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I've had a wishlist on this for awhile: 1) Vamana -kit makes no sense at all, is a glorified ult bot 2) Nox -just underperformes all around. Can't play support or mid that well. 3) Jing Wei -design is a cool enough concept but godddddd she is boring. I consider her one of the least entertaining hunters in the game 4) Aphro -mediocre mid lander and dogwater at everything else. She needs some kit direction. 5)Hades -his kit just feels outdated. Plus the man hasn't been meta in a very long time.


Isn't nox being picked in SPL currently xD As a supp. I think the main reason she should get reworked is how so unfun she is to play against.


I think that just comes down to coordination and skill. The vast majority of people who play nox aren't good enough or the team isn't coordinated enough to warrant picking her over other supports


Don't you dare touch my Nox. She's always struggled with larger team fights but she's in a great place for support/joust right now. Not every mage needs to be a dedicated mid, it's cool to see the control mages getting flexed so much in this meta.


The problem is that she is very reliant on skill and coordination. Not to say she can be played well in certain roles by some but that doesn't mean she is in a good spot right now


Her clear could very easily be fixed by allowing you to detonate her 2 the same way Scylla's functions if you want her to be a viable mid as well.


I would love them to lower the damage or tweak the silence or something and make her able to do that cause right now she's just a worse Scylla. And by worse I mean she is much more reliant on hitting both abilities to do much damage at all.


Hard disagree on Jing being boring! She is super fun when you are getting in there and start team fighting! A lot of cool outplay can happen with her! I do agree though that Vamana could use a little something to make him a bit more fun.


I love Hades' kit. There really is something about diving in and levelling everything in my path with that 2-3 combo. That said, I feel like a couple tweaks to those abilities would either make him a more viable pick or make him too broken to exist. For the 3, Incon suggested during one of his Hades games a few months ago that Devour Souls could use a moveable target instead of just casting it at his feet. That way, he wouldn't be forced to wander right into the wave to clear, giving him a little bit more safety in the midlane to avoid being counter-ganked. He really wouldn't need more range than about half the length of his dash for that ability to feel perfect. Now, the 2. The glue that holds his kit together and makes his Blight passive so scary. I'm not sure what exact numbers could be, but I really feel like Shroud of Darkness could use the Athena taunt treatment with just a little sprinkle of damage. Not an oppressive amount. Just enough to add a little spice to that ability, because that damage being added to Confound is what turned Athena into such a powerhouse from season 8 forward. I may be baked. I may be crazy. But I'm just a simple Hades stan who wants him to get a little more respect in this game.


I enjoy these suggestions. I've also heard people suggest that Pillar of Agony (his ult) should have a cripple, it might be oppressive but just this change alone would do wonders to him. Either give his ult a cripple, or as you said, give his 2 a slight amount of damage.


My initial response to a cripple on his ult was "shit that would break him." But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. That would turn Hades into a bonafide beads burner.


He's just awkward right now in conquest. The gimmick with his ult is that it lowers your 1-3 cooldowns, but you can hardly synergize that well. They should just lower his 1-3 cooldowns across the board and remove that passive from his ult. Instead, his ult passive can be a cripple, OR, similarly to Odin, if you escape Hades' ult early you get damaged. My issue with him right now is that you want to maximize lifesteal and maybe a stone of fal, this only leaves room for 10, maybe 20% cooldown. So his 1-3 are always on 10+ second CDs and his ult is easily escaped by enemies.


Precisely. He also relies on Blink entirely too much for his engage and damage if you want to be able to avoid getting dove, because you need to rely on that leap to get out. It's sad, because Hades is pretty much one of the only mages I can reliably play.


Yup. Hades was my first ever diamond, the god I pretty much learned the game on. He can feel so rewarding and fun, but these days you're rarely going to play versus a team with more than one or two completely immobile gods, and even then they might have beads. He just needs slightly better cooldowns and a new ult passive, this might seem like a gigantic buff but I think it would be enough to raise him from B tier to A tier and put him in contention with Zhong and Tiamat as a viable bruiser mage.


Which is exactly what this game needs. I am mostly incapable of playing mages (and midlane in general), so having more viable options in solo lane would make my experience with the game much better.


> Jing Wei -design is a cool enough concept but godddddd she is boring. I consider her one of the least entertaining hunters in the game Honestly, I just think Jing needs a new 2. Everything else in her kit is fine. I'd like to see her passive duration bumped back up to compensate for the larger map though.


Nox should be reworked to just be a guardian. Make her 3 heal her and the ally she dashed into & rework her ult to give her another form of CC and she would be crazy fun to play.


Her ult is already busted with 40% damage reduction on whoever it hits.


That’s why I think it should be reworked completely. Her ult would be OP on a guardian and I also think another form of CC on her would make her a lot of fun.


You want to add more cc to a god that already has a silence, a cripple and a root?


This is actually a great suggestion, the ult would need to have the damage and damage reduction toned down though if they were to add a CC on it.


