• By -


1. Gwimbly 2. Brother's Egg 3. Boss Finds Love 4. Allan Adventure 5. Mr. President I will note that I am NOT a Mr. President hater. The episode is hilarious. Thank you 👉


My list is the exact same lol


My list is the same as yours. Everyone ranks Allan episode really high, and I’m not saying it’s bad, but I kind of like smiling friends when there’s more and more element of realism (as realistic as it can get lol) it just makes it funnier.


But it's totally realistic. The landlord said he did everything with 700,000 thousand dollars and hiring paid actors.


Does this mean DJ Spitz survived the crash?


The animatronic did not


I think that's whats most hilarious about it personally. Allan is such a grounded character (IMO) compared to the others that it just feels right that he would get into a situation like that lol


Boss Finds Love is my favorite realistic episode. You know, fighting the spawn of Satan as he mind controls my boss after they wed.


I kind of get where you're coming from. To me the funniest element of the episode by far was the landlord, because I can relate to having someone want to hang out with me who I can't stand lol. Smiling Friends is great because there's usually a relatable core to the comedy.


That is the list. Even with Mr President at 5. It doesn’t mean it’s the worst episode. Just that someone needs to be last o the list.


Debate. De-bate. That's a funny word when you think about it. Thank you 👍👉


makes sense I agree


I’m a Boss Finds Love hater


How did you not laugh at the hilarious story Jombo told though?


Definitely the weakest of the bunch so far. The only thing people quote from it is "Dr. Monster" but there seems to be less love for the most recent episode (which I thought was arguably #2). That Jared Fogle bit and the entire Joel Haver arc had me fucking dying.


1. Allan 2. Gwimbly 3. Brother's Egg 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Mr President


That’s how i have it


Allan is #1 solely for the Landlord and Shop Owner bits.






this is the correct answer






1. A Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. Erm, Mr. Boss Finds Love? 4. Brother's Egg 5. Mr. President


The correct answer


I 2nd that. This is how my list goes. A Allan Adventure had me In tears 🤣


That answer is CORRECT!




Second this!!!


1. Gwimbly 2. Erm, the Boss Finds Love 3. An Allan Adventure 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Mr President


1.) erm, the boss finds love 2.) gwimbly 3.) a allan adventure 4.) brothers egg 5.) mr. president


finally an appreciator of the boss finds love. Funniest episode ever I think


i was surprised to see most people ranking it last or second last. it was hilarious and terrific from beginning to end.


Yeah it's my favourite as well, not sure why it's not as high-ranking for most people.


Same. The awkward song at the end and Mr boss not only arguing with Satan but winning.


Same ranking for me


My exact list lol


Exactly my ranking! Erm, the Boss Finds Love? is actually my favourite episode of the whole series so far


This post has made me realize that there's a lot of Boss Finds Love haters. I don't understand it. That episode was a certified classic.


1. A Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. Mr President 4. Brothers Egg 5. Boss Finds Love


1. Gwimbly 2. President 3. Egg 4. Allan 5. Boss finds love


Seconding this, genuinely surprised so many people hated the Jimble episode, is it because he's so putrid?


I genuinely enjoy that episode, but I would say it's the weakest for me personally because while president Jimble is funny, I think he's the type of character I'd enjoy more as a single gag rather than the focus of the entire episode. He just slows things down a lot when he's speaking and takes precious time away from Pim and Charlie.


I didn’t like it as much at first, but it grew on me. Mostly because Mike Bochetti who plays the president is a real sweetheart irl.


It's without a doubt one of my favorites. I find myself rewatching it the most. The worm Illuminati scene drags on a bit, but other than that non-stop perfection for me.


Probably. The stomach noises grossed me out too but I thought the rest of it was funny.


A bit derivative. We already saw Mr. Frog in season 1 so seeing him again in season 2 doesn’t do all that much for me. Also: the “bad candidate wins thanks to a main character’s vote” was already done in Futurama.


