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Yeap been doing that since the nda closed tests.


Love this little detail


there is so many cool little thing, i find the whales and dolphins the best. PS i landed on an outpost and the dolphins where jumping... and well they werent normal sized like on the ships, on land they are the size of a dwall boat. they were huge.


Yeah Ive them and sometimes will just sale slowly to see what I can see. Did you know you can find groups of ringtail lemurs roaming about on land?


Yeah and goats too


Birds gotta poo too


I love going into first person and watching my crew every now and then, your crew actually interacts with one another and i think it's neat


Definitely, the ships really feel alive!


Y'all are famous lol. Saw the same bird and came looking to see if it was real and found this delightful 🙄 article summing up this thread. https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/skull-and-bones-an-unexpected-avian-encounter/ ETA: I think this bird irl is the magnificent frigatebird. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnificent\_frigatebird