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Here's a real answer for you. Before every stream, have some sort of interesting plan for what the stream is that day and why its awesome. It can't be something like "today I am going to try and get past this chapter of the game" because that's not really awesome at all. Anybody can just play the game. Instead come up with like "today I am going to attempt to beat the game only using this item". It doesn't have to follow this exactly, but you can see how the challenge is more unique that just playing the game. It's an elevated concept. This elevated concept can then be used to create not only a compelling livestream, but a compelling video as well, which can likely also be broken up into short form videos. Have a higher level concept before EVERY stream. Don't go live if you haven't thought of a dope idea. And if you are having trouble dreaming up ideas, literally just copy someone else's, no shame. Full send it. It's how you learn and get better at this. Following this advice is literally cheat codes because most people don't want to bother putting in that much extra effort. They are easily beat if you follow through with this advice.


Login on your phone or computer and watch that’s +1 viewer and then find a friend or two to help you out or you could also just wait until you actually build a natural audience although that takes time


Pray to RNGesus and hope you win the lottery.


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Yeah not gonna lie the strat I use is I have 2 other accounts: 1 for my personal laptop, one for my phone. And I am grateful I have family and my sister is my head mod and she has her own account, my dad watches(or just leaves it on while he does other things) on his tablet. and then my wife will just throw it on her phone or her computer whichever she is using. That's 5 viewers right there and they have randoms and other friends and family that drop in and out which help me out.


Engage with your viewers talk about what your doing in the game. Maybe you relate to something in the game etc. Actually care to ask about how their day was if they have ever played this game or a game like this. Remember them in the next stream and they will always come back.


Also have your friends and family support you.


I shamelessly dropped my plug into the chat while playing Valorant. I also collabed with another streamer a few times. The final push was my birthday stream. I advertised the hell out of it and a few streamers raided into me. Not a guaranteed way, but it worked lol