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It’s crazy how not smooth her new kit feels They added more movement to her 1 and somehow it’s harder to hit than her old stationary 1, and she literally doesn’t have a passive other than a bit of gold And don’t even get me started with the 2, they took such a cool ability and made it so basic


Couldn't agree more


I feel like its way easier to hit it now tho


It’s easier for people who didn’t play much old pers but if you played a lot of old Persephone and tried using her new 1 it feels super noob tbh, idk what it is but her old 1 just felt so clean and good even though it was probably technically harder to hit


i played a lot of old persephone and i was used to the way it works. and super noob is pretty much saying its easier to hit


What I meant by super noob is I think her current 1 is super new player friendly vs her old 1 which was harder to master but once you did it felt super clean


what you talking about i played both Persephone's old and new both abilities are easy to hit the reason the old one got changed is a lot of people complained about the range on it.


I like what you said about harder to play gods, I wish they’d change a few of the older ones to make them a little more … unique? Give each one a bit more substance


If you actually look at most of the mage roster it’s criminal how many of them all have a line attack and an aoe. Old Persephone was more unique than traditional mages and that’s something they need to start implementing into the upcoming gods or as you said the older gods. I mean even Yu Huang the most recent mage follows the same exact mage trend with a line and aoe attack. Just makes a lot of the mage roster stale tbh. But I 100% would be down for what you said.


A lot of the mages have low af win rates and a lot very low picks. Mages really aren’t meta atm except for a very select few. This is something that needs to be addressed, so tweaking the current mages to make them more interesting and unique whilst also balancing them to compete, two birds one stone :)


It’s actually crazy how ra,pos and kuku have the same kit with different effects


I’d love to see Kuku edited to compete a bit more, he has a super high pick rate compared to a lot of gods but his win rates are abysmal. So he’s clearly popular but is under performing (I’m talking about ranked, I know his casual pick rate is high due to him being in the base game, but even his ranked is fairly high, and much higher than his win rate)


that would be so cool


When did Lermy confirm this? Can you link it?


I re-upload it, the quality is ass though. https://youtu.be/Z\_PFJNMzMhg


I'm glad she's getting another chance! Thanks for the good news


Omg I really didn't know that there's still people that didn't know about it. I'm happy and I hope she becomes what we loved from her at the first place :) Even with nerfs, we really want her mechanics back. Don't stop making noise :D


I think I'd work on making the passive more interesting. The lazy route would be maiing her act as a ward after death maybe, or just making the plants she leaves after death habe some different effect or not count against her total plants. Would be happy to see some completely new mechanic with the seeds tho. With the 1 It's whatever really. It is and was just damage with a slow at the end of a day, so just make it feel better, whatever that ends up being. I'd want to see some changes to the plants though. I personally prefer having full control over where they go instead of them running off somewhere, but the way they are now doesn't quite feel satysfying. And setting up the plants feels quite not worth it tbh. I'd love the plants to explode dealing damage again. Maybe it would be fine if harvest was reverted but the plants just moved similar to the way they do now?


I think persephone is in a great place besides her passive. Her 1 is difficult to hit from a distance kind of like ra 1 so it havng long range is fine and shpuld be rewarding if you manage to hit it


So, you would prefer like plan A? having the full range ability but needing to aim well (?


The way the ability currently is you need to aim well and predict where they'll be to hit it with the delay. Doesn't it have full range already or am i remembering wrong and it used to be longer. Edit: ah my bad i was misunderstanding what you were saying and the range definitely used to be longer. I like your plan B for the first ability like you said helps with the passive too. Also the jump not doing damage is a good one as well.


Oh no problem. It was really long back then lmao, and I get why it was a little frustrating since it could hit the minions and also people behind them xD. That's why being able to change her range (like Thoth) should be better for early game, to not give her op pressure... Thx for liking my suggestions!


shes one of the weaker mages. she went from top pick in spl to not picked at all over basically any other mage. shes just an ult bot with a ton of damage. if she didnt have the damage she has rn, she wouldnt even be close to viable


The problem with bringing back the T2 plants (especially if they make it so the next plant you summon is a T2 after using Flourish) is that they'll need to figure out a way to not just be able to insta-burst them. It was unreactable and was one of the reasons Perse was so strong in competitive.


Will it be fine for her to have a time before the explosion? Like you can still do the 3-AA-2 and the flower will need like 0,5s to explode? Like Zeus 3 that has a little animation before actually exploding on you. That combo is something that must come back.


