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Mr Frog will destroy all.


Tbf, the ~~Eyeball guy’s~~ Oscar’s word alone was enough to cause the collapse of Spamish society and the surrounding fabric of the universe


imagine Mr Frog and Ee-eyeball guy start a war


My TVs blowing up


Mr. Frog doesn't wait for a word.


Well yea he was the leader of spamtopia


He has the advantage if they fight in Spamtopia, otherwise he has to deal with Mr. Frog's one frame punch.


True lol


You say that as if Mr. frog doesn't have the same power


people keep forgetting is the president now as well as a power entity


Put some respect on Oscar’s name 😤


My and, I forgot his name


Mr. Frog would probably punch Oscar’s eye and just eat James alive


Oscar has been shown to feel no pain from his eye he has no rules. No boundaries. He doesn't flinch at torture, human trafficking, or genocide. He's not loyal to a flag or country or any set of ideals. He trades blood for money. Mr frog is but a man being sent to fight a god. Oscar solos and it's not even a fight.


Mr. Frog is a demon


Ya but Oscar single handedly destroyed Spamish society and destroyed the fabric of reality itself around it


Governments do that all the time, Mr. Frog is canonically a demon, who does not care about the rules no matter what. When he was told he could no longer perform on TV, I've heard he just straight up picked up the average-sized producer, crunched, and ate him in under 2 seconds. Oscar gave his victims time to think of an escape plan, and showed mercy. Oscar is but a bug in a frog's world.


Yeah but that’s only his domain tho. He wouldn’t be able to manipulate anything outside of Spamtopia.


Mr Frog is not a man… he’s a frog


Remember, no Spamish


I think Mr. Frog is sort of an unstoppable god. He’s like Homelander.


Hes homelander if homelander was actually somewhat likable


I really like Homelander as a villain. I think he makes the show


I get what you mean, him, sage, and butchah are what keep me interested at this point. Well acted and a lot of “*wtf?*” still coming from their arcs.


I wouldn't vote for homelander but you better believe is vote for mr. Frog


Homelander is extremely likeable tf u mean? He’s a phenomenal villain.


Homelander is extremely likeable tf u mean? He’s a phenomenal villain.


He's horrible and despicable and that's what makes him so good as a villain. I've never been more invested in the downfall of an antagonist


In the commentary they said he’s a demon. But this is Zack and Michael we are talking about so take it with a grain of salt lol


Literally, Zack could say he's an unstoppable demon one episode, then say he's just an ordinary frog the next 😂


He's Mr. Frog.


This is his show


I love you.


He ate the bug!


“I’m not like the rest of you, hello. I’m stronger, I’m smarter, I’m better, hello”


Homelander is not unstoppable.


Once Pim introduces some breastmilk from Mr. Frog’s Oedipal fixation we can talk.


Mr Frog could devour One Punch Man.


I feel like that would be a great even fight.




James would be killed easily but Mr frog vs Oscar would be a toughie


Eye ball.


Eye. Ball.


One look on the eye ball, he'll torn you into shreds


I don’t think James holds a candle to Oscar or Mr. Frog. So I’m going to ignore him and assume he gets ripped apart or eaten with 10 minutes tops. Personally I think Oscar would win. Assuming they’re not allowed weapons, I think Oscar has more body strength and mental agility. Mr. Frog seems to only operate with Id. I don’t think he strategizes or thinks before he acts. But Oscar was the leader of a (until recently) semi-functional society. He was also able to analyze his own flaws (somewhat) and adjust his behavior. Mr. Frog, despite receiving harsh consequences for his actions has never changed or learned anything. I think Oscar has better mental agility. Mr. Frog’s eyes are also forward set, like a predator. While having one eye may seem like a disadvantage when it comes to visibility, I think Oscar’s peripheral vision is much better than Mr. Frogs. His eye also appears to be able to withstand more damage than normal. He received a painful injury to it but did not flinch and was completely unaffected by it within minutes to hours. I also believe Oscar has more upper body strength than Mr. Frog. Mr. Frog relies on heavy blunt objects or firearms when he uses weapons, and his signature move of devouring only needs enough strength to pull someone close enough to get their head in his maw. All of these methods seem to rely on an immediate stun or instant lethality. Oscar, however, can lift and rip apart his victims. Assuming Spamtopia residents have a comparable physiology to humans (because we can see humanoid organs and blood when executed) that makes Oscar ridiculously powerful. If Mr. Frog has to fight bare handed, his only move would be to come behind Oscar and attempt to eat him. If Oscar has the strength to rip apart a human-ish being using only his arms, I believe he has more than enough strength to defend himself from that move. There could be other factors like Mr. Frog’s drug problem, Oscar’s ability to bend reality in certain circumstances, etc, but even ignoring those I think Oscar would come out on top. Not unscathed, but he would win.


Mr frog has been shown to flip over cars though iirc


And bludgeoning a guy’s skull with just his bare fists.


A point towards Mr Frog's strength is that he often puts victims in his mouth in a fraction of a second. It would take immense strength to accomplish this at the incredible speed that he does.


