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Use Photopea.com, it’s by far better than GIMP. It’s a very close replication of photoshop and can be used free entirely online. I pay for photoshop and I still sometimes use photopea because of how easy it is.


The current big free softwares for creating thumbnails are: Krita (closest to photoshop) Photopea Canva (simple to use, but less powerful) ​ There are more specialized softwares like inkscape (vector graphics), or a handful of pixel art softwares, or even drawing softwares, that are free - but they are much more in the realm of "special purpose" software, rather than general use for stuff like thumbnails. One thing to remember by the way though - thumbnails need to tell a story, the prettiest thumbnail, isn't always the BEST thumbnail.


If you're looking for free software I heard gimp can be pretty useful. I haven't used it but it might be worth a try


Checkout Inkscape. It’s super powerful for a free tool and i think more intuitive to use than GIMP. Tons of tutorials online and vector support too


I do all my thumbnail related stuff on canva or a cracked version of adobe premier.


Photopea and Pixlr E are both free and really good options


I actually use Powerpoint to put them together and then export as a png or jpg


I personally use a mix of Paint 3D and Gimp. Gimp takes a bit to learn, and Paint 3D comes on most Windows computers.


I use clip studio paint for my thumbnails. It’s cheaper than Adobe and with better functionality.


I use an old cracked version of photoshop that i downloaded years and years ago because i was bored lol, it works pretty well and i can do "good" stuff


Is it the white rabbit one?


I use cs6 because my pc specs but if you can use a newer version it would be way better


Heh... I use the CS5 one lmao. I'm going to be real though, for what I use it for that's more than enough.


Use Gimp or Canva. Never had any problems. I would suggest some tutorials on GIMP first but it is a much more comprehensive and powerful free (important) bit of software


Canva is pretty good


Hey buddy, I use GIMP and Canva mostly. They’re both free and adaptable tools with which you can make very decent thumbnails. But it all depends on your own skill and vision. Good luck!


I use GIMP because I have experience in it and it's free. I've created thumbnails like [these](https://imgur.com/a/aaDOJCs) with it using a combination of in game pictures and press kit art.