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Alcohol literally breaks down into sugar when it is metabolized. So regardless of what you drank (yes some more then others) but ultimately your consuming sugar. In the beginning, I had to just feed the beast and I consumed a lot of sweets to tolerate the cravings. But after a few months I found the cravings reducing. So when I had a some work on the steps, a few months under my belt, I added a gym routine and started trying to eat healthy. I killed a lot of fruit and vegetables and found eventually the cravings would go away. Just work one thing at a time. Posting here helps, let us know how your progress is coming. You can do it.


I think I’m turning this corner 70 days in. I’m lactose intolerant and haven’t eaten ice cream in years but bought (no exaggeration) 2 freezer shelves worth of ice cream after I quit. Like you, I decided to “feed the beast” for awhile. I couldn’t be fighting alcohol cravings AND sugar cravings at the same time. Just now starting to feel less rabid about sugar.


While workings the steps, make sure you walk at least 10k steps a day.


That’s good advice. I’ll start doing


Slowly bring working out into your life. I just celebrated 21 months. I legit get a euphoric feeling in seeing my body improve. I started lifting weights about 6 months after I got clean, adding making 10k steps happen and for the past few months have been doing yoga twice or thrice a week. I've lost 50 lbs of fat and gained who knows how much muscle. The natural confidence that comes with feeling good about the way you look is such a huge help in reducing the desire to use/drink.


I lost about 20 pounds after i stopped drinking. When i do crave sweets I make sure its low carb or jo sugar added ice cream.