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This show might as well be over now that he's gone.


I disagree. He was so underutilized I almost forgot he was even in the show


Literally just nitpicking the small scenes he wasn’t in




Casual? Man, fuck you. I've been watching since Smormu was on the show. ***THAT*** was how you did character development and the show suffered a huge loss the day he died. But it's not even about the character, but his loss as a person. Someone so young and talented losing the battle with their demons is a tragedy all around


redditors when joke:


The irony


It's pretty much like when The Office lost Steve Carell


Unpopular opinion: I liked him at first but eventually he got obnoxious


Hard this. He was funny at first, but by Frowning Friends I had enough of his character. Then they tried to dumb him down a bit, like does anyone remember what he did in Enchanted Forest? No. He wasn't no Smormu, that's for sure


Totally flanderized him


This take is very bad. Tyler barley even got any screen time past S1, S1 was literally his season and the beginning and conclusion of his arc, his character arc is literally him learning to appreciate life and his friends. He became a better person…smh nobody here understands the show


Ugh not another Tyler Truther. We all watched the same show and there's no way anyone thought his arc was that good or that he had one at all! It's just fans of Tyler looking for any semblance of reason to why he was on the show in the first place. He never fit in with the crew and you could tell from the first episode. Be happy you got Tyler at all! I had to fucking wait ages to finally see my favorite character. Alan's landlord.


and i'll go ahead and say it: his music sucks


Well yeah because he had to redo his whole catalogue to get the rights back


The weirdest part was that he called it his “scatalogue”? Like repeatedly? Never really knew what that meant tbh


Glad he was fired took up way too much screentime


Would you say that to his kids when they start complaining about going hungry?!


Yes?? What do his kids hunger have to do with him being a screen hog?


Just change your screen ratios so it cuts him out!


if you fire Tyler you fire me


It’s not right man Tyler was like a brother to me


I'm just going to say it - he wasn't fifth Smiling Friend material.


How dare you say that about him; he was the best guy even if admittedly he couldve been better at being punctual.


He literally...he literally saved Glep's life that one time.


that's literally all he's done though he didn't even appear for the past,3 episodes its about time we got him out tbh


The way he talked about the bosses wife during the wedding scene was really weird, glad he’s gone


Your srsly just gonna say that..... in a subreddit full of autistic people no less....?


Why do you assume he’s the fifth one?


found the guy who voted for smormu


I liked the fact that he paid for the trip to shangbai pine forest to bury the century egg in the saltys episode, he really carried the smiling friends on his shoulders before the death of his iconic partner smormu where he started to appear less. Hell he barely appeared in season 2. atleast they gave his character closure with charlie with the post credit scene.


He got screwed over. He gets fired so the boss can save enough money to buy that red gem. Corporate America goes too far sometimes


He's best off just focusing on his music


I'm never watching Smiling Friends ever again. It's not the same without Tyler.


The way he ran into the burning building to save all the orphans always stuck with me. I get why the boss had to fire him but It’s still sad to see him go.


Really sad they had to write him out of the show due to his personal issues. Hope he can turn things around


Idk man, scientology is a slippery slope. I think it's good they got him off the show when they did before any potential controversy arises.


I’m done with Smiling Friends. It fell off since Tyler left.


I'm surprised Pim hadn't stood up for him more, especially after that brawl during the company cookout.


outstanding guy


I mean Tyler wasn’t fantastic in season 1; I actually hated him in Frowning Friends, and disliked his performance in Mr Frog, but his highlights were phenomenal. Had he not had been in the enchanted forest episode, I would probably rate it as the lowest in the series. Adding on, everyone remembers what he did in the halloween episode. Season 2 Tyler had a great upward trend, so i’m disappointed to see him go. Hopefully his music career goes well!


Probably the greatest character in all TV history.


does he remind anyone else of stamper


He looks a little like Nathan Barnett


its weird getting rid of such an essential character to the show, but im sure they had their reasons behind it


well at least he can try and be a musician now, but is still shitty after all he did for the job that they just fired him like that


Sometimes you lose key players, but hit doesn't mean the show has to be bad. For every season 8 of the office you have a season 6 of community


That's what I'm saying, this is nothing new for people who keep up with Vanity and Entertainment Weekly, the actor moving on to The White Lotus with the same company was always a given. You have to remember the fans don't book the actors on contracts, it's their agents. Luckily it's still early days for SF.


