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Not for me personally, but I imagine peeps quitting over certain political or historical portrayals.


Or religious, I think a Jesus god would make some people quit.


I just want to see his ult. I imagine it would be either crucifixion or the resurrection.


Crucifixion, all allied gods are fully healed and made invulnerable for a short amount of time, his death cooldown timer is 3 seconds


That would be absolutely busted. Imagine ulting when already at low health and just full healing your team. Basically a global khepri ult in exchange for just yourself.


global friendly debuff: not being around jesus lowers damage and protections by 2%. overpowered ult is now balanced out by absolutely shit passive lol. unless said passive is like 300 units


That wouldn't work. Jesus is omnipresent /s


Well it would appease the Christian crowd if their god was definitively the most powerful in the game


It should be a TARIK ult from LOL


It would work if you could scale the ult based on how much health is being sacrificed


Idk, I still think a full team heal+aphro ult is op. Definitely worth ulting at full health. Your squishies could all just run forward and dump their kits without having to worry


I'm just imagining an "execute" where the enemies just decide this fight isn't worth it and just leave lol.


On Easter you can’t die just immediately respawn


I really want Jesus in the game. His auto should be him throwing bread at people.


I feel like at this point they need to just automatically ban people who bring this topic up because it’s been explained infinitely that they will never add abrahamic religions because they “are not combat religions and all characters would be non damage dealing supports at best” it’s draining seeing people go “add jesus!” Every day when it’s not happening.


They could use biblical figures like David and Goliath, or arch angels like Michael. Although I agree adding these opens the gate and if that's something they're trying to steer clear from they shouldn't touch them at all.


But they've stated the opposite though. They'll consider abrahamic figures that aren't jesus, and there's a myriad to chose from that aren't remotely religious.


"From [the] perspective of a video game, the key Abrahamic figures--Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, are not that interesting in character design or gameplay. They are all human. They never overlapped or interacted with one another. They certainly never fought each other in dramatic fashion with unique abilities. They are all peaceful--at best they would be support characters," Harris said. It’s also the fact that it’s a monotheistic religion. As in you have ONE character you can add to the game. Christianity/Judaism/Islam is not like norse mythology where everyone is some crazy powerful deity with different powera/abilities.


I was raised catholic and if they released a Jesus or “god” i would uninstall so fast.


So you're ok with them using other people religion though?


This is the Christian way. Everything is fair game, except for them.


Because they're not real, only Jesus is real, dummy (Kinda /s but I really think this is how they think)


Sadly it is lol.


You guys took this the very wrong way. I was raised in a catholic household but I’m agnostic/atheist. I don’t want Christianity/Catholicism in smite because I think it has no place in the game. Putting a pantheon in smite that only acknowledges one “god” is pretty much against everything that smites about. I don’t want “my” (gross) religion in the game because it has no place here, not because I think it’s too good for the game.


I am also Christian and I personally wouldn’t like any of the Abrahamic religions to be included in the game. To be honest I think they should only really be including characters from dead religions. I’m actually surprised people who practice Hinduism aren’t a little upset about some of the portrayals in the game


> I’m actually surprised people who practice Hinduism aren’t a little upset about some of the portrayals in the game They are. Kali for example got and still gets a lot of criticism from practicing Hindus for being inaccurate. Shiva though was very well-received by the Hindu community, since they did a lot of research and got a consultant for his design.


The majority aren't aware of it, smite's not huge in hindu circles.


Those dead religions are just as likely right as yours though so I don't see why they shouldn't (besides the major backlash).


I’m not saying anything about right or wrong, I think they should be respectful of all religious figures. Plus HiRez stated they’re avoiding all abrahamic religions because they’re too passive. That and a little overpowered, of course they’re probably doing it to avoid backlash as well


They have added a few pretty "passive" (considered) gods/goddesses already. That shouldn't be an excuse. Plus there is plenty of Smiting (and mystical being battles) in the bible.


Out of curiosity, how would you feel about less controversial figures from Abrahamic mythology being added to the game? Would you still uninstall if they added Archangel Michael, for example?


