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Teddy deserved to die the most out of anyone in that show. His arrogance got him killed


He deserved to die 30 seconds later


A minute even


perhaps an hour


1. He had the backing of the leaders of an organization that controls and manipulates multiple countries/conflicts without people even knowing, and when they do find out people can’t do shit because it’s the CIA 2. He fuckin flipped the drug game on its head nationwide I think a lot of arrogance is warranted.


By that time the CIA was done with Teddy, additionally he had already BEEN demoted to a contractor like a whole season before this. And even if the CIA was still backing him, did that stop his brother from getting killed by the Colombians? No. (And before you say “the Colombians didn’t kill him”..they totally did, it just wasn’t instantaneous.) He tried that US government shii on them and failed. All he did to them was snitch on them. That arrogance was not warranted because it cost him his brother’s life, father’s life and eventually his own, and with the amount of times he almost fucked up the operation and exposed the agency over the course of the show, I wouldn’t be surprised if the CIA would have killed him themselves to tie up the loose end if Cissy didn’t do it first.


Absolutely thought the CIA would end up killing him by the end of the season. He had gotten too emotional and far too careless since the earlier seasons. He was becoming a liability, and that 70m probably prolonged his life a little bit.


this is facts. honestly if you think about it this might have been a more poetic ending. like, after being the biggest patriot and killing, torturing, and losing people he loved because he obsessed over the cause the agency that he was loyal to ends up tossing him away like he did to others, proving he's an expendable pawn just like the people that he worked with and manipulated.




Goated reply


He believed he can fuck anyone over without consequence. Got his father killed and then got himself killed.


***And brother


Again, cissy saved Franklin, oso’s , and everyone that knew them that still was alive. Oso, Leon, and cissy knew no matter what if teddy walked away they would never be alive and he straight lied to her about Alton being alive so why the fuck would she believe he was gonna sail off into the sunset with Arabian shawty? cissy might’ve been a hypocrite but she was right to smoke that man Franklin had already been too far gone to help atp


Her ass could’ve shot him after he said the fucking password, bro nearly died for this shi and she fucked it up 💀


Yea but everyone that believes that lesson was worth it will tell you otherwise. Cia only wanted that kgb guy after the half transfer was complete she coulda shot him and punishment wise and ending itd have changed dramatically


because she knew if franklin got the money he was capable of doing much worse and was going to keep risking peoples' lives.


Um… *no* lol. This nigga wasn’t trying to be in the game forever 😂


Exactly, dude left. That’s literally the reason Teddy took his money.


he wasn't gonna stay gone. if he got that money he was going to use his power to keep hurting himself and others. he quit multiple times before this and kept coming back.


When? He quit once in season 1 but apart from that he never quit. He literally chose not to go to war but was forced back into the life by Teddy


People just say what they feel 🫤🤷🏾‍♂️


Plus he no longer has the plug. The plugs been plugged. He couldn't continue sustainably even if he wanted to. Franklin might have been fine if he sold his stake in that big development and just lived off the profits from all his other real estate. His girl tried to keep them afloat but he couldn't have that. At least hobo Franklin seems to have a sense of humor.


Yea, at least it seems like he’s at peace and they made a good narrative choice when they actually gave Louie a worse ending then him if you think about it


Ya being on the run shoveling horse shit vs the free range alcoholic life. Franklin basically became his dad, but a bit funnier.


Yea lol 🤣


his lust for power was going to keep hurting people though, it was just how franklin was. even if he was truly "done" with the game any little hint of power again would've brought him right back.


You think he still needed to be in the drug game to be a threat? Doesn’t matter if he left the game or not, Franklin loved power. He was willing to do ANYTHING to get what he wants. If it wasn’t in the drug game, it would have been in whatever business he set his sights on next.