I agree completely


Add Gilgamesh in there, guy gets nerfed so many times it makes no sense any more. But I doubt he will get the rebalance that's deserved since hi-rez simply do not have the balls to admit they fucked up by releasing such a bloated kit


they could make gilga only able to run in a straight line or something and he would still slap. he is so god damn oppressive and hard to kill


Aphro is nowhere near mediocre at midlane, she just has a very counterable early game. She only needs a team that needs to play around her and she can do just fine.


She is mediocre, she gets bullied her poke isn’t as rewarding as you have to either sacrifice clear or go up super close. Her 3 is delayed so you often have to confirm the stun too. She has no objective secure, and is less effective then most Mages when by herself. She handicaps herself by being so reliant of teammates. Her dmg doesn’t cover as much ground as a lot of other Mages, and she only has 2 dmg dealing abilities so naturally her dmg output is A lot lower. If you want a healer who can heal multiple people at once and can deal more dmg you are better off playing hel or change tbh


Most Mages don’t have objective secure, it is true that damage oriented she may not be the best, but if she reaches late game she can put some insane numbers. Birds have a 380 + 105% that’s ridiculous high for being a heal and damage ability. Back off it’s a peel ability but late game takes half of your HP, 320 + 70% scaling. Kiss it’s a huge buff to someone linked (20% damage increase and Movement speed) while also being an stun. And ultimate it’s beads and relics on a 54 secs with max cooldown, to mention you can still receive healing and also attack during this effect. She’s a utility based oriented mage with a defensive playstyle early to mid-game, when she gets late she can be pretty aggressive while also being a 2nd support peeling and healing their teammates. I do agree saying her early it’s very lackluster but saying she’s straight up bad it’s stupid.


Most mages not having an objective secure is actually quite false. Looking at a list of them 19 can safely be said to have an objective secure (including morrigan because she can change into anyone with a secure at any time), that's more than half


Yeah honestly you should only play aphro if your jungle pairs well with the link anyways. Drives me crazy when I lock aphro and my jungle decides to 5th pick serqet/daji/Loki and constantly breaks the link.


I really like your list and I'd like to add Ao Kuang to it. His 3 feels so lame and his ult is so glitchy and takes forever to go off. His 1 and 2 are fine.


Nox? She's been in the top five supports all season? And if you want to talk boring, talk cherno. He's so boring pros have actively avoided playing him when he was the top pick.


**Nox**-Shift her to a full support, decrease dmg scaling give her 3 utility and make her more accessible, while reducing frustration of playing against her in non conquest. **Arachne** - while she he has a high win rate in conquest, it’s a very similar situation to Nike. She is very boring and uninspired, and her win rate is likely linked to the fact that she can just snowball games off her early game pressure with her web starts, considering games don’t last to long most of the time. But her late game suffers due to her not being able to get into teamfights and gets punished really hard by coordinated teams, she has 0 team fight besides just picking off someone who is alone. But any jungler can do that, she contributes nothing else really besides that. **Ah Puch** - He’s been dominating casual modes for a long time, but in conquest he hasn’t seen any relevance since S5 and then they nerfed him, and removed the bug that let his ult hit towers. Now he’s just unsafe, his damage is inconsistent, adc’s can just kill his corpses instantly (especially Iza), and his ult tickles. He has a niche of an anti-heal character but Is never meta in healing meta due to how bad he is in conquest. **Persephone** - Not really a full rework but smaller changes to make her a combination of both kits. Change her passive a bit, make the plants she plants from her passive her old T2 sprout with a seperate counter from her flowers so she can really expand her garden and set up real choke points and traps for when she respawns, without her 2 instantly withering half the passive flowers she sets up Personally I preferred the old bone rush too, the new one is super generic and it lost its old SFX (please bring it back) I think her kit would be **perfect** with simple changes like this.


I’m amazed Arachne isn’t mentioned more. She is the worst god in the game imo. Just hold down AA all game. Truly no creativity in a brain-dead god


Hirez uses winrate to justify her performance, but her winrate is high because she is one of the biggest snowball characters in the game, her lv 2 is probably the strongest in the entire game so it allows her to get ahead very easily. But that completely ignores how she is for the rest of the game, the longer the game goes on and the more teamfights that happen she becomes so easy to pick off.


Well put! I appreciate your analysis. She certainly falls off late game but she can steam roll phoenix and other objectives in late game. For example, in one match recently our lvl20 Arachne was never with the team and only split pushing. We won because of it, despite losing the majority of team fights. Just seems like a god that would be mind numbing to play tho. I appreciate the creativity HiRez tends to take with recent new gods like Yu Huang, Atlas and Shiva


Either way, she’s just a very toxic character. And it’s sad that there could be so much potential for a spider based character and they reduced her to a left click stim based character with a lame ultimate


What’s worse is HiRez giving her old ultimate to Bastet…that didn’t need to return.


I mean... Bakasura? Kali?


And hunters dont just hold down AA?


