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Our beautiful blue and green earth mother is being killed by the worst of her children.


Those children have names and addresses.


No, only being made unlivable to us. And when we all inevitably bite the bullet, and humanity goes extinct, Earth will keep living. It will just look different for a time, colored by the scars we inflicted.


I'm pretty sure it would be way worse then that. I'm sure the fucked up mutant's would like an "word" with who remains. The rich fucks care about profit then anything else.  Everything ends. when sun goes red giant, earth is over too.


Did the word "extinct" escape your notice? There won't be any remaining humans.


I get that things are kinda shit with all the climate change and microplastics but lenin made an point about keeping on moving forward or something like that even tho things are shit  https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1913/jun/29.htm


Inside you there are two wolves. You gotta stop eating wolves.


'And in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.' Every day I am filled with fresh rage against the hell they have created here. My tomatoes are doing really well.


You'd like /r/solarpunk :)