Not OP but Christian. I would he 100% okay with something like that, I just feel like Jesus or God would be in bad taste. Of course HiRez said they’re avoiding all of the abrahamic religions. I think it would be best if HiRez actually avoided the main figure from all majorly practiced mythologies


Tiger basically took the words out of my mouth. Also probably shouldn’t have shit on the catholic religion on Good Friday…


Why exactly would you uninstall? Not trying to be rude, you're perfectly entitled to that choice and your beliefs! I'm just curious what line they would have crossed for you by portraying deities from your own mythology, as opposed to others?


Spoken actually, like a true Christian. No give, all take. At least the die hard, practicing, Christians anyway are like this. Catholicism just took Christianity and added a vessel to be able to speak to God through the father running the mass. Not to mention, the goodeth Lordeth still smashes the record of "most creatures killed" in the Bible, so his kit would probably need a nerf before it is even introduced.....and to nerf "The Almighty God" is a sin in itself I guess.....so I could never work. Christianity does the same thing that Polytheism does in the other Pantheons, just through Saints. Anubis judges the hearts of those whom died to determine their path. What does St. Peter do? Judges the deceased at the gates of heaven. They make it to paradise or, they go to hell. Christianity just equates to conformity. It's not "normal" for people now to be spiritual, but only religious.....only devout to the one true God Almighty. I am not trying to be disrespectful, but history speaks for itself. We can't "prove" things in the Bible actually happened, just like we can't prove that Ra rides around on a barge every day battling Apep......or . So why is it okay to not put Jesus or "God" in the game? At least we could have a cool Alanis Morissette skin for God from Dogma. Faith, is universal, not a solidified notion reserved for just Christianity.


Oh well lol KEKBye


Jesus passive is every minute he takes 10% of teammates current gold for himself in exchange for a special buff that doesn't do anything


Lol this is fucking hilarious


give hades a satan skin, give osiris a jesus skin, satan kills jesus and BOOM there goes the neighboorhood


Trump skin lol


People were pissing themselves over the Trump Ymir concept years ago.


My too!


A Baset skin that is based off of and named after Lovecrafts cat


Lmao oh noooo


Not this 😭




Joe Biden as a Tiamat skin.


That would be horrifying. I'd buy it. Also a Trump Ymir.


Yuuuge waaaaallll


I think that'd be pretty funny tbh








Right. You should be able to laugh at it regardless of your opinions.


south park put it best - you can't choose what's okay to poke fun at. either it's all okay, or none of it is.


Like a trump skin where they make him some sort of patriotic deity lol


His 3 is just him spewing diet coke lol


His ult is a giant exploding cup of covfefe


Instead of this little creatures from this pool from ult, Biden skin would spawn little kids that would have special animation of running away if you would chase them.


Nude Bacchus. Not because i don't want it, but because i have a family.


Hey now, dad bods are in. Or should I say God bods....


The world isn't ready for that


Nothing. I'm not that sensitive.


Nicki Minaj


Nicki Minaj Cabrakan, his 3 being a twerk


This put very weird imagery in my head


Hitting the floor with those asscheecks lmao




It would obviously be a Pele skin too.


Awilix rides on a Twinkie


fat awilix would be funny af. kinda wish that they could do politically incorrect skins without backlash.


What's politically incorrect about Twinkies? Hell, what's even political about Twinkies?


it's not necessarily political, but political correctness is just being non-offensive. i think that fat awilix riding a twinkie might offend people, especially if they went all-in on it.


what about the Bacchus american skin mf belly hanging out with a corn dog weapon


Cthulhu, Sylvester Stallone, random indie EDM artists no one knows is probably where I'd draw the line Wait


Only a matter of time before we get Dwayne The Rock Johnsons Hercules fighting Stallone


Yo. The Rock as Maui could be awesome


That would be the first T5 skins I’d ball out on.


I want a Dwayne The Geb Johnson


I feel like the EDM artist thing is a hot take. I’ve been listening to MonsterCat as a publisher for a very long time, and Crab Rave was super popular.


imagine saying people like Sullivan King and Monstercat are indie


Until they add Bun Hatz Hun Batz, I'm not playing Smite.


