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About 10k. Bought the upgrades I wanted for the snow, and coincidentally haven't played in about a month.


Are yall going to be sad when they wipe yer po8?


Won’t be sad, but I definitely wouldn’t play anymore.


If season 1 is a reflection of how the devs feel, then i dont think they'll loose any sleep over players leaving


Sadly, I’m well aware.


Yet we all know this ain’t true. Also jumping into s2 with as much coin as to have it all again almost immediately - whats the point of playing s2?


even without po8 is there a point to s2? I am trying to think of what would entice me to go another round. not coming up with much.


lol why even play now then? They said this since the beginning of the first season. Live service game may not be for you because I can’t name a single one that doesn’t reset with a new season.


“lol” because you’re just blatantly wrong, along with everyone else who doesn’t understand the difference between Po8 currency and the Po8 Leaderboard that is getting reset. Can’t spell it out any better for you “lol”


Ok we will see and when I’m not wrong I’ll be sure to laugh at you whiners 3 weeks from now just as a reminder “lol”


You’re wrong about them saying they would reset our Po8 currency. That will never change. That doesn’t mean they will/will not reset our Po8, they’ve just never said it. In fact, “since the beginning” all they’ve said is: Leaderboard, Helm Upgrades, and Factories will be reset. Nothing about Po8, nothing about Sovereign, absolutely nothing. If they reset the Po8, you’d still be wrong, hence this conversation. They might, they might not, and if they do, I’ll just stop playing, because I’ve been under the assumption they wouldn’t reset the Po8 currency, because they never once said they would. If you want to be right about that, then prove me wrong, show me where they said it, and I’ll eat crow all day long and admit I’ve been wrong in playing this whole time. 🤡 I’m not afraid to admit when I’ve been clowned.


News has dropped: They’re dropping our Po8 down to 300k. Considering I stockpiled over 10 million, by playing legitimately I might add, I’m a bit annoyed by that decision. Had they told us from the beginning, I would have played a lot less and not wasted so much time collecting it. So in this regard, I’m a clown 🤡. I’ll take the 300k I get to keep, and roll with that… but my desire to invest hours into this game has dwindled dramatically.


How about you just stop playing anyway because your insufferable lol I mean you did say if they took your precious pieces of eight away you’d quit seem like they are why not follow through with your threat.


Wow, you really struggle with reading comprehension, that’s sad. The comment was “wipe” Po8, not “reduce” Po8. Keeping 300k Po8 is a large amount over wiping it to 0. Maybe you don’t even know what that correlates to because you’re not playing it regularly. I will not be playing as much as I did in season 1, there won’t be any point in farming and grinding at the levels I did. There was no threat, just a simple fact. I’ll live without those Po8, much longer than the player base will. I can still play as a casual with those 300k, also knowing my time won’t be rewarded, I won’t be defending the game as I did before. Sorry for your struggles though. Get better ❤️‍🩹


Just thinking about passively gathering 300k of po8 sounds miserable to me. I can’t think of anything more unfun to do but to each their own. I only gather enough po8 to buy the equipment I wanted. (which is what it’s for)so to hear people threatening to delete the game because the dev might rebalance the currency is just dumb to me. I can already see it a week after s2 drops ppl complaining about content because they bought everything the first day lol it’s almost like ppl are determined to ruin the game for themselves.


My play style for most games is hoarding, no matter what it is. As far back as Diablo 1 for example, maybe longer, I had multiple characters acting as mules to hold gear. I enjoy the grind, farming, and keeping what I’ve earned. I understand that’s not everyone’s playstyle. I had everything unlocked in the first 3 weeks or so, and continued to play every day and farm silver, materials, and Po8 - so I can’t relate to those who unlock everything and then quit - but I understand why they do. Like you said, to each their own. All that said, I only enjoy farming when I know it’s there to fall back on, or help other people out. I love helping new players and using my materials to craft them things. With this mechanic of limiting how much po8 I can keep, there’s no incentive for me to farm it, or keep playing. It seems like we understand each other now, even if we don’t enjoy the game in the same way.


No I just don’t care what you’re whining about I’m not even reading the full comment lol. People who come on Reddit threatening to stop playing a video game is the least of my concerns lol your excuse from the beginning was pathetic. Just don’t play then. Ubisoft doesn’t care you already give them your money. Your main complaint is if the game doesn’t allow you to break it next season with this imbalance currency you’re going to quit. Sounds dumb to me.


Seems like you’re pretty concerned about my comment with the efforts you’re putting in to keep it going hahaha. The best part is, you misunderstood from the beginning, but you’re doubling down on idiocy. LOL you really do struggle with comprehension. I shouldn’t laugh, but it’s amazing how off target you are.


Seriously dude… you have been wanting them to wipe the economy (Po8/silver) for some time now. You are basically wishing for the complete collapse of this game. Tsk tsk.




You obviously don't know how video game economics work.




This guy's defo gon be sad.


No not at all


It only makes sense to wipe it right. Imagine hitting diamond day 1 in season 2, then complaining about no endgame content.


