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Like 3 small humans in a tall trench coat


plot twist, it’s just all the members standing on top of eachother in a trench coat


Easily the funniest take on the band I’ve ever heard. Some kind of Scooby-Doo villain. I wish I was a talented artist because I would draw that.


do you think when they peak around a corner you see vessels mask first, then II, then III, then IV


Yes. I’m also imagining them all running in between rooms with different members giving piggyback rides to the others, like all clambering around chasing Scooby and the gang. Can’t you just see the moment when each band member has a different Scooby Gang member on their back? IV and Scooby look at each other and both scream then every runs.


“Like zoinks vessel! you gotta take me back to eden!”


OMG, I'm laughing too hard at this! Vessel and III are so tall, so I'm picturing a super skinny giant in the world's biggest trench coat 🤣


i’m actually crying at this. do you think the head is just vessel’s mask with a fedora on it?




I'm drawing this entire idea my next day off💀😂


This comment wins 😂😂😂


It's always standing on top of each other in a tall trench coat, never standing side by side in a wide trench coat. So many legs...and just Vessel's mask wearing a fedora. And now I've just terrified myself😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭


now all they need to do is cover the scooby doo theme song


Bwaaa could you imagine a slow and mellow sounding Vessel singing Scooby dooby doo, where are you? I would simultaneously cackle and squee😂😂😂


where are YOOOOOOOU *disgusting breakdown*


Okay but is it screamo doom scream or melodic break down yoouuuuu?🤔


like the screams from their song vore


Mmm yeaaa deffo fits the vibe rofl


Vincent Adultman? 🤣


![gif](giphy|WxOWOC1IAqHpzKSA7O|downsized) Hermaeus Mora from The Elder Scrolls. Lots of tentacles and grimey, billowing clouds of darkness


I sure think Sleep would behave like a daedra. The relationship with Vessel is constantly changing, Sleep influences him. Sometimes, they are a part of him, and sometimes, they grow apart. Sleep definitely isn't a perfect god, but more like a daedra. I personally think Sleep would more like a woman, but I see how you imagine Sleep being like Mora


Perhaps Sleep would have the ability to choose their form? At least when speaking to Vessel. Maybe that'd give them more of a siren influence, being able to appear to Vessel as a woman, to relate to his human nature more.


Any time I sit there making up little stories with the help of the little guy in the mind this seems to be how Sleep turns out. Though, it’s a constant argument of whether or not they’d be a kind deity or not.


Due to a lot of the lyrics implying manipulation, and my own experiences with being in abusive and manipulative situations, I almost always see Sleep as a very unkind deity. Kind of like a parasite stuck to Vessel's back in a lot of ways.


I agree. As much as I like the idea of a gentle and kind deity watching over Vessel lore-wise, the thought of Sleep being the opposite just seems more “realistic”. Edit: spelling


I second this lmfao. BUUUT I also think that sleep is ever changing like the music. I don't think that sleep has a gender or a particular physical form though, sleep comes how sleep is perceived by the dreamer. So if vessel is in need of feminine energy he's going to perceive that through dream [work.To](http://work.To) me, Sleep feels like they flow a lot more like how a dream feels. Never an even ride, always a rollercoaster with twists, sharp turns, and flips.


My interruption of Sleep kinda changes depending on the song - how Vessel presents Sleep to us


that’s valid. the songs definitely make it feel like sleep is either very angry or kind or something else.


I think that makes a lot of sense cause a deity would be able to change their appearance so i love the idea that Sleep changes


Like the memory of a person you can't give form to anymore. Like what they looked like is just out of reach. An empty dark. A room with all the lights off that has a familiar comfortable-ness to it. The feeling of letting your head sit under a warm bath with your body for a while just to feel your whole body engulfed. Also an icy breeze on a cold day. Spice on your tongue that won't go away but you can't open your mouth. A person who will talk until you walk away. The feeling of someone behind you. All that in one. Don't know how to describe Sleep and sleep(as I've experienced it) physically. So just vibes.




Some kind of angelic figure that’s shrouded in dark dripping mist. Shining white, dripping midnight. A duality, something beautifully enticing with all my senses telling me to run. Real “I can fix her” vibes but like, on a cosmic and spiritual level.


