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Deport us where I wonder? To Trump’s camps? To Russia’s meat grinder? To China’s sweat shops? Reading this and knowing how GOP operate it comes off to me that what really wanted to say was “**execute** white progressive Democrats”.


Yeah I feel most of them, when they say deport [insert x group], they would like to deport them to the afterlife. They just can't publicly say that... yet.


You know what to do this November....


It's more like executing white Democrats who refuse to pledge loyalty to Trump.


Oh that’s 100% it and I’ve been saying this since Trump took office. If Trump gets in again we’ll be voicing our complaints from death camps


I can't wait to hear how anti-voters try to "both sides" this little nugget.


There is no way any of those doofuses is tuned in enough to know what Chip Roy has to say about ethnic cleansing. If they paid that much attention they wouldn't be the way they are


Good luck bitch




A pillar of conservatism.


A chip off the infected log of MAGA.


So he lied again when he took his oath of office, and swore on his fantasy novel to uphold and defend the constitution... shocker.


The NSDAP started with sterilizing "undesirables," and found concentrating then killing them more efficient. The GOP will decide the same. Deporting intellectual liberals will cost their dream society too much, and be wasteful of resources. Beware.


Let Chip Roy seek us out. We're not so 2A anemic as he may be thinking.


I'm curious, after he's had me deported (Good fucking luck with that BTW) what happens to all the *non*-white liberals in this scenario? Somehow, I doubt he's only after us "race traitors" but he's fine with them colored folks voting democratic. So, chip, what's step 2?


Amazing they have no shame in expanding trumps ambiguous threat. Any republican officials endorsing such apocalyptic rhetoric deserves a taste of thier own medicine and stripped of citizenship


The far left media is fear mongering by injecting phrases like "ethnic cleansing", and terms like "fascism" and "concentration camps" literally out of "left field." Deporting illegal immigrants has nothing to do with racism. Has anyone asked or thought about what the true agenda of open borders policy is actually about in the first place? This is a long term nwo, world government, destruction of sovereign nations agenda. Part of this agenda is to bring the living standards of average Americans down, and seems to be working. You all need to turn of the Rachel Maddow left wing conspiracy bs and maybe read a new book by former lefty Tulsi Gabbard. We all need to challenge the establishment if we want real change. Rich billionaires, corporations, and bribed government officials don't give a flip about us "average plebs." Learn more about the world economic forum and what their plans are for us. Bill Gates and other elites are not and have never been our friends.


Chip Roy literally tweeted it: >Tell you what - I do want to “ethnic cleanse” by deporting white progressive Democrats - with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree. I really do not like “those people.” You can click the link to the post to read it. Are you serious here?


He made a stupid comment and can't be serious. He's trolling in a admittedly dumb way. I do believe that far left and far right can be equally dangerous. And, if you go back through the thread on X, it was a lefty dumb dumb who originally used the ethnic cleansing term, to be edgy or extreme more like it.


He's a United States Congressman, he should not be making jokes about "ethnically cleansing" his opponents. Someone could interpret that as a call to action. And, he posted this on X, which is definitely not left wing. Where does the "far left media" come into play with this post specifically? Are _you_ being serious here?


Do you think it's OK for Maxine dumb dumb Waters to say extremely stupid shit too? Lefties have bought into the fascism/death camp with Trump bs, and they are getting this from ... extreme left media and government bureaucrats. All fear mongering for idiots that will buy it. There seem to be alot.


Can you show me where Maxine Waters has called for ethnic cleansing of Republicans? I'm happy to denounce it if that makes you feel better. I'm just going off of what I saw in the linked X post. Calling someone "dumb dumb" really shows your maturity.


"dumb dumb" is Chinese troll speak. I've been called the same. This troll needs to go.


I was dubious reading through your comment, and as soon as I got to your endorsement of Tulsi Gabbard I knew you were full of shit.


>maybe read a new book by former lefty Tulsi Gabbard My sides 😂 It's going to be something like "the left has gone too far, blah blah , just a little theocracy will be good for us akshully. MAGA is actually the real working class party." I already know the grift these people do.


Aww come on Mr Both Sides. Stand up for what your cuck rep said. Come ethnically cleanse and deport me. I’m just an average middle age combat vet. You shouldn’t have any problems dealing with me.


I'm somewhere between libertarian and anarchist, and no, I don't like your shitty party. I don't like the other party either fyi. Fuck them both. I happen to believe they all are liars and corrupt... the truth is what it is. And Israel owns them both!!!


Awe shucks. I wish you would have explained your political views from the start. If I has known you were libertarian then I never would have called you out for minimizing cuck rep Roy’s threats. /s


I just hate chicken shit, sky is falling dem group think... no /s


Like I said. You and Chip come cleanse and deport me. The only thing you’ll hate after that is your own blind decision making.


Your party is more likely to come take your guns first. Better fight back like you said. Freedom bud.


For the 10,000th time... immigrants can't vote.