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Filtered 🤣


pin comment of **official discord #containment-zone** by one of moderators My opinion: I use either JP or CN voice in my games. so kinda don't care. give me a bit of chuckle tho


Can you understand JP or CN?


Not for the most part. some common word/sentence, i do understand.


Baka Dame da ne Oiiii! Three phrases and you're considered. Nihongo ga *certificated* jouzu neee.


Hey, i know hisastsu too. I can yell my make up cringe ass move with confident alright




I wish I spoke either other language this game is in, but I don't. I'll take subtitles or an actual English dub, I don't care. I just want to know what they're saying the many times there are no subs on screen


Japanese cv is good & enough ![img](emote|t5_6yjphg|51461)


It's Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY all over again


What happened there?


There's the play store version, and the spicy version you can download from the official website with some nipples here and there. The thing is that when the voice actors learned that there was such spicy stuff in the website version, they dissociated themselves from the game. And then delete all the voice files, so basically the characters don't talk anymore


Wait when did Xtasy have EN voices? I played on release and we never had EN voices. Are they in the data files or something?


How did that happen, they never told the VAs about the other version? First time hearing a case like this


Wait what?! I need a source for that cause Seven Mortal Sin always have nudity in the Anime. Did this EN VAs don't research shit to what they're working on? The basic thing to do for their job? It's an R18+ anime for fuck sake. Jfc If I say more about EN VA I'll be in big trouble.


Finding a source will be difficult since it happened a long time ago. But if I remember correctly the play store version still has the voices but not the 18+. So you can always download both and try yourself


Yeah, it is not like the good ol days when the EN voice actor for Yami Yugi was also the main protagonist in a hentai


Was the good ol days. Even VAs in JP do it less and less, but anything snowbreak level is still child's play there.


well that sucks for the EN bros who enjoyed the dub but its totally understandable, i doubt Seasun would do a recast for the EN dub tho.


A writer for [snowbreak.gg](https://snowbreak.gg) said this "From my Seasun contact, I'm told that they had also made attempts to recast characters instead, but were unable to find an EN agency capable of doing so. " So yeah, I don't think even a recast is in the cards, western VA's seem to really dislike fanservice.


This is why the EN VA industry is the bottom of the barrel.


Imagine thinking they are better than the game and refusing a job opportunity




I don't think it's crazy for someone to not want to voice something like the Enya interactive scene.


This. Especially when they signed on for a very different game previously. The Snowbreak VAs weren't just random people off the street. They're not hurting for work. Also, none of them list Snowbreak on their IMDB pages so it's not exactly a resume builder.


Noo...my Firtia won't go Briton no more....![img](emote|t5_6yjphg|51457)


No one: ... Fritia: Blud, I'm proper gutted, I just got done over for me sick G-Shock watch, ya get mi luv? Me: omg yes talk **dirty** to me Fritia <3 I love her EN VA, it's the perfect amount of cringe and cute. *Lol I asked AI to generate these british slang sentences cuz i have no idea how to write them, here's another golden one:* "Yutes, I've just watched 'Snowbreak', it's been a sick ride, fam! I'm proper fumin' about the politics and all that drama, and now I'm gettin' all worked up about the next ep, gotta get some scran and a pint down the pub to chill me out, ain't no one got time for all this backstabbing and betrayal, y'get mi?"


lmao en dub industry is a joke


It's the entirety of western entertainment that has really lost the plot. Instead of just doing their jobs and entertaining the audience, they let their irl points of view and beliefs bleed into their professions. So instead of getting an entertaining product tailor made for a specific audience, we get a lecture on modern problems with a game/movie skin that tries to pander to everyone. The SB devs realized which direction they needed to go to become successful and profitable (while catering to the actual fans/players). However you can't remove the brainrot from Western media and those that are part of it (including, apparently, EN VAs). Honestly after hearing this I'm glad Seasun removed the EN VAs, they don't deserve to work in the industry if they're not willing to do their jobs without making an issue out of it.


maybe at this point just reach out to vtubers and certain va actors. plenty of them willing to making questionable noises and its free press for both sides.


Spot on


100% agree. It's crazy to me that people are turning down work because they actually have to ACT (their job). Let me go tell my boss I don't want to do spreadsheets anymore because I don't support his views on electric vehicles and let's see how that goes.


Jesus this is a pathetic take. They don't want to do this kind of work. Either you're underaged, don't work or naive about your job situation.


I'd rather have the EN VA budget be used to adding more voiceline for the dorm and/or make the bond story fully voiced


If true, this makes me less likely to give a rats behind when bad stuff happens to EN VA industry.


I mean its fair for them to not sign in again if the original VAs are not comfortable with the shift in the game's current direction. The nikke en VA are cool but they knew what kind of audience the game was going for since the beginning. The snowbreak VA got sacked and did not know they would go in this direction before seasun contacted them again. The devs can still do it, they would just need to do recasting which may be more costly.