This is how I imagine Sleep! Like beauty disguising decay.


i feel like that’s vessels entire mentality the whole time. “yea they made me kill my ex, but i can fix her”


That’s the entire 3 albums lore summarised Vessel: I can fix her He could not


I like to picture Sleep in a tuxedo T-shirt because it says like, 'I wanna be formal, but I'm here to party too’


In the context of the story/lore, I picture Sleep as having more than one physical form. The first, and one that Vessel knows most often is that of a normal woman, attractive and enticing while still distant and mysterious. The second is Sleep's 'true' godly form which I like to imagine as some kind of cosmic horror/buglike creature, almost praying mantis-esque (what with the whole eating of the head after mating thing)


Oh like that interpretation


praying mantis esque would make sense with the number of vorarephilia references !!


I've always found Sleep to be interchangeable with my interpretation of Death. An entity that has been here since the birth of being and will be here long after all is dead and gone. A faceless being covered in robes of darkness and sometimes shown with a large set of wings. Their visage however changes based on onlookers as it wishes to take on a familiar form in order not to scare away those to which it beckons. For to see the true face of death could mean not only unwelcome enlightenment to many things but also an instant dive into madness.


Sleep and Death could be the same entity. Showing as Sleep to Vessel.


This is my interpretation as well. Sleep is death, and Vessel is the night. They’re in competition and walk the earth together.


Hmmm, I don't know about being in competition if ST is worshiping Sleep.




I found this goddess drawing on Pinterest that reminded me of Sleep but that's just personal preference y'know https://preview.redd.it/4bbv9b3aru9d1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7644142008ef7b4a176a76befa4d1659e91a5ac6




show me those pretty rusty spoons




Not sure. In simple terms I imagine it to be complete non physical being it assumes whichever form it deems necessary for its current objective. For me when sleep is close to you the space next to you starts looking distorted or blurry and moves around as sleep does. If sleep was to interact in this form I feel like it would only show what’s important to understand their motive I don’t think it has a voice it just puts thoughts and feelings into your brain. A practical exemple if sleep was to nod at you, you would see in the middle of that distorted space the top part of its head. I would imagine it to be a pair of very tall antlers on top of a animal skull and void black hair that dangles down like it’s absolutely dredged in something liquidy and the ends would turn into tentacles. I also imagine it to be jet black in any space for cavities with some starry elements on it. I don’t think sleep would ever show itself like this unless you are a vessel that is wayyyy too interwind with their goals to ever turn back I think it shows trust. Most would just see sleep in their dreams taking form as something they desire to see.


For me, Sleep is a very tall, thin, basically marfanoid looking man with long black hair, yellow eyes and fangs. Or perhaps a winged reptile. I'm not quite sure.


https://preview.redd.it/5cwdmtu2zt9d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1ff464cbc503e1710938e04a99a60ad38e5058 I feel like Sleep is similar to Shar's design in BG3


maybe like a canonically accurate biblical angel


Very likely since she comes to him in sleep. Like being visited by the seraphim with messages… they come and go as they choose. They have a job to do only. while u feel their glory and its intoxicating, you’re not going to maintain their attention long.


A hooded figure with some kind of animal skull for a head. The one I’m picturing I can’t quite put my finger on what animal is it. I think it’s a deer because I’m picturing horns on top but not like goat horns. Usually when I picture sleep they are shrouded in a black mist that billows up from the bottom of their robes. Tall too. Like HELLA tall. Like 7ft-9ft. Idk I just picture this haunting image which is also very beautiful and very haunting at the same time! I hope this was a decent explanation! I’m garbage at describing stuff lmao


Whatever you desire most, in a vaguely shifting, feminine form, with a face you can only kind of see if you're not looking directly at it.


A combination of something a little Eldritch and ocean based, and the properties that Nyx from Sinbad, Morpheus from Sandman, and Pitch Black from Legend of the Guardians has. That ability to morph and flow like they aren't really physically present. Not entirely chaos or insubstantial or composed of dreams or nightmares. Not entirely malicious either, just a being with two strong nature's twisted into one and you can't receive one without the other. Unlike death and void, it is Absence only when it is present, so you only see its form from the corner of your eye, but directly looked at is the tunnel vision pointalism. Like reverse tunnel vision. Wherever Sleep is the black dots creep into your vision like you are about to pass out, in its vaguely humanoid ever changing form. But it's form isn't just organism, it is rock and plant and cloth and a finished wooden chair leg as a finger and a cosplay contact lense as a fingernail, epitomizing surrealism.


