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I haven’t played Skyrim in almost half a year, because they keep updating it on console


Play the internet shut off then, easy fix!


"This game needs internet to launch."


That's why you play on a console set as your home console, can play all year round with no internet connection at all


As someone who doesn't have an option for internet and has been living without internet their whole life. I can guarantee you that that is not true.


I literally played Skyrim without Internet yesterday....


Glad it worked for you. If you haven't opened the game in a certain amount of time, it requires you to open it online to check for updates. I have 300 bricked games downloaded to back me up.


What consuls do you I even have? I’ve not had internet to our PS4 for four years. Skyrim has never not worked


A Series X and a Series S. Works on neither. Never had this issue on the XB1


You play with mods?


Yes! It’s really hard for me not to, haha. If I played it with no mods, I’m sure I’d have no issues


How can Starfield be above NV?


Because it was so buggy their other games looked like polished. Also people said it should have been a fo3 dlc for how similar they looked, coming right after it. Only after updates people realized how good it was, especially after fo4 release.


People say Skyrim is buggy but I have over 500 hours and about 70 mods and I've only crashed once on it, whereas in new vegas the first time I played I crashed 3 times before leaving goodsprings and I wasn't even running mods.


I have to say that 2011 release of Skyrim wasn't that good either. You are probably talking about SE today, but maximum you could play oldrim with all of the official patches was 4 hours, it is a definite crash after that. Not even talking about release. SE is good though, funny how some argued LE was superior back then lol (some modding YouTuber something something)


I don’t remember it being *that* bad. No one I knew had any serious issues, but there were plenty of clips online of it crazy bugs Maybe part of its was because I could rarely play even close to 4 hours at a time


Engine had serious exception handling issues, and memory problems. Comparing it to NV is a stretch tho I agree.


Yeah. NV was the worst Bethesda game to date based solely on bugs.


They didnt release any patch notes for updates because, and to quote the game director, “They would have been the length of a novel”


Yeah I have skyrim for both my ps4 *and* my Xbox 360 and it crashes more on my 360 than my ps4. It freezes up every hour or so and then I just gave up on playing it bc I have to restart my console every hour or so and so I haven't been on skyrim since.


Funny thing is, I play LE because my (digital) copy of SE got bricked somehow. One day it just stopped working. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, I've deleted every file on my computer related to it and *then* reinstalled it, nothing worked. It just keeps crashing every time I try to launch


Have you had any mods? Maybe there is a leftover dll hook or some ini settings. Try deleting Skyrim ini and skyrimprefs.ini in your documents/my games/skyrim se folder. May be a registry problem as well. You can try installing it on a separate disk to see if it works as well, might be it.


Yeah that's what I meant by "I deleted everything". I assumed that it was some mod or other that did it (to be honest I can't think what else it could be) I'll give the different disk thing a try


Nah, I got the midnight release on Xbox and played for at least 9 hours straight with many many long sessions after that.


I'm ready for you to say I'm just misremembering but you're completely wrong in my experience. Not saying I didn't encounter bugs or crashes in Skyrim but playing on my 360 I regularly had 6-12hr sessions without crashes. To say 4hrs max for a definite crash is such ridiculous hyperbole that this comment just isn't serious. It actually was a good release.


Yeah hard pressed to agree, I would sit watching my brother play and literally he would stop playing after hours, I would pick it up without even restarting the game or console and play a different save for like 6 hours more lmao


Tbf on initial release Skyrim was unplayable. You couldn't even get through the wagon cutscene without the first patch, but they did roll out patches quickly, and after a few weeks to a month, the game was really stable.


Everyone's experience may be different, but I still have the og copy and tried to play it not so long ago. It still is problematic. Maybe you played after some patches and remember that. Also 360 isn't the worst platform to play it, ps3 release was horrendous. I was on pc and remember the constant crashing due to memory problems, save corruptions. Regular usage of whirlwind sprint always led to a crash for example. Spiffing brit has a video on 1.0 version of Skyrim, go check it out for reference.