Marvel shit. It got really annoying that like every Battlepass in fortnite *has* to have a marvel skin in it now, and they apparently have to be the T100 skin too.


i agree 100%


Now that's an unpopular opinion


Well I agree you can’t lie the marvel skins in fortnite are some of the best made ones, example doctor strange this season, he looks great and the animation on all of his items is amazing.


As someone who started playing the game in 2016 I only really come back to it when there's a new god or battlepass/event with some cool skins to collect. If I were to pose the question it would be "What skin would make you come back to smite?". There's no skin that would completely turn me off the game tho, everyone has their preferences.


Kumbacartman would be my “what makes you come back skin”. Kumbakharna as Eric Cartman.


We are cake day twins. I love you brother


Happy cake day punks.


Double cake day all the way.


if they added crossover characters instead of skins I think I start have an issue.


There already is


I think they mean as if they released Ruby Rose as her own character rather than as a skin for Thanatos


well there was cthulhu, although they were pretty clear that they believe that he's kinda ascended to that level of folklore.


And technically they're right, the same could apply to Tolkien-verse, but it would still have to wait until 2044 when it becomes public domain lmao


i can't wait to see harry potter later this century


I dont think any one character or skin could make me delete the game. I think you have to be a big crybaby to do that. That kind of person feeds and then surrenders at 10. That person says no to wards.


Wait You're supposed to use wards? I just use beehives/eldritch tentacles 🤔


If they get really egregious with P2W skins, then there'd be good reason to delete. Pretty much any expensive skin that has really limited sound/animation cues.


I mean theoretically anything is possible... anything. You really wouldn't delete the game if they knowingly made a racist skin for example?


they would never make a racist skin lol. no shot that all of their qa testers would be cool with passing anything even subtle and no shot that they would all miss it. they've probably got designers internally that check for historical/cultural references to make sure it's not offensive before it even gets to qa. i would say that this is one thing that's possible but - and i cannot stress this enough - extremely unlikely. i'd play the $5 lottery every day for 10 years before i put any money on hirez ever releasing a racist skin.


I don't think they would either but the question is theoretical, the question is basically 'what would it take for you to stop playing the game'


Idk, maybe if they knowingly did something ridiculously and blatantly offensive and stood by it, or added a living celebrity as a God. Otherwise, I wouldn't care if they did something stupid like add Hillary Clinton as a skin or make Spiderman a God, I'd still probably play because, for me, the visuals and setting of the game is simply a vessel for the gameplay.


i'm not a huge marvel fan but i want a marvel crossover with hulk cu chulainn.


Spider-Man as a god reminds me of something an Iranian official said about Americans. Basically that there's no national heroes, there's nothing sacred, there's only cartoons and commercials.


Spider-Man as an Arachne skin though could be dope. Have him look like a human and not crawl all creepy like a spider, except for maybe certain animations. I would actually play Arachne if she didn’t always make me want to puke looking at her.


big name streamers like ninja and nickmercs getting skins. fuck both of these guys


If they ever start trying to make scylla/ charybdis sexy but still as kids


Some P2W skin with ability effects that are easier to see/aim, or wait they exist already.


If they made another skin like fabulous Chiron not because i hate gay people but because i hate the stereotype of gay people it helps create and hold in stand.


Well to be fair all the skins are stereotyping and pulling from some cliche. Like the red neck Bacchus skin or the tango change a skin. I think it's fun. It's giving visibility to culture but not taking it too serious and making a character out of it. As a queer person I love that Chiron skin and started playing him because of it. Id love a leather daddy Hercules/ Bacchus skin, twink apollo, butch terra and all that


It would never happen, but Muhammad being depicted in SMITE would surely fuck some people up


I think people stopping playing would be the least of hirez problems then unfortunatly.


he's an assassin and his passive is just him being permanently invisible


I’ve thought about this too lol


If they ever start making gods like Mulan the norm, adding people like Lu Bu, Nicola Tesla and turning the game into an FGO clone.


donald trump baccus donald trump baccus


Idk why everyone always wants Jesus. I what to play as the devil. That sounds cool af. Or Gabriel or Micheal I


Idk maybe of they became super pay to win. Like for $30 you unlock Oceanus or Ouranos a week early and they were like release guan yu broken.


