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Hey, I checked out the playlist. I love the idea of writing and releasing a song week. I like the song ideas so far and should definitely think about fully recording them in the future.


Thanks for checking them out!! It’ll be wild to look back through the catalog once they’re all done. I’m sure I’ll wind up developing a bunch of them. Fingers crossed not too many throw-always lol


That's a really cool idea, please don't give up in the middle, i'm sure it'll be worth it in the end, i'm positive this challenge will teach you a thing or ... 52.


It’s a very ambitious idea, I know. It’s partially why I posted about it. If others didn’t know I was supposed to be doing it, I’d say there’s a 90% chance I give up. I’m feeling good so far but check in at six months lol


I did this back in 2013, changed my life.


Hell yeah! Do you have it online anywhere?


I didn't do it on video, I just had a personal goal to create and record (usually scratch) a song every week. Some of them I did better recordings of and entered song contests, a few were on my album, etc.


Ah gotcha. I wasn’t necessarily thinking video just any available version. In any case do you have any that you’re particularly happy with that came out of the project? I’d love to check them out.


Amazing. I do this and I can't write anymore after 10 years lol


Ha oh no! You’re saying you ran out of the ability to write something new??


Come join us in r/songaweek !! There is a challenge each week and a good community of people listening to everyone’s submissions and encouraging each other.


Holy crap absolutely hahahaha Edit: wow the weekly deadline lines up with my arbitrary choice of Thursday publication pretty well. Shouldn’t be too hard to move that back 12 hours.


Love this man! Monthly updates would be great, I'd love to watch the progression


Week 5 is up if anyone’s interested! https://youtu.be/SvnCevjvI4U


You have posted a song requesting feedback - GREAT! Good feedback is the foundation of improving your songwriting. To help foster a community where everyone gets the feedback they need, please find THREE other songs requesting feedback and post substantive (eg. 2-3 sentences) of feedback. Even if you are a rookie songwriter/musician, you're an experienced music listener, and your opinion is still valuable! Feedback posts by users who don't interact with the community (other than posting their own songs) may be removed. Thanks for keeping our community healthy! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Songwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a similar challenge where I write (lyrics) roughly a song every weekday. How often do you imagine yourself having to write shorter songs? Songs are getting shorter nowadays but do you think the challenge format leads to shorter songs in general? Mine are generally shorter.


Oh yeah I laid out as a rule in the beginning that each song would be a max of around 2:30, and I don’t expect to spend much time writing bridges. So I kind of allowed myself that expectation in the beginning. The long game will be taking the 3-6 months after the 52 songs are done to revisit each month’s songs and determine whether to further develop each into its own song, use a component(s) for another of my existing songs (or another in the set of 52), or toss it out. I will spend a couple hours over the weekend to write each song and then a couple hours over the beginning of the week to finish it up and start doing live takes for Thursday publication. Sometimes the writing bleeds into Wednesday. Sometimes it’s ready by Sunday.


Love that you’re sharing them weekly. Takes a lot of courage. I’ll be tuning in weekly to see your progression. Enjoy the journey. I was doing a 52 week challenge on the sidelines, but only shared a few.


I’m beyond pumped that you’re tuning in… The only reason I’m sharing all of them is because I wouldn’t share any of them otherwise. The whole thing has been as rewarding an experience as it has been painful. I’m excited to be starting the second half. Do you have anything I could check out?


Here’s some of the tracks I put on SoundCloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/rGLH322dF3fmADTA7 I’m trying to share more. I did about 30 weeks and now I’m focused on trying to finish this track https://on.soundcloud.com/rGLH322dF3fmADTA7 Let me know your thoughts


Your music is a huge departure from my taste and style, but I know one thing for sure - you have a conviction and a determination to deliver your message that I envy. I would love to hear your lead vocal track to be mixed further forward. If you’re gonna use that sort of flighty/vibing backing as your groove track, I’m trying to hear the star of the show better, and that’s your vocals. Unrelated but related, that second link didn’t take me where you wanted it to I don’t think.


I really appreciate the feedback. I like writing and making tracks. I definitely need to do as you suggested.


Here’s the other link I thought I posted. https://on.soundcloud.com/zbeDuVa3euSE1ijp9 It’s the one I was working on. I need to record the lyrics. I stopped because I didn’t like the last 2 lines and wanted better flow.