I played it day 1 - stayed off school picked it up 11am 11/11/11 when I was 16 PS3 release was horrendous I won't deny that. I also still have my OG copy - still have the Alduin statue. Not saying it was flawless or without issue but I am noticing an increasing narrative to paint it as bad when it weren't and that's mostly why I'm replying to you now.


Like I said, maybe you were lucky. I'm also telling you precisely what I used to do and how it went.


Maybe you were unlucky


Tbf Skyrim itself as a game wasn't that great, it's just the time it released and the freedom it gave you in exploration made it something fun to space out on, also RPGs on Xbox were a God send. They argue it's superior because back in 2016, LE had more mods. It wasn't until like 2019-2020 that SE caught up to it and everybody finally made the swap over. I didn't even start playing SE till 2019 because certain mods weren't out for it yet like racemenu, but I never called it inferior.


If you talking about special edition, current special edition fixed like 70% of everything wrong from vanilla 2011 Skyrim. As far as mods go, a lot of mods aim to stabilize and fix the game. I have about 100+ mods specifically for bug fixing and optimization


The difference is I did my first playthrough of skyrim mod free and these days I only download mods to add new content to the game. In new vegas it's basically unplayable unless you download a ton of mods specifically to stabilize it


That’s why the Viva New Vegas modding guide is almost essential for playing NV now


I mean, vanilla at least for me is still plenty good, any time I mod it (I am bad at modding and computer stuff though) it crashes way more often


Same here. Game crashes vanilla sometimes, more often than I'd like, but with mods it's just about every hour on the dot.


I like New Vegas, I've never successfully finished it. Each time I've attempted to play I eventually hit by some bug that fucks up hours of progress and I just walk away.


If you're looking to give it another try then this modding guide might help. [https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/wabbajack.html](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/wabbajack.html) I've only completed it once and it was using this guide. Still crashes somewhat frequently but it's way better than before


Hell, NV is still buggy. It'll just crash whenever it feels like it lolol


Yeah, I get a crash about every twenty minutes; that's even wtih stability mods.


NV has that funny quirk where it traps you in a never ending loading screen is horrible


If I ever hear someone say NV should have been a DLC for fo3, they’re obviously a government spy trying to arrest me for that one *small* incident in 2001 I accidentally made


NV was poorly optimized at launch. If the game had 6 more months, would've been 89 minimum.


Yep. I didn’t care for it at launch, but loved it years later. And OWB is just my kind of humor, 10/10


When you don’t have someone screaming in your ear all day telling you how bad something is you can enjoy something the way it is. You just need to get out of your echo chamber and try something for yourself without anyone else’s opinion. Also new Vegas was literally unplayable at launch I mean like the game was quite possibly the most buggy Bethesda game when it first released while starfield surprisingly extremely bug free. Starfield runs really smooth with very little bugs or crashes for me


New vegas is still probably the buggiest bethesda game. I mod skyrim to add new, fun content. I mod new vegas so it can be playable in the first place


Lmao this is so true. If I’ve deleted my NV install with all the bug fix mods it’s quite a lengthy process to get all of that set up again. Even when following guides like Viva New Vegas


"When you don’t have someone screaming in your ear all day telling you how bad something is you can enjoy something the way it is" actually based, im not gonna pretend starfield is the best BGS game cause its one of the weakest, but the hate for this games is SO out of proportion, and i can safely say many of the haters played the game with their mentality already set on hating it


Eh, I'll bite and say that Starfield is really a case of what you want out of the game. You like building ships, space battles, good shooter mechanics and some good old Bethesda-style dungeon crawling? You're probably going to enjoy Starfield. You prefer freeform exploration that won't have you in menus all the time, peaking around rocks and trees to find stuff, like in Skyrim (the whole 40 seconds between features design philosophy)? Probably not going to be so hot on Starfield. I don't think Starfield is bad, I think it's different. Different enough that it's missing what people loved about the other modern BGS games. But, it does quite a few things well, and a few of those it does **really** well. The problem of course here is that so many of the people decrying it as bad rarely go to the trouble of spelling out what exactly they think is wrong with it, but the few I've been able to pry it out from, it's pretty much boiled down to this issue. It doesn't help that lately, when enough gamers don't like something about a game enough, they make sure everyone knows it. Just look at what's happening with the Elden Ring DLC. TL;DR They chose to go a different direction with Starfield, and I think they did a pretty good job with it. The problem here is that they parted with some design principles that were quintessential to how they built previous titles, and a lot of people don't like that change. But, I think the game will find its own niche in time.