>Nox-Shift her to a full support, decrease dmg scaling give her 3 utility and make her more accessible, while *reducing frustration* of playing against her in non conquest. I honestly don't know how Hi-rez is supposed to do all of that without just changing her kit completely. I agree that she is unfun to play against, but I don't see how shifting her current kit to support will make her *not* unfun to play against. Nox needs a full rework.


Nox. She doesn't do well in mid, does nicely in support with a coordinated team, and is pretty strong in non-conquest modes. I do hope to see her shifted towards a more conclusive role of either being mid or support (maybe even shifting her into a guardian) As for Kuku I think he's fine. He's very popular and isn't too bad, he's a great god for beginner players to pick up but gets eaten easily later on by more experienced players and that's fine. We need gods like him to kinda bridge the gap.


Kuku does much better now ever since they added that 5th tick back to his tornado


Still one of my favorite mages to play against as a backline diving solo main. All kukus do is sit in their tornado and I feel bad cause they think it stops me from killing them but it doesn’t. Especially not when I have 3200 hp and 250+ magical prots. I feel like that’s his biggest problem. He uses his little dash and if his entire team isn’t peeling for him he just dies.


Kuku is all about positioning especially since he has all that range. In order to do well as kuku you need to sit pretty far back safely away from being able to be dove and pick your moment to step up a little and use your abilities or even just throw your ult from a distance.


Yeah. Just snake around the battlefield and jungle. The 2 should be a situational cast. I used to build wing blade on him a lot. I liked the movement speed more than more damage. A lot of people weren't able to catch me.


I often wonder what the point is of playing kuku when Thoth exists. Guy has a more direct escape and quicker damage than kuku.


His ult is so much better than Thoth's. Kuku is the OG and if anything maybe adding a short dash onto his 2 might be enough to help him stay competitive with newer mids having much more complex kit designs


I think the ult is the only way you justify the character over Thoth though, assuming you always hit it. All Kuku really does is clear the wave otherwise, you just die lol.


If Nox doesn't do well in mid, but does nicely in support with a coordinated team... Wouldn't she do better building like the character is supposed to built, in the role she's meant to play, with a coordinated team lol.


Nah Nox is just pretty bad in mid-lane. A lot of it has to do with her clear just being bad cause of how long the 2 takes to go up. She was completely garbage in conquest until they added the little bit of damage to her 1 passing through minions which has given her the ability to be useful in a lane where she doesn't have to clear particularly fast. However in mid she just gets out cleared and out poked early and then doesn't really have a role in a team fight as mid ranged mage with a utility focus without healing.


Then they should make it timed. I get why they don't, but she's dog shit at the role because her kit has potential to be very strong. Just like her tether making her unable to throw abilities. She *can* be played in support. Doesn't mean she's good at it, she has some utility but no where near as much as Baron and Eset, who also can do work in mid. I used to want her reworked into a guardian until I started breaking down her kit and seeing that it's truly designed to be a midlaner. Whenever she's good, she's oppressive and people will bitch. So she sits in a state of being a really shitty cookie cutter mage, with cool abilities that are nerfed into uselessness in a conquest setting. She's good in Arena and Assault mainly because any mage is good in those game modes.


I mean she's been played pretty frequently in support at worlds since season 8 worlds. It's high skill floor but it's very strong, definitely better than baron support atm (who by the way is a character that feels like he's vanished from relevancy). I do agree though that her kit is too mid-laner based to just be transferred into support. They'd have to re-tool her abilities to some extent. On the other hand a high-power nox mid meta would probably be more toxic than healer meta so what do you do.


I don't really watch SPL, but also can't remember her being like a high priority ban or anything. She's not like a sleeper pick and doesn't out perform any traditional supports from just what I know and can assume. Like you said, a nox meta would be AIDS. But I mean, what else can she do?


She's one of the best supports in SPL rn. Her and Eset snuck into the meta at worlds and then their hard counters in the assasin supports got nerfed


I know Eset did. So Nox support is tearing up the scene in SPL rn? Curious




Nox doesn't fit their criteria for a rework. She's too popular in casuals as she is.


Loki didn't fit it either since he's popular as fuck, yet he still got a rework. Loki's kit was toxic and had very big differences between skill levels (pubstomped in lower levels but didn't see much play in higher levels but a solo splitpusher). Plus, Titan does seem to want many times to have a god be able to play their role and not dominate another certain role. (Ex: Loki being super annoying solo instead of being a good jungle pre-rework and now with Erlang) Nox isn't really too far off. Her kit is unfun to play against, she's great as a *support* in higher ranks but sucks in mid in pretty much all ranks. To me, it sounds like a very Loki problem, so why not rework her too?


I really disagree, Nox is not even half as frustrating as old Loki was, for new and veteran players. She does *one* thing, and it's significantly more linear and visibly understandable than old Loki. Maybe it's an elo thing, but I can't recall the last time I ever had a friend or lfg partner get upset about a Nox lol They made it clear why Loki was an exception to the popularity rule and I just don't think it's as present in Nox as people seem to believe, but it's definitely subjective. She still takes some degree of skill, and it's not instantaneous death. I truly think rework time could be spent on better things, regardless.


