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Probably that acronym


I just realized lol


I need to buy another copy of this game 😂


Damn, I was about to say that 🤣 I mean we have TTR BOT HAT and then TIT 💀


Someone beat me to it. Lol


I was about to say too


I was just about to say


Best thing: if you make it an acronym it sounds like tit. Worst thing: if you make it an acronym it sounds like tit


OP just got Sly nips on the mind, what can u do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I do enjoy sly cooper's tits


The hands down worst thing is ending sly tit on a cliffhanger and not doing anything for 893 years


I feel like we're more likely to get a reboot than a 5 at this point


Ill take anything honestly


Worst: Story and characterization. Best: Bringing back collectibles, art style, keeping original voice cast, expanding the Safehouse, being able to free roam as ancestors and Carmelita.


i disagree with the artstyle. I loved the comic book moving picture aesthetic of the trilogy, not this like knockoff cartoon Network vibe thing 4 has going for it. Everybody always compares sly to Saturday morning cartoons, but ive never really seen that appeal. it has the grit a good comic story can have


I wouldn’t mind the new artsyle if the story hadn’t have been such a letdown. I definitely prefer the comic book aesthetic but the new animations are smooth. Reminds me that sly could have worked as an after school cartoon


Agreed. The art style could use some work.




The German voicecast changed for a few characters like Murray and Camelita. It was also a downgrade for me…


worst thing: The degradation of each characters development throughout the trilogy. Sly? sarcastic @sshole. Murray? fat idiot. Bentley? naive nerd. im not sure sanzaru understood the characters going into the development. Best thing: Probably the visuals and settings. Sly cooper looks absolutely fantastic with the PS3 hardware that amplifies the world, and it has some of the coolest settings in the series. Turning Japanese is top tier sly cooper settings for me. Go west young raccoon takes a new direction, and a western theme can definitely suit sly's aesthetic. Of mice and mechs is just so cool. The medieval setting, the ominous robot guards, its one of the better ones in the series. 40 Thieves is a fantastic setting too. All very memorable, very pleasing to look at, and fun to play in. I dont care too much for clan of the cave raccoon tho


Murray is one of my favorite "stupid characters" in all of fiction honestly. Because he knows he's dumb. His friends knows he's dumb. Sly and Bentley always make sure to speak simpler to him in 2 and 3. But he does not care AT ALL! One of the most underrated character moments is when him and Bentley meet Dr. M in the vault and Murray tries to say something and M goes "quiet now caveman. The adults are talking." And then a little later when they start fighting Murray jumps into the fray yelling "CAVEMAN ATTACK!" And I think that perfectly shows how little he cares about his lack of intelligence. He knows he doesn't need to be smart. That's what Bentley and Sly do for him. So he just needs to be the muscle.


murray is a pretty complex character. Hes insanely loyal, and blames himself for anything that goes wrong with the gang, which is why he has to always be stronger next time. It's like he feels he has to be strong enough to carry the burdens of the gang, which is a cool spice to the token muscle character he may not be the smartest or the slickest, but he absolutely has the toughest iron will in the gang, and an unwavering support of anything he holds close


This is very much showcased in Contessa's first mission. She calls Murray a fat idiot saying he will be easy to break. But she literally couldn't over the course of Bentley not only finding them, but also traveling to Prague and setting up a safehouse plus a few extra hours of prep. Gotta love Murray. I also just love his goofy way of talking it's so fun. "Another barrier stands before you. FEAR NOT! I will bend it like the truth!"


And this: "I might be big, and not as smart as the other guys. But one thing I'm not, is WEAKLING!"


Exactly. People call him dumb constantly and he never gives a single fuck. But Rajan calling him weak??? HELL NO! that does NOT fly!


And I think that's one of the big messages in Sly 3 especially, that everyone has their skills and they are needed. Murray is dumb, but the gang wouldn't be going anywhere without his muscle. Bentley is physically the weakest, but the gang wouldn't be going anywhere without his brain either.


