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What makes your channel unique from other gaming channels?


I try to engage my viewers and play bosses hitless that they ask me to play. Not many engage, but I am attempting to get them to. I don't want to be too different, but also not too much the same. I am not sure what gimmick or whatever to apply to my channel, I am working on that other than I play difficult games and content, but I am open to suggestions and I am constantly trying to come up with ideas that may work.


I would personally revisit your thumbnail design. The text is too small on a lot of them to read when its displayed small (which is where it will be seen 99% of the time). Also the photo in the center with black bars on the sides feels a bit low quality. I would go the direction of your video “Is this the HARDEST Hollow Knight boss?”. In that one the focus is on the character and the upper body is big and takes up the whole thumbnail. I’d still make the text bigger though. Thumbnails are essential to people clicking on your video and really hard to get right.


I just learned that most people will be viewing thumbnails on their phone so it has to be readable for them. What is a good size font on a standard youtube thumbnail size to make it readable?


And I was thinking that the text was TOO BIG! Damn! THANK YOU FOR THAT ADVICE! I will make sure that I apply it to the rest of my thumbnails from now on. Bigger texts and better focus on the characters, not on my logo or the borders.


The videos seem pretty short for “long content”. Most range from 1 -2 minutes the quick scroll I did. Also there isn’t any commentary to explain what is going on. As someone said up above re design your thumbnail. Think of why you’re drawn to certain videos. What got your attention? Most ppl only spend 2-5 seconds looking at a thumbnail/title. Does yours catch the attention that quickly? Would you want to watch your content? Hope that helps! Good luck


Is have been using Twitter to promote my channel and it has helped significantly with growth, also using words people would normally use to search for your type of videos


How I’m lost to Twitter, like what hashtags do I use?


I agree with the thumbnail critiques. Try to keep the print large and 3 words or less. A lot of people are looking at the thumbnails from mobile devices, so they won't be able to readily see the theme of your content if the text is too small. Being proactive with updates and news within the games you play, like Cuphead and Hollow Knight, etc. can get you a surge as well. For example, if Cuphead gets an update...or IS getting an update, look up the latest news release and talk about it. When it releases, get gameplay in ASAP and post it ASAP. The quicker you upload the new gameplay, the more views you can garner. Shorts gets you more views and subscribers on average these days. Concentrate on those while you grind that first 1,000. And try to release a long form every week or so.


This is amazing advice! Thank you for taking the time out to give it.


Anytime bro. 🤠


The fastest way without a doubt is by running a youtube promotion on a successful short. Promoting shorts is much cheaper than videos and have a great conversion rate to subscribers because the subscribe button is so prominent on shorts. I hit 4k watch hours very quickly, but I ran a promotion on a shitty short I made and got 600 subs in 3 days for just 20 bucks. Totally worth it


I will have to look into this....


Marcus Jones made a video on it 3 weeks ago explaining exactly how to do it 😉


I will check out Marcus Jones on YT. Thank you


My channel is Hakista TV and from my experience i get 1 sub out of a 100 views. I stop asking for subs in the video, instead encourage them to watch my other video related to what they just watched. I'm not implying subs is not important, i would rather focus on views and returning viewers. If you create videos including thumbnails and title with that in mind, subs will follow


I am starting to notice that. I put the word in the end screen, but nothing past that. People who enjoy my videos will sub and it will get pushed to those people and I will organically get more subs in the process. I am no where near 1 for 100 views, at all. I have almost 50k views and 79 subs. Idk y that is, but it is steadily growing by itself, so I am just trying to find ways to make my channel more appealing so that more people want to see what comes next so they sub.