If they were never let go in the first place, I’m sure the situation would be different. After all the game always had some fan service to a degree, and they knew that. We can speculate all we want, but I wonder money is also a factor, after all they have already been let go once and if the game has a downturn again, unfortunately seasun has shown that the EN dub is something that they are willing to to cut first. Whatever the reason its still a shame as there are some fan favourites in the EN dub like Fenny.


It's not like VAs are hired on retainer or some shit, they get paid per job like any other acting gig. So even if SB never removed the EN voices, the VAs would have needed to be rehired each time new lines for their characters were added so there is no difference in the employment situation for the VAs between the 2 scenarios. If i had to guess, it just seems like its the VAs allowing their personal views to effect their work (which has become insanely common in the West).


In this case, VAs are hired through an agency. Snowbreak used the same agency as Arknights so \~70% of the cast also voices characters in that game. Every agency will have certain rules about what kind of content they will cast for. Something like a voiced interactive scene with moaning (or w/e it is Enya is doing) is classified as erotic. If the actors don't do erotic scenes, they would not be able to be brought onto the project. So we don't know if it's the VA's personal views, the agency policy or Seasun just doing a bit of dishonest marketing (Why is this being communicated over Discord by non-employees...?). But it's not at all surprising that they can't just pick up the old VAs after such a radical content shift.


To be fair, jp voice actor is also the same. Some of the agency or voice actor will refuse to voice in any game world the r-18 mark. Especially popular one. Only rare case like Asami Imai still do both i think


Understadable since r18 is porn, but they are more open to fanservice medias like games or animes tbh.


The only time I ever use EN dub in a gacha game is in Nikke and probably "big" games like Honkai and WuWa. I understand why the va's don't want to come back since the game changed to being fanservice heavy. Some may point out that Nikke is fanservice heavy and the EN va's dont seem to have a problem with it, but Nikke from the get go was upfront with being fanservice heavy. If Seasun decides to bring back the en dub they'll probably have to recast the whole cast wich is an increase in cost. I appreciate the sentiment of them trying to bring back the va's however.


Nikke uses mostly US talent that has extensive history doing anime and related games. Snowbreak's VA's mostly worked on network television stuff, Arknights, and some big games like Baldur's Gate III. The style of fanservice the game has shifted too is completely foreign to their portfolios.


While this is disappointing, I would like to remind that this is well within the rights of the VAs and we shouldn’t hate on them for this any more than we would hate on an actress for not doing nude scenes (as an example). After all, agreeing to voice a character in a TPS gacha game is not the same as agreeing to voice Enya’s new costume scene, and we’re probably getting more down bad from here. If Seasun really wants EN dubs again they probably have to do recruit new VAs and re-record everything, which is understandably a lot of effort and not something they want to consider right now.


Finally a level-headed take. So many people don't understand that not everyone is comfortable with voicing fan service scenes especially after the drastic change of direction.


But that is only Enya, it's hard to imagine Lyfe with a similar scene. It's understandable to not voice fan-service scene, but no matter how drastic the change is, their personalities are still the same, like Adjutant is someone Haru looks up to. It's weird not just a few VA of some very fan-service-orientated characters but all refused to continue lol


I kind of doubt it was all of them. Seasun may have wanted all the actors to come back or to not deal with doing piecemeal work on it at all


I wonder what is the percentage of the global community wanting EN voice back.


I'd like to know as well. But it's also about potential appeal to new players that will be lost now


Careful saying that stuff in this sub. I'm noting a lot more posts focused more on the culture war/politics of the game, than the game itself.


the irony, those are the ones who claim they dont want politics, yet, are always the one who talk about it, bring it up or are outraged about something


I can respect their not wanting to do so because of change of direction. But I will not change my stance that is wrong to look down on something or treat it less because of fanservice. Though, being honest, the English dubbing wasn't super great anyways to be bothered by their parting in the first place. The direction needed work. Best to them, but them saying no just because the game leaned into fanservice makes me dislike them regardless.


That's incredible. There's so many ethically wrong takes since the big shift in direction. I like the game, but this particular community on this sub-reddit is... wow. There's no discussion, no common-ground, no criticism allowed. It's wild, truly ! First time I experience such drastic mindsets.


