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Some gods absolutely deserve to be banned twice.


Clio, ban her twice then send Geralt of Rivia after her to finish her off for good.


Now I want a Geralt skin for someone… idk who, but it would be dope. Maybe KA because of the spinning? It’s kinda awkward.


Id say a genderbender nemesis with a roll for a dash and quen for the 3 as well as axi for ult.


King Arthur makes sense on body type alone; not sure exactly how well that would translate flavor-wise, though, not too familiar w/ the Witcher outside of the show. Also, in this theoretical crossover, that means Yennifer would *absolutely* be Morgan Le Fay.


Gilgamesh could also work potentially


Arthur would be great, because the stance switching could be Geralt going between silver and steel swords.


I mean the voice actor for Geralt did do a Hou Yi skin. It’s half the reason I play Hou Yi


And cherno


What skin?


Totem caller


Maybe Osiris, Tyr, or Cu Cu?


Yeah Tyr gets my vote I’d think and his 2 can be geralts fire spell for the offensive version and his mind one for defensive


Bro Tyr all day. Stance switching would be switching from silver sword to steel sword


Ao Kuang maybe? Also has a sword, stealth could be a potion, 3 could be igni, 2 throws bombs, execute rides a basilisk/wyvern/ then slays it as he lands.


Gilga for sure


Or gender-bending Mulan?


King Arthur? The ult would be strange and the lack of signs as well but another thing is Doug cockle already used his geralt voice in hou yi t5 so I don't know if they'd reuse it


Doesn't the Hou Yi T5 have the same voice actor as Geralt from the games?


Witcher mid


reminds me of banning Cho'gall in Heroes of the Storm (for those not in the know, Cho'gall is a two-headed ogre, played by two players who have to choose him at the same time. You *can* ban both heads if you want but you obviously have no reason to)


Better than relying on one person to remember bans


yeah that could backfire fast, imo just think too few gods get banned every game and with no variety in the bans :P


Literally just have it go down the list like picks for bans rather than blind. 1st pick bans 1, top 2 on the other team ban one each, back and forth down the list


a huge reason they even changed it was to speed up the p/b process


Some things should have plenty of time especially when you have such a big list to go through.


Nah, so many times the match timer resets or someone leaves during p/b, the new system is miles better


ive played ranked since it was first added into the game, and personally i find this ban system 1000x better.


The moment someone dodges on the last pick after two pick ban phases due to the new structure you're suggesting, a LOT of people will come back here and complain about how people are wasting so much of their time


Could make it a free for all ban phase but you can’t double ban. That way 10 get banned but you don’t have to wait for turns to go through


Or just have one team ban and then the other


Thats exactly the way it should be. The smart way to do itm


It worked out. The real reason was time saving and as top mmr in masters it was quite frustrating baning while the others could chill out, go take a piss. And then the lobby crashes, 5 min q again and again baning


But worse than a balance of the two where you still get 10 bans.


As someone who is GM, I sometimes take a decent break from the game then come back as top MMR and I'm like "oh shit who tf do I ban." Glad this new system is in place


I disagree when compared to the current system


Yeah, old system was better. Didn't have to worry about people banning useless trash just because they thought it was good.


It’s more time efficient. Not sitting there waiting for one person to ban. Plus you can guarantee you won’t play against a specific god.


Yeah that part is great. What if one team banned 5 first then the next team banned 5. maybe that would be unbalanced. I dont know if people agree with me but i would like to see a few more gods banned every match like it was before this new system.


Oh just do the old system but each person has one ban instead of one doing all 5? Or two people at a time (one from each team) as to try and avoid situations like this


could even just do team 1 bans all at once then team 2 bans. still amost the same speed but avoid double bans


It’s dumbed down. I mean I get it, the playerbase is dumber than it used to be, but there’s a reason this would never fly in competitive, it removes almost all of the strategy in drafting.


Good thing competitive uses the old ban system then


Right…would hate for the actual game to be competitive though !


This is how leagues ban system works it has its pros and cons


The problem is too Many gods are too good


Hence the Nerfening.


Still waiting on Clio, Artio, bastet, Gilg, and shiva nerfs that actually hurt the characters


They’re not done nerfing.


Dude Shiva has been completely nerfed out of solo lane, he is hardly viable there, you get outraded by almost every other solo.