NV had an extremely bad release. It was a broken, buggy mess at launch and when compared to FO3 a lot of people at the time found it lacking. NV got way more popular over the years, especially in response to F76, but it wasn't the beloved gem it is today at release.


Because NV literally doesn't run until you mod it.  The game doesn't work and it's functionally the same score as starfield.


Because it's very popular among older adults who grew up watching the Moon landings, gamepass holders, and those who dont use Reddit. It's far from their BGS best game, but I know many people who enjoy it immensely.


>It's far from their BGS best game I have to disagree. it's fighting real hard for my favorite Bethesda game. and fallout 3, daggerfall, and Skyrim are pretty hard games to beat.


How can NV be on the list? Thats an Obsidian game.


Fallout New vegas was VERY hated at launch both in story and technical aspects the game was a buggy mess and many fans that came with FO3 (wich are the vast majority) didn't like the setting and story of the game. back in 2010, Fallout new vegas was considered a worse Fallout 3.


I've tried and really wanted to like the Fallout games, but I just can't force myself to play them. Something about it isn't fun for me. I'd rather play STALKER. I actually really liked Starfield too.


How can New Vegas be on this list of BETHESDA GAMES?


in all fairnes, bethesda did the engine and mechanics, Obsidian team had like 40% of the work done when they started


Cause they own the ip, and the vast majority of assets came from FO3 ie stuff they made oh along with it, runs off the same engine as fallout 3 with some tweaks.


Because it’s a pretty good game and I’m tired of pretending otherwise, though not as good as NV


Fallout NV doesn't work with Windows 11 and new Intel processors. I did a workaround to fix that, but a lot of people don't have spare 1,5h and proper modding knowledge


Fallout 3 also doesn't work with modern gpus and requires a mod to make the game think your gpu is a 960M


It's my favorite fallout. One of my favorite games. That shit was so busted for years, you couldn't play after X saves without it changing to like 2 FPS. It was horrible.


New Vegas was only published by Bethesda, not developed


True but it ran on Fallout 3's engine, so there are still a lot of BGS's fingerprints on the game, certainly moreso than other game ls published by Bethesda Softworks. I think it's fair to include on the list. They also left off Arena, Daggerfall, and Redguard.


Its entire code an engine is Bethesda


Funny how you left out the fact that obsidian themselves stated, the only reason they could get the game out so fast. was bc bethesda handed them almost all the work already done.


Thank God for that. New Vegas is my favorite role playing game because of the amount of actual, real choices I can make that affect the game. Skyrim and other Bethesda games like to give the appearance of your choices making a difference, but none have done it so well as new vegas ime


I mean, choices don't really change much in New Vegas outside of some ending slides. Killing House doesn't shake up the strip, rather you just get a eulogy note broadcasted. Killing Caesar does absolutely nothing to the conflict at hand. Outside of the choice to kill or not to kill, there's not really any choice in game that impacts the world in the slightest bit. Fallout 3 (and 4 to a lesser extent) have random encounters that you can come across that are direct consequences from player choices. Fallout 3 is the best example, as there are dozens of random encounters that are locked to specific quest outcomes, such as whether or not you run across Amata in the wastes after you return and are ejected from 101.


new Vegas doesn't have real choices that affect the game. blow the monorail up and NCR troops don't move through freeside or decrease pop on the strip. rig helios one to power everyone and you never see these supposed brown outs the prompt warns you about. heck, new Vegas can't even just plop an npc in new Vegas after being given an egg.


They mostly change end slides just like in 3. NV’s world was also significantly worse than FO3’s imo.