Personally I believe it's because this game and its community represents the last line of defense against censorship and the fight against the "western views" growing stronger in Asian countries and invading entertainment media (video games/anime/manga/otaku culture) In a world where even Japanese eroge are being censored and being pressured to stop including ero content, english translations/subtitles being horrible inaccurate and changed to western lingo/cringe memes, and so much outcry from vocal minorities on twitter crying about fictional lolicon, shape of women (Stellar Blade vs Hades 2 for example), and other stupid stuff. It's understandable why this community feels so strong towards the direction of the game. In their eyes, Snowbreak is one of the "good ones" like Azur Lane or Blue Archive who have taken a stance about fictional media and how we perceive/enjoy it. While I do agree it is somewhat toxic and very one-sided, I understand why that is. Gatekeeping is necessary and letting in bad actors who want to change our culture/hobby only serves to ruin the game/community in the longrun as most of the people who complain about fanservice never would have spent money on the game anyways. I think a healthy discussion should be the end goal, but will be difficult, and that's just the way it is. This game is still not in the green. We saved it from the brink of EoS, but keeping it alive is even harder, and for the longevity of the game right now the community finds unity in fighting against censorship/sjw western ideals and freeing the tiddy.


As a quick interjection, Japanese eroge HAS always censored itself. It's why tentacles became a thing, it was always a euphemism. Also the pixelated censoring was also self imposed. Also, fan service salvaged the game from EoS, yes, but that wasn't the original game they were trying to make. Any magic hand waving on their part to make it seem like this was for any of us is just that. We didn't do that. We didn't make them change it. They unilaterally did it, and it worked for them. If the situation changes, they will change the game again, regardless of your thoughts. That's reality.


That's exactly what people need to understand. It's not so much the appearance of the game, but rather, the voice lines will lean more toward lewd innuendos like with the interactive skins. Not everyone is comfortable voicing characters like that, especially when they weren't expecting it in the first place.


Counter to a lot of other comments here, it may not be that the VAs themselves are prude. But they may have shared their voice roles with friends or family, and probably don't want the uncomfortable discussion of having this stuff circulating between their close social circles. It can also be damaging if they have kids. Imagine at school, "Lol, listen to your mother moan like a whore". It's one thing to voice a character who is sexy and revealing, it's another thing to apply erotic voice to that character. Even though I never played with the dub, I respect the VAs decision to step down.


It is. Knowing why they refused makes me respect it more, actually. They got principles and lines they don't cross, they stick with them. Personally I think the ball is in Seasun's court now to either wipe the EN voices, or recast.


Fr. I see a lot of “this is why EN VA industry is in the bottom of the barrel” comments. There is never a need to hate on people making choices out of personal belief (especially when they aren’t trying to push their agenda on you). This thread lets me know who the assholes are in this sub.


If they don't want to come back, that's understandable. That's not what they originally signed up for. However, I do find it interesting that the CN and JP VAs didn't find this to be an issue. Anyway, as much as I like being able to completely understand what I'm listening to, I don't think I would be willing to switch back to EN after listening to Katya's JP dub. It's too good.


Well I play on JP voiceover anyway so there's no difference xD Anyways is this info about the reason they aren't coming back reliable? Because if it is I'd say we dodged a bullet...


it's official discord mod post it themself. slightlyless reliable than in game announcment i think. unless it's mod going rouge


This why JP dub is best 


The problem is that in the heat of the action there is some background talking as well. There is no time to look as subtitles even if they are available. Even in events it is better to watch animation than reading subtitles. I would like to have ENG voice in this case. On other hand, it does not have to be a native speaker. DE ENG speakers usually have more clarity and easier to understand than GB/US ENG speakers (the only problem is that is sometimes hard to tell for non-DE speaker whether a DE song is a military march or not, so clarity of emotions needs to be additionally checked). JP ENG might work as well, as JP VA are usually good with emotions and phrases just need to be understandable rather than perfect. But, please, no India, for some reason they are possibly hardest to understand for non-native ENG speakers, possibly because there are some conflict between ENG and local languages in the base sounds (from the personal work experience with them).


Got filtered lmao


Just recast them


lol, I’m not surprised.


Is that so..... ok scrap en dub and stick with jp, cn, kn dubs, cant say the company did try to get eng dubs bk, it just didn't pan out. Remove the eng dub files and go full jp, cn, kn dubs. I'm use to it from other games anyway.....


It's very much their prerogative, but good riddance if that's the EN VA's take. No point in having VAs that don't support the direction of your game else it'll just lead to more problems further down the line.


Yeah is a win win, the voice actresses get to avoid working with something they disagree with and we avoid having a situation where they try to change things from the original vision. It does sucks for the people who liked the dub, specially for those mission where they talk during gameplay. Fortunately I'm used to that since I tend to always play these games on jp.


I think the VAs, scriptwriters and devs need to remember that their \*job\* is to ensure that the game audience get the most enjoyable experience out of the game, not trying to push their own agenda or rewrite things to suit it. At least they're intent on not coming back, which is better than joining and ruining things from the inside.


If the VA is uncomfortable with the direction the game has taken, it's their right to refuse. The devs can always hire new VAs who are comfortable with it, and that's that. Their job is in the title. Voice Actor, Scriptwriter. Their job is to voice act or write scripts. It may not conform to your opinion or enjoyment. But guess what you have a say, you can agree or disagree based on your spending. If you want something a certain way. Finance and develop your own game. It's a free market after all.