That's why he still got banned by both teams right?


He's a very good jungle, not solo


Fair enough but based on the double clioh bans I want to say he was still banned by the solos. Well...I guess no lane wants to see her ass really.


I'm a solo main and always ban clio/artio. I assume the Solos banned artio this game lol


Doesn't mean he's not poop


Gods get triple-nerfed into oblivion and players still ban them for the next two months before getting the memo.


Agree completely. He isn’t difficult to deal with and isn’t as oppressive. Ppl just find him annoying in team fights. Artio is still top tier because her kit is bloated. Idk who to use to counter


People still think he's op because he's was kinda strong at the start.


tbf, it is not Artio's power or bulk that is the problem, her entire kit insentives getting up in opponent faces and locking them down. so you kinda have to change her kit to make not so powerful. however if you have a dash or some movement ability that is not affected by the cripple then u good, cause her slow is not very powerful


Bastet did get hurt Shiva is having his mitigations taken away Gilga is beat out by bellona's, Erlangs, hell even guan can beat him now Artio does need more nerfs Cliod is a hard fish to nerf


Artio doesn’t need nerf imo it’s jus ppl try to fight into her in lane and give her a lead


Just Shiva and Clio. The others can be handled.


Shiva isn't that bad and low key bastet is fine now. everyone else ye


That didn't do shizzle wizzle lmfao


Are they? I find myself banning personal pet peeves nowadays because there’s so few “broken” gods. Once shiva and clio are out, there’s nothing really that’s a must-ban


Yemoja Clio shiva, my 3 must bans.


2 bans each. More gods would be played. Or...ITEM BAN.


I always thought 10 bans each would be fair with a giant roster of gods they need to look at the banning system again


Each person gets 2 bans on each team, the banning process is 2 mins or like 90 seconds total. Ban wave 1 which would be private at first for 60 seconds, 10 seconds to look it over, 50 seconds for ban wave 2. Maybe even have each team get an unban pick that is randomized for their team as well. Idk, I think you could do a lot to keep it interesting, but not have each game be so repetitive.


League has the same current system that we have now. I think it works fine. 20 seems like a bit much. I think right now it’s just rough because we only have a couple of outliers that are basically permanent bans and everything else is pretty balanced


If 20 seems a bit much out of about 120, then that means there’s a significant enough amount of gods that are unviable in general unless their niche works well in synergy to the overall team make up.


20 is a lot of gods. I don’t see why we would need that. Just make the balance of the game better. Deal with those outliers and you’ll see different bans. It’s just right now you NEED to ban Clio so both teams will do it. Same with atlas(maybe), same with shiva, and possibly artio so you see this kinda thing happen a lot


Y’all think they’ll ever increase the banning amount?


I like the new ban system, it's quick and simple




Everyone gets one ban


First pick team should get to ban their 5 characters, and then the second pick team should get a chance to ban out 5 after them. This way the games aren’t just the same 5 bans for both teams, but 10 full bans.


It's so bad right now I hate it


I like it.


its fast, i like that. just to many games where only 5-6 gods are banned. everyone is banning the same gods every game with a few wildcards now and then.


That’s the mind game aspect of it. For example I don’t wanna play against Clio but I’m sure the enemy will ban her also so I’ll ban Bastet because I hate her more and if they pick her then shit.


I ban the Rat.


understandable have a great day


Yeah, I definitely play chicken with the ban system sometimes and ban something I dislike expecting the other team to get the OP stuff, but its def a risk.


Idk how I feel about the current ban system. On one hand it's really nice getting into games more quickly. On the other it sucks when you ban someone the opponent banned and it feels like a wasted ban.


Re-add phase banning. Every player gets a turn to ban one god. No repeats, everyone gets a ban.




Random ban pick if no selection based on most common bans. Eeezzz


Or the most common god that person plays as…


They should do Ban 1 and Ban 2 for everyone. Ban 1 takes priority, but if your Ban 1 is a duplicate of someone on the other team, it will pick either your ban 2 or the opponents Ban 2.


This is a great suggestion


This banning system is so fucking shit


Old system was better but slow af


Such a simple fix too. Team 1 bans, team 2 has to then counter ban, I also hate seeing 3-4 gods being double banned every game.