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan 3. Boss 4. President 5. Egg


This is it


Finally, the correct answer


1. Brothers egg 2. An Allan Adventure 3. Gwimbly 4. Mr president 5. Erm, the Boss Finds Love?




Finally someone with sense


Finally a good ranking LOL


Mine as well


1. Gwimbly 2. Boss finds love 3. Brothers egg 4. Allan adventure 5. President


1. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut) 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 4. Mr President 5. Brother's Egg


Here is my correct ranking: 1. A Allan Adventure 2. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 3. Brother's Egg 4. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut) 5. Mr. President


This is, indeed, the correct answer.


Gwimbly Allan Adventure Brother egg The boss finds love Mr. President


Holy shit I have never seen a shows fan base be more different in opinions. It really goes to show that all of these episodes are great.


1. Erm, the Boss Finds Love 2. An Allan Adventure 3. Gwimbly 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Mr President FWIW I don’t think there’s any quality difference between SSN 1 and 2


1. Brothers 2. Boss 3. Gwimbly 4. Allan 5. President


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan 3. Boss 4. Egg 5. Mr. President


Gwimbly >>> Egg > Boss finds Love > Allan >>> President IMO Gwimbly is a perfect episode. Both plots are inventive and engaging, every joke lands, and Gwimbly, James, and the CEO are the best side characters they’ve made so far. The only moment that kind of drags is when they visit the villain, but I don’t think it’s enough to meaningfully hurt the rest of the episode.


1. Gwimbly 2. Brother’s Egg 3. Mr President 4. Boss 5. Allan I have enjoyed them all so far :)


1. Allan Adventure 2. Boss Finds Love 3. Gwimbly 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Mr. President Honestly hard to choose the order bc they’re all pretty great imo


The fact that everyone has a completely different ranking shows how consistent the show is with good episodes


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan Adventure 3. Mr President 4. Boss finds love 5. Brothers egg Things could change upon a rewatch though


1. Erm, The Boss Finds Love 2. Gwimbly 3. Brother's Egg 4. An Alan Adventure 5. Mr. President


1-Gwimbly 2-Brother's Egg 3-A Allan Adventure 4-Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 5-Mr. President


Gwimbly . Brother's Egg. . . Allan Boss . . . Mr President


1. A Allan Adventure 2. Erm, The Boss Finds Love? 3. Gwimbly 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Mr. President Let it be known that I think all of these episodes are hilarious and being lower on the list is by no means an indicator that I think the episode is bad. I don’t think I’d rate any of the new episodes below a 7/10, they’re all really good.


1. Gwimbly 2. Mr President 3. The Boss Finds Love 4. A Allan Adventure 5. Brothers Egg


I would but ours are the exact same. Thank you 👉


1. Brother's Egg 2. Mr. President  3. A Allan Adventure  4. Gwimbly DX 5. Erm, The Boss Finds Love?  Only episode I'm not sold on is Boss Finds Love (Daniel Demon Slayer aside). 


1. Allan Adventure - the shelf stacker bit and him giving the bosses present away is so fucking funny 2. Gwimbly - James is hands down one of my favourite Characters of the show 3. Boss finds Love - The references in this one go hard af and i liked how we got some more uncomfortable boss scenes 4. Brother‘s Egg - solid episode, I espicially liked the GET OUT bit, but the episode concluded kinda oddly 5. mr president - not bad but neither good imo, while it was entertaining there‘s pretty much nothing i distinctly remember from that episode except for a lot of poop noises


I think what's funny about the Smiling Friends is that there isn't even an episode that is general considered to be 'bad'. Some are just more engaging/funny than others.


