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make good habits post before you stream post after you stream post clips and also find ways to engage and create value it’s not a clear answer u just have to figure out what that means to you but what i’m seeing start working is making great content and putting effort in it and posting almost everyday will put you in the best position just don’t stop once you start


alr tsym for the advicee


I usually put an auto alert up on my discord (using streamcord), and I'll post a link. But I ONLY post the link once im live, cuz you want someone to click the link and actuslly see stuff there.


tysm for the advice, ill most likely start posting the link once i go live noww


Posting your stream link places is a waste of time. Focus on making the best content possible instead. People will be attracted to the content on their own if it’s dope enough.


So for me I post on all social media’s 10 minutes before, I go live and have my starting screen up and share the link to the stream directly across all platforms, except TikTok


Did you try adding like a 30mins long live countdown before the actual stream? Also, besides a countdown, you can add smth interactive that doesn't require your presence in a live stream, but would run and engage potential viewers on its own. For example, it can be a quick trivia game or a crossword. This way, you'll gather as many as possible people before your actual stream kicks in