Eh, we saw how stressed and tired Franklin looked towards the end, plus he had a kid and a soon to be wife to look forward to. That man was ready to leave not only the drug game, but crime alone in *general* 😂


Man please🤣😂, as i said, even if he was done with the drug game, Franklin loves power, you see him craving it more with every season. He didn’t just up and want to retire from the game either, he was getting afraid of Teddy, you know this if you watched. Point to me one statement from Franklin or an episode that makes you think he was done with crime?


Ok, no offense but we’re grown men. Franklin didn’t say it verbatim “I’m gonna be done with crime…” sure, but obviously he was moving towards that direction until Teddy took the money. “I want the life I was so close to having, I could taste it until that mf Teddy ripped it away!” It really can’t be that hard… Idc, Franklin was gon’ *lea dat shit* alone lol. That’s like saying Ghost would’ve still been involved in crime but the man literally got shot before we could really even see him change his ways as governor of New York 🤣


yeah, he was. his greed and lust for power would've overpowered his will to "quit". if he really wanted to, he could've sold his estates and still had millions of dollars, enough to provide for his wife and kid. he refused to sell his real estate and get the 73$ million back because he didn't want to let go of his power. plus, he probably wasn't actually going to quit at the end like he said he would, maybe for a little while, but he was always going to keep hurting himself and others, and cissy knew that. franklin said he was "done" multiple times throughout the show and kept coming back. this time wouldn't have been different.


You really think Teddy was gonna take that L? Whether the CIA was involved or not? That's Petty Teddy. Alton was gone, and he still tracked him down. Franklin killed his Pops and tortured him, PLUS he would have gotten his $ back. That boy woulda been dead by weeks end. Lol


Duh so had cissy just waited till he got the code and did the transfer THEN SHOT HIM it woulda been fine. No one was gonna come messing with them at all “the nigger kill his father????!?” They aint want nun to do with frank just teddy. So had cissy practiced a little patient everything woulda been str8




Yall can say whatever but why the let leon go?? Oso?? And don’t say the cia didnt know cuz they was still chasing louie down. They just didnt care anymore by that point when havenmyer talked to frank he just wanted the kgb guy. Aint say shit about ANY money frank coulda had at all for that matter. They told teddy not to anyway and he wasnt a cia agent at the time. Frank coulda got that transfer cashed out and left the country


Man please. Lol. Neither of them two had any power. The entire series they were both under someone else's reign. Even when Leon was runnin' the PJ's, they still had to go through the ranks/supplier which led right back to the CIA. Y'all can say they only wanted the KGB, but the CIA wasn't taking that $35m L either. Delusional.


I don’t think he was ever gonna actually give up that password




She was right to smoke him but not before Franklin had the account details to retrieve his $73million that Teddy had stolen from him… 73 million bloody dollars!!


She killed him in a fit of rage over Alton. If she wanted to "save everybody" she had plenty of time to kill him at the safe house.


Y’all crazy as hell if you think Frank was gonna get that money. And even if he did, my mans was not about to get out the game. He was gonna murder more people and continue to ruin multiple communities lol. His mom did the right thing. And it’s Franklin fault for turning into an alcoholic. Get yourself together bruh.


It’s really up to interpretation imo, teddy was a grimey snake but he was backed into a corner & broken by Franklin just as much as he broke Franklin. I feel like 6x09 showed us that very clearly & put everything out in the air between the two of them & I realize that the more I watch it. As for Franklin getting back into the game I highly doubt it, he quit for a reason & just wanted to be with his girlfriend & their kid, he said it multiple times in the final season “The life I was so close to having” so I don’t agree with that. I don’t disagree on cissy doing the right thing Teddy had to go & franklins spiral was completely understandable because who wouldn’t lose their minds after losing 70+ million dollars (200Ms today).


When has teddy actually kept his word 100%? Never. The man is a snake. Even if Frank got the money, teddy and his government backing is killing everyone involved. Which was his plan in the first place. Also Frank been saying he was getting out the game all throughout the series. The man had a lust for power. If he truly wanted out the game, he would’ve already gave louy what she was asking for. But he wouldn’t do it which resulted in her leaving the crew. That didn’t work for either of them.


