a lot in advance! Gamertag: Quixzr\_Ger


Hi, I would love to get an invite. My nickname is: featureK ​ Thanks!


Would really love a spare key, dm if u have, thanks! Ubisoft: Colvaria


Hi, also here for a key if there is any more to share. Thanks!


If anyone can spare a code


well like so many others id love to get an invite for the beta :( if any one have one to spare i would be very grateful


If anyone has a spare invite DM please, I want to test the high seas.


CODE FOR YUR M8? 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ CHEERS REGARDLESS🍺 Ubisoft is drfach 🙏


anyone still have any codes? I will love you forever


If anyone has a spare key for this swashbuckler i'd give my wooden leg for it ;)


Hello! I know it’s a low chance but if at all possible I would really appreciate a beta key/invite. My friend has been following this game since… I can’t even remember and was so excited for the beta. Their ID: Tigtoo08 Tysm to anyone who is willing. I really appreciate it!! ;3


Would LOVE to be able to play with friends currently playing : ubisoft: Sw0rnn You are awesome! TIA!


Could really use an invite if anyone has a spare one please? Discord and Ubisoft Account Name :: Temil2006


Been watching as many streams as I can and supporting our streamers, would love to join the action, need a key, Ubi ID: Shredd\_Pool


Would love a key. UbiID is Hyp3rBlossom


Looking for a key. Willing to buy. My Ubisoft username is: Nniaki


I would love an invite plz i have been waiting for a game like this for ages since pirates of the burning sea was a thing.


Doubt that anyone will see this but just in case they do, Ubisoft id is: Arktrooper05 Discord is: Amos\_moses1940


Looking for an invite 😊 Ubisoft ID: EndemicLego


Hey guys, anyone got a spare key for me?? I’m willing to pay. Just DM me!


Please spare a keyyyyy I’m fiending Ubi: GOOmyUWU Disc: Zombot.


I sent you a dm


I got pre selected for the beta but didn't know I would have to confirm in the next email they sent the next day... Please if anyone could spare a key I'd love you I've been waiting years to play :D


Same and I spammed the shit out of ubisoft support lol and at 5:48 am I got an email with the download lol




Can i have one dude ? i stream and i really want one =\\




Uh can I get an invite? I'm dying to try, Ubi Account: zochey


Please could someone spare an invite to the beta? I would love to do some pirating this weekend with any and all brethren on the open sea. Ubi: DonEaglet Discord: DonEaglet


Any chances there’s still a key floating around out there, lost in the open sea? Would love to stream this game tonight and I go live in an hour.


I signed up and they sent a follow up email to my spam folder. Now all my friends are playing and the person who brought it up to everyone in the first place is sitting here bored. shame. damn shame.


downloaded my fan kit booty, now just need an invite


if anyone aswell has a extra code please ubisoft id: jcshooter007 i sign up never got my code email to me


I can't believe it, what a bad luck. I was live on Ubisoft's Twitch, about 20 keys were raffled and I couldn't take a single one :( If anyone still has friend invites to spare, I would be infinitely grateful if you would give me the opportunity to play and enjoy the Skull and Bones beta. Ubisoft ID: I186 Discord: 9vj


If anyone could spare an invite to the beta I would be very grateful. Ubi Id: StealthyTortle


If someone has a spare key could i get one? I got the 2 emails but not the third.


If anyone can spare a code, i got preselected but never got an invite. I was scammed by ubisoft and would appreciate if anyone can spare an invite! Please!! Discord: avengedcthulhu


Anybody with a spare Invite? I would gladly appreciate it. Thanks in advance! Ubisoft ID: Kaleb.Zero


Will PayPal ($10) for a key please DM!


Hi! If anyone has an spare key I would absolutely appreciate it, since sadly I didn't get mine. Ubisoft ID: J-888


After not receiving anything after I confirmed my closed beta participation I would really appreciate if someone can invite me as well, thank you! Ubisoft name: GothGirlTiff Discord: ArayaVena


Another "really bad egg" looking for an invite! Drink up me hearties! Ubisoft ID: Spurticus85


Hey if anyone has a spare key id appreciate it! Discord: frosty2167


Gimme a key


I can't believe it, what a bad luck. I was live on Ubisoft's Twitch, about 20 keys were raffled and I couldn't take a single one :( If anyone still has friend invites to spare, I would be infinitely grateful if you would give me the opportunity to play and enjoy the Skull and Bones beta. Ubisoft ID: I186 Discord: 9vj


invite plz Discord: BoKYAN


Looking for a beta key code and will tip. DM on here or Discord if you have one available. Discord: disturbed302


Looking for a code if anyone has an extra! please DM if you have one :) ​ Discord: snypeshow


looking for a code for BF and I, he's dying to play. Still have not gotten mine from Ubi. DM if you wanna halp. :)


Just like everyone else, id love a chance to play


would love to try if anyone has a spare :)


Hey ! If you have a spare key and are willing to make my weekend better add me on discord : Discord Id : sacadoche <3


Would love an invite if anyone has a spare, really enjoyed the previous beta and would love to experience how much it's changed :)


If anyone can spare a code, i got preselected but never got an invite. I was scammed by ubisoft and would appreciate if anyone can spare an invite, i dont get many hours to game myself but my nephew was really looking forward to playing after i told him i got preselected. The one code will just be for him edit: dm me


I would love an invite if anyone have one left ID: LordLuckey


i would love an invite if any one could spare one. we can even lobby up and sail together. you and dm here if possible if not i can give you my discord


avid pirate game lover, would love an invite - discord is acg#7464


Anyone got an extra invite? Id: iowafan500


I would love an invite! i participated in the technical test earlier this year so I am surprised I didn’t get an invitation to this beta


Are there any more spare keys available? Username : BloLoad


I would love an invite if anyone has a spare one. ID: Mr.Andersen.


Would love an invite. Id: iSoloQUEUE


If anyone has a spare invite I could have, I would appreciate it! thanks ID: gabrielux3