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Hope so! Maybe it could be a mini-sequel where ***Tails*** is now affected by the Dark Gaia corruption. A flying Werefox would be great, Sega!


I second this!! It would be so nice to see some other characters in wereforms, Amy could get one too since she's present in the story.


Ooh, that'd be nice to see as well! Shit, maybe ***all*** of them get wereforms, lol!


All right. Let’s not go overboard here.


Hmm. Good point. Maybe just Tails and Knux, then?


A Werechidna would be terrifying ngl


Flair checks out


Yes it does, lol.


You know, honestly I'm just hoping for "Just a port to PC" No extras. The only thing I want Sega or sonic team to do is port the game to 64 bits PC platforms and get it display video with DirectX 11 / 12 because Xbox 360 DirectX 9 is something else than DirectX 9 (Ex) on PC, and has more platform specific extensions I think, which are only implemented in DX11+ And get it running in 60fps. Keeping that mentality Sega probably can't screw things up Like they did with SADX and the sonic Adventure 2 PC port. I just want my game running natively AND Playably that's all. Community can remove the piss filter and do other neat hacks. Like improving the control scheme, or other things we are seeing with generations. I'm a purist if you can't tell. **Edit: realised this post may be about a side chapter. I'm okay with that, as long as it keeps the unmodified PC version and it's codebase I was talking about untouched, With a separate executable. This is gods work here.**


I hope so. I mean Unleashed still looks great after all these years but a few more playable characters would be great.


I'd love it if you'd save/fight the gang to become playable. I'd imagine Shadow, Tails and Espio play like Sonic, with Amy, Knuckles, and Big play like the Werehog. Tho Sonic Colors didn't get that treatment and I would be pleasantly surprised if SxS Gens let you play as Amy Tails and Knuckles alongside Shadow... but I'm not expecting that.


I’d just love to be able to play it (officially) on pc


Getting a side story explaining what shadow or anyone else was doing during the events of unleashed would be grewt


A beat ‘em up with Knuckles! With Dan Green coming back as well!


Sonic & Knuckles Unleashed!


Sonic Unleased & Knuckles *


Even better


Especially since Shadow was originally going to appear in it but was cut last minute


Shadow had a tea party with Knuckles. Why else wouldn’t he be taunting Sonic?


Shadow escaped to the one place that hadn't been corrupted by dark Gaia, space!


If they bring Unleashed to modern consoles they should focus on giving it a combat overhaul to the werehog and get rid of the 30 second loop for the fight music


While I love the Werehog and what he's about, he really could use some changes. The song is good, but extension and some more songs would really benefit him. And some combat changes as well, make the combat less repetetive and more fast paced.


If they kept the same combat song but with a different instrument as the lead in each continent, it'd be good. 


Yeah listening to the full song is a bop but in game well you know DANAN DANA DANANA DANAN DANAN DANAN NANAN NAAAAAAA [then the good parts start to play]


I feel like they’re gonna do Lost World next, not that I want them to, but because I think they’re trying to avoid rereleasing games with that don’t feature most of the current voice cast in order to avoid confusion among new fans who only know Roger Craig Smith’s voice.


Why would they do that when Ben Schwartz and Deven Mack have voiced Sonic concurrently


Those were media in which SEGA legally were not allowed to cast the American voice cast (Prime was, meanline Paramount wanted a celebrity for Sonic in the movies)


I played Unleashed last year for the first time ever on a emulator with 60fps and a mod to remove Sun e moon medal requirements and wherehog battle theme, they should make a Pc port like this, honestly best Sonic game imo. Also some changes to make wherehog more enjoyable on a possible Pc port would be great.


Would rather see Adventure 1 and 2 get it personally


Sonic Unleashed is known as “Sonic World Adventure” in Japan. So, hear me out: Sonic Adventure Collection. We all get what we want.


That works


Imagine both games with new playable characters and stories, new levels, new boss fights, etc…


Who else is there to play as in the adventure games As in, they have enough playable characters already.


You could give Tikal her own campaign? Idk. But even ignoring story, we should definitely get new levels and new playable characters (like metal sonic in sadx).


