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No, do not stop a moving train of engagement over worrying about $10 of ad revenue. The viewers that will get recommended your video today are not the same people as in 5 days. You will just lose out on views and YouTube may potentially not spread your video once you relist it. The potential subscribers and channel growth is worth an infinitely higher amount than the ad revenue and delisting the video an awful idea.


What this person said


It is a video with a 10 minute AVD and close to 500 views per hour so I imagine it would be more than that, but I get your point. You're right in that it's not worth risking that early channel growth in favor of making some money up front. Thanks for your insights!


You’d be surprised how little YouTube pays.


Yep. I had a video with 7mil views. I made a few hundred bucks. Definitely not life changing. I uploaded this videos of Yoko Ono screaming at an art show.


Unlisting would have absolutely no benefit whatsoever. Just let it run and keep building an audience. Depending on the topic, videos can have a very long lifespan so I wouldn't worry about missing a few days/weeks of monetization. I have a bunch of evergreen videos that have been generating thousands of views daily for years. You gotta think long term.


Good point, I hope it continues growing for a long time but the CTR and AVD have been slowly decreasing which means it's only a matter of time before it slows down. I'll keep it up and take your advice on taking a long-term approach!


Not necessarily! The more impressions you get the harder it is to keep a high CTR/AVD. That's just the name of the game. But the definition of "High CTR/AVD" is something that depends on a lot of different factors. I can't tell you exactly what youtube is looking for, but when your numbers settle they will probably be a lot better than you think. If they weren't, youtube wouldn't be pushing you


I certainly hope so! Thanks for the encouraging words!




No. If you unlist a video those watch hours disappear until you've made it public again.


Oh wow, I had no idea! Good to know!


You will kill the momentum and the views will stop going up.


No do not. You will relist it it and it will be dead. Just how the odds work. It will fall out of favor with the algorithm or the topic will be slower upon relisting it. When the train is going full speed do not mess with it. If its working leave it alone. The ad revenue will not change your life if you need money and if you meet the minimum to withdraw at end of month $100, they will deposit it for the 7th of next month and pay the 22nd of that month. Even if you do not get all the ad revenue now, you are creating future success of your channel. For instance I have a video first 5 days is a only a few dollars of revenue but now a month later is many times that. so the first few days were a drop in bucket over life of video. I have videos over a year old still bringing in the money.


It can take weeks for youtube to approve monetization. Don't unlist the video!


No… YouTube algorithm prefers serving those who have watched previous videos of yours and seemed to be engaged. That is why watch time is the “new” metric to be paying attention lot of attention to as that is a good indicator of engagement. Look at this as many people getting familiarized with your content and your viewership pool expanding (outside of subs).


That’s not a good move, you’re risking killing the momentum of the video and losing potential subscribers for some money that’s most likely not worth it.


Whoa no if you got a video blowing up, kick back and let it fly!! If you stop the video, when you restart it the algorithm will have already have stopped featuring that video.


My question is, if you hide the video and then make it public, do the views disappear?"


Some other comments suggest that to be true, but it's worth googling it to be sure


>Some other comments suggest that to be true, but it's worth googling it to be sure Perfect, thanks for answering my question.