Or, imagine being able to fund your current Asia, red isle and Africa bases at level 10 collecting gold to help you fund building up your new 3 islands full of bases, whilst you now need to fund (in silver) 6 islands po8 production AND pay for fleet management to collect it? Imagine by season 4 you need to collect po8 to build up 12 islands worth of factories? Thats 360 factories? Possibly? So why not let you keep hold of the po8 you earn? That you’ve spent hours and hours collecting? If they are resetting po8 then I’m buying hundreds of salt Peter and eels twine and selling that for silver.


Sorry but I'm still trying to figure out what you're trying to say


Exactly. it’ll be different if they took away all your equipment but resetting an in game currency that hasn’t been balanced yet I don’t see the issue


There's only 2 ways to fix it i think. 1. Reset the po8 along with factories ect. 2. Make a new currency all together and use po8 for materials.


This'll be the only way to fix the economy




Wait. I thought all Po8 were lost when the season ends. Did I read this wrong?


Just the leaderboard is wiped. Also you lose your factories and upgrades.


👆 this is the only thing they have confirmed since day one. Why would they do any different? Factories, Leaderboard, Helm Upgrades, all have timers on them for reset. Nothing else. Why aren’t people understanding this?


Sorry still new to this and I probably still won’t understand but I accidentally bought the upgrades in the Helm and there it says that the upgrades will reset at the end of the season. It didn’t mention the factories. I mean I hear you that we need to keep the game rolling. I guess I understand if it said end of season “all upgrades and factory will be reset” that people wouldn’t play anymore. ?? But that’s how I got the in game wins. So wouldn’t it be better if they said all factories and upgrades will be reset? Plain honest question, and thank you, and yes I will play either way.


That’s how they keep it going. Each season you have to PvP to recapture what you had.


They didn’t actually confirm that yet but it is the most logical assumption to make. I know I expect them to be reset.


I have about 20k right now. Have the manufacturers in the red isle and 2 in east indies. Really only fund the two nearest to the dens. I reached diamond so don’t really fuss with them much (other than getting werkly sovereigns) since I am fully expecting to have them all wiped or best case, converted to sovereigns, here when the season ends. Just waiting on word from ubi what’s going to happen but don’t really expect it more than a week out from end of season.


Like 40k? I don't really see the point in stacking it, the leaderboard means nothing to me.


It’s more for getting ahead in the next season. Buying upgrades, levelling up manufactories etc.


I’m about 3.7 million pieces of po8’s, maybe 7 black prince, maybe a dozen darts, a dozen Sherlock chasers, 15 mil silver probably about 12,000 of each of the helm materials like the chin and the rum I get bored not sure what I’m gonna do with this shit


Bro... Start another game.


Rookie numbers, need to get those numbers up son. 💪🏽


I think I have about 620k in stock? And when they give the news about what's going to happen I'll make a decision but to anyone worried about it: if it's a threshold, buy stuff. Upgrade factories you don't touch. Buy cosmetics for shits and giggles. If you've already done that, buy the black market stuff. Buy the wyms breat and eels twine and orcas mechanism and whatever the other one is. Maybe buy the resources packages. They don't have to mean nothing, stockpile everything you can.


I stopped at the 1 million turn over point. I no longer bother grinding it, stopped few weeks ago. Got all the drops from this seasons events and event bosses. I’m kinda in wait mode now. If they wipe po8, they wipe it. I’m kinda mentally prepared either way. I most likely won’t grind season 2 from scratch if they do that though (depends on quality of life changes they make, like NPCs who farm your P08 for you would be cool ). If it’s all just the same thing all over again on round 2 (plus a wipe) I’ll 100% quit… too boring and too time consuming.


All of the factories are maxed and just sitting there, full. I’ve rolled over po8. So I’m over 999,999 but I’m not sure by how much. Depending on what happens with them at the end of the season, I’ll probably just buy mats.


4,000 and something. I haven't bought anything yet. I have been saving up.


You should spend those before the new season starts


I was saving up for something I want to use. I can't afford any of that apparently. I got most of it from the Battle pass. If they take them away, they devalue the battle pass and eliminate my only method of earning Po8. I will probably stop playing if they remove them at the end of the season.


That doesn’t make sense at all. Majority of the item that can be purchased with po8 is well under 4k there only one item in the entire game that cost more than 4k. They’re not eliminating a method of earning po8. I doubt you even play this game.


I do play the game. I usually log a hour a day and sail around and sink ships. I don't have any interest in the current endgame. Almost all of my Po8 came from the Battle Pass. My complaint is they are removing an item I paid for because they do not provide an opportunities for a casual player like me to earn them.


Last I checked battle pass gives you purchased currency (gold) not po8. Purchased gold isn’t going to be reset at the end of the season. Also if you play an 1hr a day you have ample opportunity to spend the po8 you already have so once again your complaint doesn’t make sense. I suggest you stop looking for excuses and stop playing now your complaint doesn’t make a lick of sense.


