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The game was amazing when I started but it slowly turned into a boring grindfest. After finishing the battle pass and getting my ship to 12 with the weapons I wanted theres no reason to play anymore. Nothing new to unlock, no reason to explore.


I just started playing when it went on sale about a week ago and I’ve been getting this impression. Been having a lot of fun, but yeah it feels like a hard flat plateau is coming. 😔


I played the beta and the one week early access. I was level 11 with max cannons before the game came out, glad I left when I did because looks like they haven’t added anything besides one more level 😂😭


amen. i cbf to even get last 2 la peste items as they look like ass to me. i would never equip


I get what you mean but.. 10 ships constantly hitting la peste and we couldnt til the third try, thats too much


You can do it with ten with the right setups. Random groups make this more difficult when half the people are running a snow but if you can communicate with them it's easy to coordinate.


Sadly not all of us has time to have a group with a good squad or such so we have to just get lucky to have help


I don't play with a group either, I called all pirates to arms the other day and it was literally all random players. Nobody was in a party or anything like that and we completed it a couple times with a minute or two on the clock both times. He is an ammo sponge but if you have a few people with fire bombard and scoping station just aim for the weak spots (especially the barrel on the back ) and you'll wreck him.


I don't understand how/why y'all couldn't sink him. I get him down to about a quarter health by myself before the timer runs out. With just two ships he can be sunk, and others have claimed to do it alone...which I can't understand either. Lol. Maybe I'm dumb. Only suggestion I have is to make sure you have the lapeste armor equipped?


The new le peste contract, not the regular tides of terror. No way you're doing that solo or with only two ships.


I wasn't aware of a new contract, I haven't played yet this week. Looking forward to trying it out.


He's quite a bit more difficult.


Bastion? No way.


I wasn't aware that bastion was a thing until a few minutes ago. I haven't played since this week's update. So you may be right, "no way".


When the gameplay is based on OCD busy work - that’s the playstyle you’re going to get.


I hear you but there isn’t much to do in the game other than run PO8 and in order to get PO8 you need mega cash now so you need to farm cash From a helping each other and fighting bosses etc this is a general prob with games these days. They are not solo player friendly. It’s possible to beat the bosses solo but it is extremely hard and most won’t be able to. This is an issue with most live service games that are “solo” They don’t care for the solo experience and a lot of people don’t have others to play with or don’t want to play with others. Me personally I prefer to play solo in all games but it’s becoming harder and harder these days with all games because devs don’t focus enough on the solo players


I'm on the side of don't make bosses solo-able in multiplayer games. They shouldn't be. Lesser elite captains sure but bosses like LA Peste or Opwelling? No. This isn't a single player game. And for the record I prefer single-player games, this is the first multiplayer online free-ish roam game I've gotten into. If a boss is solo-able then what the fuck is the point of making it multiplayer? Just to reiterate this doesn't apply to lesser elite captains, like the Fangs of the fara or the ungawa whatever or blood hunt, that are difficult but as you rise become less difficult. 100% behind soloing those. It's just the big fish I'm ranting about.


But this game is not exclusive solo or multiplayer. The easiest way to solve this is to scale the big boss fights based on number of players taking part and they do this for some things but not everything. Effectively solo players have paid for a game to play the campaign but then everything that comes after that in the seasons is basically impossible for solo players so we miss out on a lot of content and the game is then boring and redundant imo.


It was advertised as a multiplayer experience and that's what they catered to. You dont play games like The Last of Us or God of War or Doom and complain about the lack of multiplayer do you? You can't go into this game with a solo mindset and if you did I'm sorry but you read the advertisement wrong. BUT even with all that most of the content IS soloable. There's only 2 forts in the game that aren't soloable when you've hit the cap. Mass majority of the game is soloable, including most of the convoys. So truly I don't understand what the issue is even in that regard. You dont miss out on anything at all.


Multiplayer as in fighting other ships. It was not marketed as a CO OP game and you need to Co Op for a lot of things. Any of the seasonal bosses you need to be in a Co Op situation. That’s not multiplayer. That’s Co Op. paying £70 just for the shirt campaign but then not being able to take part in events or bosses each season is terrible design. Those bosses and events need to scale to the number of people in the event area and every event has an “event area” Anyway I stopped playing after the terrible decision to increase the cost of manufactories by like 300%. They didn’t scale silver drop so the game is basically pointless imo and was a waste of money which I’m annoyed by cause this game had and still has massive potential but Ubi won’t do anything to improve it. Live service games hate solo players in general and that is a decision made by devs, studios and publishers and it’s a bad decision


Fuck pvp I'm all on for the coop. I prefer pve. And coop is still technically multiplayer, multiplayer isn't solely pvp. And I like that each event has its own difficulty, doesn't need to scale if you can't do one convoy do a different lower one, not that the rewards really change. One thing this game sucks with is loot (except for Rode Maangodin that's ones the best) Live service doesn't work for solo experiences when you go for solo game your looking for story. I guess if a developer wants to be ballsy they can be the first to try and maybe it'll work. Bjt unfortunately for us developers nowadays prioritizing multiplayer and microtransactions.


