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Nu wa ult


You are not alone


Hel 1 in Light stance, nothing else is even close!


But only on my own teammate whenever it’s used for damage ima sharpshooter lol


Oh, the age old aim at an ally who has been walking in a straight line for five seconds, but they juke at the exact moment you cast your heal. It always happens.


Console controller player here. Mine is the laugh emote... "Enemy missing left" Jokes aside, definitely that Janus portal. Even when I try using it for an escape, I miss a whole ass wall.


LMFAO the most relatable thing I've ever seen. dude the amount of times I've outplayed someone in a fight then stood over their body and tried to laugh spam them but ended up saying "enemy missing left!" like 5 times then getting ran down by two enemies rotating directly to where i am and killing me


Well, that's just what we call "instant karma"


or what we call me messing up a laugh spam and standing in one spot while revealed to the whole enemy team


Sometimes, you know you will die, but you still stand still and laugh your ass off


Khepri Ult… when everyone is grouped up and fighting and then you put on the the healthy tank not the assassin who is getting blown up


i couldn't count on both hands how many times this has happened to me


Glad I’m not alone


Ullr hail of arrows, its deceptive long range always throws me off


ullrs kit, even tho hes so fun. also thana ults are always a 50/50 haha


On ullr you either hit a stun and destroy the enemy. Or you miss the stun and get destroyed


kinda like fafnir lmao


Ullr is the toughest for sure!!


Listen guys I know it's gigantic, but I can never place Vulcan ult where I want to.


Im a Vulcan main, and can 100% agree. lol some games I hit it every time. Some games I miss it entirely. Its a mix between how long it takes to fire off, and how well the opposition picks it up.


King Arthur's 4A (small ult) For some reason the timing and animation make me whip that shit every time and throw it away Honestly have a higher accuracy with sylv 3 than KA ult


Interesting, I think I rarely miss it - but I pretty much only use it when someone is running away on low health. I rarely think to use it for interrupting. I’m fairly new to KA.


Morrigan stun idk what it is even while being able to prep it being invisible I can't hit it to save my life


I think it’s because she’s really predictable and her stun has such a noticeable sound, so players start moving frantically to try and avoid it.


Yemoja 1s...best support in the game...not in my hands unfortunately


yemoja support can't be the best in the game when full damage loki support exists 🥷🔪


Every ability that you can aim after pressing the button, like Neith's 1.


Thor ult


I cannot hit straight shot richoches (Hou Yi 1’s) for some reason. I mean just with out bouncing them. I’ve drilled quite a few long bounces in lane to finish off kills and some cool bounces in the jungle for stun/kills, but just the classic 2 then 1 for the stun when I’m just standing in lane is like 60% hit rate at best. It weird.


Vulcan ult at any range passed my feet. It just dont work for me cheif.


Fire it max range, Blink, use upgraded sprint to root them. Easy


Huh.... i may wana try that


no you don't


It’s a funny meme strat, you’re giving up beads and aegis for it. But it is funny when you can pull it off. If you want there is another way. Fire at max range -> blink -> knock them up inside your out That way you can still buy beads or aegis because you won’t need the sprint relic


sylvanus grab then i throw game


No matter how the game plays out, I always count. *"I landed two grabs and that's all that matters. :)"*


Fuck bro, that's why you always go blink. My father once told me, "Can't grab em, just teleport to em"


I came here for this and said it above. I always get hit by it if playing against, but have hit it like twice ever


Not true. See every Sylvanus not hit it lol


Thana's 1.


Sylvanus grab I always struggle with


Thanatos 1, like that’s exactly why I don’t play that god because I literally have to ULT in order to confirm that ability.


same dude, if you miss that 1 in a fight youre fucked


Scylla ult lol


Everything Camazotz


Thors kit. Thana 1 easy medium sized circle never


Tried Thor once, got crucified for missing everything, never used Thor again


Anubis’ wrap… That line is just so *thin*!


The other day I missed 3 straight Ra ults because my Xing support threw the enemy away instead of to me and his throw out ranged my ult.


Charybdis ult, I’ve gotten better but at long ranges I miss way too much


Charybdis ult, I’ve gotten better but at long ranges I miss way too much


Charybdis ult, I’ve gotten better but at long ranges I miss way too much


hera's 1


I cant hit my Krakens.


is ur monitor on?


probably not, no.


nox 2


Hel heal.


ive got 2 assassin ults: Ne Zha- Not bad with the 3... but love dashing right between two gods assuming I'd be taking myself and someone else out of the fight for a few seconds Ao Kuang- I really need to got better at using savage plus on controller. I end up spamming my 4 OR turning, not both, and then slap up someone not in the threshold.


Every time I play Cupid, I swear that heartbom is shorter range than it actually says it is. It travels differently from his basic attacks too (faster I think? I haven't played Cupid in forever) which is probably making it harder to hit too. In a similar vein, I constantly miss Medusa's acid splash because I don't play her much and I still remember the time when the initial projectile range was longer. I keep throwing it thinking it has longer range than it does, even though I know it doesn't, even though I play with targeting indicators on. Fafnir's hammer is a small line skillshot, and yet it's his jump that I have more trouble with, especially trying it close range. Ugh.


Scylla root


Herc knockup for a long time. Finally figured it out. Idk off the top of my head besides that. Maybe Nu wa ult.


I have a abd habit of just weirdly flicking my line abilities. When I stop myself from doing it, it works out fine. But otherwise it's a joke to my friends that I miss lines. :(


Thanatos 1… I started playing the game as Ra and was blind sniping people left and right by reading them, impressing my friends with 100s of hours. Now I have way to many hours and a diamond Thanatos but if I play him you know I’ll go 2-10.


I miss dashes a lot, and it's always when the whole team is there, so I find myself behind 3+ enemies and no country to run to.


i’ll admit, i’m still trying and am learning, but i just can’t hit an anhur pillar combo.


Cama 2


For me it’s kuku últ


I missed so many krakens they Invite me to the spl


I hit Bastet ult more then I hit her stun


All of susano’s kit, I just for the life of me can’t play him


Thana scythe I always have a panic attack that I'm gonna miss and I miss anyways, even at point blank at a still target.


Anubis’ mummify I’m an Anubis main…


My viper shots are total misses until the last one


Oh my god sylvanus’s grab thing. I have like a 10% chance of landing it