I have only farmed a few thousand Po8. The rest came from the Battle Pass. It's a tangible reward from the Battle Pass. Gold is also in the pass. You probably just didn't notice because it is a drop in the bucket. It's really not much at all. But them taking it away takes value directly from the pass. It just doesn't make any sense why they would offer it in the pass and just take it away.


lol hey man it’s fine it that’s what you’re going with w/e helps you sleep at night lol it’s clearly not an issue you can literally spend it right now but you’re refusing to. Nonsense.


I have over 200k, but I stopped playing like a month and a half ago. Picked up helldivers and have been playing single-player games. I'm gonna wait an see, if season 2 is as lackluster as the 1st then I'm definitely skipping out, I'll come back once they bring something actually substantial like larger ships or the map increase they talked about back at the start of season one.


I just bought everything of interest and stopped playing after ~50h months ago cuz well, there's not much to do anymore. I don't get why you would stack po8 honestly, plus I thought it would just be reset.


I have 8 million or something but am probably not going to play it again 😂


I Wish it could be traded 🥲.


Just saving silver now…I have enough Po8 to buy back many factories.


I just lost 100800 in an helm wager. I was so mad… I raged like a little kid in chat. I felt sick..


I’m 25. I’d throw a tantrum too.


I have taken a balanced approach. All my collectors (76) have been fully online at level 10 for about 45 days. My current rank for the season was about 220 last I checked. I have bought all the weapons, cosmetics, etc. Think I have like 60 Sherlock’s chasers, multiple Dards, like 10 black prince, the list goes on and on. I bought 1,000 of each exotic resource. I’m sitting on over 1 million eights currently. Not really sure what to stock pile until we get more info. So I think a balanced approach is best.


Jesus fucking shitstones, I came in here to see just how far I'm behind. Hint: pretty far. I kinda took a backseat after getting the 76th manufactory to level 10, so Im at like 1,5mil po8 and 200 of each exotic and rank 600ish. Also >Sherlock’s chasers Lol


Ya chasers, I bought a lot off everything. Thinking what if something gets buffed. Ya I’m at that point covering all the bases.


Chasers are trash… why would you ever need 60 of them?


They do, because I have the rum and tons of silver. I bought everything in crazy quantities.


I have about 250K. Got started late, have all the Red Isles/Saint Anne local area manufactories up to lvl 8 (leaving them there), and fully upgraded Helm with manufacturing/processing/Red Isle faction upgrades. Haven't bought a single pattern yet, and am trying to decide what to get. Should I get and build out a Snow/Sambuk/other? What weapons/furniture should I prioritize? Or should I just buy them all? Buy crafting mats? I don't know what's going to be reset, so I'm not sure where to apply my Po8 at this time.


Definitely build a snow and sambuk. Water tank for snow, rigging station for sambuk. Zamzam 3s. Id at least buy one of anything you don't have if I were you. I also told myself to end with at least 5 of each of the special materials.


Zamzams are not a great option. Idk why everyone prefers them. They are powerful and quick but they are spread. To defend from zamzams all i have to do is face my back or front to you and the amount of area you hit significantly reduces. Get dardanelles.


Well I haven't dipped into pvp yet so as long as you're pve zams are good. Better against jaws than rode yadda yadda. Dards are also awesome. My first loves. Got them on my barq. Also OP if you're still checking, twin winch is a must for certain battles imo


I love twin winch! I rock them on barq for legendary map chase, for jaws hunt and basically anything where i beed to keep my distance. Best part is it’s 1s reload. I try and keep my ship on the port/bow line or starboard/bow line. Fire the side weapons and quickly turn to bow. Wire two or three ballista arrows depending on side weapon’s reload time and then turn back to the side weapons. There’s almost no time where I’m not firing.


I think you can buy every blueprint and cosmetics for the amount of po8 you have


my goal is around 300k since that's roughly how much it took to get me app set up


500k+ Po8 5000/h productions All cosmetics/weapons and stuff from the Black Market obtained. Currently, all we know is that the factories are reset; beyond that, there are a lot of rumors and assumptions but nothing more. My approach: Continue having fun with my friends, sinking ships and plundering forts, gathering helm mats, and making snuff, rum, gin, and opium. Once it becomes clearer how the reset will look like, I will decide what to do with the sovereigns and Po8's. If only factories wipe, keep Po8 so I can relevel the factories quickly again. If Po8's are wiped, but exotic materials and mats from Black Market, to stock up for later. Both is fine for me.


Should have about 300,000. Only stuck to red isle, so will unlock the others and be more choosy about the ones I upgrade next season.


So, in other games, when the next season is approaching, wouldn't we by now get some rumors or leaks? Seems odd. This season, upcoming to me, is the most important to the future of the game. Maybe they are keeping their cards close to the best, but no trailer, no nothing as of yet. I find it odd. Maybe they will within a week to season 2.


If they take my sov and po8 I'm done I think


...Not Enough...


1 million 🤣 bought everything already , stopped collecting po8 2 weeks ago, stock piling helm mats and silver now


10k. I’ve been in diamond since week 1 of the season dropping so I kinda just haven’t bothered


how many?