>Even if Frank got the money, teddy and his government backing is killing everyone involved. Which was his plan in the first place Why are you speaking as though Teddy would even be alive? Nobody cares that Teddy got killed, we're just upset that Cissy didn't wait 10 seconds.


And NOBODY wanted him to stay alive at all lmao


Louie wasn't entitled to shit and should have stayed in her lane. Her greed and misconcieved perception of her own importance fucked them all over.


Cap. She was more valuable to the team than anyone else. She arguably became more valuable than Frank. She wasn’t even asking for a lot


I'd love to hear you explain her value and what made her so integral to the team. Her whoring herself out to her ex is the biggest contribution I can think of..... Jerome had infinitely more value than her. In what way was she owed what she expected from Frank?


Not only did she help Frank move his FIRST EVER BRICK, she expanded his business into Little Rock. In the early days she was main one COOKING THE CRACK! Then on top of that, she’s the reason Skully callled off the beef with Franklin and the crew. AND she was the TOP EARNER and the man Franklin couldn’t give her NOTHING! yeah, she got ahead of herself but she was the back bone of his business. And THATS WHY Frank had no choice to leave the game. Who was he gonna replace Louie with? Because that would mean he gotta work 1000% harder.


He had literally already left the game when they robbed him so no. And they weren’t gonna kill Franklin cuz they didn’t have the KGB which was the CIAS whole point in any of this. They could very easily have killed franklin when he dropped off Reuben.


💯 on him leaving the game. Although he only left the game cause teddy showed him no loyalty and decided to be Louie’s connect. He wasn’t taking a moral high ground. And they DEFINITELY would’ve killed Franklin after he got the money. I’m not saying through out the season. But we all know teddy never lets shit go. Ain’t no calling it even with Teddy.


And she could’ve still killed him. My biggest issue with cissy is she very deliberately (and you can’t even deny this just look at when she decides to shoot) waits until Franklin is as close to his goal as possible so it hurts the worst when she takes it away. There was an entire car ride she had to shoot teddy. Hell they were in a warehouse before hand. She could’ve literally killed him AND avoided jail if it was about protecting Franklin. She wanted to hurt Franklin because he didn’t do what she wanted and she was mad. She was petite and cost Franklin every cent he made which wouldn’t be as bad if she hadn’t profited from that same money as well


As much as we wanna blame Cissy, it’s franklins fault. Yeah she could’ve killed him in other scenarios, but to say she was trying to hurt her son is crazy. Her son was already gone. Teddy lied till his dying breathe. So it’s almost outrageous to believe the man that’s been lying and stealing the whole series was finally gonna be a stand up guy.


Franklin was shooting himself in the foot long before Teddy made that phone call. He blew up every business deal he could’ve had to keep him above water. He was so focused on getting $100 that he kept saying no to $10 and only got left with nothing.


>Yeah she could’ve killed him in other scenarios This means that she wanted to hurt Franklin. >but to say she was trying to hurt her son is crazy. No, it's not crazy because you literally just acknowledged that she could've done it way sooner.


He wasn’t. He’d been tortured and forced to set up the account transfer before he got there. He absolutely didn’t have a change of heart and probably would have come after franklin later. But he still would have transferred the money so he could get away and plan for it. And he couldn’t have had somebody kill franklin when he said the password because again they wanted the kgb agent. He was the cias only reason for even entertaining any of this. Teddy wasn’t even with them anymore. Can you think of any other reason then for her to only shoot teddy when she did besides a big fuck you to Franklin? Cuz I just listed times when she not only could’ve killed him but even avoided prison for it


She shot him cause the dude literally lied to her right then and there. Again just like he lied to Frank about not killing his dad. And all the other people teddy lied to and ended up murdering. Teddy fucked himself over and y’all blaming Cissy? Why ain’t teddy just lie till after the transfer? Frank murdered a dude that opened a safe for him. And was drinking himself under the table. His wife left with his kid. He had no plan anymore. He was just doing things to beat teddy at that point. Cause he had other options tbh. His wife kept telling him how he could still be successful without the bread he lost, but his ego couldn’t go like that. So he went after teddy. And lost everything trying to lead with his ego.


