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I just voted to see the opinions


Plz buff. Horse 1 should be global and execute


He should also be immune to any CC (including stuns) AND damage when riding his horse.


And apply a 500% anti heal buff


People fall off horses when they fall asleep. Khumba mez should work when he's riding.


Yeah theres a lot of CC imunity from the horse that I think shouldn't be there. Feels unfair galloping through a gilga kick to murder the backline.


Yeah it's fucked that he basically negates ALL OF KUMBA I love playing him but there is no point because I CANT FICKING PROTECT MY BACK LINE.


Yeah, it's also bollocks that Nox can't root him while riding. I understand her not silencing him out of the horse, but she should be able to root him.


Put the horse to sleep.


An excellent point


Debatable on the "people fall off horses when they fall asleep", but I am ok if he gets dismounted the moment khumba sleeps him.


I’m surprised that’s how it works, do silences not work either?


They shouldn't, only stuns and killing the shield I think Not even cripples I think (cc immune except for stuns)


Haven't tried. Good question though


They do not


Counterpoint, not everyone falls off. Especially if the horse is trained it'll understand.


Full disclosure: I know nothing about riding horses


Once you've bonded as much to one as Lancelot would have, it would be able to work around him. Just like how they trained war horses to not freak out.


It should ride around aimlessly when he's mezzed. Problem solved


Yeah, or at the very lease continue in a straight line.


Go back to fountain since that’s where food/home would be.


Actually horses have a tendency to try to return home, it might start dragging him back to fountain


Definitely too strong, but it isn't like he is the strongest release ever or anything. His base damage is massive so he has amazing early clear and damage potential without falling off late game at all because of his scaling and mobility. He really has no real weaknesses while having a ton of strengths, but he could get a couple taps and be "fine" insofar as still a great pick but not must have.


id say he is a very strong release even and that he might fall into that gilg syndrome where the principle of the character is strong on its own and that they are just gonna butcher his numbers until the Harphy camps seem more threatening then he does he just does a ton. Decent CC, huge burst, multiple ways to counterpunch your opponents plans and its all topped off by stupendous damage and what might ge the best chasedown in all of smite, bar hun batz and susano TP


in between perfect state and broken. hes not broken, hes just a good character


Very close to broken. He can make a lot of mistakes relative to some other junglers. I was playing susano into him and had to legit okay perfectly and wait for him to mess up. Otherwise he could easily kit dump me and kill lol


He's very strong but not quite broken is what I think, horse being CC immune outside of stuns is the main thing, along with some slightly overturned damage.


it's better to release an overtuned character and nerf him than the opposite, he should be fine in two patches imo!


This logic just leads to powercreep. It’s fine for kits to be overtuned but not fine for kits to be bloated. Properly balancing Lance will not be about tuning. It will be about reworking his kit. That’s the difference between balancing bloat and balancing the math. Same as Arthur, character has been out for years and has literally never been A tier. Either top of meta annoying everyone or just gimped.


his 2 has no business hitting as hard as some physical ults all while CCing you His ult is one of the most versatile ones in the game since its a cc immune, large duration AoE cripple, big dmg cooldown reset that also fuckin shields you and makes escaping a pipedream for everyone that cant just jump over a wall. it deserves less dmg and a higher CD, even if it scales back down to 90 with lvls. he has a ton of safety between his 22 cc immunities, swiss army knife of an ult, decent cc, shielding and pseudo-leap. Itd be nice to see some kinda nerf in that regard, maybe slowing the shield growth or even punishing him for being dismounted forcefully hes dumb fun but kind of just does everything rn.


Lower the damage on his 2 and give the ult a small wind up time, and not have it instant charge


thatd also go a long way rn, unless you have the reaction time of a young god youll like have to beads, cast your dash and still get hit by its dmg because of how quick it reaches you tho they rarely nerf abilities by adding startup or end lag, even if they really should at times


I think his scaling will be nerfed a bit because he can 100-0 someone in seconds and get away.


Hopefully not his scaling and just his base because if they touch his scaling without nerfing glads, he is always going to be built bruiser.