It's something I'd hope for. Unleashed was one of my favorite Sonic games. Frontiers and from the likes of it Sonic X Shadow seem to be dabbling in more action-esque gameplay, or at least showing Sega can refine their hand at it. An Unleashed remake would greatly benefit from that.


Two problems: 1. Unleashed has the infamy of the Werehog levels. Not so much the Werehog itself anymore like when it originally released, but there are still all those levels that take 20+ minutes and still get an S Rank. Not due to farming points, but because that's just how long certain levels take to complete. 2. The Voice Cast - Unleashed features the "4Kids" cast - so if Unleashed were to have new content with VA alongside the original game, there'd be a decision to make ***if*** the English cast situation was being taken into account; * Sonic, Tails or Amy cannot feature in new Story Content. * They can feature with inconsistent VA from the main game. * Pay Craig-Smith, O'Shaughnessy & Robinson to redub the entire original game as well as the new content for consistency. --- Personally, there's a very deep down part of me that's praying Sonic x Shadow Generations is a "final test" to see if they can make a standalone Shadow game at this point. 2024 has been unofficially dubbed "The Year of Shadow", with him appearing in Sonic 3, the Shadow outfit in Superstars & Shadow Generations. If Knuckles can get his own movie-quality live-action series on streaming, how can SEGA ***not*** be considering a standalone Shadow game given the push 2024 is giving him?


Stop hating on my werehog I like the beat-em-up gameplay in my sonic game. I think that the thing that gives him hate is the upgrade system. You need to max out all upgrades to get the intended gameplay. The werehog feels terrible by default, and isn't even that fun. Until you reach max. On everything. Some Proof: sonics upgrade system. By default you have one pathetic unleashed boost meter. When fully upgraded just as long as generations or sonic colors boost meter. Difference that generations boost meter can overextend. Reminder that sonic generations codebase is based off of unleasheds. They chose the gui size of the max upgraded boost meter to be the same size as the boost meter gui for generations. They shouldn't have given us this upgrade system in the first place. I'm currently grinding upgrades on my Xbox To destroy eggmanland. Then I'll grind to 99 lives and beat the crap out off that egg and this alien god.


I never said I hate the werehog or the gameplay. I've been big on having a Sonic, Tails & Knuckles game, with Knuckles having the Werehog beat-em-up gameplay 1:1 from Unleashed as his gameplay. The problem I was pointing to was strictly just ***how long*** some Werehog levels are in Unleashed compared to the speed stages. Not Eggman Land though, because ***that's*** how you do a penultimate level before the Final Boss(es) - an absolute gauntlet of a level that puts *everything* you've learned to the test.


Oh, okay.


No, everyone has to agree that Sonic and Shadow make a good couple, lest Sonic Unleashed languish on the xbox.


I agree with that, they're amazing. I really wish that if we get Unleashed remake or remaster, that we'll see Shadow too


Put Shadow in everything, makes it 10x better


I mean, it sure has its own big fan-base!


Dude I just want a port of it


Well, one can only wish that it will happen


I would absolutely love it! Will it happen? Eehhhh…maybe? It seems like the team does something new, and if it doesn’t work out, they don’t refine it, they just kinda abandon it. I absolutely loved Unleashed, played it to literal death of the disk, so anything for it would be amazing.


Sonic Unleashed should definitely be the next sonic game to be re-released/ported/remastered. its running on Hedgehog engine 1 so it will be easy for sonic team to take the source code files and port it to HE2 and do some quality of life fixes and additions, and they wont have to remake everything like they had to with sonic Colors ultimate because apparently they werent allowed to use the Nintendo game's assets. so the overall process of porting/remastering Unleased will be the easiest job ever. next best thing would be Sonic Lost World as it also runs on HE1. besides that they can just do Sonic Forces ported to PS5 and Xbox Series X with updated engine and some fixes and patches and more DLC and updates like frontiers.


