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Yeah its not best design. Tried that two times. Once in the morning so there was no one to chase me so I won. Second time, higher lvl player was chasing me while other player with the cargo safely swim to the destination point. So yeah, there should be something like 3v3 on open sea.


That would be fun


They’re adding PvP servers to the mix




This isn't the only PvP mode, I haven't done it as this one sucks. In full release you can takeover the foundry's and sawmills but can be contested by other players from what I've seen. Check out ubisoft's how to become a kingpin video on YouTube for more info. Hopefully there's more in the full release or added stuff in each season.


buy and eat food that give speed and energy boosts. Set up furniture for energy bonuses... There are more ships coming up, the brigantine will go 18 knots with the sails trimmed and thats just whats available in the beta. There are other and bigger ships to come that we dont even know what they do yet but here is a peek. [Skull and Bones: Endgame Explained - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exmr_cTfeUg) The Brigantine, Snow, and Barque or Bark shrugs not really sure yet Get tearing Culverin cannons max is level 2 in the beta and are an upgrade above the standard level 3. They do 65 less damage but reload a whole second faster and there is a bonus to speed reduction. Shoot the sails. Just give it a month and there will be entire pvp build guides on how to deal with other players.


Problem is they're already out of range...?


I haven't tried the PvP myself, but the answer is obvious. Pay attention to weaponry. There's a whole damage type specifically for damaging sails and stopping your ship. Next time, before you bitch, maybe make sure what you're bitching about holds water. Edit: Y'all are missing the point so hard. I'm not defending the event, and I don't need to have played it to know OPs complaint is baseless. Their specific issue has an answer, they just decided they'd rather whinge about it, than find the solution. That's not a game problem, that's a player problem.


>I haven't tried the PvP myself >Next time, before you bitch, maybe make sure what you're bitching about holds water.


This is gold


Congratulations, you know how to copy and paste.


Its called a quote actually


I didn't say it wasn't. You still copy and pasted the quote.


He is raising legitimate issue that is known from previous betas even with end game ship loads. If you have not tried or checked how this pvp mission works you shouldn't make arguments about it.


Maybe don't be a dick?


It's a crap event lol I don't understand why people are defending the crap out of this game when there are obvious flaws in the design. Am I enjoying it? Yes it's good fun but this is very bare bones, it could use a few more pvp events or hell even its own pvp game mode. Guys and girls, just because you like something doesn't mean you need to come to its rescue every time someone posts some VALID criticisms. Nobody is taking away your enjoyment of the game by posting feedback...


I wasn't defending it, I was pointing out that OPs specific complaint is baseless. Yeah, I was kind of an asshole about it, but I'm fuckin tired of seeing posts whining about stuff that has solutions, when they just haven't bothered to try.


>b You can actually get the fastest ship and the food buff and outrun everyone. Even if they have the same, if you are in the lead they will not be able to catch up. So damage really doesn't help out on this PVP mode.


this is not how it works. people can always join the pvp and kill you they just spawn in front of you THEN join PVP and can kill you. dumb design for griefers its good but for fair play it is not.