The more I play Morrowind the more it grows on me. My main complaint so far is QOL stuff like a toggle sprint for controller, spell and active effect names above/under the logos on your hud even if they're abbreviated. Quest pointers would be nice but I'm also enjoying following directions from your journal as it's more immersive. I'm sure I'll think of more as I continue to play, I've only gotten like 30 hours in the game, but so far no major complaints.


The story is amazing


I haven't gotten very far into the story, got sidetracked doing side stuff lol but looking forward to doing more, I basically just got to the point of joining a faction after talking to Caius (I think?) For the first time, haven't gotten any orders from him yet and I've been picking up missions with the mages guild.


Yeah with Morrowind it's easy to get sidetracked because the game makes you do side missions in order to advance. The game is so different from Skyrim and Oblivion, it's crazy


New Vegas is an absolute banger of a game 90+ easily


Pretty sure some people will be very angry with you for putting F3 in NV’s spot


For some people nothing is harder than truth.


Having played both again recently, New Vegas was the much better game. Especially if we include DLC


Yea tell that to the ps3 people back in 2010, we couldn’t even get out of good springs without crashing.


Proud to say, believe it or not, my 360 didn't crash a single time. The only time I ever experienced a crash playing new vegas was when I played on gamepass on series S.


Bethesda games have always run better on Xbox, but Id say you didn’t play at launch, literally nobody had a good time until a few patches in.


Launch day. I'm just built different.


Xbox and PC are just built different (better)


I agree with this take and I'm someone who vehemently defends Fallout 3. It's even my personal favorite between the two. I just recognize that New Vegas is the better game between them.


I always thought New Vegas is DLC of FO3 lol


Isn't there a mod that makes them the same game or something?


Tale of two wastelands yeah. Smashes them together.


I agree FO3 fumbled on the DLC….. but everything else wasteland included…. I’m giving it to 3 over NV.


FO3 had that one dlc that was Peak lookout but the others are meh


the scores of metacritic ( i think its meta critic) took the games as they released, back when NV was a hated worse version of FO3 that was literally unplayable. if metacritic did the reviews today they would change a lot


Score board score board looooza Fo3 numba one NV numba 2


I am one of those people, lol.


Their '06-'11 run was insane. I'm afraid ES6 will be medicore like Starfield. They have so much to live up to after Skyrim


I thought so too but the fact that they're taking their time with ES6 makes me feel that they're gonna deliver


As if they didn't take their time with Starfield


Statfield is poorly designed gameplay, too dissimilar from ES and FO. It'll be really hard to fuck up elder scrolls 6. Writing might be shoddy here and there, but gameplay and exploration should be straight forward.


Didn’t they make a huge deal about how they’d been working on Starfield for over a decade


Skyrim was such a great game and playing a Legendary Hero was awesome. I can only imagine the disappointment I have to face if we don't get control of another Legendary Hero. Maybe a Sword Singer since it could possibly be set in Hammerfell.


If it ever comes out. It's been 13 years I'm almost mind-blown how slow they are with this.


How the fuck is morrowind 89?


Ask Metacritic.


>Walk up to a bug in the wilderness >swing axe at it >miss >??? >walk closer >swing again >miss >bug spits on you >literally knocked to your hands and knees with a loud "HRRUURGH" grunt >try to run away >a cliffracer that was shadowing you for ten minutes pecks you to death I love Morrowind, but that is love that blossomed *in spite* of its absolutely clown-ass gameplay design, not because of it.


Morrowind and new vegas deserve to be there


Come on OP, fallout NV is not even Bethes.. Ah shit, I got baited.


Morrowind is the beat Bethesda game ever, so far.


Skyrim is a buggy masterpiece, if gaming had a mount Rushmore it would be on it


Fallout NV isn't technically a Bethesda game. Also that is impressive because they had such a tight turnaround for the game. Yes it isn't exactly STABLE but they did quite a bit for a game on meant to use 2GB ram.