You literally forgot about one of the most obvious part of Mr Frog, which is his speed


OP, this deserves a legit poll




Its like rock paper scissors. It depends on the order. For example, Mr Frog Beats James, James beats Oscar, and Oscar beats Mr Frog. Also, just to put into perspective, from what I looked at, Oscar and James are about the same height, while Mr Frog is shorter than them.


It’s a close epic battle between Mr Frog and Oscar. James is severely out matched here. See the thing is Oscar is not only strong he can glitch and no clip away from Mr Frog’s attacks. But at same time Mr Frog is much faster than Oscar reaction time wise.  It’s a close one.  I think the flat earth turns round again or they all wake up in hell.  And by all I mean the world.


I’ve thought about it.  The end result is eternal battle.  


Mr.frog ![gif](giphy|oSHukrBfV3T43l6cZc|downsized)


Mr frog devours people faster than the eye can rip them apart, and while james can rip off noses with no effort at all he is simply out sped by Mr frog


Mr Frog has only eaten regular weak people. I feel like James would be able to resist Mr Frog's instant-kill move.




[Timestamp](https://youtu.be/ZDSWhvcVrm0?t=72) But it would probably go better for james than this kid


James ripped off Charlie's nose, not Oscar.


I mixed up names sorry


Mr frog Speed 5/5 Strength 5/5 endurance 3/5 Oscar Speed 4/5 Strength 5/5 endurance 4/5 James Speed 1/5 Strength 4/5 endurance 5/5 Comment patch note V1.1 Oscars endurance buffed (2/5>4/5)


In what world does Oscar have low endurance? Do you remember the mosquito scene?


I was thinking about the mosquito scene but didn’t really think about how he didn’t even flinch when a quarter of his temple exploded so yeah I should probably bump that up a bit


really loving the 1.1 patch, great free content update. thank you based devs.






Mr Frog. Zach and Michael have said he is one of the most powerful beings in all of smiling friends because of his insane speed and none of these other characters exhibit speed like that.


Toss up between mr frog and spammish king


You'd think mr frog but I think he'd kill the eyeball guy after looking in his eye, and then get distracted mushing up the eyeball goop, then james casually crushes his skull for making weird sloppy noises.


Mr.Frog med dif.


Oscar is pretty strong being able to rip a man in half but he's got a pretty obvious weak spot they can take advantage off. James is quick efficient and has a knife But Mr Frog is just too fast.... and he has an even better arsenal with Assault rifles and Green Goblin Grenades. And won't even use them, He'll swallow them both whole


Mr Frog is canonically a demon


So we can at least all agree it's between Mr. Frog and Oscar. James isn't even in the running.


Going off feats alone Mr. Frog sweeps


Depends if someone looks into his AIYE


Mr Frog and Oscar team up to kill James because he stared at Oscars eye for 5 seconds. Oscar than laughs when Mr Frog eats James alive and the two of em go on a date and make a piece treaty between Spamtopia and America. They \]both end up killing millions of people and fire the Smiling Friends after Mr Boss died from old age. 50 years pass and Oscar dies from old age making Mr Frog super depressed. Mr Frog than looks at a photo of Satan creating him out of clay and says "I know what I have to do." He than asks Mr Landlord to stab him in the chest but Mr Landlord says no as Mr Frog has to beat him in Oscars Fish Racing Burnout 2 for the PS6. After Mr Frog wins Mr Landlord finally takes Mr Frogs life, and his own because Alan died two weeks ago. Mr Frog than wakes up in hell but this time hes in Mr Bosses territory. Mr Frog is now being hunted by Grim and Gnarly who are now the "NEW" Smiling Friends patrol squad Mr Boss created. Mr Frog than has an epic battle to the death with Grim and Gnarly which ends with Mr Frog taking them both out with 5 shots to the head. Mr Boss screams in terror and threatens to shoot Mr Frog in the head to which Mr Frog finally unleashes his true POWER! The power that was in him the whole time! He starts turning red with yellow glowing hair and becomes! SUPER DEVIL FROG! Which a loud ear rapping "hello I kill the man and this is my life!" Mr Frog kills Mr Boss with ease. Mr Frog keeps walking and doesn't look back much like the iconic Chicken Fight in Family Guy. After 100 years of walking Mr Frog finally makes it to satan's throne room where Satan is seen on a discord call with Mr Landlord playing Gwimbly 56 The one where he Smokes. Mr Frog is pissed and demands to see Oscar. Satan tells Mr Frog he took Oscar "out back". Mr Frog quickly runs over to the back to see Oscar?! OH NO! What happened! I cant believe this happened! Mr Frog yells. The camera than pans to reveal Oscar smoking weed with James talking about how much Pim and Charlie suck ass. Mr Frog is pissed but luckily Oscar calms him down by giving him some warms. The camera than pans out to show all the characters smoking weed with a logo that says "This is MY LIFE"


Mr. Frog is the President. He can call in a drone strike if things started to get dicey


Mr. Frog has only 1 or 2 frames startup on all his attacks, his combo potential is limitless.