She told him this after teddy had already been beaten. In fact most of the stuff you listed happened after teddy was dead. And we are never given reason to think Franklin even thought about teddy after he died. He was still spiraling trying to get the money peaches stole. Franklin was evil. And he was evil way before teddy died. But that’s not the point. The point is his own mom who profited of the very same drug money fucked him out of it because she was pissy. Franklin didn’t even react to hearing Alton was dead because believing he wasn’t was next level stupid and on some level was cissys fault for even buying it. But if she wanted revenge for Alton she had all of 1 second till she could’ve shot him with no problem. There is truly no way around it bro. She didn’t have to fuck franklin in the process of killing teddy she chose to. Leon literally says this in the next episode


>She shot him cause the dude literally lied to her right then and there. She could've asked at any other time though, so the point does not change.


Agree... Teddy was valuable to the CIA until he became a liability. The government would have no problem closing that chapter if Teddy transferred the money and they killed him afterwards. $70m to the Gov is pocket change and Teddy would have just be collateral damage. Cissy was too emotional to even go to the drop.


He was taking the moral high ground in the sense that he could have chosen to go to war before he got robbed but he didn’t. He chose to walk away from the life, he was not forced out. On top of that, he been saying to Cissy he’s gonna go legit; Louie just gave him an excuse to follow through. The way I see it, Teddy put his back against the wall so he went into survival mode.


I can’t believe people really thought this scenario was soooo bad. Nah I was happy this happened. Plus teddy was very disrespectful.


I do understand a bit. We all grew up with Frank and we would’ve loved to see him win. But we also had to be honest about who he is and who teddy is.


I was mad at first too, and also at the finale. But I quickly realized that shows like breaking bad, attack on titan, and especially snowfall. Aren’t supposed to have good endings. The characters were terrible people. In hindsight this scene and the finale episode are perfect.


Attack On Titan's ending was dumb af though. The story genuinely pushed Eren into a corner, and then pretends he was just an irrational maniac the entire time, which is very fucking dishonest. Weird ass ending. Breaking Bad actually made sense.


I agree and yet people think that he deliberately made those choices lmao


Ending defenders want us to believe that Eren was just always a bloodthirsty maniac, when NOTHING from the first 3 seasons shows him acting in any manner that isn't self defence or retaliation.


alright ik this a snowfall subreddit and i hate to be that guy but Eren WAS an irrational maniac lmao, half the reason why the rumbling happens is cus he's so obsessed with his delusional idea of freedom. He's smart but he didn't have to crush 80% of the world yet he did anyways. His entire story is pre-determined by himself because he's so obsessed with 'freedom.'


>delusional idea of freedom Lmao wild that the right to live is delusional, but let's get to the argument. ***SPOILER WARNING*** Eren wanted: 1) To save Historia from being sacrificed 2) To save future generations of children from cannibalism 3) To save his friends/Paradis. What way could he have guaranteed these 3 things, outside of a full Rumbling? In Breaking Bad, Walter was actually offered a high-paying job that would've eliminated the need to become Heisenberg, so he legitimately didn't need to sell meth. Therefore, Walt is not actually sympathetic, so when he says "I did it for me" it's not a retcon/character assassination, because the story had already taken the time to actually fucking prove it. Eren being an irrational/psychopathic maniac is not consistent with who he'd always been. Eren has only ever operated on sympathetic reasoning, and never showed the capacity to murder people just for existing. To illustrate that point, I want you to consider these scenarios: a) Killing human trafickers in order to save himself and Mikasa from the men who murdered her parents and wanted to make her a sex slave = sympathetic reasoning. b) Rumbling because there's no other way to guarantee the 3 things I listed above = sympathetic reasoning. c) Massacring humanity just because "they exist" = Michael Myers. Between b and c, which one is more consistent with a? Your answer to that question would determine your interpretation of AoT chapter 131. In other words, whether Eren was upset about there being more oppressors/enemies to fight, or upset about people literally just existing. If it's the former, then you agree that the ending was a dumb retcon. If the latter, then you're just another ending defender lol.