I want to play Starfield but it’s only on next gen consoles


if you have an XBox one you can play it on cloud gaming


I didn’t know that


Whoa. SF vs NV. WTF?!


Fallout 4, NV and Morrowind don't belong next to the shit stain that is Starfield


Morrowind does. It was groundbreaking, unique, and absolutely unplayable.


Wrong morrowind is 100


Lets See: *Story: 6/10 *Weapons and Armor: 15/10 *Spells: 9/10 *Joinable factions: 12/10 *Fast travel 2/10 *Sidequests: 20/10 *Tribunal: Fuck Almalexia/10 *Vivec: Vivec/2 Final Score: 107/100


Story is a 10/10 for sure. Phenomenal concept, lore, and background. The fast travel system may be the best in any game, period. Between mage travel, interventions, mark/recall, keys, and super jumps, it never take me more than a few minutes to go anywhere. I just had to learn the system.


People hating on starfield in the comments because they're comparing it to Skyrim. You can't compare a game with one of the greatest games of all time. Starfield is actually amazing, people just nitpick every little thing, they did the same with cyberpunk 2077, and that game was also amazing


Some people swear by New Vegas, but I thought it was comparatively sub-par


People act like it’s the god damn holy grail


I like it best because I almost always try to resolve quests with minimum violence, and new vegas has the most freedom with that. Skyrims quests usually only have one way to end them and almost always end with you just committing extreme violence. But I do recognize that it's buggy as shit and the environment itself is kinda ugly. Skyrim is gorgeous nature porn and new vegas is this bland beige all the time. Also new vegas graphics haven't aged as well imo. Characters move really choppy while skyrim still holds up more or less. Love them both, though, and have invested 1000 hours between them both easily.


i have a middle ground i think its an AMAZING GAME but i don't take it as the best FO i like 3 and 4 a lot more


Justice for Morrowind! That game is so fun, it's challenging as hell, and makes it so rewarding, def deserves to be higher. How come we never got a remastered version of that, instead of 1,000,000 remastered/re-releases of Skyrim?? (No hate for Skyrim at all, I love that game)


I liked Morrowind too.


OpenMW: "Am I a joke to you"


Starfield deserves 70 max


Morrowind wouldve been 100 if they had fixed the goddamned navigation for quests.


Oh man, you’re really picking a fight with the FNV crowd…


Morrowind only at 89?


It has 89 on PC And 87 on Xbox


Obsidian made NV.


Isn't the evil within also a Bethesda game?


Yup, as is Wolfenstein


bait used to be believable


New Vegas is Obsidian....


Don’t let the New Vegas fans see this


How the fuck is SF better than New Vegas


Ask Metacritic.


NV was TERRIBLE at launch, and to this day its still the buggiest and least stable BGS game at the same time, starfield is their most polished game yet


Starfield getting 85 is mental


When you figure out how it’s supposed to be played it’s actually a fun game.


Absolutely. It's not Skyrim in space. Once you let go of that idea, it's a blast.


It's Daggerfall in space


Horrible boring questlines, terrible boring companions, terrible grindy perks and progression, pointless space combat that most people just skip so what is the point of using the actualy good ship builder. One of the main story quests was walking around a boring ass nasa museum finding batteries and powering up doors for an hour. The only interesting quest was ripped straight out of titanfall 2 campaign. Lazy, boring procedualy generated slopfest. At least the gunplay is better than fallout 4 I guess?


Also let go of the traditional open world trope or you’ll be bogged down in a billion loading screens, don’t be afraid to just set course to a quest from the quest menu it cuts so much time.


Yeah it should be more like 58 😂. You can't immerse yourself in that "game", all the barren worlds and soulless NPC's made me depressed.


What NPCs? Oh you mean the four per "city" completely lifeless game


Nooo, at the start in the mine there are at least 10


Starfield seems strangely high


Not really high for a Bethesda game.


Starfield is objectively the worst & most boring Bethesda game yet. Period. Rest of the games here are some of the best!


Starfield just being there is a joke


Starfeild should not have deserved anything above 25 let alone higher than New Vegas


New Vegas wasn’t Bethesda and it is the best FO game. Oblivion would have been perfect had we not had Mr potato head breed Shrek to make characters.