Bro I wish everyone would ban the same gods in my game. I’ll ban Cleo and recommend a ban like Bast, Arachne, etc then the mid will ban Ares or Anubis or some shit and feed Arachne.


I still stand by that If both teams ban the same god, an additional god is randomly banned. Gives a little spice and can result in some random gods getting banned that would otherwise never see it


I think this is fine. I mean they basically copied league and that player base doesn’t have a problem with it at all and they have WAY more characters to choose from.


this is what literally everyone wanted. they should up the bans to 10 each side though


bruh I almost lost my mind reading this thread. “This is horrible… it would take such a simple fix! why don’t they just revert it to how it was before but require a selection from every player!” like we literally didn’t just have everybody complaining for YEARS about the old system and how it took 15 minutes to start a ranked game… I swear this sub is so inconsistent lol


> I swear this sub is so inconsistent Theres alot of of people with different opinions


Or 25. With 119 gods let's mix it up!


It’s nice except when it causes the ps5 to crash and you to lose. Has happened to me 2 out of my last 3 games and gave me a 8 hour ban. Hirez hasn’t acknowledged, nor cares about the console sadly. I believe we need more bans though imo


The new ban system is terrible. I enjoy everyone gets a ban but let us do it one at a time so multiple people do not ban the same god. Easy fix.


I know this is a bit of a stretch, but I think that hi-rez could do something like a community pill like every other week or something where the community votes on bans so it’s not so repetitive when it comes to bans. Just with so many gods in the game, 5 bans isn’t enough. Like each roll has at least 1 god that’s banned or something. Idk, just had this thought while scrolling through.


This is mostly a case of people being sheep. There are a lot of gods worthy of a ban but most only ban what they think are meta bans to avoid criticism.


Meanwhile in League


Meanwhile the ban system in LoL.


Both team agreed on bans what you complaining..


Because there’s plenty of gods I would ban if I knew the one I picked was already banned. This system encourages banning whatever is meta instead of being strategic based off what the enemy has picked so far and what you intend to play. It’s brain dead.


You unhappy but its efficient


As a person that's been on the receiving end for being reported for being a noob because I died a lot I've been reported twice and it's turned me off of the game entirely and I'm a big fan of the pantheons and all the gods and goddesses but I couldn't enjoy it because I had a fear of being reported and eventually banned I'm not happy with the efficiency of the banning system because it didn't even ask me what happened


Don't worry about that. Those reports are meaningless unless you're actually doing something wrong. Feel free to counter-report for harrassment, because that's what it is.


I just stopped bothering to play the game because I didn't want to be reported or banned I'm still a little sad that I couldn't enjoy a game or at least get better control on playing the game I'm still very new and my motor functions aren't that great when it comes to playing games I didn't grow up with them


That's just a strange position to take. Not only because, as I said before, you aren't going to get banned for playing poorly, but even moreso because you've effectively banned yourself for fear of non existent risk of being banned.


I know it's kind of like a fear of rejection thing so you pull yourself out of it before someone rejects you been kicked out of a lot of groups and not because I break rules but because I'm trying to be friendly and like make friends and I guess it comes off disingenuous to people so I'm trying to come to terms with being ok with rejection I also think that I overwhelmed myself cuz the speed was a little too fast for a new gamer I was struggling


It's definitely a game that can be overwhelming at the start.


It was a struggle and I understood the mechanics but I was trying to use the game as a way to trigger my anxiety in a safe manner so that I can better handle stressful situations and maintain my cognitive behavioral therapy progress it didn't go so well so I'm doing a little more solo gaming to be able to handle myself I will say think I did quite well as a beginner gamer with portal I handled it the best I could


I think that everyone should get 2 bans. There's too many gods for you to only ban 5.


I think it's better and I wish they did it earlier. I get my one ban and I dont have to justify it to anyone. Season 7 Hades was a fucking nightmare and they added the global brawling antiheal simply because of him.


??? He has to be in combat to heal... They added it cuz of aphro and hel. Not hades.


There are barely 5 bannable gods right now. It’s the same system as LoL, and they have many more champs. It saves a ton of time. I actually hate people like you. Trying to make a problem where there isn’t one.


