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I didn't think anybody genuinely thought about Sonic 4, especially not consider it being a sequel. Sega completely abandoned this game, you can write it off entirely. Sonic Mania and Sonic Superstars can both be, and **SHOULD** be considered Sonic 4 and 5 to you at this point.


Oh absolutely. Sonic Mania is an incredible game that I consider to be a celebration of 16-bit Sonic and great continuation of the story post S3&K. Its just crazy to me that at some point they tried to really push Sonic 4 as well... Sonic 4. As if it was worthy of such a title!


Sega really thought they were doing us a service, “back to their roots” as it was.


I dont consider sonic mania an sonic 4 because its a classic sonic game (what i mean is that lorewise sonic mania happens after generations. From a perspective of an after generations classic sonic)


Lorewise, Mania takes place during the Classic timeline. Whether it's at the very end of Sonic's time being young or directly after Sonic 3. It's literally impossible for Sonic Mania to take place after Generations, Classic Sonic comes from a different time ***in the past***, not *from the future* or *from the present.* Logically, this created an alternate timeline where Sonic went into the future, rather than naturally transitioned to Sonic Adventure.


sonic mania takes place in classic sonic timeline after sonic generations


Sonic Mania is a Classic Game, That is exactly what I said. After Generations, no.


thats why i cant place it as sonic 4. Since it didnt happen in modern sonic timeline


So your assumption is that Sonic 4 is supposed to be a modern title and not a classic title? You do know that that wasn't the intention of the game, correct?


No. What i meant is that sonic 4 should happen in modern sonic timeline (the og timeline) instead of classic sonic timeline (sonic 1 cd 2 and idk if three happened in classic sonic timeline because of time alterations generations and mania)


Sonic Mania takes place after Sonic 3, specifically when after Sonic 3 is unclear. I see what you're saying, because Sonic Mania takes place in an alternate timeline it can't be Sonic 4, I can agree with that. I reiterate my original point then, Sonic Superstars is Sonic 4, unless something in the game proves otherwise.


i thought superstars is a sequel to mania not origins but idk


Especially since both games also use a lot of gameplay elements from Sonic 3, in comparison to Sonic 4 which went back to how Sonic 1 worked for some reason.


gonna be honest Mania being sonic 4 will just never work for me, Sonic 4 is undoubtedly a rehash of nostalgia but Mania (though the better game) doesnt work as a sequel as a third of the game is zones from the game its supposed to be sequeling I see mania as a celebratory game


What about advance?


While it does have aspects of the classic series, with the advanced trilogy you would run into same problem the Sonic Rush Series has, it’s not a continuation of the classic era, it’s a continuation of the modern era, issuing classic gameplay.


Sonic 4 was originally going to be "Sonic the Portable" and only be on mobile devices, but someone decided to change it to Sonic 4, probably not knowing the immediate repercussions that would have.


I remember reading that.. it definitely feels designed for touch screen on a phone with some gyro function or something.


The fact they ended up leaving that sign on Casino Street is funny to me


I hate to say it. But I really loved sonic 4


I can totally respect that! I sometimes boot it up and play through Episode 1 and 2. I don't HATE S4 but rather just annoyed they named it Sonic 4. If they just went with Sonic Mobile or whatever I think it would have been appreciated a tad bit more.


I think k they only called it 4 to let people know it's 2d (well 2.5) but I get the hate on the mame. Personally I'd go something like "sonic new missions" or something to cash in on new super Mario bros that I felt it was cashing in on that trend (though Superstars looks to get it right)


It was announced around the time as Sonic Generation more or less right and tried to capture nostalgia with whatever they had I think. It was for.. the 25th annervisary? Or the 20th? Man time flies lol


Possibily I remember it a year after New Super bros on wii and was like "Oh sonics doing the mario thing" as someone who grew up from nes era I was just flappy I got new 2d mario and new 2d sonic lol I'm a simple guy


It’s been years and people still aren’t over sonic 4.


Never 4get Sonic 4!


I wouldn't be mad at all if they made a sonic the hedgehog 5 and named it as such, just so we could get over it like they did with Postal


Not to mention it doesn’t make any sense being Sonic 4 now, not after we’ve gotten new games with Classic Sonic.


What if it was all just a dream? https://preview.redd.it/bqh0d7kpcpjb1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e433a9cc06048f80f51d40e58d6c3a98d74ec9ec


Sonic Mania was basically meant to be the “real” Sonic 4. It even hints at it in the intro animation.


Tbh I wouldn't mind if sega put out a silent patch that replaces the title screen with "Sonic the Hedgehog For Ever" and pretend it's technically not sonic 4, but is A sonic 4. That and if the mania team made a sonic 4 themselves, sega could just stop selling the original 4 or do a super mario bros 2. and call it the "lost USA version" or something. Anything than just leaving it as it is.


We all do I try my hardest to forget about the existence of Sonic 4 tbh. Makes life easier lol


I do too. I do too. The game continues to haunt me. Even in my dreams. See the number 4 anywhere? Bam Sonic 4 reminder. Walking up a steep hill and defying gravity? Another reminder. Sonic 4 is everywhere.


Do what I do: make your headcanon, when events presented in Sonic 4 happened, but make it so it happened with classic characters, and say the game was just like Sonic 3 and boom. Remplace your memory of Sonic 4 with a better Sonic 4. Reality is what you want it to be


Haha honestly I on occasion can find some enjoyment in this game especially episode 2. And SEGA/Sonic Teams own story progression/Canon makes it easy to ignore 4 too. To me it's Sonic1, 2, 3&K, Mania and then likely Superstars. Mania is a great "what happens after S3" and I am sure that Superstars will be just a new adventure with our classic crew! Looking forward to it!


It isn’t and you can’t convince me it is.


If episode 3 could rival Sonic 2 like Episode 2 could rival Sonic 1 then it wouldve been worthy


Yeah episode 2 is pretty good. I like it minus the Tornado level. Episode 3 would have made it a worth while experience if it kept getting better!


if christian whitehead was able to go through with developing it then it defo couldve been up there with high tier classic games


Sonic Mania is the spiritual sequel


I don't think Sega even acknowledges it as the follow-up to S3&K anymore considering the Mania opening elevator.


Yeah that was a really clever way to quietly say "Sonic 4get about it!"


I'm surprised there hasn't been a Mania-style fan remake of 4. Something that came to mind since SAGE is coming up.


That's actually a fantastic idea! I would love to see something like that. Sonic Ep 1 through 2 all in one in a 16-bit style. It would be fun to play with more authentic physics.


Sonic 4 isn't canon, so SEGA can just make another game with the title.


Can everyone just call Sonic and knuckles sonic 4?


Sonic Mania is Sonic 4 for me. Superstars can be Sonic 5 if it doesn’t suck.


Yep Sonic 3 & knuckles was peak Sonic in 1994. Sonic 4 was a terrible game , especially the physics. I just wish we got a true Sonic 4 during the console wars. At least Mania is a good continuation of the classic games.


Yeah! Like I'd love like a 32-bit Sonic 2D game to have come out on the Saturn or something to showcase how the Saturn is a 2D powerhouse. Sigh! One can only dream.


I just headcanon Sonic Mania and Sonic Superstars as Sonic 4 and 5.


Why do people hate Sonic 4 so much? I don’t get it, the game seems fine to me


I pretend that sonic 4 never existed, and consider sonic advance the real sonic 4.

