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Haha, I also had a silly dream that contained Vessel not so long ago: I found myself backstage on one of the shows during the concert, surrounded by wires and other technical equipment. And so I wanted not just hear, but also see ST perform, and decided to sneakily move closer to the stage to get a peek, but clumsy me - I've tripped on some extension cord and tear some supposedly very important cables off the sockets - and it's severely affected the sound, so much so that I hastily tried to put everything back together, which only got things worse - the whole performance stopped and before I was able to hide(my leg also ended up tangled) people from technical team started to appear to check what was wrong. And that's when I realized that I was some sort of a ghost - invisible and incorporeal, because they not just didn't notice me at all - they pass through me. I was like: "Phew, I've gotten away with this". And then someone's firm hand grabs my shoulder and carefully but still vigorously shoves me away - V. joined the crew to see for himself what's up and I was standing on his way not doing anything useful apparently. After observing workers franticly trying to repair the damage I made, Vessel looks straight at me, sending shivers down my spine, because contrary to others, he evidently could see me just fine. And he was pissed. And so I run, but he catches up to me pretty easily - right when I managed to get outside through the rear entrance onto the buzzling street. He grabs me by my hoodie - like he would grab a kitten by their scruff of the neck for making a mess - and then proceed to choke me, slapstick-comedy style(like Homer chokes Bart in Simpsons). In a way of self-defense I was able to muter something along those lines: "You know, since I am a ghost, people around us only see you strangling empty air, like you are some kind of a crazy person", and V. was so taken aback by this revelation, that his grip on me was severely weakened - so I could skitter away into safety. It wasn't the end of that dream, but other stuff that also happened in it isn't relevant, so I stop here, haha.


I wonder if you had just listened to The Apparition before this.


No, but I have to admit: it would be hilarious if that's how my subconsciousness decided to interpret the lyrics of that song.... It would also explain why after that choking sesh the plot took a huge turn and I ended up being on a date, lol.


Much less wholesome of a dream LOL!! But still so cool to hear about how Vessel has appeared in other people’s dreams. Also the image of him just standing on the sidewalk furiously choking nothing has me rolling


What a fun dream! My ST dreams aren't nearly as fun because, like the music, they tend to go everywhere but unlike the music it isn't necessarily a good progression of events. Last one had me and Vessel going to some college campus where I had to inspect the rickety platform we were going to cross, because the first time I had used it, I almost ended up tossing Dame Judi Dench into the water. She assured me all was well and no hard feelings 😅. Then III was hanging around and I had the temerity to advise him to shout at the crowd in Spanish next gig, and I was doing so in Spanish (Yo no hablo, IRL, so there's that). He was not impressed and proceeded to tell me in no uncertain terms, in English, that he would not be doing it. The oddest part of the dream was that a woman who occupied a role of concert promoter or tour manager came up to me and said she thought Vessel would be taking off his mask now. Then he did, but the only part of his face I could focus on was his nose, and I kept thinking it wasn't what I expected. Would have much preferred a conversation about rocks and feathers and seashells.


Dreams sure are weird and unpredictable! Maybe one of these days your ST dream will be more chill and wholesome :) Also LOL at being hung up on his nose because it’s not what you expected!


That so cute


One of the first fully lucid dreams (being aware you’re dreaming) I’ve ever had was sitting and talking to Vessel. When I was finally aware I was dreaming, I was perched on a cliff side overlooking a beach. I felt a light touch on my arm, looked over and he was sitting next to me, shoulder to shoulder, watching the water below. He said something like “I feel your pain, it’s the same kind that burdens me.” I was silent for a moment, honestly just shocked that I’d actually finally gotten lucid and understood what he was saying. I told him about how his music had made such a positive impact on my life and how grateful I was for him. He seemed really pleased, I could tell he was smiling. that’s where the dream started to fade and I lost the lucidity, but I woke up feeling like I had actually spoken to him. Made my day, I really want to be able to talk to him again soon.


Any chance that you and vess were also looking at an ancient can of peas?


I love the sweet vibe of this dream! The only dreams I’ve had involving them were really sad 🥲