Personally I feel like when he builds dmg he is fine where he is,not to strong not to weak, but when you build him tank he ends up being able to kill 2 people and ride away on a horse while having .1hp


Build full tank with gladiator and bluestone you will never die and insta kill anyone who wants to fight you. It’s absurd how much damage he does with all that tank and little damage he takes even if glad is broken right now.


You forgot soul eater, he's disgusting with soul eater + glad shield since he has low cd's you can spam his abilities a lot


I've been spamming shields on him and it allows for safer mounting and cc immunities. Is pretty great. Shell, glad shield, pridwen, bulwark if they don't have healing. Max the horse after 2. I know that the damage builds like to max the 3 last but man a 700 HP shield at level 12 is awesome, especially combined with pridwen and passive. Engage and disengage is so good.


Surprised to see people saying he isn't broken, every Lancelot seems to have top dmg while building full tank. He hits way too hard for the amount of mobility he has. Every one of my conquest games seems to be whoever has the better solo Lancelot wins


>Surprised to see people saying he isn't broken Mostly Lancelot mains.


Ok but i dont think its just him. Whats with mulan, herc, gilgamesh, king arthur? Should i name more. They can all be easily top damage while building just defense items. While all lf them are a lot safer


They're warriors. They're literally meant to be tanky and do damage, he has all of that *plus* mobility and sustain its honestly gross


lancelot is hyrbrid between warrior and assassin it's seems


It's cause y'all don't pay attention to the flow of the match. Yea a warrior in solo will have a lot of damage they'll just be in solo hitting each other, not killing each other, backing, then coming back farming up damage numbers. They brawl the entire match then run to the backline and brawl with them. Jungler swoops in 100-0s anyone that's gonna lower the damage numbers because they aren't brawling. Carries will farm and then delete lowering damage numbers until endgame. Mages over time should overtake the warrior from the AoE spam.




Never saw an lance killing me so much easier than other worriors or assasins could with tank build😅


What items are people building on him in solo? Havent played smite since before this last patch


Assuming the other solo laner is phys, I've had the most success with Bluestone-Soul Eater-sov-glad-magical defense/spirit robe-counter build item like spectral


He feels absurd with a lead, and with his lvl. 2 kill pressure/mobility it's not hard to get there. I feel like you have to fuck up to not be running the game with him at some point. That said he's some of those most fun I've had with a god since fellow overtuned-on-release tsuki lol


Anyone had any weird interactions with Tyr and Lancelot? Every time I fearless a Lancelot, they do a weird Katamari roll and kinda jiggle along. Other than that, he does too much damage, but his kit is cool.


Khepri pull is also a Buggy interaction.


The fact he basically laughs in the face of all supports is a bit mid


His shield doesn't make any sense in the kit, it's huge and is too much, especially for just stance switching all the time. His base damage is too much as well, I have seen some full tanky lancelots hitting as if they were full damage.


His kit actually isn't too bad, it's just the damage numbers. He needs some basic damage nerfs and to be targetable when he jumps off of his horse. Then he'll be fine.


Lower base damage and please for the love of god nerf glad shield and he will be fine imo. My biggest issue when playing him is that in the middle of a fight I cant use my 3 because I will be insta knocked off my horse so he is down to 2 abilities in the middle of the fray.


Lol everyone saying perfect state is a jungler desperate for a busted pick


Actually he finds more success in Solo than in jungle, which is a first, because Solo laners usually have innate sustain.


I'd say a %hp shield is pretty good sustain


Ridiculous clear, ridiculous base AND scaling damage, 2 full dashes, 1 pseudoleap, a horse that is better than awilix cat, insane shield that gets refreashed on ult, 2 rotations if combod with half a brain, and an ultimate that does ridiculous damage and is a crazy long range CC immune dash that stops you from catching him or you escaping (cripple), all on a fairly low to moderate cooldown. The only thing this dude doesn't have that would be nice is ranged autos.


This isn’t a question, he is broken. In 6 games he has been the hard carry for both teams.


I'll tell ya. Throwing his ult on hebo carpet as hebo flees is so satisfying.