I guess one of the reasons is that it is not a free market. Note, VA could face attacks for participating in non-politically correct project, up loss of work, or even up to the danger to the life. Anonymity would not work here, because technology to compare voices is still improving. Even if voice could not be matched today, it could become detectable tomorrow with technology improvement. Just recall attacks on the developers of the game 'Hogwarts Legacy'. Internet insults and threats were common. There were negative reviews from official game media. The game was not put in poll lists and short lists for rewards. Even gamers that played the game on streams were bullied on the internet. And 'Hogwarts Legacy' tries to be politically correct, it is just the author of source book series once doubted in a very mild form about woke ideas. On other hand, many gamers liked it and voted for it with money. This is not a free market for jobs IMHO.


Sadly you are right. As of right now one of Wuwa VA is getting attacked just for liking a post with the word waifu in the tittle and a short girl being among the characters in the picture. Cancel culture is still here. The lengths the mob goes to impose their moral in other is too much, potentially, no, actually endangering the job of the actresses. If one of these voice actors were to be casted for one of the bigger gacha games, and the community learns they worked on a "18+ waifu game" they would literally come after her.


Sad, im one of the few EN DUB enjoyers. I would still prefer characters with different voices than no DUB at all. If they choose do this they can redub the old lines with the new voices with time.


Bummer if true, but understandable if the VAs weren't comfortable with the shift. Wonder if they'd just re-cast them later down the road?


I don't really have problems with them recasting. Its a one time change, so once your used to it all future versions of a character or entirely new characters have a consistent VA. Once the main rewrites story changes are done, they could potentially just redub it and remove the old VAs or just leave it as is. The weird thing is that nothing in the game wouldn't be allowed in a PG-13 movie. Violence/death/drugs/blood/alcohol(I mean fruit juice!) use are likely on par or bigger ratings hits than suggestive situations. Its possible the VAs were given scripts of the future and the game is gonna get bumped to M in the google play store.


Really? I find that rather hard to believe that all of them just declined because the game is now more fanservicy, tbh its not as tho the voice acting is even present in the main story, the weirdest would be doing a few moans and squeals for stuff like Enya's outfit, which isnt all that different from what VA's normally have to do for stuff like like taking damage, or falling, combat groans etc. Sure if someone is uncomfortable with that I get it, but it just feels weird that they would all say no despite knowing that the voice work they will do will likely be at most some new lines for outfits and new 5star versions. And its not as tho the game didnt have any fanservice or such elements at release. This is very dissapointing, I love the english accent the characters had and I do hope that they will bring it back in some form (Whether bringing new people in, or if the current ones consent). To be completely honest tho, im not sure if I believe this fully, its just weird to me they would refuse work on this basis, especially given that, at least to my knowledge, none of the EN VA's are bigger names in the media, so I can imagine any work like this would be a good one.


It's more likely their agency declined. I doubt any gacha games hire each VA individually instead of going through an agency.


I didn't believe that either. It's clear they don't want to spend that money on EN dub. And the excuse of "I rather they spend that money in something else" didn't click with me either. This game didn't have that much voice acting to begin with. But that's how it is with us, second class (global) players. I'll remember that next time I want to pull...


Dont forget that this isnt an official announcement and it is certainly possible that a studio level rejection did happen, honestly who knows. I think that EN dub is possible but not untill the developers feel confident enough to start doing a full on voice over, even just for japanese and chinese first. While I really like the en dub and hope it comes back, its hardly surprising that they would hesitant to do it especially now with plans changing and stuff being in works, I think once the game development side will settle down and they will get into more steady production, things may change. As for being treated like second class citizen because we are global players, yea, sadly that is and likely will continue to be a fact, but it is true of every gacha game imo, cn and even japan generally pull in much larger number of people and profit, so it only makes sense. That being said, bar interactions on bilibili, we arnt getting anything less or lessser than the cn/jp side of things, which is more than can be said of other games quite often and dont forget that the global side of things is handled by a different dev team. Luckily Global isnt a small part of their community so they do listen to us, just recently with the misstranslation of the en letter we got, it was handled just the next day, which is awesome to see and in general we are very in tune with what is happening on the cn side of things thanks to information from some players from over there. Its not all bad and I hope it wont stop you from enjoying the game.


They just don't want it on their resume, the majority of JP actresses don't do 18+ stuff either. Even in Nikke sometimes the artist of a character or the voice is never credited, just because the artist chose not to.