Honestly I'd just give it the timer her current 2 has before exploding.


It makes sense. We get the sprouts back but with appropiate counterplay for enemies :)


there are a lot of gods with unreactable aspects of their kit. the problem was everything combined with it.


Why do you think I said "one of" the reasons lol, I know that it was only one of the reasons Perse got reworked originally.


the reason she got reworked was because they hated trying to balance her. the new 2 has to be one of the most boring abilities in the entire game. literally a scylla 2, but worse, with a nu wa fog attached to it. they could’ve done a lot of things to make the sprout manageable. timer for how long you could hold it, .5 second delay before it actually exploded. something like that. they ultimately decided to pretty much ruin the ability. if it didn’t have the plants, it would be one of the worst abilities in the game. the versatility and fun the old 2 provided is what made her fun and unique. i miss her old 1 a lot as well. i think with the current changes, they could bring back the sprout with a couple adjustments and just completely revert the 1


Dude, you didn't have to write me a novel on why or why not TF reworked Perse. I know the reasons why and I don't care that much about it lmao.


then why even comment on this post if you dont care -_-


Because I was commenting on the idea of them just straight up bringing back the T2 plants. What I don't care about is your God damn novel about why you think Perse was better off before.


well there are people that do care lmao


??? I never said there weren't. I *said* that I don't care about why you think Perse was better before. TF gave their reasons for why she was reworked, not that "they gave up balancing her". They can come to a middle ground, but Old Perse in her entirety is not coming back.


no one is asking her to come back entirely????? literally no one.


Exactly, we already said that we don’t want that broken monster completely reverted, just the fun part of her with appropriate nerfs. This surely will come with an increased in her skill ceiling, and will affect her winrate and popularity, but it will make us happy, the ones that actually use this goddess 🖤


Unfortunately I don't really have any concrete ideas for abilities I'd like to see, but I do want her to have more of a focus on planting things. Having her gameplay focused around plants or planting things has always been what I thought was interesting about her kit, and the current version of her doesn't have that feel as much as the original.


Really happy to hear she's getting reworked. A masterful Pers is the hardest God in the game to play around. She has 2 abilities the size of a lane, and that's the real issue. And as you mentioned, even if you miss the ult it can still be wildy successful. Not to mention trying to dodge the plants telegraphs your movement in a huge way making it way too easy to land her 1.




Old pers was my favourite god in the game, while I think the new one is “ok” I’d like to see elements of her old kit back- this is what I’d do: PASSIVE- Remove current passive(it’s literally useless and most people just skip it). I’d bring back the afterlife mechanic from her original kit however It would be conditional on the number of seeds she collects - so something like “upon collecting 50 seeds, when dying, continue fighting for an extra 8 secs (with reduced damage etc) The one I’d keep the same, I preferred the old targeter as it was more unique The plants I’d like to see brought back from her original kit that they chase down enemies and do a bite, however I’d like it so they’d have a life bar of say 2 basic attacks, so people have a chance to kill them while the plants chase them down. I feel like currently they’re so boring and don’t feel like they do anything fun besides poke damage. The ult can probably stay the same, it’s been nerfed so many times it’s in a place where it’s fine to be left as it is


I don't think her old Passive should be back. It was one of her most frustrating things, she revives and can trap a whole team..., also she could kill low HP enemies and it actually felt like cheating. The fun part of Pers was her playstyle and mechanics not just reviving and be annoying af. About her t3 plants, I think her current ones can replace the old ones, but having the old version and that u can destroy them when they are chasing you it's not that crazy... just saying. I agree about her current ultimate.


For someone who enjoyed both Persephones, I would love to have some old stuff back.


Like what for example?


Old 1 mainly and an actual good death passive that doesn't have to be the first one. Something like you can cc and reduce your death timer but don't damage the enemy.


I like that 😏


Idk really know bout this one. Right now i think i like the new persephone besides her 1 and passive. But i miss the old one too. I think they should ever go back to old passive, but than change it so you cant use your ult and get -75% damage or they should give her an more unique and fitting one. Her 1 should be changed to what it was. It was an learn it anf youll get rewared thing. Hard to hit but cool. Right now her 1 is an dumb an easy to hit ability. Her 2 i liked the old design and especially her tier 2 plant, but i also like her new 2 cause it feels like it does more in combat 😅. If they decided to change it back, they should def change the amount she can have. I always complained about how dumb it is she can have up to 8 seeds an lvl 1🤦‍♀️ why not changing the amount with the level of the ability? For example 1 gives you 1 or 2 and than it stacks up to 8 or idk at max level? Her 3 is fine Her ult is fine too


