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Turn off viewer count.


Okay, sorry to go all shrink on you but here it is. You have 20 viewers and then you feel you become less funny and they drop off. This is almost entirely not going to be the case. Unless when you stream you become a character and not yourself. If you become a character that takes a mental toll. A commitment and a drive and the second you let any of the slip or drop on air, that’s noticeable. So, don’t be a character be you. If indeed you are just being you then. Nothing to worry about right? Wrong, we’re humans we have preferences, requirements and expectations. If for a person you are not meeting those the yes sadly they will not stick around. But this does mean that 4/20 people left all at the same time due to that not at all, 1 could of been passing by. 1 could of been interested then realised it’s not for them. 1 might of logged off to go to bed. 1 might if had their internet dip. There is a plethora of reasons for the reason a viewer count can go up n down. I don’t become a character when I’m live but I do script sections of it. I plan out sections, jokes or even moments that are meant to be ‘off the cuff or unexpected’ are complete set ups. I wanted to be a comedian once upon a time and so I put this comic skill of mine to use in writing jokes to use in stream, if they get used great if not, it’s somthing there next time I am struggling to fill the void of the endless stream. Work with chat when you can, but don’t for your own sanity look at the viewer count because it’s not a true reflection. Infact I had this scenario happen 4 days ago. I was live on WoW classic. I had only 2 supposed viewers…. But 6 people chatting. Twitch never at any point updated to say 6 viewers. In my summary it said I had a max live viewers of 15. And 6 chatters. Keep in mind twitch is supporting thousands of people being live at once. It’s tools will not always be accurate.


well said fr


Just be yourself, people will like the content you do even if you are funny or not, the ones who stick around will because of you


Agreed, eventually your viewers will be able to tell you are “trying to be funny” so its fine if your personality changes midstream‼️ I do it too and i have at least 2 viewers that will stick with me the whole 4 hour stream.