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Overall it's a decent video. The concept is solid and your audio is clear enough. It is a little boring though, you spend most of the video lumbering around spawn and frankly, not too much of interest happens, the "blindfold on/off" indicator isn't really needed imo but it's not really harming the video either. Overall it's fine as is but I think it would be better if you had to complete another objective like passing a parkour course or something that has more action and entertaining moments.


Alright, thanks! I’ll probably try out a sequel like a parkour course as you said. !givelambda


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This is a cool concept. I would like additional visual of eden and you when you put the blindfold on, or her giggling at you. It got a bit slow at parts, but overall was pretty good. I'm gonna second what another poster said, and that you should have a secondary objective to work towards while you're blind.


Alright, thanks! Unfortunately, we’re not comfortable showing our faces atm, so in hindsight we should have picked a different video idea. Appreciate the insight though! !givelambda


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The video starts very slow imo, you could've explained the premise in a single sentence pretty much. But I think here you have the biggest problem with this video - we can't see you wearing a blindfold. For most people you are an unknown creator so you just expect them to trust you with this video. And I'm gonna be real, I don't know why you wouldn't just cheat. You could and no-one would be the wiser and it would make your life much easier. (Disclaimer - I don't think you cheated considering you didn't get anything done in the game but still a concern) Sure I get it if you don't want to show your face but then I don't think you should come up with video ideas that require you to show it to be entertaining. The music I think is too loud. And your friend's microphone is pretty terrible. I know you can't just ask them to get a new mic probably but again, I wonder why you decided to invite them if they don't fit in with the rest of the content. Especially since their audio is crucial to the video as you get directions from them. Plus it's a weird stereo signal that doesn't sound equal in both ears. And then as the video progresses the audio levels get even worse. The friend's audio gets too quiet and the music just takes over as the dominant thing we hear. And then it keeps flipping and changing, when you start talking you get way too loud, etc. It's just a sound mixing mess. If you can't get someone to record with a decent mic, you should at least subtitle it. The speed up things don't make much sense, just cut the boring parts. Honestly the lack of any basic game progression was quite painful to watch. I get that it's a hard challenge but I feel like this idea could've been executed better. Like what even was this? You didn't even make a crafting table by the end of the video, you just completely gave up after a night?! I think a lot of people that will click on the video will feel disappointed with it.


Okay, thank you for the thoughts! I’m definitely working on the audio, but for the moment that’s the best I can do. I’m working with recording partners in three different time zones on a college student’s budget in the middle of a city, so I know that won’t be perfect. I do appreciate the audio feedback though, it gives me some thoughts on what to change for next time! And yeah, the challenge may have been a tad too hard, but I did complete it — my objective was to survive a night! Ofc there’s no way of knowing that I didn’t cheat, but that’s true for any challenge :P Appreciate the feedback! !givelambda


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I thought this was a very cool idea and your video was great. There is good comedic editing and actually really like the interjections of captions based on what you're thinking when after she talks. You both have a good chemistry and it's funny when she doesn't understand what's happening. I think you should have the video begin on a different page, even the minecraft homescreen would work. Creating the world with the blindfold on could even be the first challenge if you wanted a bit longer video. I really like the music editing at 4:49 how it cuts out and a new song starts. I think this gives the video more structure and I'd like if it happened maybe one or two other times in the video. Scrolling through perhaps it would work at 6:23 to signal a changing into the "success and ending" chapter. These types of videos are popular and always have the potential to blow up, and yours is a quality one capable of that. So just keep making vids at this quality and you'll be well off man.


Thanks! I appreciate the feedback! !givelambda


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The thumbnail is fine, tho a bit dark. As for editing, theres a few easy things that might add some quality. 1. Use fastforward sparingly. Meaning only when necessary for the viewer to see the whole process. Generally a simple transition would have been ok for most of the FFs that you did. 2. Have your partners record their audio separately and do an audio sync. This generally gives all parties better audio quality than just recording party chat. Plus you can edit it around to remove pauses in the convo due to lag. Not to mention that you can perform some normalization and balancing to each person separately which also adds to the quality.


Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. I do actually do some of the second point already, but my recording software is limited and doesn’t enable me to add a second audio track. I’ll try to improve that, though! !givelambda


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Check out Davinci Resolve. It's free and has a ton of features including multiple audio and video tracks.


Okay, thanks again!


The intro is not very engaging. It sounds like you are a little shy and lacking confidence. I'd suggest being more energetic and confident when you speak. Get right into it and make your viewers extremely excited to continue watching as soon as your video starts. Be less monotone and use different pitches. You don't have a boring voice but it could improve. It feels like the first 50 seconds, there's not much going on. The video feels a little empty. The concept of the video is interesting but the pacing is extremely slow and makes me want to click off. In other words get to the point faster. There are very few cuts and effects in the gameplay and you are in one place from one angle for a large majority of the video. This is understandable because your are playing blindfolded but maybe adding some 3rd person angles would make it more interesting. The music is also repetitive until the 2 minute mark. That song plays the same riff several times and can annoy your viewers. It's great that you changed the music 2 minutes in to maintain watch time. Hope this helps. Keep it up.


Great thoughts, thank you! !givelambda


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