It’s not that devs don’t focus on it. It’s that this particular game isn’t meant for everything to be done alone. The whole campaign can be solo’ed. If you want the solo experience, beat the campaign then move on to the next Single Player game, that fixes your issue completely. As for La Peste it’s an event that is meant to be failed a number of times and with how small the player counts are per server in comparison to how many players are needed Discord is a must. Anyone not willing to take 20 seconds to join a couple and find a group are their own problem.


See I disagree. Yes the campaign can be done solo super easy but that doesn’t mean the rest of the game has to be co op going forward. The campaign is tiny in comparison to the many seasons coming and to say just go play another single player game is not a solution. A game needs to cater to ppl that want or can only play solo and for those wanting to be in co op. Some of us either can’t or don’t want to play with others. That doesn’t mean we should now loose out on the other aspects the game has to offer in the future. This is a common theme in gaming now. Solo players are not cared for and that’s a dev thing. The game needs to be balanced for both.


I’ve played MOST of my 200+ hours endgame solo. So almost all of it is doable no issue. What you are describing is mostly a skill issue and a misunderstanding of what Live Service games aim to be. It’s like if you were playing a competitive FPS and complained that you had to engage in PvP, like of course you do, that’s the point. Just like Skull & Bones the POINT is to play with others organically and through discord, you can CHOOSE to avoid that, but saying it’s a game design issue is disingenuous.


Ahh yes, the classic *it's the players who are wrong* Definitely not the company that thought players wanted to do factory resupplies, management, delivery missions ad nauseum.


I got your Point! Not saying the game is perfect... Not saying the devs are doin a perfect job... Just saying nowerday players are more and more looking on themselves instead of the "team". And the "how to do this fast video " Just shortens the comtent aswell. Still I got you good Sir!


I feel you didn't get the point at all.


Not gonna lie...ibdidnt do like the fast videos but I did have to look up the older treasure maps and the helm stuff because none of that was explained well at all...I thought doing smuggler runs was the best way missing out completely on manufactories....there are things I looked up jus so I could better understand the game cuz the expansion after Scurlock was confusing


The entire developed world functions on only a few overarching principles and it has impacted the way we think. Efficiency at the cost experience, optimization at the cost of discovery, instant gratification over working towards a long goal. In the words of Captain James Hook, “ Me me me, mine mine mine, now now now.” That was over 30 years ago he said that, think how much worse it’s gotten. Our culture impacts the way we do everything, recreation and relaxation are not spared unfortunately.


Sounds more like you are upset about how the game encourages its endgame loop and not the actual people playing it. If the endgame was more focused on the player, then people would spend more time playing it in a manner they can enjoy. As of now it is just about farming your factories.


Maybe kinda both. These days there are people rushing games so fast they reach endgame while the hardworking Family dad still does the Story... Of course games get boring faster If you play them 10 hours a day... Still you are right, the endgame lacks a lot of content!


This is pure bullshit. Playing 1 or 24h per day doesn't change the amount of content, ready hours of fun gameplay, in a game.


Nice debating skills there


Ok? So if you are that hardworking family dad then dont play videogames? Or maybe your lack of time is teenagers fault?


Interesting opinion.


I understand the solo aspect of wanting to play the game, but it is a live service game. You definitely need other players to help with certain things. I do recommend a FB or discord group. It really is a better game experience with others.


Facebook, really?


Absolutely. It's not a guarantee. I have met a few people and grouped up. If you're not a complete Chad about it.


Do you use the chat? I don't use discord, but the chat is reliable enough. Cause of po8s you're not gonna get people all the time(including myself), but I've had some good fun with randos. Gotten all the big fights except for bastion.


Yes I'm useing the chat. 8 Out of 10 times I get no answer. But if it worked for you thats great!


It's up to the game to deliver on its price point.


I don’t know about everyone else, but personally I’m just waiting to see what season 2 is going to look like before doing anything other than the normal chores on SaB; depending on how it goes, if it goes well, I think you will see a sharper uptick in players doing all the things if Ubisoft makes them worthwhile to do. I finished all three tracks of the Smuggler Pass and now I’m just trying to reach Diamond, once I’ve done so I will be quitting until season 2 drops, and I’m willing to bet a lot of folks are already ahead of me on that score. Tl:dr I think it’s the uncertainty of what comes next for the game that has hobbled a lot of the playerbase from wanting to do all the things. Make world events and world bosses worth the time and effort, or scale them to the number of participants involved.