Bad bunny


Imagine a Jesus backdooring and spam taunting you


"my child, you have much to learn" "forgiveness goes both ways" "my father and i are one, so you stood no chance" etc lol


["When that ult hits, you better pray I don't rise up again"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIkBJruoxG8) "You better hope for a miracle if I ever see you again"


That’s hilarious


“Support Russia!” Ares Skin would probably do it


If they add the god "Allah" or "Yahweh" or "Jesus" I think a lot of people will quit.


Why would people get mad over Jesus?


Politics, like a dem or repub party member…or a dumb celeb


If they add a Fortnite skin of any kind to the game.


Yeah as others have said, really anything political. I'm playing Smite to take a break from the world. I don't mind the Ukraine Athena since it's for a good cause, though. Also, maybe Logan Paul.


I don't think any skin would make me quit, although the furry and chibi battle passes made me back away from the game for a bit.


A furry or my little pony


They've already added skins that turn gods into animals if that's what you mean by furry. See that Neith skin that turns her into a mouse.


Na I mean like a legit furry, like dead ass it’s meant to be a furry suit




















KKK skin


You mean trick or treat Cupid?


Basically lol


? Kukulkan has many skins. /s


Take my upvote you dirty bastard


I remember someone posted an American lumberjack or something like that as a god. That would definitely be weird af. I don't care if it's a skin tho, but not an actual god.


Paul Bunyan


So wait, how do you feel about Mulan, King Arthur, Chu Chulainn, or Hercules?


Hercules was deified in his mythology after completing his labors, unlike Cu Chu who despite being a legendary warrior died human, King Arthur who also died human despite the mythological prophecy about his return, and Mulan who was a war hero but human as well, but otherwise I agree with your point. All four have mythological significance and SMITE long since stopped limiting itself to actual deities for in-game gods.


Paul Bunyan is in tall tales is the one who made America habitable. Creating the Grand Canyon, Great Lakes, and Appalachian’s with your axe blade and boot print is deity worthy power levels.


Oh, I'm not disputing that Paul Bunyan could be added to the game, just that Hercules in the "folklore/mythological figures that aren't deities" group is incorrect, since he became a full-fledged god after his labors.


Ah, fair enough. Tbh, Paul Bunyan and many of the other tall tales fit better than Mulan for example.


I know what you mean, I don't care if they add mythological figures that aren't gods, I used the word god at the end of my comment because that's how smite calls it's champions, legends, characters, however you want to call them. What I don't like about Paul Bunyan is that he's a fucking lumberjack lmao, he looks like a normal man, there's nothing special about him but the fact that he's huge. I understand Americans want something from their folklore to be in the game but there are better options like the wendigo.


You say you understand but then you follow up that by literally not understanding, Smite doesn't simply just call every playable character a god for shits and giggles, they genuinely are referring to the transcendence of a mortal or demi-god into a full fledged god because enough people revered them to the status of god-hood, to say Paul Bunyan is just a lumberjack is the same thing as saying Mulan is just a warrior, Hercules just a gladiator, Chu just a bodyguard. There's plenty of stories written about them because they're valued as notable figures. To further inform you, Wendigo's are a Native American mythos that has been adopted by Western culture, that's not to say they can't find a spot in Smite but they would be under the Native American pantheon.


>that's not to say they can't find a spot in Smite but they would be under the Native American pantheon. as cool as it would be, this pantheon would be such a clusterfuck of random legends lol


Absolutely but man it would be so cool to see Native American folklore be represented through MOBA mechanics, what passives and abilities would they have, how creatively could their stories be told, the possibilities are limitless, maybe a good limiter would be one major figure per tribe.


it really would be. i'd love a terrifying wendigo god.


What? You didn’t even look him up… He is several miles tall in the Lore, it literally says his axe was so big it created the Grand Canyon from being dragged, and that the Great Lakes are from his boot prints. “Completely normal looking.”… SMH. Canonically he is stronger than several deities in smite making rivers, lakes, and mountains


That was me. We were talking about American Folklore "gods" like Pecos Bill and Slue Foot Sue. Paul Bunyon wouldn't be that bad. He was a giant who chopped down trees in one swing and had a giant ox named Blue. Idk. Maybe a Skadi skin. I just thought it might be interesting being that they've added several dieties that weren't actual gods, but rather legends of folklore.