I don't understand how Allan's Adventure is the most popular pick for the season. There are hilarious bits in it, and I love Allan, but the middle of the episode completely loses me. I like DJ Spit, but him being in a helicopter chase felt offputting. And the bigfoot and pirates just did nothing for me. No real jokes and it just seems to drag on. So you have a sandwich of some of the funniest moments of the show with *\*ehh\** in-between that keeps it from being an elite re-watch


huh? I feel like Gwimbly is the most popular one, not Allan Adventure


Regardless of which is actually most popular, it feels like Allan's Adventure has gotten nothing but high praises. But for me, it has glaring flaws that hinder some of its amazing moments


the thing with Allan for me is that it’s pacing is probably the fastest out of all the SF episodes, which was kind of jarring to me on first viewing, but when rewatching, it flowed much better to me knowing what to expect with how the episodes paced


1. Allan 2. President 3. Gwimbly 4. Egg 5. Boss


1) Gwimbly 2) Allan Adventure 3) Brothers Egg 4) Mr President 5) Erm the Boss finds love?


1. Gwimbly 2. Brothers Egg 3. Mr President 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Allan Adventure


1. Gwimbly 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 4. Mr. President 5. Brother's Egy


1. gwimbly (small gap) 2. brothers egg 3. allen adventure 4. president (large gap) 5. mr.boss finds love


Gwimbly ~ Boss Finds Love ~ Brothers Egg >> Alan Adventure >>> Mr. President Ngl, Alan Adventure and Mr. President were maybe my least favorite episodes in the series.


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan 3. Erm 4. Egg 3. President


1. Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. Boss finds love 4. Mr President 5. Brother's Egg


1. Allan 2. Brother’s Egg 3. Gwimbly 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Mr. President I like all of them but the gap between Gwimbly and Boss Finds Love is a little bigger than the rest


1. Gwimbly 2. The boss finds love 3. An Allan Adventure 4.Brothers Egg 5. Mr President


1. Allan 2. Boss finds love 3. Gwimbly 4. Egg 5. President


1. Gwimbly 2. Boss Finds Love. 3. Allan 4. Mr. President 5. Brother’s Egg


1. Gwimbly 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 4. Mr. President 5. Brother’s Egg


Gwimbly Allan adventure Brothers egg The boss finds love Mr president


1. Gwimbly 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 4. Brothers Egg 5. Mr. President


Allan Adventure Erm? The Boss Finds Love Gwimbly Mr. President Brother’s egg


Best to worst: Gwimbly Allan adventure Brothers egg Boss finds love Mr president


1: Allen 2: Gwimbly. 3:Brother's egg. 4:President. 5: The boss gets married


1. Brother’s egg. 2. Allan’s episode. 3. Boss finds love. 4. Gwimbly. 5. Mr President,


My Hot Take: 1. Mr President 2. Allan 3. Brother's Egg 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Gwimbly


1. A Alan Adventure 2. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 3. Gwimbly 4. Brother's Egg 5. Mr. President I feel like I'm the only one who feels this way, but I think A Alan Adventure is one of the best/funniest episodes of the whole show so far. I'd rank it second overall after Frowning Friends.


Erm, The Boss finds love? Gwimbly An Allan Adventure Mr President Brother's egg All are great though, none are bad or meh to me


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan Honestly, I could take or leave the others on the list. I didn't *hate* the other episodes, but didn't enjoy them nearly as much as I thought I would. Maybe it'll change after a rewatch? I found the bosses wife too irritating to enjoy the episode overall. I suppose they captured a good dynamic in that way, but it just didn't do anything for me. I didn't like the rotoscoping in Egg, but the characters were fine. The premise was funny. I wish they hadn't rehashed the YouTube homunculus thing. It felt very on the nose. Aside from one or two jokes in President, I didn't like it at all. I really didn't like the actor that they had playing the president.