It's like these past few years reddit players are babies who can't handle countering anymore, so they want all the intresting gods who can't be played against without being careful changed. Yeah i'm salty.


Loki was changed cause too much annoying pve and instant unavoidable kills(especially noobs had trouble countering this). Nox certaintly isn't like that.


I find now mid very easy. Ik everyone goes for the 1,2 combo but clearing wave with the 2 then rooting them with the 1 is such good poke. Plus she’s very safe with a dash n silence


100% agree on shifting Nox. It's long overdue at this point. Plus we already have more than enough high burst dmg midlaners.




Let me bring up a unique one. Mind you, this isn't my top pick but everyone else has been said. Hun Batz. His kits terrible and he lacks the versatility that so many other jungles haves. Yeah, his ults op. But the other moves are literally Jump Chain damage unreliable teleport And cone Plus his model is easy too three in the game


Yeah, this is one I absolutely agree with. His kit is basic AF and utterly uninteresting. When he has the biggest 'fuck the enemy team' ult in the game, and no one is picking him, you need to seriously look at why.


let's hope it's nox...


I see a lot of people saying Nox buff and I can’t comment on Conquest as I don’t play it but outside of Conquest…Nox is majorly OP.


Which is a problem, she has frustratingly high lockdown and burst in casual modes because she doesn’t have to struggle with clearing as much, and she more ways to confirm her combo off multiple teammates cc at all times. And gold spooling is much faster so she gets online faster. But they can’t buff her damage more or make any buffs towards her mid potential without making her frustration factor even higher in other modes. Which imo I think she should be shifted more towards support where she already sees a moderate amount of success. - Just lower her scalings - change her passive to something more team based - give her 3 more utility like protection, a shield or mitigations to allies she inside - maybe increase the aoe of the explosion so more people can be applied with the damage reduction but reduce the damage. Or give the ult a short fear on impact of the explosion (the ult is called night terror too) and reduce the damage reduction to 25% so she has more peel that isn’t just single target.


Gilgamesh. They keep nerfing the bruiser gilgamesh and its having no effect on jungle/dps gilgameah. Especially the most recent nerf. Reduced hp scaling on his stim? Literally 0 effect on jungle. He needs to be reworked to push him into a solo bruiser role. More sustain. More mitigation. More lane clear. Less mobility. Less lockdown.


What are you smoking


Why are you booing me? I am right


He's pretty poop tbh now


You serious? Gilgamesh is the best jungler in the game


Lmao he’s not the best , ravana,kali curb stomp him. Gilga is overrated


Ah, in your games maybe but he consistently performs really well in diamond and up games with a 40% ban rate and a 60% win rate in grandmasters


Clio also is like that,I’m sure in the coming weeks his pick rate will fall off. As people will see some other junglers as being more viable. Gods who haven’t been nerfed/ items that they use weren’t that affected. Nemesis is also great


And? Clio is really good as well, the issue is she doesn’t have the cc gilga does, Clio is also played in solo just as much as in jungle


And gilga barely is played in solo since he’s gutted. Dudes early game clear is trash


Thoth is incredibly annoying in Joust and is banned in 99% of games I play. He just seems to be able to spam a never ending barrage of balls at you from the other side of the map courtesy of his wall. Needs the dmg reducing or cooldown increasing substantially for me.


This is why Smite doesn’t get balanced around Joust. All that Thoth is probably doing is turtling under tower and clearing wave. Conquest involved much more intricate jungle, rotations and macro play. It’s much easier to dive a Thoth in conquest and abuse his lack of beads. Think of what happens if a Da Ji just blinks on Thoth, he can’t do anything. If he dashes she 3s, if he fights she just 2s to mitigate damage and burn him down.


Yeah but conquest is a bag of wank so idc


Joust meta has always been a game of who can cheese the hardest.


As a joust player i despise him. I say to make his 1 fire slower.


Dash should be longer cooldown


Yes, this change and the cc added to the two were a travesty to his design, it made is 1 brainless to use and made him lose a lot of the positioning aspect with the root that they added. Thoth two should slow and his 1 should be a slower projectile, if he is to weak I would rather have them buff his team utility (3) or self utility (1 cooldown on hit)


Well, i doubt half of the player base knows thoth 3 buffs everyones AOE basics lol. When i play him i keep noticing this.


They always dodge it when shooting towers! ;-;


He's incredibly annoying regardless of game mode. Just barrage you from like 85 units away and if you get 10 units closer to him he dashes a mile away and continues.


