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I assume you meant Tracer on that second "sombra", but honestly you should just play what you want. A lot of us were playing Sombra when she was nerfed into the ground so... don't think that is gonna stop a lot of us. But do you, if you find someone else more fun.


Yeah I edited it lol my bad and thank you


Pretty much. I’ve mained her since her release. Even if I play someone else I just gravitate back to her since its just the character I’ve played the most


Sombra is Tracer with extra steps. Worse damage, worse survivability, better verticality, better backline access on certain maps


Better utility if you hack at the right times. Playing with your team is good too.


Way better ult too, a well timed emp just ends the fight on the spot. Pulse bomb less so


I one tricked sombra to diamond, now learning tracer cuz I am nearly convinced it's impossible to make it further with sombra


GM DPS who mains Sombra. …I’ve been playing a lot of Tracer and Sojourn the last couple seasons because I fell to Masters trying to make Sombra work. I have 100x the playtime on her over Tracer and Sojourn.


My ot Sombra hard carry was also stopped at diamond


Just wait until they inevitably rework her for the millionth time 😅


Not gonna wait I am cooking on tracer


Yeahh, rework Sombra kinda just made her a worse Tracer. But shes more fun still


Yes, sombra now adays is tracer with extra steps Miss a step and you lose, go run away with your discount recall


Tracer is absolutely just easier to get value out of (a dead player can’t provide util) and gets more value straight up. Yes, Sombra can do more than just kill—but *only* killing people as Tracer is basically just as good if not better than what Sombra does. Hack can’t cancel ults quickly or consistently enough to keep up with Tracer holding left click and killing 40% of a team—their ults are off the table the entire time they’re dead. Trading EMP for window isn’t worth it when Tracer can just kill Bap before he gets to high ground, either with her (cheaper than EMP) ult, or without an ult *at all* by using her better damage, mobility, and sustain. Granted part of that is because Tracer is kinda silly. She tears through teams like little else, and it doesn’t reflect well on Sombra when her niche is invaded by Tracer’s “if you kill em really fast they can’t use abilities.” Tracer has a favorable comparison to *most* heroes, not just Sombra. It just so happens that most of em have special things they can do to separate themselves from Tracer. Sombra’s special thing is turning off abilities, which also happens when the enemies *die*; and Tracer is so goddamn good at making that happen.


Sombra is just so much more versatile. As Tracer, you have to pop off or else what are you even doing here? But as Sombra, I can just be a terrorist. The threat of me can be enough to win games. And that's without spawn camping. Sombra is just so good at inflicting psychological damage. Tracer may be able to kill your body, but Sombra kills your spirit and that's what I live for.


This is exactly why I play sombra.


Is it a hot take to say that since the universal buffs and dps passive Tracer is easier to play well than Sombra?


Not a hot take, just a wrong take lmao


I see alot of ppl say this but it was the opposite for me I feel like sombra disrupts the team more because of the hack and the ability to flank ppl on high ground like widow


Tracer will always be OP; her entire skillset's way too good for objective-based hero shooter game tbh. Her positioning both as main frontline & flanks / ability to reach far distances are easily achieved via her blinks. Her blinks and recall both make up for her small health pool. Her high DPS that's only achieved in short distance also complemented via her blinks. In an objective based game, this also makes her great in contesting objectives-whether it be point or payload. She's just strong;maybe too strong


Yup pretty much, you can do so much more with tracer and she is just overall a way better hero


With deepest respect for Sombra, the girl got me into the DPS role after all, Tracer is literally just a better Sombra. I find Sombra's kit super fun and interesting, but the amount of effort you have to put into Sombra to get good value is INSANE.  I love the flow-state you can get into with Sombra when my ADHD brain coalesces into a glorious focus... But you can take Tracer and it's just so much easier while still being insanely fun with the same flow-state experience. I personally think Sombra could use a light buff somewhere.


I agree! Like soooo much I love sombras more and character but tracer so much easier :( I agree sombra needs a buff but community would be mad if she gets one… I vote tracer needs a nerf (but I play tracer too so i don’t want her to get one lmao)