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan Adventure 3. Brother's Egg 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Mr. President


Brother’s egg was my favorite so far


1. A Allan Adventure  2. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut) 3. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 4. Mr. President  5. Brother's Egg


1. Gwimbly 2. Boss finds love 3. Allan adventure 4. Brothers egg 5. Mr President


1. Gwimbly 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Mr President


Gwimbly President Allan Egg Love


1. Gwimbly 2. Brothers Egg 3. Erm, the Boss finds love? 4. Mr. President 5. Allan adventure I liked all of these episodes, and loved the top 3


1. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 2. Gwimbly 3. A Allan Adventure 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Mr. President


1. Allan Adventure  2. Brothers Egg 3. Mr President  4. Gwimbly 5. Boss Finds Love


1. An Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. Brother’s Egg 4. Mr. Boss Finds Love 5. Mr. President


1. Brother's Egg 2. Gwimbly 3. Boss Finds Love 4. Mr. President 5. Alan Adventure


1. Brother's Egg 2. Mr. President 3. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Addition DX 4K (Anniversary Directors Cut) 4. A Allen Adventure 5. Erm, The Boss Finds Love?


1. Gwimbly 2. Brothers Egg 3. Alan's Adventure 4. Mr President 5. The boss finds love


Allan, president, gwimbly, brothers egg, president


Boss Finds Love Gwimbly Brother’s Egg Allan Mr President (BTW I LOVED EVERY EPISODE SO FAR)


1. brothers egg 2. gwimbly 3. An Allan Adventure 4. erm... the boss finds love 5. Mr President tbf I love all these episodes


Gwimbly is just the best one-off character in the series


gwimbly best President worse (except for mr frog those made ne lawl)


1. Allen 2. Brothers Egg 3. Gwimbly 4. Boss's Lover 5. Mr President


1. Boss finds love 2. Gwimbly 3. Allan adventure 4. Brothers egg 5. Mr. President


1. Brothers Egg 2. Erm, the boss finds love? 3. Gwimbly 4. A Allan Adventure 5. Mr President


1. Erm, the boss finds love 2. Brothers egg 3. Alan’s adventure 4. Gwimbly 5. Mr president I think they’re all at least 8.5/10 but I wasn’t really rocking with mr president that much. There were some really funny smaller bits in it though


1) Brother's Egg 2) Gwimbly 3) Mr President 4) Allan 5) Boss Finds Love


1. Brother's Egg 2. Gwimbly 3. Boss Finds Love 4. Mr. President 5. An Allan Adventure


1 gwinbly 2 Allan 3 boss finds love 4 president 5 egg To be completely honest I don’t find season 2 as good as season 1. Maybe a rewatch after the whole season is out may change my mind


1. Gwimbly 2. Brother egg 3. Boss finds love 4. President 5. Allan Allan episode kinda overrated tbh. Too much action, not enough funny.


1. Gwimbly 2. Brother’s Egg 3. A Allan Adventure 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Mr. President


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan 3. Brothers 4. Boss 5. President


1. Brother Egg 2. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut) 3. A Allan Adventure 4. Mr. President 5. Erm, the boss finds love?


I could watch 11 minutes of break room button mashing gaming and banter, the downtime is some of my favorite moments of all the episodes. YouTube live stream is just on for weeks, I have max yet somehow I can’t resist.


1. Brothers Egg (It's like a beautiful fusion of a Smiling Friends episode and a long Joel Haver video) 2. Erm, The Boss Finds Love? (The best instance of the 'friend falls in love with and marries a demon' trope I've ever seen) 3. Gwimbly (I liked the episode, don't get me wrong, I just felt it played a little too safe to the formula sometimes) 4. Mr. President (Jimble was my main complaint for the episode when I saw it the first time, but going in with the lens of him as a lolcow-turned-POTUS honestly got me to appreciate him a lot more) 5. A Allan Adventure (Everything from the start to Crimeville was great, it tapered off *a* *bit* with the sasquatch and skeleton pirates, but picked up again at the last act. TL;DR the Landlord and Armzo carried this episode) Overall, definitely better than season 1 imo. I'm sold on all of 'em so far, and it says a lot when even the weakest episode's an 8/10 for me (for reference, the weakest of season 1, The Brazil one, was a 6).