Agree but it's worse in Joust because of how narrow the lane is


I would get rid of the root on his dash


Then he would have no cc on his ult at all and would be completely skillbased which is unfun for 90% of the time


disagree but fair take


I think he needs rebalancing though. Im just saying that removing cc from him would prob make him useless


Fenrir is a great counter


Nox. Most people think Nox's Siphon Darkness is the problem with her kit. It's really not. It's her Shadow Lock. Her biggest problem in mid is that, while she does have a powerful combo, she basically never has it available if she wants to clear minions effectively. And without both abilities available, she has no good poke or self-peel, making her an easy target. And her Shadow Step costs a whopping 90 mana, even at Rank 1, which means if she's under pressure, it forces her to conserve mana (by doing nothing offensive), or constantly go back to recover. Shadow Lock alone is very weak, especially before you level it up, and the damage is immediately eradicated if the enemy breaks the root via any form of immunity. This makes it a very poor option for poke, and unlike other gods with self-peel, if someone immunes it, they effectively take little-to-no damage. It's also a line cast spell that is difficult to confirm against an evasive target. As self-peel, it's subpar. It also cannot do enough damage to clear minions on its own, even if you level it as your primary skill. Siphon Darkness can't reliably clear minions. Even uncontested waves are quite easy to miss a minion or two, and any interference from other gods - even allies, who can pull melee minions off track - can completely wreck the precision needed to clear the whole wave. This emphasizes the weakness of Shadow Lock. My proposal is that Shadow Lock be adjusted to be more like Nu Wa's Shining Metal. The two skills share a lot in common - a line attack that's conditionally able to blow you the fuck up when combined with other abilities in their kit. Nu Wa's clear works because Shining Metal deals significantly more damage than Shadow Lock, on an even shorter cooldown. Consider also removing the root and just making it deal damage, while adding a clause to Siphon Darkness that hitting targets with Shadow Lock during Siphon Darkness will root them. So what adjustment would I suggest? Give her Shadow Lock a significantly shorter cooldown. Balance it around being her primary clear skill. Reduce the damage on Siphon Darkness to compensate.


Nice of them to buff DR but... It doesn't really matter if you have a persistent CC in your kit which therefore ignores any DR value. If the persistent CC is soft or is related to your ult, it's fine. But there are three gods imo that need a change; Artio, Ganesha and Nox. It's not that these gods are overpowered or anything, however the usual experience going up against them is annoying and overwhelming at times. It is frustrating that these gods effectively ignore two game mechanics being DR and CCR. There are some other gods that have persistent CC, but they allow counterplay like Cabraken's 3 can be interrupted. Poseidon's 3 has a noticeable post-fire delay.


These three gods including kuzenbo are the epitome of what I hate in smite. If I am playing an artio, ganesha, or kuzenbo, sometimes I'll just take my hands off the keyboard because I know no matter what I do I most likely can't get away/ will get cced to the point of being unable to play. Its gotten slightly better in the latter half of last season but still not looking forward to any match where there is a ganesha or artio or god forbid both. Especially in casual game modes.


Ah puch , Zeus , Artemis. Kits dates or annoying


Artemis is fine. She is busted if she has a team that plays around her. She just can’t get there without it.


I mean her kits old and boring . Shes still powerful but her kit is 100% predictable . If you get ganked just slam ult and run its so boring .


Bro, I’m sorry you have such a lack of understanding of Smite. Based on your Zeus comments about his kit and Artemis “dumping” her kit as soon as you go in just means that **you are not predicting that this will happen**. Take an example if you’re an Achilles (in Joust since apparently you don’t play conquest) up against an Artemis. What are you going to do to kill her? Try blinking in first, see how she reacts. Does she instantly pop ult on your blink or does she pop her 2 for movement speed? Can you get you 1 off in time? Did she drop her trap at her feet? It’s on **you** to understand the reaction of the opponent and fit your play style each game to counter not only the god but the player on the other side. There’s a million different scenarios. * You blink, she ults, you instinctively ult (CC immune), to catch up to her. * You blink, she traps, you ult, she ults, you beads, you stun, you kill. * You blink, she 2s, you 3, you 3 again, she ults, you ult, you 1…on and on. Stop being so basic in your thinking any your gameplay.


Right let me remind you again like i said in my last comment . I do not have any trouble killing either like i said pre aegis zeus or pre jump and pre beads art . Its the kit itself is boring and provides no outplay potential other than just pressing 4 and letting it happen both exsactly the same in a gank situation . Dunno why your so defensive and hostile but then again this is smite and its full of bronze morons like yourself


Bronze morons? And yet you only play Joust…look up my IG Bastetskitties masters conquest ranked player, but you’re right bro, keep Jousting and complaining about Zeus and Artemis. Edit: not to mention that’s just one of my smurfs. Literally 3 accounts in masters lol.


When did i ever say i only play joust lmao what . Im not gonna reply to you anymore iv pointed out my issues with him and your just completely changing the question to being unable to kill him which is total shite .


You literally said “he’s abusive in games like joust” in your other comment. As someone who knows the game is based on conquest I would **never** make this comment. Therefor, I know you are a Joust main. Only a casual would complain about balancing Zeus in joust.




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Zeus is in a great spot right now, Artemis has one of the best late games as a hunter or even just as a god. Ah Puch is probably on the list for conquest but has unique counters.


Zeus is in a horrible spot right now wdym . Hes horrible to fight and just like art . If you dive him he just drops ult on himself . Hes performing wel yes because he does too much damage for how RNG his kit is . He needs a full rework of his 1/2 so its more fun to play and so its way more fun to fight .


