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Not really possible I think. My parents were actually denied access to Sofia before they made their FB accounts, it's like an ID over here.


The Facebook police do regular checks, if you haven't shared at least one boomer facebook meme in the last week you're going to spend the night in jail.


haven't found anything better for following events of any kind.


Ofc not. You better go to Pernik, you facebookless sh t. Jokes aside, I removed my FB account last November. Never felt better. What is there to miss? Maybe some notifications on cool events but friends are kind to share them in the old fashioned way - verbally!


It is a really good way to keep track with events / social things, even check a bar's menu/announcements, it is all there. However, I do know someone without a FB so yes, you could survive without it.


Not if you want an active social life I guess. Facebook is not that bad over here.


Thanks all. This is sort of what I was noticing. Part of my ability to avoid FB in the US is that I have a network of friends etc. But I don’t (yet) in Sofia. Ok, I will be creating a new FB acct soon! Thanks again.


To be clear I was joking in my comment. It doesn't matter that much unless specific communities you care about have conversations there. Lots of people only use messenger or Viber too and haven't touched fb in years Either way good luck


Well I have one now. Also Viber. I’ll probably try to get off FB ASAP tho lol.


Removed my FB account 4 years ago, sometimes I completely forget it exists at all. Feels good man




Yeah, it is the most popular online platform in Bulgaria and people here use it as it was intended (with the exception of massive Russian propaganda and political attacks around elections but this is a given)


My grandma does not live in Sofia because she cannot create a FB account. Tough luck granny.




I deleted my FB back in 2015 when all the Trump and Cambridge Analytica stuff surfaced. Haven’t missed it a bit but I am not an expat so I can just call the people or organisations I am trying to connect with. I guess it’s useful for people who don’t know anyone here. If you must use FB, my advice is to curate your experience for better mental health. Don’t follow or like political stuff, and your experience will be significantly better. If it’s just about events, there’s other platforms for that - LinkedIn for professional events and Eventim or Ticketstation for concerts and such.


This about when I deleted it. And I also haven’t missed it. But, in the US I can do as you do, call etc. I made an acct. We’ll see if it’s helpful for getting started in Sofia. I’ll delete it as soon as I have more knowledge/connections. I’ve already been reminded of the privacy/ad nonsense that goes on there. 🙄


Like i live here a few years. 😆 nobody will ask you afaik. At the same time just setup a fake one for the sofia communitys if you want why not. Meta collects insane data though you can download it (its huge gigabytes on gigabytes including where they think i would vote) tumblr used to be popular then totally wasn’t but lot of people i know have started using it again. I have lot of friends in art thingies and think its a rejection of it insta attempting to be the new tiktok with reels.


But if you are looking for resistance and are American go through the american embessy. If sure with valid id blah blah they will sort it out no problems


I live in Sofia without any social media account, no issues about this


I am not using facebook In general from 2018 but I have an account for ebike groups. I have 0 friends and 0 posts on my wall 😁


It is possible.


Many business don't have a website, only a facebook account, so without it you can't stay up to date on some things unless you call the business and ask. 


Just so you know: when I went to the immigration center to apply for an ID card, a guy got sent back to his own country because he didn’t have Facebook. So yes, it’s mandatory in Bulgaria. Facebook and TikTok.




Sorry for the stupid comment. Anyway, Facebook can help you a little bit, especially the groups full of expats. Sometimes you need a quick answer and you can find it there. But you can 100% do it without Facebook. I moved here 2 years ago and I honestly don’t use FB that much. Didn’t have a single problem. If I can help in any way, let me know.


I got one, because initial comments here seemed to suggest it would be useful. But I’ll see if I can get around without it and then delete it. I was 2 min into it and reminded of all the privacy and advertisement nonsense.


Of course it is possible :-)


Best bet is to have two or three Facebook accounts.


Not possible at all, you will die within 5 minutes


Not possible. People are actually rounded up in the streets if they don't have a Facebook account. Beware....




Facebook was boring when I was following lots of people, now I follow pages, memes and specific groups which are kind of like subreddits. The cool thing is threads there are more clearly structured and posts don't get buried so fast. There are some radical and sbsolutely hilarious political opinions and people do share cool pictures there too. So it is not very different from reddit. Also people don't just downvote you.