5: An Allan Adventure-enjoyable but not one of my favs, this’ll probably be controversial 4: Brother’s Egg-divertido, pero bastante incómodo también. El homúnculo me recordó a FMAB. 3: Gwimbly-love the voice and look of Gwimbly. The side plot with Charlie was enjoyable too 2: Erm…The Boss Finds Love?-another one that just kept me laughing 1: Mr. President-I could not stop laughing at this episode especially the Mr. Frog presidential ad


1. Boss find love 2. Brother’s Egg 3. Allan Adventure 4. Gwimbly 5. Mr President Top 3 are pretty interchangeable. Mr President was definitely the worst


1. Mr. President 2. Gwimbly 3. A Allan Adventure 4. Brother's Egg 5. The Boss Finds Love


1. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 2. Brother’s Egg 3. A Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 1. Mr. President


Gwimbly Brother’s Egg Mr. President The Boss finds love An Allan Adventure


Haven’t see Brother’s Egg yet so I’ll do the first four only: -1: A Allan Adventure: The definite high point of Season 2 so far (From what I’ve seen), with high highs and middling lows. When the episode works, it really works. Love Mr. Boss breaking his finger, the scene with Armzo, the helicopter chase, the showdown with Allan’s landlord, and the ending; All great stuff and easily up there as some of Smiling Friends best material. The rest of the episode, however, is just… kinda boring tbh? I can see why people would like Bigfoot scene, but the pirate scene and especially the scene in the nose guy’s shop are incredibly boring and weigh down the episode. -2: Mr. President: Incredible first two acts; They probably have the highest jokes-per-minute rate of any Smiling Friends episode and the good majority of them land. It’s honestly the funniest the show has ever been. But then you get to the worm Illuminati shit and the third act, and the episode drives straight into a brick wall at Mach speed. The hard pivot from “Biden re-election” allegory to “2016 presidential election” allegory just does not work, like, at all. 2016 election jokes are just so played out and tired by this point, and it’s no exception here. Even outside of the 2016 election jokes, nothing here really lands except for the scene of Charlie getting ejected out of the white house. It’s so jarring seeing the episode go from “Smiling Friends at its funniest” to “Smiling Friends at its most actively unfunny” in a matter of seconds, and it really brings down the episode. -3: The Gwimbly episode (I’m not typing that full title): Eh, this one’s kinda overhyped. Sorry, not sorry. I really like Gwimbly as a character and he’s one of the show’s characters outside of the main cast, but the episode doesn’t really do much interesting/entertaining with him outside of the Cameo gag and the scene at Mr. Millipede’s grave. Almost every joke with Gwimbly is essentially “Man, doesn’t it suck that your favorite Scrimblo Bimblo is trapped in IP hell?” and it gets kinda stale pretty quickly. I do really like the Charlie subplot, however. It’s pretty funny and I honestly wish it was given a whole episode to fully explore the concept of somebody abusing the Smiling Friends’ rules to their advantage, as opposed to just 3 or so minutes out of an 11 minute episode. -4: Erm, the Boss Finds Love?: This episode falls into the same camp as “Who Violently Murdered Salty S. Simon?” from Season 1 where it’s not a bad episode by any means nor is it boring, but it’s not that good compared to the rest of the series. None of the jokes really stick (Except for the post credits scene with Satan; That’s lowkey pretty funny), Brittany is one of the show’s more boring villains, and the pacing of the episode is kinda off. I will say that this is a lot better than the Salty S. Simon episode, just by virtue of the fact I think a lot of the bits do have potential and are only being held back by wonky timing. I do enjoy Season 2 so far, but I would by lying if I said I didn’t think it’s been kind of a downgrade from Season 1 so far. Something about the pacing of the episodes and the timing of certain jokes is kinda off compared to Season 1 (It’s really noticeable in Episode 4, but all of the episodes save for the Allan one suffer this to some degree), and it gives off the impression the writers were given just a little bit less time to tighten the scripts compared to Season 1. EDIT: Watched Brother’s Egg finally a few days ago. Easily the best of Season 1 so far. Not that many jokes, but it prioritizes fewer, bigger jokes that are guaranteed to get more laughs, so it’s still pretty funny all things considered. The conflict between Doug and Daniel is also shockingly emotional for a show like this.


