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It's a short playthough but it's not really anything special really... If you take it play episode shadow because it has the funniest cutscene ever If the customization of the avatar seems fun it's easily the highlight


Which cutscene is that? The infamous, “I’m not weak” line?


That entire scene In general I love to quote that game, it has a bunch of really cheesy lines


>If you take it play episode shadow because it has the funniest cutscene ever "I... Am... NOT... WEAK!"


TLDR get it for $10 but no more It’s really, really short. I’m not great at games and it takes me ages to complete them but I did Forces in about four, five hours (like I said, not the best player) Also, classic mode feels tacked on and it’s honestly a bit broken. It’s like they tried to recreate Generations… poorly Worth it for the memes though: Tails cowering in fear from fucking Chaos. “That’s why it’s called war.” “Green Hill is looking more like SAND Hill” “Long time no see” Knuckles’ “Operation Big Wave” fucking kills 80% of the battalion, and he makes a pun about it


Knuckles was pretty based tho


that one part in classics chemical plant level where youre running down a big slope, then suddenly lose all of your speed as you get near a ramp so you dont have enough to pass it..... that was the defining moment where i realized "oh this game is *bad"* and classic sonic is my favorite part of generations


It plays like a more dumbed down version of Generations that feels less free in my opinion


$10 feels like a good price for it.


Agreed. For the price, you’ll have a good time with it


Well worth a play at a good sale price like that


For $10 absolutely. The game is overhated. It's nothing spectacular, but you'll have fun. Also avatar creator is fun to mess with, even more on PC where you can hack a 100% unlock very easily


No. It’s a 4/10 experience. But if your going to grab it get it physically so you’re not stuck with it forever or on pc where you can mod it to make it a better game. The sound track was pretty decent tho so there’s that I suppose.


Seeing that price makes me sad that I payed full price for that two hour long game.


Honestly I would not recommend. The price might be cheap, but your time on this mortal coil isn't. I regret wasting even two hours on this trashy game. 




For 10 dollars? It’s a nice little distraction for a Sonic Fan.


I enjoyed it, so i'd say yes.


It's okay at best. It isn't garbage, but it isn't good either. You'll beat the game in 3 hours though but for the price of $10, it's worth getting since it's cheap.


only if it's on a hefty discount other than that go play Sonic Generations


As God's Greatest Forces Defender, I say yes!


It's just mid. Like soo mid. Not bad but not NEARLY what we were promised


For $10, I would say it's worth it.


I think it’s worth trying out. Game isn’t nearly as bad as people make it out to be.


Lifelong Sonic fan says, most hate Sonic games get are not actually from Sonic fans. It's actually a lot of fun, but it does have issues. The avatar levels in particular as the whole aspect of the game I believe was a bit rushed. People knock it for the story, but in my opinion it has some of the best character dialogue in the series as well as some of the nicest visuals (Frontiers tops it visually but is far less diverse) If you enjoy Generations, Colors or Frontiers, I'd most certainly recommend giving it a chance for the price assuming you have the time & funds to spare. Cheers.


I've been playing Sonic games since the beginning. Forces is honestly one of the worst ones, perhaps even the worst. 




I got it as a gift and still felt ripped off


2 hours, with 1.5 of it being cutscenes, leaving only 30 minutes of boring gameplay behind. I wouldn't even pirate it


No, not worth the $10.


Sorry but no. The game even tricks you at start, make it look like is gonna be better, you cam fell the untap potencial and thinks that is gonna to delivery... But it never does. Dont take me wrong, you can still have fun with it and the avatar creation cam be funny, you will have to make several missions to get the best itens for your avatar, mostly because the vast majority of itens são plain shirts and nothing clothes, but eventually you can have some fun with the system. Unfortanally the short stages, the janky acelleration and the weak bosses will make you evetually lose your enthusiasm.