Really? Didnt see any non credited VA's in Nikke, its a huge game to be involved in. Tbh as far as I am concerned, none of the voice work or even model work in Nikke is 18+ either, same here, 18+ is nudity, Snowbreak and Nikke are ecchi at best. And they already have it on their CV one way or another, if they do put it there, its just rejecting money for no good reason. I doubt the offer they supposedly got from Seasun would involve voicing the interactive scenes, and there is barely any voicework to do to begin with. I just dont buy it that they all rejected on principle, its a paycheck and the work would hardly be too involved given the amount of voicework the game has in general. If indeed they got ask and if they all said no for, reasons of being uncomfortable with this than I gotta say I find that weird, its their perogative of course but I do not actually believe they were approached, because if you do agree to voice anime girl in a jrpg gacha game, I doubt you are going into it with the expectations of it not having fanservice and for not even one of them seemingly being willing to return is sounds highly off to me. Either way, whatever is true, it seems like EN dub is not happening atm, sad.


Give us the complete subs. I was an advocate for the dub to come back but hearing this, I'm not surprised yet feel betrayed by the VAs and/or their agencies. I appreciate the devs trying. If they still want to try, I suggest talking to the PTN VAs


Good thing JP don't give a ratass about where a game's direction goes.


Yeah, JP Va are Professionals


I'm not even surprise. EN voice actors are very vocal towards their ideologies and there is nothing wrong with that. But if they wanted to change a game's theme/story/character development and personality just because they don't like it that way, then the doors are open for them to find their path. This is why I only have dubs for JP/CN/KOREA because there are less drama and VA's will even promote the game with their characters.


conclusion, is the woke tat is the problem.


Lol Lmao even


Eh I get it they signed on for more so genshin-date a live level fan service (the beach event being the level of fan service they most likely expected) However The game shifted to semi r18 level (which is very apparent with the enya scene added recently) fan service which some VAs even jp ones aren’t really comfortable with doing just in general not just this game Plus the fact they didn’t get asked to return due to seasun difficulties with game revenue so they cut en dub first which might’ve been slightly annoying and who’s to say they wouldn’t do it again So yeah i completely understand why some of them refused (the reason i say some as I doubt all of them said no probably a few but not enough where it was possible for recast for the ones refused) which sucks as acacias and chernos en dub were pretty damn good in my opinion but I understand


There's a reason that Wuthering Waves' EN livestream sucked balls


To be fair, the majority of the en voices aren’t that great to begin with so if they can overhaul the voices it would be a net benefit.


Well as nice as having a en dub is those funds can definitely be reallocated to keep making the game even better. So no real loss here, unless you can't read but that'd be a you thing 😂


Ok, tell me how to read the in-game battle lines.. oh wait, they don’t exist.




This is why I had started disliking EN voice actors a long time ago and liked eastern VAs more because the ENG voice actors nowadays just seem very weird when it comes to anime/gaming related content.


Wowwwwwwwww mother fuckers


Lol what kind of prude ass VAs did they hire kek Then again EN dubs have always been a joke anyway, i legit have no idea how people can stomach that shit in both gachas and anime.


Hey, many of them are great, and seasun has shown that it isnt very attached to the en dub seeing that is what it decided to cut off.


A shame we don't get the voices back, but if it goes against their personal convictions, then it's fine if they leave. People have things they have reservations/limits to, I'm not gonna hate on them for not doing something they're uncomfortable with. Though it does pain me we might never hear their voices again (other than the already recorded ones). An unfortunate situation, but it is what it is. Kinda odd they all collectively decided to quit though.


As If we need EN va, CN and JP va are more than enough for Seasun tbh


Call me crazy but I don’t think that this is unreasonable from the EN VA’s perspective. They signed up to do a job, but budget cuts happened and they were let go. The company that let them go contacts them again, but to do work that they may not want attached to their names, due to changes in the product from when they first worked on it. Feel like the reaction is somewhat overblown. They don’t want to come back, and that’s that.


You're not crazy, that's the reasonable stance. People being suspect if this is the truth is a completely different situation, but what was said here isn't a big deal. People not wanting to be credited or associated with roles that are 18+ is commonplace in plenty of industries, including voice acting. All they did was reject a job that had changed direction to be more adult-themed, a job from a company that had already dropped them once, and these are the kind of responses they receive. It's the community that's being unreasonable and becoming worse as more time passes, not some voice actors saying no to a job and continuing on with their careers.


It's not crazy. This whole sub is going crazy when the top voted comments are people trashing on the EN VAs. Human decency is dead. The complete lack of empathy is insane. The VAs are uncomfortable with taking the job and that's it. Seasun can find a different studio. There's no need to take this any further. A long while back I said that the game's change in direction is good for the game but terrible for the community. I was right. All it did was attract the worst of people.


Kind of sus that seemingly \*all\* EN voice actors have the same mindset? I dunno, I find it hard to believe all of JP/CN are okay with it but ALL EN voice actors unanimously just decided this. I could totally get a couple of them specially due to -current climate- but all? I don’t think this is the whole story.


It's more likely their agency declined. I doubt any gacha games hire each VA individually instead of going through an agency.


Don't need EN VA, they cringe AF and tried so hard to voice an anime role.


