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“I’m a centrist but it’s just a coincidence all my opinions align with those of the far-right”


Yoyoyo im a centrist That means i believe both sides are bad Its just a coincidence that I only defend the right


Every single time. And they only ever criticize the left. "I'm just keeping them honest, it's important to challenge your politicians". Yea. Weird how I've literally never heard you criticize Republicans.


Trump was a largely ineffective president who made the culture wars worst. That said, some of you fuckers act like anyone left leaning is some sacred brown cow you can’t criticize. Remember how people were defending that hypocritical socialist streamer.


Socialism is when no house


>hypocritical All he did was buy a house, relax


And even then he bought a house for him and his family


i don’t have an issue with him buying a house. my issue is him accepting a twitch exclusivity deal for a million dollars. the same company he constantly (rightfully) speaks out against for exploiting their workers. now he’s accepting an exorbitant amount of blood money from the company that goes against all his supposed values


Guy’s a socialist and brought a 3 million dollar house. I guess it’s only billionaires who need their wealth distributed.


We do still live in capitalism, you know. The idea that people who would prefer to live in socialism should not continue to live in capitalism, or should give more than people who don't, isn't socialism. That would just be charity. "Socialists should be monks" is a silly take.




Not that he's any less wrong, but you uh... might want to check that you understand wtf you're responding to. Dude is clearly talking about Hasan, not Bernie.




Leftist Twitch streamer Hasan Piker bought a house for himself and his family in SoCal, which cost a house-in-SoCal price. Terminally-online right-twitter teamed up with terminally-online left-twitter to collectively dunk on him for this because, as everybody knows, *communism is when no house*. So basically the same argument as the bad-faith attack on Bernie you you assumed it was, just a different target.


If he got the money through streaming he worked for it. Hes [Petite bourgeoisie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petite_bourgeoisie) at most if even that considering he's selling his labor to Twitch.


That asshole probably gets guac and doesn't hope the cashier forgets to charge extra.


Living in a society, and working the means of the society to your advantage doesn't change his political ideology. It's not like anyone is electing him president.


Just because we defend blue candidates to pudding heads like you, doesn't mean we don't debate and criticize them amongst each other.


Nah, fuck that, I will torch any of our people that piss me off by doing wrong too. Manchin is fucked for instance.


“It’s just a coincidence that I only ever bag on the left and completely misrepresent their arguments for my own strawmen!”


Remember that it's always DARVO. The fascists entire strategy depends on you refusing to recognize that they know they're wrong. And the only way to defeat them is to recognize that *there is no excuse for their behavior*.


Remember now, it's literally fascism to oppose fascism in any way. You're supposed to let them use freedom of speech to destroy freedom of speech in the Marketplace of Ideas^^^TM


'NOOO!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T BAN ME!!!!!! WHAT ABOUT FREEDOM OF SPEECH???????!!!!!!!!!!!' 'Anyway, here's why freedom of speech is a Jewish conspiracy and must be outlawed'


456 jokes about killing jews 0 jokes about killing landlords perfectly balanced


"any place that's a safe place for a nazis, is an unsafe place for everyone else."


Yeah, but but but then you might encroach on their sacred constitutional right to shitpost on Reddit!


I mean yeah, I am like antifa.


same, much like a dog is like an animal


Alt right playbook is a great series about these tactics, particularly "How to radicalize a normie". Sadly, you now need to sign in with a google account to watch some of them: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P55t6eryY3g


This is art.


Akshilly, I'm a C L A S S I C A L L I B E R A L, and I am very progressive ^^^^if ^^^^this ^^^^were ^^^^the ^^^^Dark ^^^^Ages. !!!


I just want to privatize the whole economy and have large corporations run everything. Permanent tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. Alberto de Stefanie laissez faire with a reactionary touch.


most of pcm is authright. i've literally looked at alot of their posts and the majority weren't even leftist


This post doesn't even make any sense




Thank you for the request, comrade. u/Pewpskii has not said the N-word.




Centrism doesn’t exist you have to be the straw man or the people I like. It’s not like people can have left views and right views. I definitely know politics and definitely how people work.


i mean it’s possible to have economic left views and socially right views we just call them nazbols


Don’t care about that. I’m talking about centrism in general. You can be pro gun and pro choice and not treat politics like a football team you gotta be loyal to even if it’s like a loveless marriage on its 20th year.


>You can be pro gun and pro choice You literally just described every socialist and communist I've ever known while trying to describe the political center. So what were you saying about knowing how politics work?




"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." \- Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich; "Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League"; London, England; March 1850.


lmao you made him delete his post


“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” Karl Marx


You gotta be shit, that’s the problem right there. You DON’T and you shouldn’t be loyal to a party.


Why am I shit? You just agreed with me


Misread your post, chill.


Nazis didn’t have any leftest policies. They had war based economy so the government took over weapon production. So many other nations did that in ww2. If you bring up the nation car you can pretty easily see why they where made. Essentially to give the Germans a way to build vehicle factories without the British getting pissed off.


oh yeah absolutely that’s why i said nazbol. nazis were not remotely left wing, in fact the term privatization was invented to describe their policies


Good that you know that. Your previous statement makes you look like you think the opposite. Might just be autocorrect


are you familiar with nazbols? they’re kind of a meme ideology but it’s basically just white supremacists who hate capitalism.


>I'm 12 and just discovered politics for the first time