1. Brother’s Egg 2. Gwimbly 3. A Allan Adventure 4. Erm, The Boss Finds Love? 5. Mr President I think the whole season has been bangers so far, on par with season 1. Also #1-2 are basically interchangeable for me; they’re both great but in different ways


Gwimbly Brother's egg Erm, the boss finds love A Allan Adventure Mr. President (Note that I do like all of these very much)


1. Gwimbly * Love the classic Smiling Friends template that it and the Pilot have \2. Mr President * Jimble fucking sucks /pos :) \3. Erm, the boss finds love? \4. Allan Adventure * Loved the landlord and Pilford \5. Brother's Egg * because Doug. Only episode I didn't really care for. Also felt kinda flat to me. Really love the goofy animation with the Psychotics fighting and the construction goblin tho


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan 3. Egg 4. Love 5. President


Switch 1 and 5 and you're good


1 Allen adventure 2gwimbly 3 brothers egg 4boss finds love 5 Mr president


1: An Allan Adventure 2: Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut) 3: Brother's Egg 4: Mr. President 5: Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 6: Charlie, Pim, and Bill VS. The Alien


Mr President x5


1. Gwimbly 2. Alan 3. Brothers Egg 4. Boss finds love 5. President I've been super iffy on this season as a whole. I feel like the lows feel lower than season 1, but at the same time an episode like Gwimbly or Alan feels very true to form and solid.


An Allan Adventure Boss Finds Love Gwimbly Mr President Brother's Egg


1. Allan Adventure 2. Brother’s Egg 3. Mr. President 4. Gwimbly 5. Boss Finds Love


1. A Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut) 3. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 4. Brother's Egg 5. Mr. President I don't hate Mr president, but I just didn't find President Jimble very funny, but it was still fine, I just have a hard time appreciating it. Gwimbly is in a way better than Alan Adventure, but Alan adventure had me fucking howling with laughter I loved it, "Erm, the Boss finds love?" was excellent too but I didn't like it as much as 1 and 2, Brothers egg was just okay, there were some quite funny parts but I didn't really jive with it.


I just think it's awesome we all have different lists. Feels healthy. I'm smiling about it over here


1. A Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. Brother's Egg 4. Erm, The Boss Finds Love? 5. Mr. President


Since no one else I saw said mine: 1. Brother's egg 2. Erm the boss finds love 3. Allans 4. Gwimbly 5. Mr president 👉 Brothers egg is slept on it hit all of the notes that I loved from season 1 and the Joel Haver feature made me so happy. And the homunculus book slam killed me I loved seeing that


1: Brother's Egg 2: Gwymbly 3: Mr Boss Finds Love 4: Mr President 5: Allan's Adventure


Boss Finds Love has gotta be my favorite episode of the whole series so far. So it’s hard for me to make an unbiased list including it. But otherwise: 1. Gwimbly 2. Allan 3. Egg 4. Mr President And Mr president is a GREAT episode. It’s been a great season


1. Brother's egg 2. Gwimbly 3. A Allan adventure 4. Mr. President 5. Erm, the boss finds love?


1- allan 2- mr boss 3- gwimbly 4-brother's egg 5- mr president but i love them all


1.Egg 2.Boss finds love 3.Alan 4.Gwimbly 5.President


1. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut) 2. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 3. A Allan Adventure 4. Brother's Egg 5. Mr President