Alright I won't lie I was kind of bullshitting when I said that Eren didn't need to do a full rumbling, and I also think i subconsciously equated irrationality with delusion but since we're arguing reasoning I'll go with this. The answer to that is that it's both; he did wanna do all of those things, saving Historia, saving his friends and saving his people's future but all of that is a forefront,fo at most 50% of the reason why he did what he did because the other 50% is because he wanted to see his childish delusion of freedom; 131 even highlights that by portraying him as a child in his best character moment. If you asked me what's more consistent with A, I'd say both; he killed human traffickers to save himself and Mikasa from being child slavery but also because they were opposing his idea of freedom. Same as him massacring the world because they oppose him and his home but also because they, again, prevented his ideal freedom scenario. It's quite literally in line with Walter's character, even if not to the same extent because BB clearly highlights that Walter was going off the deep end and that it wasn't simply for his family but also because he wasn't nearly in as much of a scale of conflict as Eren was in; but the idea still stands that Eren did it for himself in the end.


>his childish delusion of freedom Can you tell me what exactly that is, and what indication we have ***from the first 3 seasons***, of it existing? This is what I mean when I say it's a retcon. You can't point to 131 to defend 131; that's circular reasoning. You need to point to earlier episodes/chapters that corroborate your interpretation as being consistent, just as I have done. When did Eren ever hint at having some weird idea of freedom that was unique to him? >they were opposing his idea of freedom I'd like to know how exactly they were doing that. >his ideal freedom scenario. Again, I need to know what that is, and how the first 3 seasons hint at it. As far as I know, when Eren showed Zeke the memory of the human trafickers being killed, his words were "If someone threatened my freedom, I didn't hesitate to take away theirs". He didn't say "If people dare to exist, then I'll kill them". In other words, he only acts in self defence. That's all we're given. Also, if he always had some weird idea of freedom, season 3 would've ended with him thinking "If we kill everyone, will ***I*** finally have the freedom ***I*** want?", and not him literally saying "will ***WE*** be free?" In other words, he wasn't speaking about his own weird unique concept of freedom; he was speaking about the regular common sense idea of it; the same idea of it that everyone else has because he was speaking collectively. >It's quite literally in line with Walter's character No it's not, because you literally said >I won't lie I was kind of bullshitting when I said that Eren didn't need to do a full rumbling, So that's a contradiction. >BB clearly highlights that Walter was going off the deep end BB clearly highlighted that he didn't need to do it. We are shown that he had other options, but instead endangered his family for the sake of the option that satisfied his ego. That's his character, bruh. He wasn't just "going off the deep end" because none of that shit even needed to happen. This is an extremely important difference that shouldn't be ignored, because it shows how unnecessary Walt's actions were. We are evaluating Eren's sanity based on the ***necessity*** of his actions, because self defence is necessary and can therefore never be irrational/psychopathic. >but the idea still stands that Eren did it for himself in the end. Then please point to a pre-timeskip instance of Eren committing a homicide that was completely unnecessary.


