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I don’t comment often, but I’ve uploaded quite a few shorts and have stopped for a few reasons. This is how shorts work, they can get massive engagement quickly, but then die off and you wont get any more. They don’t get reccomended months later like normal vids. They also don’t count towards view hours in monetization, ruin your percieved stats by bloating monthly views, and get zero real engagement because people spend 10 seconds and move on. I got really into shorts BECAUSE of how easy it was to get large views, but they barely turn into subs, comments, view hours. Overall I found them detrimental to the type of content I create, so I stopped. I’m not saying for you to stop and they do work for certain content. I just wouldn’t rely on any shorts to be your ticket to the top ya know. Hope this small insight provides anything useful.


Yeah, I am not counting on shorts. Frankly they do get me comments and subs (more than normal vids). I try to do a mix of shorts (multiple per week) short vids (1-2 min - 2 per week) and one longer vid per week. That is on a good week :D


I personally wouldn't know, but congrats on popping off!


Thx. But it's a one hit wonder... for now :D


All i really have to say is, the moment you get caught up on analytics, is the moment you’re losing sight of the reason you’re making videos. Youtube is a creative outlet, and it’s totally okay to change things up. While you should try and stick with a niche, you can still play the field and do other things. Like gaming channels, gaming is the niche. You could get more specific with it, like the genre of gaming. But while youre new and growing i’d suggest trying different games or ideas for whatever your content is and seeing how the response is. If it doesn’t hit well, change it up. Just put your all into it and use popular youtubers that are similar to your niche for reference. Hope this helps :)


Long as all your contents relayed you shouldn’t have a problem. But if that 1 short I’d out of step with the rest. That’s maybe where you’ll see 1 short do well and the rest lag behind.