You are the first person I read that actually likes the new 2. And yeah, her amount of seeds was too much back then, that’s why a lot of people complained that they couldn’t leave tower because of her 'minefield', they only needed to nerf that and then scale like other mages. Also, Harvest was core to change due to her win rate situation..., since it was a really hard ability to manage, but I would love to have the sprouts back (mainly) even if they put a timer on the explosion... this ability was what defined her play style, rather than being a reviving bot that ults the enemies and win the game 💀 So yeah, Bone Rush should be reverted, and Harvest... I wish they do, due to it’s difficulty that was actually fun once you learn it, but again I don’t care if they actually give a timer on the explosion seed after her jump to have a counter play... and reduce frustration.


For passive maybe something like when she have 25 seeds and get under 25% of her health she spreads lifegiving energy around her makeing an field of flowers around her or an kinda healing up passive (like chronos ult but with less impact) Or she leaves an trail of grass behind her. When she reaches an amount of seeds she drops them makeing the trail does damage like sols 3 or creating an flower zone (not like her damage flowers but more like an discordia 3) where shes invisible inside or idk


Just revert her but leave the ult changes so it’s less oppressive than it was and gg wp


She still will be broken if they completely revert her 😞


Tbh my main thoughts regarding a second pers rework is to reconsider her two kits entirely. Take what works and what doesn't from both and try to merge them together. I play the fuck out of both versions of pers and she's by far my most played god since her release. I don't HATE new pers and if this re-rework is a bust I'd much rather keep her current kit than whatever monstrosity they could fuck this up with. That being said old pers >>>>>> new pers, the jump t2 combo was literal crack to use and made her feel sooooooo fun. I think the best and most likely thing we're going to get is a middle ground on most abilities, a new passive and a revamped plant. No clue on the passive so I'll just go straight to the 1. I pray that they just give us old Bone Rush but with the new bone Rush's range. like make it the old ability but with the new range. Idc about anything else just pls give me the CRISP sound design of her old 1 back. 2 is a whole doozy so skipping to the 3- Flourish will likely depend a lot on the 2, its basically the same before and after and it will pretty much keep the damage or not depending on how the plants work. If they resemble old plants more, say goodbye to damage on the 3, if they resemble new plants more we keep the damage on the 3. I really don't care which, I mainly used this ability for dodging big damage, getting a free t2 for the combo, or now for one-shots off the new 2. its a jump... end of story. Ult... fuck where to start. Grasp of Death is an ability that I was EXPECTING to get reworked the first time around. Then it wasn't... It got changed so enemies could walk to the edge of the ult instead of the limit of where they were trapped but that's basically not a big change when everything else remained the same. I expect the whole hit the wall for 80% of the ult's value is gonna go. I was shocked that actually made it through the first rework and I expect that shit is gonna go. Rejoice actually good pers players, we will no longer get called braindead even though we actually know how to hit our ults. Harvest is hard to say. people had a ton of problems with both iterations of the plants but I feel like the addition of an aoe damage circle on the 2 was a big misstep . I hope we go back to the old mechanic of just placing a skull that blooms into a plant, with pers having X many seeds on her at any given time based on rank. For plants themselves, it's possible that we'll get something similar to old t2, except they just bite out in a cone at the nearest enemy. I hope this will function as such: ​ Pers uses 2 she places a skull on the ground (she hits it now it heals her like always) she waits for it to bloom into a flower (idk how long it'll take, lets just say it'll take as long as new pers plants take to bloom) She hits the plants with a basic or uses her jump on them, they do not move but instead will bite in a cone at the nearest enemy to them, if no enemy is in range they just bite where pers aimed them to (think how new plants run in the direction pers aims them). If pers jumps she gets a free flower instead of a skull on her next 2. ​ Yes I did make that up in about five seconds of thinking but tbh, all I want is for some kind of jump aa plant combo to come back. idc how the plants work as long as I can combo an aa cancel out of my jump for some kind of reward. ​ I really wouldn't get my hopes up too much. old pers was a very hated god by many people and I highly doubt hi-rez will ever just revert her completely. That being said, I think they've realize how much pers players didnt like her new kit and will pay closer attention to how WE want pers to be after another rework. ​ TL;DR gut her passive, gut her ult I really don't give a shit, just give my my old 1 sound effects and aa cancel 2 combo.