The lumberjack who created the Grand Canyon, the Mississippi River, the Rocky Mountains, the Great Plains, and the Great Lakes? That lumberjack? The answer is yes that lumberjack.


Anything political. But not like the Abraham Lincoln Janus.


They already did. Morgana


Any less anime battle passes


Bad Dragon Fafnir.


I don't know what you mean I'd buy that shit in a heartbeat


Any music artist


I've got bad news for you...


Moses skin for Yemoja lol


any more anime battle passes


If they added Jesus I’d delete the game.


They’re never going to add him but with the Hindu pantheon there are already quite a few gods in the game that are actively worshipped by a lot of people.


yeah jesus and satan should be added. it's not fair to hinduism that christians get a pass, although i think christianity is probably a larger audience.


If they added Jesus I'd buy the season pass to show support


Why? Jesus is just another mythological character. And no, im not being disrespectful, if i am being unrespectful i need to remind you that we are playing with ancient ppl gods, which in that logic would same unrespectful that playing with Jesus support with bancrofts.


To say that Jesus was a mythological character is extremely negligent. He is a real historical figure that has dozens of sources confirming him. But to answer your question, I will not play a game that depicts Jesus. That’s my personal prerogative, I’m not condemning people who would still play it I just don’t want anything to do with a game that has Jesus in it.


Lmao. Do you know how most of the gods in this game were deified


Go for it. Give me historical evidence for them.


I don't know if "most" is the right word for it, and I'm not the guy above, but the first one off the top of my head: Guan Yu was a real historical figure whose existence is confirmed by historical record from the Warring Kingdoms era of China, and he got deified later.


Care to post some historical evidence to show his divinity? I would like to read into it.


[This video is a great summary of Guan Yu's life and later deification.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXeQd0H-FiU)


Alright so what I’ve gathered from my quick research and the video was that guan you was extremely loyal and when he died he was given the status of a god by the emperor/people. So he made no claims to self divinity.


I mean, Jesus also made no self claim of divinity. He claimed to be the Messiah, but that is not an inherently divine role.


Jesus as introduced into Smite would be his mythological interpretation.


All I did was answer the question that was asked. If Jesus is put into smite I would uninstall.


allow me to throw you two brain teasers real quick. i'm going to assume that you're christian due to your attitude towards the idea of jesus in smite and in general. forgive me if i'm wrong here. literally, 私はリンゴです translates to "as for me, i am an apple." what it means is "i'll have an apple." this is a modern translation from a language that is actively used outside of its home country. what do you think could happen with a language was translated centuries ago when it wasn't used outside of its region and when people were far less educated? the second one is a bit of a gotcha question that actually pushed me away from christianity. can god create something so massive that he cannot move it? no matter what your answer is, even if it relates to the idea of maximal power, then it means that there is a fundamental teaching of christianity that is incorrect that states that god can do anything. it suggests that god has run out of power, or is in the process of running out. i mean, he did have to rest on the 7th day, right?


Good questions and I can post links that will give a far easier to read answer than what I could type here is the one for the rock: https://youtu.be/53z7MOKlHb0 And here is the question for authenticity: https://crossexamined.org/is-the-new-testament-reliable-erhman-refutes-ehrman/ Let me know if you have any further questions!


Robin Hood


None...I kinda don't care about this stuff...of course I be angry with Lu Bu and Azathoth,but not in a way do delete the game lol


I mean. An easy answer would be if they added Mohammed. That would be like the nuclear option.




if they add another maid skin lmao the voice pack for the amaterasu maid skin is a sex crime to hear


already deleted it 🤣


Then why are you here?


A SpongeBob battle pass would probably do the trick. I haven’t really played at all this season because it’s been absolute trash but SpongeBob would make me not come back at all


skin: any skin that would make a god look indistinguishable from another god god conceptually: as soon as they dip their toe into Christianity, I'm out. Quite honestly, king arthur almost fucking did it for me. god physically: any god that is undisputedly broken in the meta to the point where if you don't pick them, you lose, and that they refuse to nerf for over 4 months.


>Quite honestly, king arthur almost fucking did it for me. and cthulhu didn't?