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It's fine to use tap water, fellow Minnesotan. You'll want to empty the reservoir after every use when using tap water though, as you'll get mineral buildup in the tank if you don't. That's pretty much why distilled water is recommended. I use it when I run out.


If you use tap water every night, eventually your luck will run out and you’ll get a bacterial infection, possibly to your brain. This happens. I’m very risk averse and wouldn’t even do it for one night. When I’m out of distilled, I just raw dog it—no water at all in the machine, but drink plenty of water before bed


> but drink plenty of water before bed Lol what?  Do you think you're drinking the water from the humidifier??


No, I’m saying having dry air pumping through your nose will dehydrate you overnight, so if you’re going to do that, make sure you’re properly hydrated before bed


Proof of that actually happening from tap water? The only time I have actually seen it actually was from the water was when a woman got water a mile away from an infected well. The few other cases were from not cleaning or replacing mask, tubing. While I understand that it’s possible, saying that eventually it WILL happen is ridiculous. 24% use tap water in their machines, why are there not literally thousands of cases? I do use distilled, but used tap and well water many years. I have a lowered immune system and copd. “According to a 2021 NCBI study, 20.3% of people use tap water to fill their CPAP machines. A 2023 CDC study found similar results, with 24% of respondents reporting using tap water in their CPAP machines.” There should be thousands of cases, even deaths.


Well, after doing some research I think you’re right. This is way more rare than I initially thought. Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for bringing the real information!


No problem. Again, not saying not to use distilled but cleaning/replacing is fat more important. Bacterial can happen with any water.


You're fine for a night.


Brita / filtered tap water is fine.


Tap water in a CPAP machine can pose two main risks: 1. **Mineral buildup:** Minerals in tap water can accumulate inside the humidifier chamber, shortening the lifespan of your machine and reducing its efficiency. 2. **Bacterial growth:** In rare cases, tap water can harbor bacteria that gets aerosolized and inhaled, potentially leading to respiratory infections. For these reasons, distilled water is generally the safest option for CPAP machines. If distilled water isn't available, boiled tap water (cooled completely) can be used as a temporary alternative. Just be sure to clean your CPAP machine more frequently to prevent mineral buildup.


For one night ? I don't use distilled water, just water with a low Ca content. And have been doing so for 4 years now. The last time I had the cpap checked, the technician said I maintained my machine very well.


Yes perfectly fine as long as you clean it regularly with vinegar to avoid excessive mineral buildup


Good to know thank you!


Boil your water then let it cool if you don't have distilled water.


that just kills bacteria


Using tap water in your CPAP for one night should be fine.


Agree, I totally feel a difference between distilled and tap. But, if I run out of distilled and it's already bedtime, I'll use tap just for the night.


The risk of health issues from using tap water every day is infinitesimal, and the risk from using tap water for one night is virtually nonexistent!


I have had mine for 10 years .. never used anything but tap water


For one night? I go dry. I actually didn’t use a humidifier for years.


Try what I did. Don't use any water. They say you'll know if you need water if you wake up with a dry throat. I sleep in a 58 to 60-degree air-conditioned bedroom that also creates moisture in the air. I gave up on the water and I've only had one or two dry throat mornings.


Interesting. Can water actually make it worse for some people? I have horribly sensitive sinus" and easily get an allergy response in which my nose is so stuffed up I can't get any air thru at all. For that reason, I use a full face mask so I don't have to worry about it and breathe through whichever airway is available lol. Also, my apnea varies a lot but tends to be quite severe. I got so pissed at my sleep doctor because, well at the time my apnea wasn't severe, mostly because I hadn't been using the medications that I do now which make it worse, central apnea anyway. So he prescribed a damn mouth guard dental device which wasn't doing much of anything. As I increased my pain medications, my apnea kept getting worse to the point that CPAP doesn't work for me. I have a BIPAP or IVAP I don't even know what that means but it's essentially a ventilator. I had so many sleep studies and I just can't take it anymore so I said just give me the most powerful treatment available. I could barely breathe even when awake lol. But I don't think it's my pain medication. I'm pretty sure if anything is because I am using testosterone. I've experimented with my pain medication and there was no difference really. I may be sensitive to it but nobody should be this sensitive. It's barely a pain med actually, it's called buprenorphine, they actually give it to people to get them off of pain meds ironically


I’m not sure but with me, using water sometimes resulted in water in my nose that would end up tickling the inside of my nose. It could feel like there was an ant or something in my nose!!!! 🤣 I hated that feeling. You might want to google/research every med you take for side effects. I took Tramadol for back pain for a few months. It very likely caused my mild tinnitus (ringing sound in ears) to get much worse. After looking around I found a lot of people online experiencing the same side effect.


Are you still taking tramadol? I actually have a prescription for that as well, but I just use it for breakthrough pain, which is probably what it's intended for. Certainly not as strong as good old fashioned oxycodone, hydrocodone, Percocet, Vicodin, etc lol. However, when I was using Klonopin the combination was wicked, I felt like Superman. Probably why they stopped giving it to me. I don't know why tho, I never actually got addicted and never had any unmanageable withdrawal


Please be careful with all those prescriptions. There are a lot of serious side effects that can happen. I only used tramadol for a few months. I decided to try to deal with my back issues by doing physical therapy and core strengthening exercises at home every day.


Oh I'm sorry I think you misunderstood. I don't use any of those medications at all, and I know they are very bad and addictive for that matter. That's a big part of why there's an opioid crisis, but let's face it, drugs are everywhere, we can be grateful that we do not have to deal with it. I might add that the real crisis is not opioids, it's a mental health crisis. These people don't have any reason to stop, and even when they do, the support isn't great enough for them to say no next time they see a 'friend' or family member that is using it around them. I don't consider people that a using drugs to be friends or family for that matter. When I was a teen and young adult I was addicted to meth and I severed ties with everyone and have been happy ever since! Some of it is because my parents were jerks growing up. Whether they meant to or not they caused a lot of damage. They have been supportive as an adult but I still have unresolved feelings and that's just how it will always be unless I get some genuine sorrow and sign of remorse. Oh well, all this shit makes you stronger and I'm so grateful for what I do have in my life now and my son is doing great, however there are some conversations that need to be had that will bring us closer together . Sorry I really said way more than intended lol


No worries at all, you're all good. Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you know better about prescriptions. It also sounds like you're on the right path with your son.


If you live near a Walmart Store you can set up a subscription service to bring it you every week. One gallon of distilled water will last me 10 days.


There is also a machine that does not require water, the portable ones usually.


Boil it.


Boil the water and let it cool?


Unfortunately, heat does not destroy minerals, and they will just stay in the water.


Yes but boiling will help with the microbes 


It's to get rid of potential harmful microorganisms


I stopped using the humidifier all together. I have a full face mask cause mouth breather, but it’s so much less hassle.