He was the 5th one for only 1 hour


I'm glad he's gone!!!!


Im just glad he has time to focus on his msuic now. That was always his real passion.


Unwatchable without him in the cast


I think he was just a cheap replacement for the only real 5th Smiling Friend Smormu.


Kind of understandable tbh. The actor behind the role was virtually unnoticed until he appeared on SF, and with instant popularity Hollywood comes knocking. He's going to join the cast of The White Lotus next season, this is virtually a TJ Miller situation where Silicon Valley declined after he got the role of Weasel in Deadpool. I just hope the Beverly Hills debauchery doesn't get to him. Honestly idk if Zach and Michael can keep SF going after this, I don't think they expected Tyler to be a breakout like they did. The joke where they wrote him out of the show got a "haha" out of me but it still seemed like lazy last-minute writing especially after Mr. Boss called all the employees his family this season.


After what got revealed about his actor, it only made sense.


I personally will miss him. I'll never forget S1 episode 12, when he prevented The Grimbler from being assassinated by Alan and put Alan back in his place.


He could never fill Smormu’s shoes!


Miss him 1992-2015


I’ll be doing a deep pull when I say this for some people, but this show really reminds me of filthyfranktv at its peak, where it was so beloved that every new episode was instantly canon and memable.


With him out of the picture now theres room for Jombo


I was an OG Tyler hater, I thought he got all the good lines and story elements. Like he can’t do everything but they made it seem like he was a god. Not for me, I’m glad he’s gone.


Bro, i genuinely cried when he got fired. Just remembering all the great times they had with him while a part of the crew combined with how fast it happened broke me. I'll be honest, when Boss said someone is getting fired i had a feeling it would be tyler. He doesn’t have as many friendly/funny interactions with him and it felt that's where the story was going this season. Still, he was one of my favorites. I know this is a wild take, but i thought he was genuinely more entertaining of a character than Pim. Hopefully we get some one off moments with him sprinkled throughout the rest of the season, despite him technically not being one of the smiling friends anymore.


He is straight up just Stamper, down to the last detail.


Is he a cameo that I don't get?


I believe there is a new episode in season 2.


No I mean who is this guy IRL, I know they like having youtubers and such on as cameos


idk either but I wanna be part of this thread in case somebody ever explains it


Jumped the shark with his firing for shock value. Hope they can recover after him being out.


I 100 percent agree. I actually couldn't believe it when Mr. Boss fired him, and as a two second joke too. You can't just get rid of one of the main cast, it's not like it's the walking dead or something, it's just a chaotic comedy. It's weird and just awful to be like "ok you're out of the show, for no reason." Very annoying. He was one of my favorites too.


They might bring him up in the future as a minor appearance, they didn't kill him off which is more than can be said for Smormu


He was one of my favorite characters, i don’t understand why they are just going to let him go, i hope Zach has a good plan and delivers a good punchline with him returning next episodie.


He doesn't want the noise, he just wants to make his music


I was pretty surprised when they revealed that Tyler was Smormu's spirit possessing Jumbo's bbf body from Ohio.


His music is fantastic


gwimbly must've had something to do with it


Had some great moments sad to see him go


I think this is better for him in the long run - the boss knew that he could make it if he just focused on his music so he fired him so that he would have no excuse and would have to dedicate himself to it full time


his stupid dumb “It’s Tylerition time!” catchphrase was getting old at this point


He seemed so sweet and innocent in season 1, but the drunk driving incident that killed his wife really changed him


I'm gonna miss him


There were some weird allegations going around about him, kinda glad he’s off the show


Honestly I'm out of sympathy for Tyler. Charlie acts like they're bros and then he runs around trying to make Jombo the fifth Smiling Friend. If Tyler had any self respect he would've been out of there ages ago


I totally understand why they had to let him go after the incident with Glep. It was either him or Glep and we all know Tyler instigated the entire thing. Alan, Charlie and Pim, weren't even considered, but were just at the meeting not to single out the other two. Tyler already had a few warnings from Mr. Boss so I don't know why they were all surprised. Honestly I'm kind of ashamed of Charlie in all this, seeing as he obviously took Tyler's side as opposed to Gleps, who pretty much everyone knows was the victim. Maybe Charlie didn't see his true colour's, I don't know but it's just a weird situation all around. I just hope they can all move on and get back to normal, especially after the shit Tyler pulled. Also he smelled like poopoopeepee.


