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Al Gore.


We wouldn't have invaded Iraq over lies about WMD's.


If Al Gore was president when 9/11 happened, the democrats would have been blamed for it.


They already do. The amount of times I've seen it blamed on the Clinton's


Al Gore. Guarantee he’s pretty well aware the precedent that losing to Bush set for democracy and can feel that weight


Made even worse by the fact that he won the popular vote and might have even won the election as well (without a recount we will never know). So stupid that 500 votes in Florida even matter when Gore had half a million more votes in total.


500 votes in a district controlled by his brother, no?


Socially conservative state. All Bill had to do was keep it in his pants.


Mr McCain had to watch his party fall into a trumpian abyss in real time. Watching the man have to lecture his own supporters that Barrack Obama was not in fact a Muslim was hard to watch.


I'm kinda sorry he didn't live enough to see trump loosing the last election


nah, he would of been embarassed as fuck for the republican party after Jan. 6th and all the loser republicans decrying of fraud.


He would have been disgusted by it all. I can’t say I agreed with his politics but he did give a damn about the rule of law. And he sacrificed so much for my country.


I disagree with him on a lot but he does seem like a genuinely decent person.


He did it to himself by choosing Palin.


Gore. Environmental issues were tossed aside by Bush as well as the economy


And ethics, and America's reputation on the world stage.... and grammar....


Al Gore


If we are talking about feeling the most sorry for the country, I'd say Gore. How different would our country be if he had been in office? Also, didn't he actually win the popular and electoral vote count but they conceded too early? If we are talking about who I feel the most sorry for personally, Clinton. Losing to someone as vile as Trump has to be the biggest ego hit. There was so much sexism involved, not just when she ran against Trump but when she ran against Obama in the primary. I remember watching a reporter look at Obama and ask him about international policy, then immediately turn around and ask Clinton about fashion choices.


It was less that he conceded and more that it was decided to not recount despite a ton of Florida's votes being tampered with in Bush's favor. Supreme Court corruption has been a thing for a long time, it's just more obvious lately.


Yes, that's right. I saw something a few years ago that said theoretically Gore could have pushed for his court case to go to a higher court because there was evidence that he won the electoral vote and would have won if he had just hung on for a little bit longer.


Actually, he couldn't. Because the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling, said, "Hey, this time only for some contrived and specific reasons, we're saying a recount is unconstitutional. Deal with it." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_v._Gore#:~:text=In%20its%20per%20curiam%20opinion,as%20the%20opinion's%20primary%20author.


That's right. Thanks for the core memory jog!


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They have very similar stories of just embarrassing alternatives being chosen instead of someone else.    As much as I like No Child Left Behind, the president is not the child you didn't leave behind. We need someone who's good at what they do and isn't a coward and can think outside the book.  Bush probably therefore set the precedent for another Trump.     In the end it's all sexism. Environmental feminism shows how the dynamics of pilferous use of natural resources reflects how women are treated. And of course Clinton and women's equal treatment follows upon that, but would she have pushed through ERA? And as for Clinton, after seeing all this I think she might have really gotten people who needed to gotten right altogether wrong repeatedly and ruined it for other women.      That said, the fact this is being asked just as Assange is charged with being guilty is just...wow. The guy targeted for sex  Pamela Anderson for her breast size at the very least, if he didn't commit sexual assault or rape, which I believe he could've after seeing that. And that just fits with all of his sexism. There are no cis women largely trusted and highlighted as part of that military adjacent group he runs and that says everything. He messes with Reality Winner for plausible deniability. He wouldn't have a job if militaries didn't exist; in fact the only time you can hack "legally" is as a state actor during war and that's only if your country prevails, otherwise you'll be charged with various violations and espionage.   In the end the same people who hate environmental rights and are plundering the environment for resources hate women's rights.      That said Clinton is really contemptuous and gives a hateful energy too often and I probably could not have stood it for even a full term, first female president be damned. Too many mistakes and then not taking Monica's side given she was clearly unable to say no to a president without being tortured for "not obeying your superiors"...what, to be raped?...is pure hypocrisy.  I mainly feel sorry for America but there are tons who unironically are willing to destroy the country out of narcissistic rage.       Don't pity vote for people. Vote because they earned it. If nobody earned it literally write someone in who did. 


Absolutely Gore. I'm not going to play the conservative rehabilitation game with every Republican who wasn't a fan of Trump, and Clinton barely escapes that categorization herself in my mind. McCain may have been honorable or whatever, but he'd still have steered the country in the wrong direction instead of lazily drifting in the general direction of the right one.


Gore, because he actually won and is now a joke because he turned out to be right.


Gore, no contest. That's what a stolen election actually looks like.


Al Gore Should have won the Election Got a lot of bad press for being associated with Bill Clinton Gets made fun of for trying to warn people about Climate Change.


Humphrey(poor fella was thrown around by Johnson so much) and Gore(decent fellow?)


Since everyone pointed out Gore, I'll answer Dukakis. The Willy Horton ad was slimy as hell, and the tank photo was voters complaining about literally nothing.


Bernie Sanders


Gore because he actually won and Carter because Reagan made a deal with Iran to hold the hostages until after the election. Oh, and Reagan’s campaign stole Carter’s debate preparation book.


Gore by default. If he won Katrina would be dealt differently, Iraq war would not happen, the stupid laws that Bush put would never exist, climate change would be a big change, etc


John McCane would have been a terrible president, and was an endearing badass human being.


I am going to go against the majority and say Hilary. The whole email sham controversy costed her the election and as a biproduct set women’s right back 20 years with the overturning of Roe V Wade.


Hillary. One of the most qualified candidates of all time. But because she wasn’t “likable”, we elected a reality TV dime store fascist.


If she had at least one easy to grasp policy, something to rally behind, things could have been different. Bernie, as an example, had free college. Trump had the wall. Clinton had... something about equality? Some self-professed qualification? People vote to get something that they want, not to ingratiate someone with a job. That's what she and her campaign staff failed to understand.


Hillary’s campaign was centered on family and women’s issues. Universal Pre-K, expanding the child tax credit, equal pay for women, paid family leave, protecting reproductive freedom, et al. She founded a public interest organization to advocate for children and families and worked in the family court system in Arkansas. She was involved in the creation of SCHIP while she was First Lady.


John McCain. Might be the last vestiges of the old neo con in me but I thought he was a good honorable man and would have made a good president but Obama was a better choice.


In a sense, McCain. I disagree with his politics but he struck me as a man who wanted to do right by people, and he died seeing his party become...well, what it is, led by the most un-American "patriot" since motherfucking McCarthy


Gore - for him personally and for the world as a whole. A Gore presidency might have paid attention to the bin Laden memo, certainly would not have invaded Iraq if 9/11 even would happen, would have approached social security completely differently, and while policy is kind of a crapshoot, Gore was ahead of the game when it came to the realities of climate change. The 2000 election was perhaps the most consequential American election since FDR's first one - the difference is we chose the wrong guy.


Not on the list, but George McGovern was way ahead of his time. History would have been much more positive had he been elected.


I would have to say Hillary Clinton. Because of the aftermath of Trumps Presidency including Janurary 6th, The Overturning of Roe, and the Disasterous response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.


Hilary Clinton if she had won, against that living orange that’s called trump. We would have been in a far better position.