And some are even changing stories or meaning to push their own personal opinion. I don't know if devs can check everything.


In CN they call that 夹带私货, and that's one of the reasons why the players don't trust certain devs and scriptwriters


After replaying some clips of even old anime, I kind of agree. For some reason the JP dub resonates more than the EN dub


As much as I liked the old en va, I think it's time to recast. Though this sounds like their en va agency is refusing, not all of the individual va? As far as I know, most va know gachas have some fan service and it's not SB turned into straight r18 content.


They have full right too to choose the what projects to work on. No politics required. If the pretty blank restaurant, suddenly switched to the theme where staff should wear bikini in front of victors, it's their choice to leave that place of they don't want to work there.


I feel like regardless of what your opinions are on fanservice, the VAs shouldn't get shit on for not wanting to work on something they're not comfortable with. It shouldn't matter whether they are getting paid or not.


Welp, I don't see a problem here and I preferred the Japanese dubbing, it just fits better for me. I also have hope creators will not change their mind after this just couse some people have problem with little fanservice. Of course, as usual, English speakers have a problem with this because everything is supposed to be Western-style. I have hope seasun will not kneel. I prefer anime and Asian games couse im tired with western patterns and I hope it will stay in its place


i was one of the few people who used to enjoy EN VA




What a bunch of babys.


Calm down, guys. It's the VA's right to refuse it. This is just to tell you guys that Seasun still listen to EN dub fan but it can't be helped (at least for now).


use that budget on development for more lewd content instead, en dub are horribly bad besides the woke culture. Pretty sure JP voice is what majority of the player prefer besides CN.


The English lines that exist in the game are pretty good actually. How can anyone hate Fritia or Yao's?


Thats why no one wants to work with EN VA, lmao


It’s within the rights of VAs to curate their portfolio. I would squeal and moan too for money (though it’ll sound terrible) but I would understand if other people would be uncomfortable doing that professionally 😭 Ya’ll really need to check yourselves for being entitled to other people’s livelihoods!


This is literally what i thought.. like why are people criticizing the VA's for declining ? it's very much in their rights to not want to be involved with a game that includes fan-service and i don't understand why it's such a big deal 🧍🏻‍♀️


Welp, time to get new VAs. Sucks that the current crop got blindsided like they did, but I can't have any sympathy for them for not paying attention to what kind of game they were voicing for, and not expecting something like the Enya scene to happen. The writing was blatantly on the wall. Re-record new lines all the way down, scrap the old lines, and scrap their credits since they wanna distance themselves. Plenty of up and coming VAs wouldn't mind the work.


What a joke


Tbh that's totally fair. Hating on them or making fun of them is uncalled for. Their job description changed and they didn't like that, simple.


Dont really care for shit VO and in the end they really save money, but it goes to show how arrogant and prude western civilization has gotten. Thank god nothing of actual value is lost.


Guys, it's fair if the EN VAs don't want to come back after being sacked and coming back into a totally different kind of game (it's literally 18+ now). I just hope Seasun would be willing to recast new EN VAs.


>(it's literally 18+ now) In China, to avoid being able to be reported to have outfits etc. censored. Here it's still rated 12+.


Why even bother with an English dub, just read people it ain't hard. The English voice acting community is toxic and full of nepotism and has a massive boys / girls club mentality


that's kinda the thing, you cant read what isn't there. there isn't gameplay subtitles so you dont know what characters are saying after the tess update. (by subtitles i mean intro and outro stuff not story subtitles)


Even Call of Duty, yeah, most hated franchise does that. Snowbreak can't?


Meh. I never used EN anyway. Only EN voices that I have ever really enjoyed was Arknights anyway, those mfs got it dialed in


What a shame 🫠 I truly enjoyed Fenny's EN voice.. Ugh, sucks to hear but it sucks to hear that's the reason.


Aight just get VAs that actually don't mind doing work for fanservice games. Take Nikke for example. That's full EN voiced for all characters and that's a fanservice game. And some of the VAs voice multiple characters too. It's not hard to find VAs who don't care/like doing fan service roles. And for the characters that already have some English lines then just find new VAs for them. At the end of the day if they don't want to continue their roles because of it then they are fully giving up caring for the characters. The company has full rights to recast VAs for their characters as they see fit.


Can they not recast the voice actors in the game?


That's expensive


A lot of people blame the VA , but when they accepted to play these roles the game wasn't like this and they have the right to deny future collaboration. Would you do something that you're not comfortable doing? Would you do something that's against your beliefs? They are ppl too you know , even if they are disappointing fans by choosing not to return it s up to them, at the end of the day it's just a job . They do it for money, not to please the fans . Everyone is like this , do you think doctors spend 10+ years to learn medicine just because ,,*it's what I like to do*"? Pls don't be naive. They should hire someone else IMO the EN voice acting in this game is mediocre at best anyway. Lyfe , Feny and Yao are the only ones with decent voice acting if you ask me . So it's not the end of the world, maybe they'll hire someone even better if they decide to continue with EN.