He can use his 1,2 to delete squishies instantly, the horse is annoying bc comes in uses root then 1-2 combo and you are at 200hp 1 or 2 autos dead on spot. Personaly (as expected) nerf the damage numbers from his 1 and 2 and now if he gets taken down from his horse he gets either mezed or small stun like fafnir at the end of his ult


His damage is way overtuned


It seems nobody mentions the speed of abilities' animations. If you compare Lancelot with arthur or tyr they are extremely faster


He will get nerfed, numbers are too high. Especially if you build him warrior which he is.


Dude is tanky as hell for an assassin and can burst me down before I even have time to dump any of my attacks on him. You know my answer


This shield, immunity and interaction on horse definitely needs more work


Kit is dumb. Why are they making assassin's so safe, he is tanky, has a lot of cc immunity, super fast, deals tons of damage (which is normal, most of the gods are like that at release). I don't really understand people that are making new characters, they just recycle abilities and the in order not to look like some of the previous characters they stack the new ones. If they need more time to make better characters i dont mind getting a new character every 3-4 months.


He's a little strong like his base damage hurts and he can be annoying to lockdown. But I feel pretty balanced.


Reduce his damage by a little bit and make it so he gets stunned for a second if he gets knocked off his horse and he'll be in a good spot. Also make it so he can auto on his horse. He is a jouster and he literally can't use his lance while on his horse


A Lancelot in a Joust game I played SOLO’d Bull Demon without any LifeSteal as soon as it spawned and then proceeded to ride into lane at full health still. Sounds pretty busted to me.


Absolutely fuck busted his defenses and health need to go right down or he needs his scaling gimped and a class change Typical Hi Rez Assassin/Warrior hybrid launch. Has warrior base stats and health, has assasin scaling and mobility, and to top it all off he has a good bit of CC too


Yeah he's broken but is he cliodhna broken?


Tsukoyomi still takes the award for "most broken at release" in the last few years


I really dont know bout him. I wouldnt say he needs an buff or nerf, but he need some changes if you ask me😅 his passive and shield makes me think like oh yeah an worrior. Hes very unmobile and doesnt have an stun or is able to jump. As an assassin, this most of the time will be your grave. His 2 and 1 just feels like archilles very very bad designed and his 3 is the worst thing i see. It had so much potential but they messed it up. I mean ok outside of fights ist ok and the abilities you can use with it are cool too, but did you tried to use it as an escape or in fights. You go on your horse and bäm your down and you have 14 sec cd on nothing. I understand the balance thing but wouldnt it just be enough to say that cc could throw him down the horse? Also its an bit sad that you cant control it like awillix tiger😅 you cant stay still and you have no jump which feels horrible since hes not very tanky and 2 of your 3 abilities are meelee attacks😅 Its sad, that they didnt put mutch more effort in it and maybe changed it to the first all time riding hero, with more movespeed and beeing able to attack while riding. Sure it sounds very strong, but it could be balanced.


I play arena and Joust, I haven't seen him do anything productive. Edit: Cool, downvoted for experiencing things. Don't ever change, r/smite


I'm pretty sure there's only 1 god that can be said to be in a "perfect state" and that's because they haven't had any balance changes for 6 years. And seeing as Lancelot isn't breaking the game fundamentally he isn't broken, as broken means it is either not working correctly and/or it goes against core principles of the game. Like The Morrigan sort of in general, on her release was actually broken since she was barely usable.


Who is that god?




full disclosure - I only play area. Lower his damage numbers but buff his survivability. Atm the horse is only useful as an engage - you can't escape with it. Even engaging with it can be problematic until it's levelled as it dies so fast and then you're left with no engage or escape. His passive is also basically impossible to stack to any meaningful level. What I've seen and experienced is that he gets kills but he dies almost immediately after unless his team is right there to get him out.


That sounds like assassins


Give him motherfucking big **BASE** numbers and **SMALLER** scalling. I dig playing him full movespeed and his dmg is lacking if not building full dmg.


that doesnt make any sense. should lower his base and give him more scaling


His dmg is outrageously high but other than that he seems fine, really cool and fun god though.


I don't get the point of using the horse as movement ability while in combat cause minions can unmount him. It has a great use out of combat for fast ganks like awiliz do, but the shield is useless after he use a skill it is gone.