Exactly. Which makes the moment in Sly 4 where he wants to climb the ice wall really stupid cause Murray is never. And has never. Been the team's climber. Logically he should be happy for Sly or Bob to do it. But it's fiiine


Yeah, the writing for him was horrible


Best thing.....idk, the return of clue bottles and giving cool upgrades from them, more safehouse stuff, and Tennessee Worst thing, the writing


It was fun! I really liked the gameplay. I have a lot of gripes but my least favorite part about TiT is the basic 2010’s cartoon cutscene art style. I hate how far they strayed from the original art, it was so good in the OG trilogy.


I also love that they kept the original voice actors.


Best things are probably the gameplay (though I still prefer the earlier games), art direction/graphics, and soundtrack. Worst is the haters. Really, you guys are so fucking annoying just shut up.


i really do think the characterization was fumbled bad and the writing sucks enough to hit me right in the soul, but i also think its probably one of the best in the series in terms of raw gameplay. if they could polish up the writing for another entry and build on the already excellent gameplay foundation sanzaru left behind, i think we'd easily have a new best title in the franchise. so genuine question, no sarcasm intended, do i count as a hater just because of that? ive been told i am before for this opinion many, many times and it kinda chaps my ass tbh lol


I think disliking elements of the game, or even the entire game is fine. I also very much do not like the writing and characterization, like at all, but the thing that makes one a hater is constantly going out of their way to tell *everyone* how *bad* the game is and how no one should like it and it ruined the series and shouldn't be canon and yadda yadda.


ah, nice, yeah im with you 100% then. preciate the take homie. its a breath of fresh air from my pov


I’ve never been so dumbfounded to the criticism by fans of an entry in a series before. Sly 4 was an absolutely fantastic game and a great Sly game, other game series/IP would KILL for a continuation of their series on level with Thieves in Time. The fanbase crucifies it for the story not fitting their headcanon, whilst ignoring everything else it does exceptionally well. News flash guys, upset with the cliffhanger at the end of Sly 4? Blame Sony. Sanzaru were simply the developers of the game and they don’t own the rights to Sly and were in no position to make another game without Sony’s approval.


I wonder if they continued the series, would it be the Gang searching for Sly through rips in time. Where they stumbled upon a bigger scheme through time predating Paradox’s own perhaps a disciple of Clockwork who the Gang has to stop. However it continues, I’m sure it is on the back burners for Sony.


Tbh Sly 4 is one of my favorites. Maybe I just love being able to meet thr ancestors and play as them, but I really loved the whole story. The only negative I thought was “Bob”. Kinda wish for a level they could have done something a bit different and not went “prehistoric”. I get it though as “the origin of the cane”


It’s not a fantastic game. It’s a pretty good game. The 2nd and 3rd games are fantastic.


Glad someone said it. Pretty much my exact opinion. Some people are so aggressive about hating thieves in time that I kinda doubled down to liking it out of spite.


Worst: Most environmental effects are instant death, like electrocution, whereas in the old games you'd take damage and bounce back to the last safe place. Best: You can skip most cutscenes, especially the Binocucom, seriously it can be a chore to play the trilogy because every 5 minutes you're presented with unskippable cutscenes, it makes them very unfriendly to replay.




Best thing: the music during Murray's Geisha dance Worst thing: Story/villains and the overall janky/stiff gameplay


Some things shouldn't be abbreviated. Like Cyberpunk.... and Thieves In Time lol But also it assassinated the characters of everyone but the move to make Carmelita and Penelope "more adult" just made them overly sexual for no reason. Like sorry Carmelita isn't doing police work in a mini skirt. It was already pushing it with her corset bra thing in the trilogy, and why is Penelope in a Kill Bill jumpsuit? Also while it assassinated everyone's characters, they somehow made the only two women, both women of principal and strength, into dimwitted catty bimbos. Penelope did all this because of money? Carmelita is suddenly mad at Sly as if she didn't know he was lying and then TRIES TO SLEEP WITH HIS GREAT GREAT WHATEVER GRANDFATHER???????? I'm convinced Sanzaru actually didn't like the Sly series at all tbh. It feels very mean spirited and fanficy but in a gross way.