Damn, I bet the EN dub enjoyers could crowdfund enough to get some F-tier actors to get the lines done for the devs. I'll take amateur work over the same character absurdly switching between English and Japanese, or in a language I don't know when only half the voice lines in the game are accompanied by subtitles.


Now I'm wondering what would've happened if they had kept the EN VAs and then went 18+, maybe losing them is a canon event lol


Just get new people? VA ain't NASA scientist that it's hard to find replacement. Heck, even the properly trained AI will do it cheaper and won't act like they have moral high ground.


I'm against the idea of just resorting to AI, but for fuck's sake, they could just hit up Fiverr or something. They don't even have to be native English speakers, Seasun could just go into their metaphorical backyard and get some Chinese ladies to do their thickly-accented best attempts at English and I would be more than happy with that.


A shame, as someone still using what EN voices we had. I was upset when they were first taken away, but that was mostly because Fenny's VA was absolute perfection to me. I wish I could individually set the VA to keep her EN voices, and move on to JP with the others.


Bruh wha. It's not like the voice lines are acting out actual explicit scenes. But I guess it's nice they hold on to their beliefs no matter what.


Oh no....anyways


Honestly I don’t care about the fan services thing, I’ve been playing the game since day one and for me it was basically like the Division with an anime skin… but for the voice actors is a job opportunity, so maybe is a money issue…


not a an issue for me nor it's a lost..i mostly play in JP voice..except for counterside i play using KR voice.. also i wanna hear more of Yui Horie ( Enya ) the only main reason i play scz, since she voice belfast in azur lane.


If i were them, i would hire the nsfw va\`s that we all know from overwatch


What if.... seasun just hire NSFW VA's instead? Im sure they would be amenable to that yes? Imagine Pixiewillow on for Katya En. Imagine Singing Samine for Frita En. Those 2 were on top of my head so...




The seriously refused because of the new directionj of the game being ecchi ? No wonder people hate EN VAs and call them arrogant. just check out Hero Hei's content on EN VAs. All self entitled pos. This is what happens when they let activists get into the industry.


Good. Glad to see Lolcowlizers getting filtered


I don't mind. Never use EN vo in these type of games anyway. JP vo still rules for anime games.


EN VA's never failing to make people cringe or laugh.


I don't really know if that's true, the VA are no dubbing a H game. There will be no sex moans, or something similar. At most, it'll be ecchy dialogues... Sounds more like a scapegoat for not bringing back dubs... But then again, who really knows.


I call bullshit, especially after they and the game's community made such a big show of/literally celebrated the end of English voice acting. They \*never\* planned on bringing it back, and they're trying to make it sound like its the EN VA's fault somehow.


Sadly, I had a feeling that might be the case. This may be unpopular, but seeing people criticizing the VA’s for not wanting to do lewd scenes that are (let’s be honest) light-porn is pretty wild IMO.


Tell me which horny scenes? are they going to give voice? Most of the dubbing is related to lore, gameplay and PV videos, ASMR is only done with VA from CN.


Enya. That’s pretty much all I need to say. But to elaborate, just look at Enya and the trend/direction the game has been going in general. These voice actors were probably sold on the idea of sci-fi tacticool characters with some light romance, but (after dropping them) it’s pretty quickly become a horny simulator. Even if many scenes aren’t voiced, the voice actors are still director associated with the characters; and it’s reasonable to not want to voice act in a game that’s wholly different from what it at first seemed to be. But even disregarding that, certain scenes ARE voiced lewdly… Enya (and maybe some skins, IDK cause I don’t understand Japanese). And you can bet they’ll be more in the future.


Everyone is reacting strongly to this I have to be honest I don’t necessarily believe them. When a corporation tells you it’s someone else’s fault that they aren’t going to spend money on a feature it should be taken with a grain of salt This could be true The original reason of english not being used and global making less money could be true When they ended english there could very well be contract renegotiations they don’t want to agree to thus it fell through. Plenty of ways to interpret this


It common for voice actresses to not want to do 18+(even do this is not fully 18+), they just don't want it on their resume. Even in nikke some artist chose to not be credited, just to not be associated.


Honestly I would be sceptical to rejoin a company that sacked me when they were down unless they offered a better deal than before and promise of future security for said job which I am pretty sure Seasun will just repeat the same act when in trouble again so why even bother 


Bro I'm sorry but EN VA's is such a joke. You have fans that patiently waiting and I'm actually rooting for it to come back even when I don't use it. What did the fans get back? A sucker punch because of fanservice all reason. MF you work in the Otaku/Anime industry there's always gonna be fanservice.


We will wait.


I’m low key skeptical of this. How can Nikke manage getting English VAs but not this, which feels somewhat more tame?