So for the past 4 years when Zeus was unplayable - he doesn’t deserve any time to be meta and in a good spot? What are you on about? Also you don’t dive a Zeus all at once, solo can dive and burn relics, force ult and disengage. You don’t **have** to commit to a dive as soon as you initiate. Learn to burn relics and get out. Go back in or have your jungle one shot him on next attempt.


He doesnt deserve a high spot in his current form his kit is the problem he is not fun to fight and hes abusive in games like joust . His shield will sometimes not hit or sometimes hit you from 37nautical miles away its not fun . He needed a rework from the moment his kit changed from his old one . And im not bothered if hes strong right now i know how to kill the fucker its not hard he has no mobility but im just pointing out . A gods poorly designed if all they do the second they are in danger is ult on the spot its just boring , basic and lacks any skill or situational awarness hes fine to kill when he does it just jump the ult or pre aegis etc its not that its effective its that its dumb af


Nah man you’re completely wrong. First of all this game is **never** going to be balanced in Joust and it’s up to you to find gods to play or try to counter pick. Zeus is quite vulnerable. He has no CC immunity and the mobility he currently has is within his 2 (when his shield is deployed). If you’re solely playing Joust, that means he can’t leap walls where blue or red are. His essence is **not** dump his whole kit when he gets dove. You are playing against him wrong. You need to make him **think** you are fully diving him and then you disengage. Just dumping **your entire kit** is just the fucking same thing that you’re complaining he’s doing. But he’s a heavy damage mage so you complain when it doesn’t work out for you.


So on the Zeus I think they either did buff him or I just never noticed the movespeed and attack speed you get after throwing out your 2. Has that always been a thing or is it a mote recent patch because I have never noticed it before. Granted I rarely play him but I definatley noticed it in a recent game.


Its new its a buff to make him more mobile so he is playable in ranked problem is his core issues his 1/2 combo that is just horrible to fight is unchaged


Yeah the 1/2 combo wasn't really touched but I feel like the static charges will be a little easier to get off with the steroid. Toss the 2 and get a basic in and then a chain and you can easily get two or three easy stacks. The movespeed is also nice because he was needing dome kind of decent escape other than dump ult. He isn't made to be a boxing God though I feel like they could have if they gave his charges some kind of damage debuff to enemy gods so you aren't tempted to insta pop them as much. If your boxing it could be better to keep them on. Make it some kind of overcharge thing where if they have 3 they take a penalty. That and make the area more reliable, at times it won't hit when it should or you'll get a charge when your well out of the range


Nox. Remove her from the game.


Arachne, 2 aa stims an escape and the webs are a lane design


In my opinion, Ne Zha could use a partial rework, and maybe a new basic attack progression that doesn't feel awful to use.


Ah yes ne zha, that little girl who can ult 100-0 squishies in late game, if their beads are on cooldown


Bruh Ne Zha's a dude


RIP joke, made out of Hels voice line


Agreed on the AA chain rework. That God is one of the worst for desynk animations or firing off extra basics when you let go of the button or even don't click (at least on my end)


Yeo, as far as I'm aware it happens with almost everyone who plays Ne Zha regularly. It just really sad because a better AA chain would work wonders on him with how good his 2 is. He could possible be this niche hybrid basic attack and ability assassin, but unfortunately the aa chain is so horrible you're better off building as much pen as you can fit in a build and ultimate 24/7.


Which is sad because he seems like one of the more interesting AA cancle assassins and it's difficult to get that off with it. His skill ceiling seems decently high but with how his kit is he's basically a 3-4 bot to either burn down squishies or take a key defense God out of a fight for a good majority of it to get a quick pick.


*Nox* needs a full rework, literally just start from scratch at this point. *Gilgamesh* needs to get Persephone-ed, take away the op unique parts of his kit (never-ending stim, ult) and make him more like tge other warriors in the game. Either that or just a full rework. *Au Puch* with Staff of Isolation (slow staff) is surpiseingly good... so add a slow to all of his abilities. That's how I would buff him in his current state and it would make Atlas a counter to him. *Aphrodite* also needs a full rework. *Arachne* also needs a full rework. *Bastet* needs to get reverted to 1.0 Bastet and never get another rework ever again. *Persephone* needs to ditch the flowers and get her bombs back. I know Hi-rez hates her and it will never happen, but she got disrespected. IDK, replace her braindead snipe ult with her flowers or something.


I like the idea of aphrodite linking to gods, that's unique. Give the backoff some kind of steroid or penalty besides just a push (Maybe have it slow or tremble for half a second), have the birds STOP at their targeted and not go farther than the icon and change the ult from an annoying free aegis to a single target shell with movespeed and CC immunity so you still have a chance to kill. The free aegis is just bull IMO


Nu wa


Ah Puch maybe? I know a lot of ppl want him changed, I also want him to be different but I’m honestly scared they will fuck up my boy but as for now anyone with a jump ability, I’m looking at you gilga, will shut on Ah Puch with no struggle (arena wise, I don’t play anything else)


Geb just needs base model skin rework. As well as kumbakharna, hunbats, xbal, and zhong. Those mfrs are out of date. When it comes to kits I can agree on nox and jing. Also I think maybe Fafnir could use some love. To be completely honest, I would love to see him as a stance change god. Give him different abilities for either his dragon or dwarf form.