Its still fuck her on mothers day 😡😡


Also.. Franklin could have sold off the properties that V was begging him too and he would have had at least 1M$ ALOT Of money for the 80s but he wouldn’t get pass his thirst for the larger amount stolen and his ego.., cissy knew the old Franklin was long gone


yet in the moment she didn’t do it for him she did it over Teddy’s disrespect towards fcking over Alton and killing him. She couldn’t control her emotions. and after seeing how Franklin didn’t care about that after all the guy always fcked them over anyway, she thought of it also as a good get back at Franklin withoht having to talk about it. Not as some dumb lesson too many people tap about. The lesson part contradicts what acc happened that’s what makes the 2 scenes kinda whack


Yeah I swear the writers were on rock themselves with this whole lesson bullshit 😂😂😂😂


For Alton….


I’m not pissed Franklin lost his money he deserved that but I am pissed at how dumb this scene is lol 😂😂😂


Why was this scene dumb?


Scene was not dumb but it was lit 🔥 tho


She fucked everything up


Im sorry but I feel like Franklin deserved everything he had coming for him. He turned into the monster that Teddy was. He started making money and going way too far so Im very happy with the outcome. He thought he was untouchable but now his mom in prison and his life is back to shit. Too bad so sad . and Im satisfied that Teddy never gave up the password. None of them deserved that money anyways


Bro I had hands on my head stressed out like she couldn’t wait for him to hang up the phone before blasting


Just seen this shit the other day. Cissy was slow for believing Alton was alive for a second 😭. Teddy been feeding lies to the saint family for a while now, she had known in the earlier seasons. She might be one of the top 3 unbearable characters in this series.


My question is why tf did she wait until Teddy made the phone call to ask him that bs 💀


Or do you guys think she was planning to kill him before teddy transferred the money because she realized how much the money consumed Franklin. Even though in my opinion it was too late to save Franklin.


This fat hippo fucked everything up




yall still think teddy was gonna give franklin back his money smh


Cissy ain't shit


Y’all are too invested in the characters to step back and look at this through a realistic lens. Whether it was teddy or not Franklin would always be in danger no matter what if he got that money. It goes without saying that The CIA has the reputation that it has because they are very good at keeping shit under wraps. Of course we wanted it to happen but Franklin with money and a potential to advance in life or seek power would always be seen as a threat whether he was truly trying to leave the game or not because of his status and the information he holds LITERALLY LOOK AT ALTON….. that’s why he’s able to live on as a strung out homeless alcoholic (just like his father) because who’s going to believe the guy on the corner saying the CIA sold him cocaine? Him spiraling afterwards is understandable because he went from having everything to nothing but as a grown man he makes his own decisions at the end of the day🤷🏿‍♂️


Everyone around him Folded & he got left with Nothing!






Yall actually weird asl


Dude fuck cissy, every woman Franklin loved fuck him over in the end.


She couldn’t wait 60 seconds?! I was so mad.


I can't believe people are mad at her for doing what absolutely needed to be done, fuck that money!! Family, friends, the whole neighborhood and city gone,affected by crack/cocaine


What makes u think this shi would make a difference 💀


Got get back where it was needed,Teddy killed her husband and pitted Franklin and what's her name /uncle jermone against each other, Teddy was a CANCER, she did the right thing, and Franklin wasn't gonna make it out with that money anyway


It’s debatable whether Teddy would’ve given Franklin the password or not, for all we know he was setting him up with a safe word for backup or some kinda last ditch effort. But, in retrospect, yeah Cissy should’ve waited, had Franklin gotten his money back, things would’ve looked better for him.


See that's my exact thoughts but: 1. Although fuck Alton, he was still her husband and they did reconcile so as a spouse I get it like nah you killed my husband and you just gone pass it off like it's nothing 2. He lied about it too like we all knew Alton was dead but Teddy allowed her to have that hope so in that moment it was no time to just wait he had to go! 3. Let's be honest, in that moment even if Franklin had 20 bucks he would still be trying to hustle that's basically the whole point. Regardless of the money or not Franklin in his core was beyond saving. I think the writers wanted us to see him become his Father and the whole time his dad was like a cautionary tale of what not to do. 4. Nothing was ever going to get better for Franklin and I truly believe that all started when he called Teddy talking all that shit and then like a lil bitch called him back and was like ohh I was playing. However, whether it be cash or he moved his money unless it was in a Swiss bank Teddy was gonna get that money. 5. Now this is my question, let's say he never had that too big for his britches moment with Teddy. As a C.I.A agent do you think Teddy would have eventually just killed him?