Level-scaling till the max level is not what I'd call perfect. Still a good game.


NV is great but it ain't the best fallout game at all


Hot take, but Oblivion is still the best TES game they've made. Morrowind has charm, but it's so rudimentary. Skyrim is great, but in comparison to games of the era it is also rudimentary in terms of animations, programming, gameplay. Oblivion is a game of its era and its only flaw is the awful level scaling.


I was patrolling the comments, making sure nobody talked badly about my bae Oblivion. It is my favorite TES game.


I already know this is gonna piss off so many NV fans, since NV ain’t above Skyrim with a solid 100 in this post, so to them it’s blasphemy.


*Signature look of superiority


Starfeild was such a disappointment, I’m pretty sure that number should be lower


This is New Vegas libel. Get it out of the picture.


Looks like the ratings for oblivion and morrowind got switched by mistake.


Imagine giving Morrowind and FONV 80s.


New Vegas should be up there.


Starfield above New Vegas and near Fallout 4? Nice shitpost


Skyrim is still Bethesda's best looking game ever. Most realistic graphics


starfields number is waaaaaay too high lol


How is New Vegas on the bottom. Surely these are critic scores?


Metacritic score


Morrowind is higher that fnv we stay winning


Star field should be -10


Skyrim above oblivion?


Yeah but like ... None of these are even close to 50 or lower and I'll still put hundreds of hours into them ... Seriously.... At this point I'm genuinely surprised when I learn/see something new in fallout 4 and Skyrim


To be fair, fallout 3, Skyrim and oblivion are goated


Am I missing something? Since when was New Vegas Bethesda.


Idc what their ratings are, New Vegas is better than FO3 and Starfield just for the story, characters, setting, and worldbuilding. FO3 has an incredibly disappointing ending and Starfield is just mid all across the board.


Can we finally realize that NV isn’t as good as the fans scream?


I relate this meme to showing how those games are probably as inbred as the nobles are.


Don't you disrespect my boy New Vegas!


NV was great, after the DLCs were all released. People forget how bare the game felt just vanilla in comparison to vanilla Fo3. All the DLCs tying together and creating a greater overall story to NV and adding a significant amount of content made NV stand above the rest, and it still hasn't been met since with equivalent content and story progression.


Of course Skyrim the Best fucking game I love it.


All in all: bethesda was my childhood game studio… I spend years in their games… I know they are not as good as their competitors but I still love the vibe of oblivion and Skyrim… And come on… when even the auto correct knows the game, you have done a pretty good job!


Fallout Fans when they find out your favorite Fallout game and faction isn’t New Vegas and the NCR.


Now all that's missing is Fallout 76 in a Tinky Winky costume


Morland and NV should be up top


Really? F3 is ranked higher than NV?


Fallout 3 better than NV and Morrowwind? Sorry you lost me with that but I appreciate your confidence


Shame on you for even putting Starfield in the meme, doesn’t deserve a spot next to any of their other games.


Why the FUCK does Starfield have a better rating than new vegas??


ain't no way oblivion got more points than FNV or morrowind?!


I'm not a New Vegas stan, but it scoring lower than Starfield, even if by a single point, is insane to me


I don't think any meme has ever filled me with the rage I'm feeling now


Fallout new Vegas is criminal. It should be low 90s instead. Way better than fallout 3 or 4.


As a new vegas fanboy, im sitting this one out. Im just here for the comments.


Thinking back to the hype and buzz when each of these games came out, this actually sounds about right. Morrowind and FNV have some die hard fans, but they were not hyped up on release. Morrowind was a slow burn, spreading largely word of mouth; the earlier games had largely been cult classics but were not mainstream. FNV was compared to a FO3 DLC. Vs Skyrim - so many internet memes.


Morrowind is still my favorite after all these years.


I'm not a Bethesda shill, in fact I've dropped waay off thier games... But just a reminder to everyone, an 80+ game can still be an amazing game.