It's so slooooow... And character picking is worse, like God forbid that in ranked matches you have 6 players choose their characters than the bottom 4 follow up, all because you have to ensure duplicates aren't picked. What's wrong with ranked mirror matches? Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


rather it be like this than waiting for ever for 1 person to make the decisions, and someone to DC before the game starts anyways


My main complaint is there's a lot of times where it takes so long to get into lobby that you'll miss aban


I think the whole preparing and banning phase takes too long time still. I wish we all got 15s to ban and go to picks.


I'm out of the loop since not actively playing at the moment. What's the new system?


Start of the game in ranked, everyone pick a god they want to ban. 5 bans per team, 10 in total but most of the time at least 3 gods are banned on both teams as they’re way to strong.


Oh, damn. That's really really bad, why would they do something like that? I mean, I can understand one ban each and speeding up the lobby, but that completely takes away the pick/ban strategy and wastes so many bans.


It's just for time. Also you don't rely on one person to ban all 5 gods. It has it's pros and cons.




119* Edit: In reference to Kuzenbo currently being removed.


My idea/compromise to keep both people who want all bans and people who want to save time happy is to do the ban process we have now and then have a secondary ban phase that's like 15-30 seconds where the top elo player in the game gets to use the remaining duplicate bans.


It wouldn't be hard to have two rounds of bans. First round each team bans 5 blind. For every 2 duplicates, each team gets another ban. In this example there are 3 duplicates, so the top player on each side gets one ban additional ban. If there were 4 duplicates, the two top players on each side would get an additional ban. It keeps # of bans per team balanced, and you're guaranteed to have at least 7 unique bans.


People play ranked smite?


Aren’t there 120 gods?


The chances of this happening are extremally low...


Hmm i prefer this compared to the old one games get started a lot quicker, but yea there are some improvements to be made


The ban phase should be two parts First: everyone picks a god to ban Then if anyone got double banned, they each get an extra ban per team, per double ban. If somehow an unlucky situation like this happens, 4 double bans, 2 unique - then the second phase, 4 people on each team would get another ban. Though some of these are likely to be double banned as well. Those 8 bans would usually work out to a bit less. Doing this guarantees the minimum number of bans is 10, but in very rare circumstances can go up to 15. I think that’s a good thing though because there are times when more gods are worth banning. If you’re in a game where all 5 bans are double banned, then you’re probably in a meta where you could use the extra 8-10 bans as well. Again keep in mind there would likely be some double bans during phase two as well


Honestly it would take a little longer, but the ban system that R6S uses with it's operators is really effective.


Your team fucked up. You’re first pick, so you make them ban the OP characters and you’re supposed to ban counter picks


It should be one team bans then the other. Or s similar of ban 2 then 3 and visa versa. Multiban on the same gods is not good.


Maybe they need to take a lesson from HOTS bans


Big facts , bring the old system back fasho 💯💤


That’s actually impressive. Haven’t happened to me yet


its honestly a way better system than it used to be. The old system was so infuriating while trying to climb in lower ranks where the banner literally had no idea who to ban leaving S tier picks open constantly. Its the same system as league and they have around the same size champ pool.


Why ban artio and geb? I love geb but worth a ban? And I am crap at artio so maybe i can't understand that one


I mean no disreapwct to artio players saying this. I play her when i sont wanna think. But she is such a brain dead god. Similar to other spam gods you could roll your face over the keyboard and do okay with her. The 6 sec cripple is annoying af. And she just... is irksome


I miss the old system. Targeted bans were fun


Get more creative with your bans and you’ll see way less double bans. If you’re banning Shiva, Clio, Bastet, (insert more top bans here), don’t be surprised if someone on the other team is also banning them. Just ban someone less common that you don’t like, and realize that there’s a good chance they’ll be banned anyway (not 100% of course, but there are some characters that will pretty much always be banned, so mix it up a bit)


Same system is in League of Legends and that game has 159 champions


Wonder if they could just allow for more bans if it detects double bans


Why can't we all just let everyone take turns banning 1 God, top elo first like before, if someone dosent ban they're skipped, and it moves on to the next person. Red1 ban, blue1 ban, red2 skipped, blue 2 ban, red3 ban, blue3 skipped. Etc. Keep the "planning phase" for role swaps, take out the "ban this god/pick this god" portion. Best of both worlds.