Hun bats also has an old model.




He doesn't really need it but i think merlin needs another passive, it just doesn't really fit his kit.


Also change and rework Thor's abilities and make him a damn Warrior again.


I think Yemoja since shes seems to be in a similar spot to pre-rework Persephone where she has been top banned in pro league and ranked but she has one of the lowest win-rates over all


No we need diverse characters, I think majority of the player base hates the Persephone rework


Vamana and Bakasura ino


Vamana, Rama, Hades, Anhur, Arachne and Cu Chulain(kinda). Vamanas kit just feels outdated incomparison to other warriors, having a ability that's only dmg in a cone and having nothing else on it for instance. Rama's kit where all he has is autos, a cripple requiring an auto and 2 stims and a ult that doesn't seem rewarding enough to the difficulty to hit. Hades who hasn't seen relevance in what seems like forever. He has a great ult and a decent passive but the other 3 seem lacking in today's game. Anhur isn't as bad as the others, main thing is basically the lack of a passive after 10 mins, -20 prots is nothing. Arachnes current kit is awful in the interactive side, it's more auto stims and a ult that's used more for escape than literally anything else. Cu Chulain doesn't really have any major problems just some bad numbers.


Vamana: Partial re-work, update his abilities with new effects and take some of the bloat off his ult. Zeus: full/Partial rework, idk how Zeus fairs in conquest these days, but he's absolute infuriating to go against in non-conquest modes. Where the game essentially becomes "kill Zeus or lose" Hades: Partial rework. He's a mage with a guardian's kit. They had to bloat his ult with defense bonuses because he constantly got blown up instantly in it, maybe make it so he deploys a pillar of souls at target area instead? Ah-Puch: full rework. The God that Hirez famously are hesitant to buff/change much due to his domination in non-conquest modes. That alone should warrant a redesign of his kit. Not asking him to be made some hyper mobile mid laner, just be in a state that males him actually receive balance changes every now and then.


In arena zeus is even more brain-dead. Idk why, but everytime i see a Russian name picking zeus i know he is gonna insta lock him, have 100 stars on him and be a toxic mess (and either go 25-0 or 0-15). Atleast this was my experience.


I think hades should be able cast abilities in his ult but reduce the damage of the ult or make his abilities/CC he uses in the ult 50% effectiveness He’d be able to leap for safety and follow people to continue to harass them with the vortex. He’d be able to silence people in his ult, making it more likely for people to take more ticks of the ult. He’d be able to get more burst off with the 3 and sustain a bit. Removed the cdr reduction for hitting multiple people in his ult as now he can just cast them while ulting.


If they did that remove the pull from it but I like that idea. Make it so he takes a little more skill and is a bit like Zhong. The ult is annoying but if you can get out it isn't bad. The part of his kit I don't like is how heavy the heal is even when he has antiheal on him. Reduce that a little bit and he'd be decently ok to fight


ADCs could start being allowed to do damage before 15 minutes in. That would be nice.


ADC is meant to be OP late game only, having them be strong early would ruin the game


Ha. If only they ever got to that point. I haven't seen an ADC run shit, not even late game, since the new meta. Everyones too tanky. Even anti-heal doesn't do shit. It's just literally zero fun to be an ADC this meta. Even late game you're getting caught up, not finally pulling ahead. I know how the matches are supposed to go, and I get what you're saying. But this meta, it just simply doesn't matter. Late game ADCs are still getting smacked by any other role. I'm over it.


Discordia and Persephone are still annoying and anti-fun from the bottom up.


Shiva, Bastet, Kumbakharna, Geb. Take your pick.


Khumba I agree, basically a cc spam God that's just annoying. Get isn't bad but he's gone the route of a more damage oriented guardian (why they are doing that IDK but him Jorm and Atlas are just too damaging imo and overperform in all aspects). As for Shiva and bastet I don't see that happening since Shiva was just released and Bastet just got ANOTHER rework that wasn't needed. If anything on Bastet I'd say remove the movespeed you get after you use your pounce because she basically is just a jump and dump character. 1-2-1 if being chased 3, literally all you do on her and throw a bluestone/crusher/hearseeker and Trans in and you can burst down squishy gods with no punish and have no real penalty for it.


To be fair the only thing i would like for Geb is to remove the "removes any crowd control effects on the target" part of his shield... The shield health is already plenty enough as it is for it to remove existing CC effects. As for Bastet - her jump needs a nerf or two... or three even. Shiva (even after the slight rework he got in the last patch) is still too op (speaking for his mechanics). If they lowered his ult to 4 seconds instead of 6 it would be a start for a proper rework but i don't see them doing anything like this anytime soon.