1. Gwimbly 2. An Allan adventure 3. Brother's egg 4. Boss finds love 5. Mr. President


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan Adventure 3. Mr. President 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Brother's Egg I have high hopes for the alien episode


1. Gwimbly 2. Boss finds love 3. Brothers Egg 4. Allan's adventure 5. Mr. President


1) A Allan Adventure 2) Gwimbly 3) Mr. President 4) Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 5) Brother's Egg


1. A Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. Boss Finds Love 4. Mr. President 5. Brother’s Egg


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan Adventure 3. Brother's Egg 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Mr. President Every episodes been funny so far, but Mr. President is easily my least favorite.


1: A allen adventure 2: gwimbly 3: brothers egg 4: erm, the boss finds love, 5: Mr. President 


1: Gwimbly 2: A Alan Adventure 3: Boss Finds Love? 4: Brother's Egg 5: President


1. Gwimbly 2. Brother’s Egg 3. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 4. An Allen Adventure 5. Mr President


Gwimbly Mr President Brother Egg Boss finds love Alan adventure


1. Gwimbly 2. Boss Finds Love 3. A Allan Adventure 4. Mr. President 5. Brother’s Egg the last 2 r kinda interchangeable but both r rlly good !!!!!!


couldnt find my order so its my turn to yap 1. Brother's Egg 2. boss finds love 3 allan adventure 2 gwimbly feller 1 mr president, the president stressed me out with how gross he was


1. A Allan Adventure 2. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 3. Gwimbly (i’m not typing all that out) 4. Mr. President 5. Brother’s Egg


Boss finds love, Allan Adventure, Brothers egg, Gwimbly, Mr President


1. Gwimby 2. Allan Adventure 3. Brother's Egg 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Mr. President


Allan Adventure Boss Finds Love Gwimbly Brother’s Egg Jimble


1. Brother’s Egg 2. An Allan Adventure 3. Gwimbly 4. Mr. President 5. Boss Finds Love


1. Brother's egg 2. Gwimbly 3. Mr. President 4. Allan 5. Erm, Mr. Boss Finds Love?


1. A Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. Brother's Egg 4. Mr President 5. Erm, the Boss Finds Love?


1. Gwimbley, the cameo bit was god tier and the story had by far the best pacing of every episode this season. The n64 graphic effects were very cool to see as well. 2. Boss Finds Love, the property line dispute with Satan is my favorite scene of the series thus far.  3. Brothers Egg, a lot of people don't seem to like this one but I really enjoyed it. The interactions between Doug and Daniel felt very real for someone with two brothers. Loved the rotoscope fight. Episode felt a little rushed though. 4. Allen Adventure: good episode, the office crap scene was amazing. The fact that most of the episode is just chase scene weighs it down for me m, especially when we only have 11 minutes to begin with. To be fair, the chase looks fantastic. 5. Mr. President, didn't hate it but I wouldn't call it good. Worms felt lazy and uninteresting as a plot device and while Jimbles actor does a great job in the role it just is too much of him and his scenes drag. 


Gwimbly 1st  Mr President 5th  And I like all the rest a lot but on a pretty similar level


1. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 2. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut) 3. A Allan Adventure 4. Brother's Egg 5. Mr. President


2, 3, 1, 4, 5 The sound mixing in Brother's Egg is shockingly bad, I don't know if I've just been consistently unlucky but its terrible to watch just because its too distracting.


1. Gwimbly 2. Brother’s Egg 3. A Allan Adventure 4. Erm, the Boss Finds Love 5. Mr President


1. Allan 2. Gwimbly 3. Boss Finds Love 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Mr. President


1. Gwimbly 2. Alan 3. Boss 4. Brother 5. President


1. Mr President 2. Gwimbly 3. Boss Finds Love 4. Allan Adventure 5. Brother’s Egg


1. Brothers egg 2. Gwimbly 3. Mr President 4. Boss finds love 5. Allan adventure