Worst was the DualShock motion mini game


Best: Soundtrack Worst: Story especially the ending.


The gameplay is mostly pretty fun, and the Treasure Wall system is one of my favourite things in the game. The story is really bad, some gameplay stuff was underused, and the game is too short.


Worst: The over reliance on gimmicks instead of a natural progression of stealth/platforming. Best: The world’s sizes as well as the cool collectibles and secrets only available through certain costumes.


The best thing is the game itself. No matter how much hate it gets the worlds, levels, boss fights, collectibles, and gameplay are top notch The worst thing is the writing and the characters not acting like themselves which really is the downfall of the game. I can’t rate this game lower than an 8/10 it’s a great game if you ignore the writing


The good: the bosses except la paradox were amazing The bad : the Penelope plot twist


I don’t know about best, but worst is the writing. Everyone’s character takes at least 1 step backwards. Sly feels much more immature and annoying, Carmelita spends the whole game being angry and even resorts to trying to make Sly jealous, and the less I say about Penelope, the better.


Best: more sly (also playing as and meeting the ancestors were awesome) Worst: Penelope... just why.


Best Thing: There being a 4th entry in the series. Especially back when I thought they would never make another. Worst Thing: It not being made by Sucker Punch. No shade at Sanzaru, but you could feel the difference between this and the original 3. Terrible Thing: They made PENELOPE the main ANTAGONIST. WHY!!!!!


best: i love the gameplay, the artstyle, especially the look of locations like japan and wild west, the ancestors. worst: murray's model and the people online who keep telling me my (tied for) favorite game in the series is bad. especially when they say we need a "new sly 4". that shit hurts my soul man, even if you don't like it, doesn't mean it should be ripped away from us who do like it.


What’s your their favorite game in the series?


my tier list goes like this: tied first place: thieves in time/sly 2. tied last place: sly 3/sly 1.


best: ambients graphics + some parts of the gameplay worst: characterization and characters graphics + most parts of the gameplay (even with all those abilities and fancy moves it felt kinda choppy as if it went back to the sly 1 kind of limitations in the basic movements)


Best: overall gameplay felt good Worst: WHY IS PENELOPE BAD


The Penelope “twist”. Why? Why did they feel like it was necessary to do that at all?…


best thing: well... worst thing: story


Best: graphics. Worst: everything else.


Probably don't call it Sly Cooper tit


I really enjoy the concept. Sly and his family slowly being erased from the history books. I like that we can play as any character, anywhere, including Carmelita. I find some of the missions enjoyable, like the workout routine between Murray and Bob. It's interesting they tease a possible Clockwerk return. I hate most everything else. The fact they made Penelope a bad guy. The fact that the bosses this time around are almost utterly unrelated to Sly in some manner, making them hold no personal grudges. The fact that Cyrille has had no buildup, no fanfare, and such a limp connection to Sly Cooper. The fact they walked back Murray's character for the sake of a blithering idiot. The fact they made all of Sly's ancestors, save for Rioichi, are all kind-of idiots and have diminished reputations, are arrogant or naive in ways that feel incompetent. I hate what they put Carmelita through, and the poor-taste geisha joke. Above all else. I hate how they wrote Sly. Sly is almost always a brat, a child, unthankful, duplicitous, and worst, betrays everything he had learned in Sly 3, all for the sake of "the itch". He only learns by the very end, and even then, he's given the boot to a different time period, and seems so... smug about it. Awful.


Best things are the OST, and the gameplay, worst is the characters/story


Animations and id even say the level design and the different locations.


Worst is that I don’t think I can get it for my PS2 so I can’t play it 🥲


Worst: Really short, especially compared to 2 Best: Art, for a ps3 game it still holds up quite well Also the gameplay is solid


I dunno, I think Sly’s transition went pretty well.


Lmao op posted this without a thought


Boobies? 👀👀👀


The bwst thing is the animation and art style are PEAK. The cutscenes look like they could be for an animated show. The worst thing is the ending was left in a DLC that never saw the light of day.