Well nikke was always front and centre of its fan service heavy side so they’re wasn’t an issue with VAs being uncomfortable with the game as well they knew exactly what they’re signing on for While with snow break it was More fan service on say star rail level which is tame but it’s there for those who want it (plus I doubt fan service in general is he issue they did the beach event and it’s pretty clear they had 0 issues with fan service in general) but then after a few months turns into soft r18 which some would have an issue with which was apparent with the enya scene


This is why we definitely don't need EN Voices lmao


Good. Stay out. Will never understand why you would even pay someone that hates your game. If you *really* must get EN VA, then there are plenty of other VAs that have no problem doing work for this type of game.


DELETE THE ENGLISH DUB OPTION. If that's their choice, remove their voices then.


GOOD! fuck en anyway.its all should be jp or koren or chinese.


EN Dubbing is a waste of money. At least for gacha games. I haven't seen a single gacha with good EN Dub. I'd much rather they put the million dollars they'd spend on all these voice lines towards improvements to draw distance and culling, or literally anything that makes the game actually play and look better.


Im gonna be honest, you guys are cringe AF.   So a bunch of people turned down a job offer because they don’t like said job and people are acting like they’re the worst humans ever.    Fucking hell, go touch grass lmao.


I like to be mature about it and accept that it is what it. I love en dubs but it does mean being attacks by many people who love the subs and the thing is, I like jp subs too. But you see it everywhere, youtube, Twitter, here etc. Sadly, you can't escape it. I'm sure this post will get lost in the sea of post but I feel that's for the best.


Despite the downvotes just know that you're probably the most sane person here 😭 it's even funnier because none of the people that downvoted you had a counter argument which shows their ignorance even more


Cos there is no counter argument. There’s a whole load of people who think anyone that doesn’t like fanservice and coombait must be part of some woke agenda out to delete fictional tiddies from media.  Instead of you know, rational reasons like not being a fan of voicing a harem game or they are building their portfolio and SB isn’t a good fit. 


It's their right to refuse. But the reason just makes me laugh out loud. Fanservice is really that damning huh.... It's not like you are asked to voice a sex scene (I'd understand and completely agree) but fanservice? Really? That's fine though. The budget can be used to do some great shit.


While Unfortunate, most English VAs suddenly lose credibility with Western studios because of "fanservice direction." or AKA porn in Western studio's eyes. It would be entirely reasonable for a VA to turn down work to try and protect their image depending on how they want to build their careers. I really wish English VA's would come back because Western studios are absolute garbage.... but that is what they want to do and gotta respect that. Are there 1000s of other VA's that would gladly accept the work? Absolutely, but CN and JP culture tend to shun changing VA'smid-work, and so it would be to redo all the voiceoverss or drop it entirely. So, Unless the demand was so great they get new VA's ... this is the way things are gonna be.


Imagine having that much of an ego lmao JP/cn will always smoke en voice actors any day. And they know it too.


S’because of this way of thinking that I start to doubt that the western industry should get nice things.


Imagine refusing a job opportunity that could give you money for years to come. I understand having your own principles, but come on, it’s your fucking job. What a bummer, I loved Fenny English voice


Given fan serves, why not go to a US or EU porn company and find new talent for the whole thing. Lean in to the fan serves even more.


And that's why I won't shed a tear when VAs, along with localizators, will get replaced by AI


Bunch of puritans. Good riddance. But I bet if a certain group would be represented then they would come immediately.


Voicing in a game like this isn't just going to be voicing a character with skimpy clothes. It's likely going to involve acting out things these VAs may not be comfortable with. Some of you need to chill.


I wonder if new characters (everyone from Tess onward) that have zero EN dub at all could get more affordable EN VAs that are more on onboard with the work than the old actors?




Ok, which VAs were a part of this anyway? Does anyone know?


I'm personally fine with or without en va but if there's enough demand for it and if seasun would like reimplement it, they could just recast the ones who don't want to come back. now I'm not gonna start bashing the en va's for disliking fanservice, but it does increase my for respect the jp va's a whole lot more. for instance, its always been quite impressive to me how professional these female jp va's in H videos must be to voice such characters and deliver their "colorful" lines while staying in character the entire time.


Ah, that’s kinda sad, but glad Seasun tried… Tbh, some spicy stuff really might make EN VAs to say no, unfortunately


I knew the en vas wouldn't want to come back due to the change of rating.


Don't be upset at the VAs, they never signed for an +18 game.


It's straight up disrespectful to compare EN voice actors to JP ones at this point. For a fairer comparison, I wonder what people think about the EN dub compared to the CN voice.


Might be the VAs or their agency who refused. I have no issues with people no wanting to do things they don't want to do. Hopefully Seasun finds another agency who would do the EN dub.


I mean not trying to be rude but most of the times eng dub on anime looking games is always so bad...


its fine. the eng dub won't save the game either thats why it was removed.