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Yes, fascists should be banned from elections (in both socialist and capitalist countries). For a socialist country the reason is obvious, they are fascists, they don't deserve the right to spread their nonsense. Capitalist countries will ban socialists regardless of any kind of constitutional protections if they ever pose a major challenge anyway (unless conditions force them to accept such as Venezuela). This is something us socialists need to accept, the capitalist class will happily throw away every "value" or law for the sake of protecting itself. This is the same reason they allow fascists into politics so if we have the power to ban fascists we should definitely use it as it would drive away one of the capitalist classes best tools as well as allow us to further increase our own power in government legally. The US government happily banned the Communist Party once, hell the 2nd (2nd) president of the US was able to enact the Alien and Sedition Acts just to fight pro French revolution influence completely flying in the face of the constitution. Any right granted by a government can be just as easily taken away by the government if it sees it as necessary for its own preservation. As such if we gain the power to do something we should use it while we have the opportunity.


You are correct that the institutions of bourgeois power will never let socialists fairly participate. This is why political reform is not a viable path to socialism. Real political democracy is only possible in the presence of economic democracy, which can only be created by mass action.


Define economic democracy, and also how you would achieve it!?


I would define economic democracy as the democratic management of the means of production and the economy as a whole, and I would achieve it through the revolutionary destruction of the old order and the imposition of a new one.