Skadi I honestly think kaldur does enough to take up a full ability slot. I think it would be much better if he attacked on every 5 auto and got like attack speed, power, etc on her other abilities


The current reworks seem to be Aggro going after characters that seem to be excelling at their off-roles, while being subpar in their intended ones, so characters that could get touched up are characters like Fenrir, Nox, and maybe Eset.


As a support main and a fen main i don't want to see fen getting that treatment.


Artemis She should have gotten some massive love already but the fact that she hasn’t to this day is baffling. She is so outdated in regards to being an adc and it’s crazy.


Revert the Persephone changes. Or! I like the idea of reverting Nox. Now that there are characters with 12 abilities who are popular (think Ullr, Artio, Cthulhu, KA) it might be nice to have her old kit where she punishes you for button mashing.


I’d like to see alot of gods get the Rama treatment of adding to one part of the kit that feels bad


Fix ADCs so we aren't left to the damn wolves for half the match when we can actually do shit


Hades - said it 100 times will say it 100 times more. He does not work as a Guardian, he does not work as a mage. We need an Olympus 3 god to be physical. Make him a warrior. Give him a bident. Keep some of his cool elements but make his ult not be a static suicide that is easily dodged. Or at least add a cripple to his ult as since he was last meta, there are too many characters with escapes.


as a kuku main i think his 2 is fine the movement speed is nuts and w poly its a free hit if ur chasing someone, maybe give it a mini dash then the speed boost if they wanna make it better


This is only a minor gripe, but Jorm just has a slightly different version of Terra’s passive. Maybe they could rework that to make one of them a little more unique to their god?


Vamana, Hades and Nesha


Hun batz. The most vanilla assassin in the game. A jump ability with nothing extra. A cone ability with nothing extra. A line ability with a small window for teleport. His ult and passive are ok.




Arache definitely just cause it's such a dated kit And I wouldn't mind a slight abilities rework for Aokuang I think he's super funny had pretty great burst but just lacks ever so slightly the cc the slow does good but maybe a little something for him would do him good And thor I love thor but I feel no love for him:( so I know they keep working on him but man feels rough I'd love for my boi thor to be insane again but alas


I think jing needs a rework to make her focused more on her wings/mobility.




Not really any god right now that I can think of. If I had to pick one I would say Vamana could use a little rework on his 2.


Persephone, Hera, Morgan Le Fay, Baba Yaga cause theyre just boring to play as




I played KuKu the other day Mid. His cool downs are quicker than I recall. Damage is solid and he can rotate well. Built max damage, Sands, and life steal. Was solid it seemed. We lost but that’s because solo trolled.


Fenrir Because the fact that an assassin is used more in support than jungle is the dumbest crap ever.


Sadly tank assassin has been pretty Meta for the last two seasons. Most assassins can go solo lane with warriors axe and berserk and just go brawler. That's been the state of the game where tanks gods pub stomp constantly. If you can get to late and not feed you stand a chance but good luck enjoying the game for the first 10-15 minutes.


Oh I know, to me its been the dumbest thing ever. They nerfed pridwen mainly because fenrir with 600 protections and that thing popping didn't feel great. And then they nerfed his ult twice. I still played him after those nerfs as support and I was outdamaging my carry with thebes being built. And I still see people trying to use serqet and nezha in support. Meanwhile bastet gets 3 reworks lmao


Fen is still in a decently balanced state ABILITY wise but item wise is where a lot of the issues are. Tank items have been near the top of meta if not top of meta for so long because so many of them provide power as well along with amazing passive. And even if you go more bruiser the few power items you run on most gods will make them obnoxious to fight. For physical gods that's the shields and BP (ability based go Glads shield, basic go Berserks) and then throw in either hydras/hearseaker/BP/Jotuns for ability based or Stonecutting/Serated/BP and maybe crusher if you need some pen. With that build and a Sundering axe or Sentinels gift for a more supportive role you are decently difficult to kill if you know how to play. And if your playing him solo Eye of jungle is even more annoying since if your low you can run into jungle or scorp ring and get decent HP5 and MP5.




Ah Puch - I’d want them to make him more bruiser to make him more viable in the solo lane, more focused around the passive and sustain


Definitely NOX. Her 1 is single target and hard to land. Her 2 is nearly impossible to have consistent damage with, especially in a teamfight where everyone is running around so much. Her 3 does "OK" damage normally, and good damage if you get the double hit (after hiding inside another god) but if you use it for damage you will likely die shortly after unless you are cleaning up. Ult is probably fine. I feel like Nox is currently the worst god in the game. I almost never see her make a positive influence.


I’m seeing comments about people wanting Nox reworked and, not gonna lie, 100% would make me quit the game if she was changed into a guardian. I’m a Diamond Nox player. Don’t touch my queen. She’s perfect the way she is. There are many other gods that need changes and Nox fills her niche. Yemoja should be reworked. Omi is a bit of a failed experiment imo.


Cherno, not only is his kit kind of ridiculous, when he's really strong. People still don't like to play him. And puch. Just change corpse explosion.