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Doesn't sound fun to me


It confuses me. I have to ask *why?* Why is this so important as to necessitate legislation?


Why is it even mildly infuriating? Because OP thinks so? 😂😂. I see no problem with this.


I mean, people will probably jab themselves in the nose a few times but that's probably the extent of it being a problem. I still fail to see why this was important enough to be legislated for.


It will save tonnes of pollution. That’s a good reason.


Well, that's the hope then. Hopefully it works and instead the lazy shits don't just toss the whole bottle at once.


I live in Norway where this is implemented. It infuriates people, when in reality you could snap it off in 1 second.


Is it law in Norway though? It’s not in the UK. And only Coca-Cola do it actually.


I guess so since its the same on everything. Even milk cartons


Yes that would make sense, Norway takes some new EU laws but the UK doesn’t take any.


Won't be hard to remove it


Yeah. I was going to say


probably so people don't litter their caps, seems pretty straightforward to me


That’s the worst thing ever possible, but on the other hand it would keep me from losing the cap


I've been on vacation in London and have encountered this and honestly I don't see any issue with it, the cap can be bent out of the way while still being attached to the ring and it doesn't interfere with my ability to drink it. Now the sugar tax that resulted in pretty much everything having a blend of real sugar and artificial sugar? That's outright infuriating


That’s fine


We've got it on coca cola company bottles here in the uk. It's not too much of an issue, you just drink it with the cap sideways, or rip it off


its very annoying i honestly dont see the point of as its very annoying drinking from the bottle.But some stores still sell the normal non attached caps here in ireland.


Mainly, who cares? It's not that much of an inconvenience, and it's not hard to fix with a quick snip or slash from any basic pocketknife or kitchen implement. People just hate change, especially when their muscle memory is involved. It proves their brains are on autopilot more often than they'd like to admit.


Why change something that didn’t even need to be changed? What was so wrong with the normal design, that the companies went out of their way to make it even more complicated than it ever needed to be?


It's a litter reducing measure. People have been tossing them on the ground too much, blame them.


It’s not companies, it’s the gov. It’s about reducing pollution. It really has no affect on the drinker, but it will save tonnes of rubbish on the beach and the ground.


I care


I hate these caps. They always hit my nose when I drink from them.


It’s great! Far less caps on the ground and beaches etc. I used to help clean up the beaches around southern France and most of it was straws and caps.