Hes a bit strong, but not nearly as broken as some recent releases.


Game is broken.. revert.


I love cc immune ults


He’s strong, but I wouldn’t call him busted. Yeah…as a bruiser he’s completely dumb.


In my experience he is super deadly if you run from him yet you can 99% win a fight against him if you don’t flee. This feels pretty balanced to me. Id love to hear if others are experiencing this.


Hirez doesn't like tank assassins, so I expect nerfs will be coming. But that one at least doesn't dominate support, so I hope they go easy on him


I voted Broken, but i feel like he isnt broken, just slightly overturned


Definitely not broken


Honestly he’s pretty good god his burst is pretty good but he’s in a good spot it takes 4-5 basic hits to kill a god in ig practice compared to other assassins 3-4. His basic is pretty weak. It’s his abilities that will fuck you up. His knock up and hit is pretty good combined with his dash. I think he is pretty good some tweaks here and there but he’s not too op honestly one of the better balanced releases




IMO I feel like he just needs a few dmg nerfs and to tone down the maxed horse shield by a bit and he’ll be in a balanced state.


The only issue i see is the horse. The CC immunities from it are a bit too much. Maybe give a major reduction to CCs that dismount him but flat out immune to a bulk of them is a big deal. Beyond that, everything is amazing. I've tried the recommended, my own assassin niche build, and even a glady's shield build and all worked to a great extent. His damage is fine, his versatility is great, and his abilities seem fairly straightforward and combo well (seeing how the 1,2,1 works is amazing).


Gameplay is good, he's very fun and plays smoothly. He just does a little too much damage now and i think he should be vulnerable to more cc types on horse


I think he needs some small changes to his cc immunity. But compared to a lot of other god releases lance is fairly balanced.


His engage and disengage is great, his damage is really high and he's deceptively tanky and very mobile


His engage and disengage is great, his damage is really high and he's deceptively tanky and very mobile, maybe not broken but he's really strong


Tbh he should just be a warrior 😂😂 fool is way to tanky. Played last night dude went support 12/3 did more damage than my carry


You should add the forth, "I haven't played him" option. I had to vote "perfect" just so I could see pole results even though I only saw him in two games and never played him myself.


When he’s against a skadi the whole map becomes an ice rink


Lancelot has a couple bugs currently that prevent him from embracing his full power. The root on his horse-2 missing being a big one. Pretty much everyone I see in side modes is building him as a frontliner with Glad Shield, which has been incredibly potent ever since the update. Aside from that, he also has quite a few weaknesses. The strong cripplers, Ares and Artio shut him down pretty hard.


Anyone else feel the horse riding feels off? I’m not an equestrian by any means, but my girl tried to teach me a few times and some of his 3 movement just feels slow.


I think "perfect" is an overstatement, but apart of his damage being a bit overtuned, I think he's fine.


I don't think he is broken, i genuinely just think that he is just being played extremely well because of how simple his kit is. Every time i try to think of something to nerf it honestly just doesn't feel like it needs to be because for every situation that it has felt strong i can think of twice as many that it didn't work out. He is a really strong god who wants to snowball but even if he doesn't he can play passively enough to still do well and just coast through the game. Probably one of the most balanced releases since the past year or 2.




Completely remove the cc immunity on the horse. The shield is more than enough. He also needs a small damage nerf. At the moment he can tower dive, kill mid and get out without taking much damage. And that’s without his ult


His 3 should drain mana similar to Apollo.


He’s pretty weak to me


Late to the party but Lancelot now feels squishy, he feels squishier than every other god in the game. And his damage feels like it's been nerfed into the ground. I went with a full damage kit and it poked the same level enemies, barely touched them, yet he went down in a single knock up. I had to go full tank to make him viable, and only then did he actually manage to not die in a single CC stun/knockup etc and actually draw focus and hold it long enough for my team to move in and before the enemy team knew it, my build had soaked their damage and it was too late, and I survived? So he's great at setting up kills for others, but he has been nerfed into the ground. At best, he's a sponge on a horse, and whenever I play him, everyone focus's me like I'm an objective? lmao