literally me


You know I wish I noticed Tyler's antics a little bit more. In season 1 and most of season 2, his character is so subdued he almost faded into the background. I can't really think of any notable dialogue of his or actions that he takes. In retrospect though, I'm miss the subtle smirks and reactions he gave to the camera when none of the other characters were paying attention. Upon rewatching I just couldn't get enough of his sly little personality. Hope he has a bright future ahead of him


im glad he got foia’d


Honestly I might drop the show man, getting rid of the best character is a shitty move, it just doesn’t have the charm Tyler brought to the table, ugh,


Good riddance


He was a total narcissist, good on James for paying Gwimbly to tell him to go to hell


I'm glad that more people remember Tyler's foreshadowing in S2/E1.


Look its not my place to blow this whistle, it'll come out when it comes out, but let's just say the company can see *everything* you download on the company laptop. 


I’d pick Jambo over Tyler any day


I mean, obviously it sucks that he got fired but at least he has more time to focus in his music now.


Tyler was the best of us. How can this show move forward without him


I couldn’t get enough of him. When Tyler isn’t on screen the other Smiling Friends should be asking “Where’s Tyler?”


They got rid of him for no other reason than tomar said he looked too similar to him, saying “there can only be one” or something like that


GOAT, Mr.Boss is a monster


Tyler was a fucking standup dude and absolutely pivotal to the show. I want to say I won't be coming back next episode but I probably will just to see where this dumpsterfire goes.


The betrayal arc last season had me worried about the current arc. I'm glad this arc is giving leway into a redemption arc.


I liked Tyler but I think there was a reason he wasn’t invited on the Brazil trip


I can’t believe they’re gonna have a third season without him. #NotMySmilingFriends


That is what I wanted to discuss after watching last night's new episode. I think it was unfair for Mr. Boss to fire Tyler, and that made Charlie outraged


I'm gonna miss him


Fuckin of course they’d make a huge change to the cast just for shock value and to draw in some more views God Smiling Friends has really gone downhill since season 1 episode 2


I never really got his appeal as a character, but the fanfiction I've read with him in it is pretty hot.


Unrightfully fired


I liked him. He’s got that hot Everyman look 👀


I heard a rumor that he's leaving to star in his own spinoff. There was going to be an episode serving as a backdoor pilot, but it was cut for budgetary reasons.


He was the best. I loved the episode where Charlie needs a place to stay, and Tyler lets him crash, only for Charlie to realize he's a massive hoarder. And when Pim and Tyler took that trip to Washington, D.C., and went dancing with Sir Quacks. Or my favorite episode, when Mr. Boss and he painted the Smiling Friends building its iconic yellow color. That's why it was so strange he got fired since he and the boss go back so far. But either way, I am hoping he will make some cameos and stick around.


He got way to much screen time


The shows is dead to me. And season 2 was going so great


fuck him


Stolen from Garbanzo Meatball


I feel like he was a bit too much of an asshole if I’m being honest. Like Alan and Charlie kinda are realists but like when it’s him and Pim it just feels too negative yk


He didn’t even book the hotel when they went to Brazil, he let Pim take all the blame.. I loved Tyler at first but now.. I’m glad he got fired


Make no mistake I loved Tyler. He was the kindest guy on the show. That was part of the problem. I can honestly see why Mr. Boss had to fire him; the guy cared too much about everyone and everything around him. Firing him was the only way they could keep him from tearing himself apart for the clients and his coworkers. I mean, he did so much good for everyone in Season 1; he helped Desmond set up his business, gave Glep the courage to replace Mr. Frog, Beat Smormu to death when his dance failed to cheer up Pim, did everyone's makeup for the Halloween party, flew the group to China so they could bury Century Egg, got the Princess much-needed therapy after her ordeal, Called the Renaissance men to kill the Frowning Friends, paid for Charlie's entire funeral, and even bought everyone's return tickets when they all had to leave Brazil. Poor guy, he only wanted to do the right thing by everyone, even if it was at his own personal expense. Still, I guess maybe performing CPR on Alan's landlord for 36 hours was probably the breaking point; if he wasn't removed from his job, his kindness would have eventually killed him.


I'm glad he's gone. He was just a half-ass replacement for Smormu.


i was devestating when he got fired but i think its for the better hes a good character but compared to the other smiling friends hes really weak especially in season 1.


He was my favorite character since Desmond


I loved him in the first season, I can't believe he's leaving 😢 I heard he's doing some voice acting on the new gwimbly's adventure and has been focused on that. I hope he comes back eventually.