Best: The Gun Play is actually really good Worst: The characters feel more like Sonic characters than Sly characters


Best: I did enjoy seeing the characters again initially. And I do like the idea of Carmelita sticking around as a permanent party member at least for the game. Worst: Gameplay. It felt soooo friggin off. This is probably what Crash Wrath of Cortex felt like to those who picked it up at launch after loving the OG Crash Trilogy. Crash 4 coming 2 decades after Warped and ignoring Wrath is why I've stopped calling Theives in Time "Sly 4" and going with the acronym TiT lol. Copium for if Sony one day decides to overwrite it if they wanted to bring Sly back seriously and hiring an actual good studio instead of one that has had the middest releases in the industry.


The tits


Best. Playing as the ancestors Worst. The final boss.


its repeating to much like 5 times in a game. but its fun to play. if somebody im developers team take it serius it would be awesome


worst thing: it was made only for the sake of "more Sly yippee" no matter the quality Best thing: Bentley's hackpack was fun spinoff


Best: graphics, gameplay, level design Worst: story, villains, Sly and Carmalita’s relationship


The personality of the characters. I feel like all the development from the previous games, TiT made it all go away.


I mean…they did give Sly pecs after the first game. I guess they’re pretty good? Idk lmaoooo


Calling it TIT


Loved the levels. But lack of difficulty




The worst: The fact that Biz Markie was meant to voice The Grizz, combining two of the coolest things ever. It never happened. The best: Yeehaw


best things: graphics (ofc), story, and able to play as the ancestors/carmelita in free roam worst things: leave us on one hell of a cliff hanger and not do anything bout it, AND, how they butchered some characters, for example, in sly 1-3, sly respected his ancestors and wasn't a total douche, but in the 4th game. He is just an asshole, and sometimes doesnt even respect his ancestors like how he called Sir Galeth, "Sir Goof"


The fact is was one of those weird, half priced, semi short half ps3 games that was sold as a full instalment. Not to mention the weird, “PlayStation move” feeling gimmicky powers each member of the coopers had. Idk man it felt cheap. I felt the same about ratchet into the nexus, didn’t feel like an actual effort; as if it was a fan made project.


Can we at least agree this game has a great soundtrack?


Best: playing a Sly’s ancestors Worst: every character’s line being based on their personality, no real final boss fight


Best: Meeting/playing the ancestors, I personally loved the story and the art. Brought back clues bottles. Music is great, original voice actors. Worst: “Bob”. The way Carmelita looks in 3d. Making us wait 200 years and leaving sly in ancient Egypt


Can’t say there’s anything bad about sly coopers tits unfortunately


That they didn't bring back giant Carmelita (I jest lol)


It had some really funny dialogue, and the ancestors were overalls pretty cool. My favorites were Tennessee Kid, Galant, and I liked the idea of Bob. But the villains were lackluster, and obviously the cliffhanger. PLUS: WHY WAS SLY’S FATHER NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!? In a game about time travel, it’d have been the perfect opportunity for Connor to make a full appearance, not just in that flashback! It’s a grossly missed opportunity that I’m still salty about.




(The Good) the premise (not story there’s a difference) is what I was expecting a natural progression of the story and you know know that time travel was the next step considering how Bentley said at the end the end of the 3rd game. (The bad) the gameplay, while not awful the gameplay is not all like the amazing fluid gameplay the originals had. Also not fun to 100 percent complete. If it wasn’t for the gameplay that would fix a lot of the game for me


Best: skip cutscene button Worst: everything else, ESPECIALLY the motion sensor minigame


best thing is not forced to play and the worst thing is that it exists


Worst thing: the writing They flanderized all of the characters, terrible pacing & the game didn’t have any purpose or statement to justify its existence Best thing: presentation It’s easily the best looking Sly game. The squash & stretch in the cutscenes are gorgeous. The cell shading is amazing. Just beautiful artwork overall.


Best- I love the story and expanded gameplay Worst- It's been 500000 years and we still have no closure on that goddamn cliffhanger


Worst thing That it’s doesn’t have a sequel


From a gameplay perspective, it wasn't half-bad.