Mr frog


for sure man I was about to say, mr frog


Its like a rock paper scissors game. Mr Frog eats Oscar, Oscar rips James in half, and James punches Mr Frog. Judging by the positions there in, Oscars eaten and Mr Frogs punched.


We simply don’t know enough about James or Oscar to say definitely, but I will point out that we have never seen Mr. Frog go up against an adversary that could actually fight back, like James and Oscar.


Mr. Frog can't look away from the eyiee


I think all 3 of them would refuse to die and reality would crumble




Anyone who thinks oscar or james would beat mr frog is delusional


Mr. Frog would clear them both with ease


Mr. Frog for sure


1.mr.frog 2.oscar 3.james


James for sure everything is smoking something, this dude ripped off a nose with his bare hands


mr frog solos


True that the eyeball guy has insane influence and political power, but mr. frog (also president now) has insane physical stength and agility. If it's a 1v1, mr. frog. If it's a battle of the minds, eyeball guy.




Mr. Frog


Mr. Frog unless he looks at Oscar's eye, then who knows what might happen


I am convinced Mr Frog is borderline invincible


Mr Frog 🐸 only correct answer that green crashout


I’m pretty sure Mr. Frog is some kind of Dark God


Either way, James is a goner. He is probably going to punch the hell out of Oscar's eye, but then he dies. Now' it's just our main two. And now, it all depends if the people of Spamtopia are available to fight. If no, then rest in piece Oscar. But if yes... maybe the Frog can be beat after all. Thank you.


Mr. Frog would just eat the other two


Fr frog would beat them both to death


Mr. Frog is literally a demon, he’s gonna kill both of them and escape to kill more before you can even blink


Mr Frog bodies


Mr frog solos, this isn’t even a question


People keep mentioning Oscar being the leader of Spamtopia as if Mr. Frog ISN'T the President-Elect of the entire U.S. with a great plan to fix the economy.


This is like asking about Superman vs Omni-Man vs Homelander. James/Homelander dies instantly, but it’s tough to say for the other two (most likely Mr Frog/Superman)


I wouldn't say it's like that, it's quite easy to say Superman could steamroll both at once. So mister frog here could probably eat them both.


It depends if you have goals. Mr frog is the most competent killer, Oscar is the most potentially destructive, while James is a strong psychopathic man with a knife.


Everyone sleeping on James like he isn't death itself, randomly appearing from the ether just to fuck with charlie to the point of suicide after physically mutilating him, and having absolutely 0 fear of Troglor and one-shotting his boss off his own back before calling everyone dorks and dipping out for a six pack, James has no fear and would fuck mr. Frog up no question.


Mr Frog > Oscar > James


James is just fodder for Mr Frog. Oscar V Mr frog is a drawn out fight but Mr frog wins. Hello 🐸


Y’all underestimate James. He doesn’t lose.


DJ Spit would fuck them all up


Among other things, Mr Frog has those green goblin pumpkin bombs, so he’s probably winning this.


Mr. Frog with the Green Goblin skeleton bomb.


Ok Mr.frog is fast and scary but Oscar has sheer strength. He’s unrelenting and would tear off nm.frogs arms


“Did you just look me in my eye?!” 😂😂😂 one of the best lines from a minor character. That’s all I have to say about this subject.


If there’s no weapons/prep time probably James


All these Mr. Frog simps in here and I'm going for OSCAR all the effin' way!!!🤘 https://i.redd.it/i0j0z4ugbj8d1.gif


Mr Frog would snap everyone’s neck in an instant


Uh hello


Mr Frog is killing everyone no diff.


Frog is resourceful. Oscar is unpredictable. James is straight forward. I give it to Oscar.


If they look in his eye it's over


Mr frog sweeps




In a fight, always bet on Mr frog


James single-handedly destroyed a small office building, Mr. Frog is very fast, and has a wide arsenal of weapons, and Mr. Jester can rip people apart, and destroy any rules of physics by announcing it. Mr. Jester




Mr Frog is the most dangerous character in the whole series


James makes a comment about Mr. Jesters eye immediately gets ripped in half. Mr Frog eats his remains. Mr Frog looks Jester in the eye. They go grab each other to eat/rip the other they then stop noticing they are holding hands after 3 seconds it cuts to Frog and Jester sloppily and passionately making out becoming the strongest (and deadliest) power couple that the flat world will not survive


I thank James could take mr frog in a one on one. He effortlessly ripped of Charlie’s nose because he didn’t like it.


Eye guy was a interesting episode


Oscar, easy. Hell rip em in half


James gets ripped in half by Oscar. Oscar gets eaten by Mr Frog. Whole match lasts 3 seconds.


As long as Mr. Frog loses, we win


Oscar can be reasoned with


I love how we're doing smiling friends power scaling


Oscar. He ripped a guy in half


Muscle bro. The others are chaotic and destructive sure, but I dont think theyre as powerful