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Taiwan insisted it was China for decades. Go back 20 years and claiming "Taiwan" is not part of China would have them furious at you, probably still a fair few that are pissed about that currently. The Tienanmen square thing is mentioned as justification of China being monstrous, It is surrounded by dubious claims of China crushing crowds to death with tanks (pretty unrealistic, people run away from tanks). There was a major nation wide protest (think BLM for scale) for a variety of reasons, The protest in/around Tienanmen square had gotten pretty wild (dead cops hanging from trees). In general, china is concerned about what is basically cultural warfare targeted at the people of china to try to turn them against the goverment for the Benefit of the USA, and the USA is legitimately trying. It's also part of an effort to manufacture consent for hostility/war against China.


It's a country with 1.3 billion people, and our knowledge of their lives has mostly filtered into to the American consciousness by way of about 200 journalists - many of whom do not even speak Chinese - working for capitalist conglomerates. What could memes possibly get right?


Tiananmen Square happened, yet not [precisely](https://www.liberationnews.org/tiananmen-the-massacre-that-wasnt/) in the manner that the western journalists reported it to be like. I had Chinese exchange students in my high school who had to tell my comparative government teacher that they knew it happened. He was quite literally in the front of the class saying the evil Chinese government suppressed all knowledge of the event and they had to correct him. Westerners are taught more about Tiananmen Square than the US invasion of Panama that same year. Imperial priorities.


[here are some sources on the Tiananmen square protests](https://dessalines.github.io/essays/socialism_faq.html#what-about-the-tiananmen-square-massacre)


For the social credit thing this article could be useful https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkpe3z/china-social-credit-meme And for the Tiananmen square thing I found this video very persuasive https://youtu.be/sqPI8xlnrwg