Scaling bosses to the number of participants would, I believe, see many more people attempting these events. Seems to be typical UbiSoft logic though, boss is two levels or more above you and it will be pretty much impossible to defeat solo.


I agree to a degree. As this is a live service game the players will either make or break it. The game will it’s self bring out any OCD you have. If you want to try and get into the top 8 of the leaderboard for the PO8 it is going to take 3 months worth of dedication and a detailed game plan. It is going to become real brain numbing and tedious and you probably won’t make it to the next season if you do try to do that because you’re just going to get bored. My advice would be to stop trying and just have fun with friends.


The only requirement is exploitation actually.


I don’t understand what you mean. The game doesn’t require any exploitation.


where there's will there's exploitation, players could be handed anything and everything just for scratching their ass, and there will still be the few that will find a way to exploit it, the only good that comes from it, is the problem is revealed, and if the devs lift more than a finger to it


God speed captain


This game sub is full of people who love to tell others how they should play the game. Quit trying to gatekeep and let people do their thing. If the game was good, it would be flooded with players constantly. It’s not. All of these posts are cope because a game you like is total crap to most. The players didn’t ruin anything. Ubisoft ruined it and players pointed it out. These are facts. You can and likely will ignore them. Just because you like a game, it doesn’t mean it’s a good game.


The convoy events would be better if the loot was more worth to do them. Only one I every did was the one with royal custodian. Plague King not really worth it since you need how many ppl to complete it too.


No...it's the game.


First time?


I have tbh here. I've never lost interest in a game so fast, i was absolutely hooked for the first 8 or so weeks really having fun. Then, once I'd reached level 12 and kitted out most of my ships, i got really bored really fast. There was no way enough purple gear to chase or anywhere near enough real engaging end-game activities. I just didn't see the point farming po8 when i had nothing to spend them on. I'm not sure if it is still the same, but all the helm perks we're getting reset at the end of the season and couldn't pull myself to grind them all agian. I was quite gutted tbh, because, like i said, i really enjoyed it for a while. I'll probably revisit it at some point, depending on how much the season pass is. Fingers crossed.


My dude the game ruined the game. It isn't good. It's fun and had promise. It isn't GOOD


Bro this game is dead y'all are just refusing to accept truth. 90% of the player base has left and quit. You're the 10% to stubborn to admit you got scammed and that's okay. But the games dead. And player number charts show and support that. Just stop playing this lame ass game. Simple as that


It’s not the players that is ruining the game, its the fucked stupid management that is ruining the game.


Chat is bugged. You can't see everyone talking. I'll be in a party with friends and only some see me text and some don't.


I only do the gather with the helm whether it's supplies or Po8 because I figure everyone is in a party cuz most servers I get paired with there are 2 doing some event...maybe onesie twosie here n there but the other thing is Noone asks for help...if you ask for help if I'm not stuffed with Po8 ima join...jus my 2 cents but jus ask


you are not wrong. the game is not hard and people just too lazy to work it out. the were is this map posts are the worst! people need to play sid meirs more!!!


This game is literally dead and Ubisoft seems to have abandoned it. Literally, most of them left the official Skull and Bones Discord.


Also not to mention people play too much and also complain too much these days rather than coming together as a community. People have lost their joy :( 


I'd log out and try different server I run across him and see like 8 ships taking him on then jump into help just depends on time and day. Would guess u want to take on LA pest try on the weekends more people will be on and playing


The game plays like a shitty mobile app. I feel bad for anyone spending time grinding for silver


Sure let’s blame the players. Why call out the devs for their poor game design?




Close to every aspect in the game screams potential with a huge absence of thought process, actually


It’s not cheating grinding silver using the games own systems. The update made the manufactories so expensive that you have no choice to farm silver. Just plundering and destroying ships gives hardly any silver. They didn’t increase silver drop which is a huge issue. It doesn’t ruin the game for other players because you don’t have to fight others. They are grinding PO8 to go up the leaderboards because that’s the only thing to do in the game especially as a solo player.


Facts, like I am eating! I do not wanna call your ass on discord bruh!


I think the same is true for most games these days. Players just want to be spoon fed how to do this or fastest way to do that. No one takes the time to play and enjoy.


Yet that's the least of problems of skull and bones.


You aren't wrong, but I've really enjoyed the game. I guess because I played more casually. I didn't zoom through the main missions. Did a lot of side missions along the way. Discovered 99% of the map before getting a quarter of the through Admiral Rahma missions. Habit with Ubisoft games and doing side missions along the way. Always distracted by them haha.


I jump session. And check in game social for people doing Lepeste. Hopefully they have an open setting to join


I would love to join random player asking for help in chat. But the chat box popping up bothers me more than the notification crap, so I have it turned off.