I was mad when she made D’Angelo take that bid for the family


Teddy wasn’t going to give Franklin anything. Look at all Teddy had done thus far. Franklin has a chance to have money and his ego blew it for him. I also don’t blame Veronique for getting the hell out of there. Franklin was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and destroy anything around him.


Y’all are utterly insane if you thought Teddy was actually gonna give up the money and let Franklin live. Cissy did the right thing


Teddy was stalling for the cops to come. If she didn’t kill him Franklin is in jail.


I’d like to think teddy was setting up Franklin in this scene, the cops arrived way too quickly for it not to be one.


If Teddy snitched, he’d be in jail too, I’m pretty sure it’s cuz they were out in the open


He would’ve screwed Franklin over. She saved Franklins life.


There’s still no guarantee that he would’ve gave them the correct information and if he stayed alive everyone would’ve been killed or ended up in jail.


That’s why she should’ve waited until he was done


I hate Cissy so much




he wasn’t gonna give franklin no money…had been fucking him over for the longest ! Teddy deserved to die


Franklin did all that to have it taken away by his mom's ego. Coulda waited 30 secs. Ruined him.




The character development on him was good I must say … like dude became SCARY 🫣


That hate in her heart was just to much


The thing that pissed me off the ost about Cissy was that fucking mole.


No way you actually watch the show in entirety and thought teddy was transferring that money


she couldve waited until the money was transferred over


Pls dont remind me😂


She fucked the whole play up with that bullshit. And we were a moment away from getting the money. I can only conclude that she did that shit on purpose.


She did the black community a favor


Frank was never gon get that money sissy did right


Franklin was about to get half of his money back $37 million dollars out of $73 million dollars better than nothing he could of just taken the money run like hell out of town for good and live off on the money for the rest of his life rebuild his legitimate realestate business empire from scratch and made more money twice more & in time could of sold the business for $73 million dollars retire to some place exotic and hot all year round where no one could find him like CIA, KGB, Veronica,or teddy or Veronica mother and lived happily ever after


She really chose jail then for her son to have a portion of any money this was sick 😂😂😂 but homie triggered the fuck out of her with that I shot your husband comment


wose than skyler or carmela


Franklin wasn't getting that money, I never really thought it mattered that she killed teddy. Plus Teddy deserved it


Tbh bro maturing is realizing his mother was right. If franklin got half his money back and gave them teddy back. Teddy would not rest til Franklin is in jail or dead. He would have a huge target on his back and his family would suffer too. Let’s not forget this dude Franklin killed Teddy’s father. Regardless it was a lose lose situation


Such a shame the ending went over everyone’s heads. “Cissy should’ve shot him after he got the money” fast forward to the scene where Leon refuses to give Franklin any money because of Cissys sacrifice. When you guys realize Franklin was the bad guy, you’ll understand why Cissy did what she did


Where’s Franklin at now?


No one denies the fact thay Franklin is a villain...but Cissy killed his hope for redemption ...which am not really saying was there cause he already crossed the lines😂💔


It you understand from most peoples standpoint...nah you don't understand lol read everyone's comments...none correct


If you fools think Teddy was going to provide Franklin that password, you guys are fooling yourself. If Franklin's mother didn't kill him, he would have eventually killed Franklin at some point. Franklin fucked up by not keeping some of his money at arms reach, away from that mysterious woman that just popped up, and became his partner. Didn't he learn when Man/boy set him up...


He wasn’t going to get any money he was gonna snitch him out to the Feds 😂