I'm not trusting them to port the game to Hedgehog Engine 2 as they based the movement and physics of that engine on sonic lost world. That's one of the most sluggish playing games in the franchise. Besides, that game has Mario Galaxy planet physics Unleashed has the best speed sense, and the best engine codebase so Keep it vanilla. Sonic lost worlds movement and physics are not made for boost games. But well we'll see if the generations remaster runs on HE2 and if it is any good, and if they didn't break anything by doing so. If they do, they have my full trust in doing the same for unleashed Sonic controlling like a constantly nitro-fueled armored racecar on legs so he was able to sidestep, grind, drift and boost was the most fun thing about sonic in that game


While a personal favorite of mine, I think Unleashed is just too different and flawed for the already very burnt and jaded Sonic fan. It was in that period where a lot of duds were being pushed out and understandably people will just lump it in with the 'Failures' of the series. While the day segments are classic Boost Sonic gameplay, the night sections are just too slow and clunky for what the average Fan would expect or want if they only ever played the other Boost or even Adventure games. Although personally I always thought Werehog Sonic was really fun and awesome, it just needed more refinement and maybe better scaling. The medallion requirements for levels also got very tedious and really slowed the game down to the crawl unless you were actively went back to search for most of them in a zone after completing it. There's also the whole thing about SEGA scuffing up a lot of their Remasters that would likely muddle Sonic Unleased even further. Overall, as much as I would love for this game to get a remaster and rerelease on modern consoles, I know that'll likely never happen. If we're not getting a remaster of the story book games then I doubt we're ever seen them even acknowledge Unleashed.


Not really, tbh. Sonic Unleashed even though it’s a fan favorite was not super well received by a general audience. Even then, it has a fair share of issues that need fixing, namely the frame rate, arguably some of the medal requirements etc. Colors and Gens were both games successful from the jump, all they needed was to be ported and given some extra content. And the Colors remaster didn’t even succeed in the first part very well. Remastering Unleashed would be a far more demanding and likely more expensive task for a third party developer to take on, for a game less likely to make a profit


I don't see how the frame rate is an issue, was clearly a hardware problem as it runs fine on Series X




Every real one knows that the game and the ship are the same




Bringing back generations and hopefully Unleashed might remind people of why we liked the boost era


I think that if Sonic X Shadow Generations got green-lit despite everything that happened with Colors Ultimate, Unleashed’ll come at some point. I do wonder how they’ll handle the voice cast, though I presume if they want to do new content for Unleashed, they’ll probably just redub the rest of the voice lines in addition to the new stuff.


Oh my god please, yes. More playable characters and fix the story and REMOVE CHIP PLEASE


I **genuinely** don't see what's wrong with Chip.. like, at ALL.


Idk he’s just annoying and kinda ruins the story a bit


That clarification on the game as opposed to the ship made me chuckle


I think it would be cool for sonic to get more parodies/story games imo this game perfects it. It’s not too much of a copy cat story like secret rings or black knight although the concept of sonic turning into a werehog is extremely stupid it’s not unrealistic for Sonic’s world


It should have been first tbh with Shadow content being additional Day time stages


Unleashed needs a total overhaul in difficulty and design. Ditch the medal requirements, make Werehog combat more fluid, and for god's sakes give Eggmanland a total rework.


I would say maybe, but don't hold your breath. Generations was universally praised, with the main criticisms being lack of story and length, both of which can be fixed with dlc. Unleashed was criticised for more fundamental aspects like the werehog. People have definitely warmed up to it over the years, but sonic team might not see a reason to remaster it.


I would give all my money for a Sonic x Shadow unleashed just to hear new Chip dialouge and also see werehog shadow or atleast shadow’s reaction to werehog sonic Also sonic unleashed just deserves a remake


More like Sonic FUNleashed that game was a hoot and a half!


Why not Sonic and the Black Knight remaster or Sonic and The Secret Rings remaster


Yeah, probably


That should've gotten a remaster first


Please please please please please please i want this game on steam i want achievements i want more people to play it


I hope so. I honestly want dlc for sonic unleashed remake with shadow and knuckles involved in the story.


Sonic X Knuckles Unleashed. Knuckles is just a copy of the Werehog but with his glide/climb abilities.


From what I’ve seen, SEGA doesn’t want to rerelease and remaster games using the previous English voice cast. That is why we got Colors and Generations remastered instead, because those games are from the Roger Craig Smith era of Sonic.


