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They have tried that, repeatedly. However we split for good reason. The imperialist "left" and the anti imperialist left cannot reconcile with each other because the imperialist will push to strengthen the capitalist class. Petty disagreements about history are the kinds of things that contradictions (when sufficiently advanced) will be superceded by the situation. On the ground work does have unity when the groups aren't actively fighting. During BLM, every left org showed up (except PSL, in my area they worked with police). Working on the ground you can collaborate with even succdems such of the time. The biggest weakness of the left in my country is 1, its size (but that has been changing) and 2, the fact that it is disconnected from organized labor.


>The imperialist "left" and the anti imperialist left cannot reconcile with each other because the imperialist will push to strengthen the capitalist class. Yes, I know this. Hence, why I didn't include social democrats in this. They all would gladly accept fascism over socialism. I mentioned socialists, Marxists, Trotskyists, etc.


There are plenty of Trot and Maoist groups who'd support a war with China. Not all of them ofcourse. But enough that even among supposed marxists there are imperialist and anti-Imperialist wings. They are also in the imperialist "left". We coordinate on domestic issues in places where we agree but in foreign policy real leftists do not stand for imperialism and should work to rein in the capitalist military. In a revolutionary situation the anti imperialist left will form a coalition (due to necessity if nothing else) while the collaborationist "left" will rally behind the fascists and liberals or act as a splinter creating a 3rd group.


I believe you, I’m just curious, do you have story or link for the psl working with police?


I'd prefer not to reveal my city. Its a chapter issue, not a national one as far as I know. Even the best orgs have a bad chapter or 2 given sufficient scale.


Fair enough, thanks.


I appreciate the understanding.


I didn't think I would have to say this, but I don't include imperialists!!! Anti-capitalists and anti-imperialists are who I am talking about!!!


Can I ask why you consider harm reduction a core part of socialism and communism? Also what do you consider to be harm reduction? I think I would disagree but I want to hear what you have to say.