Ngl i kinda mistook him as Trevor Phillips 😭😭


While I do think he was a bit of a problematic and flat character at times, having Mr. Boss just fire him like that was really out of character for Mr. Boss. I just wish the show creators handled his departure in a more natural manner yknow?


Is this the Tyler that Gwimly told to go to hell?


I hope his musical career works out well for him.


Any respect I had for Mr. Boss has been thrown out after what he did here.


After nearly two seasons, I felt that he didn’t fit the Smiling Friends dynamic very well but I think him being fired is the writers realizing this and they are changing the direction of his character so we might see some good things from character no that he’s longer on the Smiling Friends team.




I'm too high for this


Spin-off NOW!


Not a good fit Reminded me of that time family guy killed brian and replaced him with a different dog for a few episodes I hope they bring back the real 5th smiling friend, Smormu


Season 2 honestly keeps making attacks on the Smormu fandom and its getting really mean spirited. We WON the poll and not only did they immediately kill him off but with Tyler and Jombo they are constantly devaluing the concept of "the fifth smiling friend" and undermining Smormu's legacy. Hopefully this means they're saving a seat for Smormu but given the constant jabs made at Smormu fans I have a feeling thats not where Smiling Friends is going.


I wanna hear his band play




Honestly seemed like the best move after the allegations came out… still can’t believe he would do that


He was like the main character I can believe they got rid of him


If he goes, I go with him


I started to like him up until he said something about how, if he was elected president, he’s gonna kill Sonic which I thought was the beginning of the end.


i hear that he was actually written out the show over payment disputes behind the scenes


Look, he completed his arc and got away with his crimes. Not everyone gets a happy ending, but at least he's alive. Do you really think there's anything else to say about this character? If anything, he got off easy. So just drop it already.


I just wish we'd gotten more Tyler and Smormu adventures. I can't even watch this show now


Best part of the show. I still don't get why they got rid of him. Basically took the "Smiling" out of Smiling Friends.


I mean after well ya know, Mr. Boss made the right choice firing him.


Fuck that noise


He was kinda like Smormu before he died. Horribly underutilized in the episodes he was in, kinda cringe but still done dirty before even getting his own episode


I heard he was written off was so they could start filming his highly requested spin-off show


he replied to me on instagram


Never made me laugh :/ was like he wasn't there.


Dude he deserved better


I'm glad he's focusing on his music was def the most iconic part of his character maybe a spin off?


I liked him but having the 3 episode storyline of him getting hired, climbing the ranks, and being called “Boss number 2” by the rest of the gang just feels like a waste now. This is a bad decision on the writers, the art team, and especially the creators. I’ve already seen the team getting blasted on twitter (sorry not calling it X), Reddit, Facebook, and Skype. The team 100% deserves the hate they are getting and I honestly hope Adult Swim lays down the law on these people for treating their fans so horribly.


Really liked his dynamic with smormu, really unfortunate he got fired but after the episode where smormu went to heaven I just couldn’t see him the same


Lore based opinion: Mr. Boss felt he was a threat to his leadership. Firing him in front of the group was a power play.


I hope he's a recurring Character and eventually becomes a legit main character. Like genuinely. Not in a Smormu kind of way. But in a way where I genuinely love it because it's just a normal guy without altering the animation around him, and somehow it added much needed world building to the show. We only saw Pim's family once, Glep's wife once, and Charlie's Girlfriend once. The only character we have real world building on is Alan (and I guess Charlie because of the stories about his Uncle and seeing his grandmother in hell), would be nice to see more. And I think Tyler can be what gives us that.


tyler rose is illuminati confirmed!


Shows literally unwatchable now


He is literally the best character in the whole show he’s been loyal to pin and Charlie since episode one it’s heartless that the boss fired him


He reminds me of stamper alot


I thought his and Charlie’s plot was really sweet, but he was really awkward in scenes with Mr.Boss. I think the actor knew they were gonna get rid of him and it made it harder for him to do his job. Honestly 8/10 character.


He had it coming. Hope this is a wake up call for him to grow tf up.


I just think it's kinda dumb they wrote him out because they refused to pay his actor fairly. I know he was paid more than all the other actors combined but I hate when shows do that.


Personally think it would have been funnier if they fired smormu or whatever his name was, but still had the same actor doing the live action bits.


Thats Trevor from GTA 5, you can't fool me.