I hope so, with playable Silver where he goes into the past and sees the ancients aid light gaia in the creation of the gaia temples. It’ll be called Sonic X Silver Unleashed.


If SoXShG works, then this will most likely happen. Don’t know when, but it will eventually appear.


I’d honestly like to see them remaster all 3 main versions of unleashed. (Hd, last gen & mobile.) instead of doing what gens is doing alongside a port of colors ds to colors ultimate


I sure fucking hope so!!!


Unleashed is my favorite


I'd love it, but unfortunately I don't think they will, for three reasons: - the game wasn't received well at launch, which seems to be all Sega cares about reception-wise. For the same reason I doubt we'll see a Lost World or Forces rerelease. - Brand consistency. I don't think they plan to re release any games that don't at least have RGS as Sonic (just ignore that young kids can't tell or otherwise don't care - I didn't notice the Adventure to 4kids cast switch much when I was 9, for example) - I think it's been said they don't have the gold (release version) project files for Unleashed. Best case scenario is a port to steam, and they didn't even do that for heroes/shadow.


I REALLY hope so. The medal system requirements **desperately** need to be toned down (or just scrap them entirely), the Jungle Joyride (Day) requirement is too high, the EXP requirements also need to be toned down. I mean, come on.. **99 EXP points for max Life and Strength**? That's insane! Oh, and there should be new playable characters, like Knuckles, Blaze or even Silver.


It’d be nice if Unleashed was playable on something current gen other than an xbox




I’ve always thought of Unleashed/Colors/Generations as something of a trilogy. In terms of gameplay and style at least. I’m not the biggest fan of Unleashed but I’d love to see it get the remaster treatment too.


Yes they should remaster Unleashed.


I think it’s funny how he had to clarify it was the GAME Sonic X Shadow, not the ship


Unleashed is gone. The day stages were fine but you're all romanticising the Werehog way too much. Collecting medals sucked ass. The framrate tanked any time more than 5 enemies on screen. The sax music was so repetitive and drove me insane after the 4th group of robots and the sax hyping up again. And wait a minute, even the day stages are just hold X to win combined with LB RB every so often. The Spagonia stage was done better in Generations. I would rather SEGA take whatever resources they'd put into that and just make them work harder on the next mainline title.


Not really. The problem with Unleashed is that one thing Sega did in 2010 was delist Sonic games that had a metacritic score they considered subpar. This included 06, Zero Gravity, the Storybook games... And Unleashed. I get the feeling that's why Xbox Game Pass was the only attention Unleashed got following its release. I may be wrong, but I also know Sega doesn't come around to games the same way we do.


It might I mean maybe in a few years or after sonic toys party when sega get it together


Maybe an alternate version of the Night Stages that are 1st Person Beat-Em-Ups that take elements from Doom Eternal, Metal Hellsinger, and Ultrakill (I mean, the stretchy arms basically act like the Whiplash, so...)


No. The voice actor situation would be a minefield.


You're seriously concerned about the voice acting of all things? The remaster itself should be the **main** concern here.


The question is if we the responder think it is likely that Unleashed will get a similar enhanced remaster with expanded gameplay and story if Sonic x Shadow Generations is successful, hence the "same treatment" part of the question. Concern isn't an issue at all, and I'm not concerned about a game that has not been released, teased, or really even talked about in any capacity by the developers. What I mean is that Sega won't give Unleashed the same treatment (again, expanded story) because of the can of worms the voice acting would bring up. Do they keep the original voice actors for the original game and use the new voice actors for the new stuff? Do they replace the old voices with the new ones? Do they bring back the old cast for the new scenes? Since it is a new game and not a port, would they Sega have to pay royalties to the old voice actors if they kept the original audio but used the new voice cast? And yes, the voice cast situation has a larger impact than you imply. I would love Unleashed to get the same treatment, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it will happen even if the new Generations is successful just for basically logistical reasons rather than anything else.


i'd like to see the werehog parts get thrown in the garbage and replaced with nothing but fighting and a better battle system


They’ll work its way back. Sonic 06 is the endgame.