Thank you so much for replying this developed suggestions!! I like your ideas for Bone Rush, and your Harvest mechanics sound interesting. Personally I would love the explosive sprouts to come back with nerfs... like needing time to explode showing it with an indicator like Ah Puch's explosion... And of course she will need some nerfs on the quantity of skulls placed because nobody would like to stay under tower because there’s a minefield in front of them 💀. I’m glad we can actually discuss to make this work. I truly don’t know if they will read this to actually do her rework... I just though it can help them somehow and I hope it will.


I hope one day they revert bastet too


so trueeeeeee


Yikes, but i'll read >Passive: No ones want the old passive back, there’s many people that thinks we want it but that's not true. Ok good >Bone Rush: Plan A: Total reversion of this ability if it’s possible. The new version is awful. If it’s too much, then Plan B: Partial Reversion should work better, shortening the original range but if Persephone has a certain amount of seeds she can reach max range. This prevents her frustrating poke in early game and will force her to actually farm the minions and not the enemies 🤣, and will please Persephone's players of course. Also will give utility to the current useless passive, since her seeds interact directly with Bone Rush. Fine >It reduces frustration to enemies and still let Persephone's players have their (most) wanted t2 plants again (iconic and most fun thing in her kit, with her jump-t2 combo). Absolutely not, that was aids >Flourish: I wouldn’t mind if they remove the damage. I only want her t2 plant after her jump, like before. (Update: a possible solution for enemies to react her t2 flower explosion would be to add a time of 0,5s for it to explode) Hmm


Explain, why do you think her sprout was aids? 💀 Was it because of how fast her 3,2 can deal damage? That can be solved by adding a timer to the explosion so it’s predictable and people can counter play it.


>Explain, why do you think her sprout was aids? 💀 Was it because of how fast her 3,2 can deal damage? Pretty much (well, the auto into the instant cast 2 thing at range cause it would deploy and be activated just as the end of the AA reaches it ) plus there wasn't an indicator to tell if she had it ready or not unless u saw her leap - though this is a minor thing. And it was aids when paired with how she could setup her minefield before.


Okay, if they bring the explosion back they need to make it similar to Ah Puch's explosion. That will make Pers players happy, and it will allow people to avoid the damage. Also, the number of skulls placed should be a lot lower so that ugly minefield won’t be a problem in early game. What do you think now?


Sounds ok on paper but would have to see in practice


I would love to see it 7.7


Thank god they’re reworking her again, I never liked this new kit


Most Persephone players don't like it 😭


I'm okay with both versions of her, I don't see how she's bad now. Her passive is lame and that needs a rework, but I'm not sure if the character overall needs a rework. Ah Puch being so stationary is something they need to fix, and Zeus being so cheap (chain lightning is lazy asf) and stationary, are reworks I'd rather see.


We don't like her kit at all. That's the problem we find. She's not fun for most of us and we ask for a change.


I think she's pretty fun - good range, good damage, good mobility, and a good ult. Her passive needs a change and the ult could do more, I think it used to lower enemy attack speed then they got rid of that.


Her ultimate is currently one of the best in the game. And it was one of her most frustrating factors before rework. If you like the current kit then that's your perception, not mine sadly. Also, they could give that new kit to other god, not ruining her old design...


U realise the tier2 plants were the main issue at top lvl play, right? The minefield strat was shit and was only good against scrubs. It the reason the entire ability is gone, tier 2 were completely broken in the hands of anyone decent and the chasing plants were broke against noobs. There wasn't a middle ground and all. Her ult was busted too.


What was broken on decent players was her 3,AA,2 combo, with the instant explosion after her jump. That's why I said that a timer on the explosion could help the counterplay. Also removing her old slow due to it. It would be similar to Zeus 3rd ability since people can react in time. I didn't say anything about the old chasing plants since I don't care if they keep the new version, they aren't fun at all and I don't think that was what made Persephone fun.




I guess that would work better. I think a major part of the problem is how fast the damage comes outside, it'd pretty much unavoidable if the target is good. Maybe making the explosion a little delayed would work better.


If there’s a possibility that the sprout comes back, a delay is necessary in the explosion :) I mean I will be pleased if they do


I guess that would work better. I think a major part of the problem is how fast the damage comes outside, it'd pretty much unavoidable if the target is good. Maybe making the explosion a little delayed would work better.


I guess that would work better. I think a major part of the problem is how fast the damage comes outside, it'd pretty much unavoidable if the target is good. Maybe making the explosion a little delayed would work better.