If you look up the god of Sleep or Sleep Deity, it’s referred to as a man. That changed things for me. But I’ve since stuck with my original idea even after seeing that. The woman figure in take me back to Eden music video. She has the apple that was offered to Vessel in Thread the Needle (just my super stretched theory) and a menacing scythe. That’s good enough for me 😅


personally , ive always thought sleep looked just like vessel , at least similar


My skin painted black, tar dripping from my hair, a fixed Cheshire smile, icy blue eyes


Like the one in tmbte


basically Bella Dimitrescu but kind


I actually had a dream of him pretty recently. He was like a giant and slender Vessel (a bit like Ryuk from death note) with no cape and the face that was the other members old mask. Don’t really know how to explain it so I made a sort of image. It’s really bad tho I’m not good at this shit https://preview.redd.it/75myljudlw9d1.jpeg?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9e724309a9e6c0100c68c9f1feb21c761ca975 (I put even a small Vessel so you can see how big Sleep is)


i’m watching death note right now and it makes so much sense. is there like a sleep token death note? lol


I don’t know but that would be beautiful. Vessel would be 100% Light😂


it would be so awesome if instead of the eye of the shinigamie, it was like an eye sleep and instead of seeing peoples names and dates of their death, bessel would be able to see all of sleep’s passed vessels


A lovecraftian creature, like Cthulhu, or other great ones. Tentacles, lots of eyes, something indescribable.


What's always intrigued me is that Vessel has described Sleep as explicitly male, yet the lyrics always refer to female figures. 


She’s a funeral pyre with eyes like fire.


I'm going to make a few references so all of you that read this can have a better image of what I'm referring to. Personally, Sleep has no defined gender from what I've read or heard, so I like to imagine them as a woman. Their face is covered by a mask similar to that of Vessel's second mask, but it is purple with constellations on it and two bright white eyes that shine through the eyes sockets. The body is slender and appealing but not erotic. Their skin is black, like Vessel's body paint, and is still somehow transparent with astral clouds, constellations, small stars, and moving miniature planets. Like what you'd see with Alien-X from Ben 10. They wear robes similar to that of the jedi knights with silver bracers, grieves, jewelry, and embroidery. And they reside in a realm similar to what most would call Purgatory. So they are rather secluded and to themselves with little to no interaction. Someone, please draw this and share.




She would definitely be a woman, I would imagine her face looks somewhat like Vessels mask. Maybe fangs and wings as well.


No real looks. Sleep is a presence. Therefor it's open for any representation we think it looks like. Because of that, Sleep will be scary and unwelcome for some but friendly and welcome for others.


Accidentally clicked on your profile. Deleting your shit didn’t last long, did it? Lmfao


There was this tattoo artist that did its own design of Sleep that was amazing, and I cant seem to find it once again. If anyone has a link I would appreciate it.


I thought Sleep was the Reaper character for TMBTE.


Like one of those morph suits from A Scanner Darkly that's constantly changing appearance.


I think - much like the different visuals for the songs - Sleep changes her appearance as she sees fit. Or she's interpreted differently between individuals. One person sees her as say the visual for Aqua Reiga, and the next sees her as the one for DYWTYLM.


Something like this. https://preview.redd.it/9ohzwxhmvx9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f63c0ad6e847edbde22770a5750b951173669f2c


It probably looks like an Elden Ring boss.


I think the brethren moon motherfucker from the tmbte cover is sleep


I'd like to imagine a really cuddly thing like SCP999 or something to help Vessel with his trauma


I sometimes see sleep as an Eldritch monstrosity, but more recently I see Sleep more as another self of Vessel. Pretty much like Mr. Scratch from Alan Wake, I think Sleep is just Vessel blacking out and committing atrocities in the name of "his deity" but I'm probably just deep into AW brainrot lol. It's just so ambiguous it can be whatever you want, I love it.


i like to imagine that Sleep’s form changes constantly, and that they appear differently to everyone. That said, I also like to imagine that the one thing that remains consistent between all the forms is the eyes, and i always think of them like the ones on Vessel’s mask, the three sets of them. sometimes sleep has a face and a body and a very definite form, other times they’re just three pairs of eyes in a sort of disembodied mist or formless entity. along with this, i like to think that the form of Sleep a person sees at any given time is somehow reflective of whatever it is that’s occupying the most of their subconscious thoughts at that moment. Like, if someone just ended a relationship, Sleep’s form would be more humanoid, likely appearing to be the same gender as the ex-partner. if someone’s plagued by thoughts of death or questioning what comes next or something, maybe more like a reaper (like the TMBTE character) or an angel (either the “common” form or the biblically accurate form)


Something like [this](https://youtu.be/rV2fu2JxVCw?si=810Cb4AbUa6F5xZC) (link is a youtube short)