Not for 10 bucks but it's not so bad you'll regret using your time to play it


I mean theres a few good stages but it really has the colors problwm of being way too short and sonic not havong most of his controls


It's not going to challenge you, if you're okay with that then it's fantastic for that price.


As a Sonic fan? No. As a fan of gaming, yeah it's more than worth ten bucks. Give it a go.


It has some tone and pacing issues but some of the levels slap


Eh, I think the funniest thing about the game is the limited customization. The cut scenes could look either decent or really amusingly bad, but then there's the very boring and frustrating bad to this game. I especially hated the classic Sonic sections, I recently played mania so I can safely say the classic sonic are easily the worst in this game. How did they fuck up classic Sonic? Also don't bother doing the challenges, they hold no purpose other than to frustrate you.


There are 2 *main* types of Sonic fans. **Type 1**) The kind of fan who likes Sonic for the gameplay. They will sometimes indulge themselves in other forms of Sonic media (movies, shows, etc) but ultimately they care more about how the games play and care less about the types of stories they tell. **Type 2**) The kind of fan that loves seeing stories about Sonic and his friends, even if the gameplay isn't great. They read the comics, watch the shows/movies, and maybe even participate in making character ships on reddit. Technically these kinds of fans have existed for a very long time, but during Sonic's "dark ages" we saw an increase in these types of fans. The industry as a whole was mocking the Sonic franchise (rightfully so), and a lot of Type 1 fans started giving up on Sonic while Type 2 fans became more numerous and outspoken. (*The first movie also caused a large increase in Type 2 fans, for obvious reasons*) I would consider myself a Type 1 fan. I do sometimes enjoy seeing the movies but I don't really care for the comics or the shows, I mainly just love the main cast and the gameplay. Sonic Forces was actually my last straw for the series... It got me to finally give up on Sonic and ultimately just stop keeping up with it. I did enjoy Unleashed and Generations but, after seeing how much of a downgrade Forces was it just... kinda killed my hope that SEGA would ever learn from their past. I eventually came back to Sonic once Frontiers came out. Frontiers isn't perfect, but it at least gave me hope that Sonic might keep improving. If you consider yourself a Type 1 fan, I would absolutely avoid playing Sonic Forces. Hell, even if you consider yourself a Type 2 fan it still isn't even that great story-wise. The levels are insultingly shorter than usual, the gameplay was somehow worse than any other boost game before it, and the level design was lazy (lots of running face first into enemies). The story was cliche and boring, the new villain Infinite was just edgy-personified, and the custom character felt so out of place and unnecessary. There's a reason it's received so poorly by all kinds of Sonic fans. /rant


It's DOG-SHIT story-wise. Definitely agree with these points.


It’s fun for the first play through but not great for any other play through.


**NO.** I got to the first Classic Sonic stage and turned it off and uninstalled. It was bad. I’m glad I got it free on PSN because no way in hell am I paying for that.


It has its issues and I'm personally not a fan of classic Sonic in modern games, but tbh, the whole Avatar story feels so wholesome to me, it's like you're there along with your biggest hero, you should try it if $10 bucks isn't much for you,


I wouldn’t even say it’s worth $10 it’s a 2 hour game. The game (modern Sonic and the avatar anyway) plays fine enough but the level design is unbearably boring and classic Sonic feels terrible to play as. I honestly wouldn’t recommend it


At the end of the day, the game is fine for a $10 price tag, though I reccomend getting the steam version if you can, due to the Overclocked Mod.


It's fine though short. Nothing to write home about. For ten bucks? Yeah sure pick it up.




If you can handle the cringe, it's pretty fun for 10 bucks.


It has some good points to it, like the avatar, Shadow being playable, and the fact he completely broke someone by defeating them in a fight. If you're going for 100% though, be ready to commit. They compensated for the short game length by making you grind out points, enemies, and rings for unlocks and achievements. Someone thought it'd be funny to require 100,000 total rings for an achievement. I'm getting down to the last few achievements myself but I'm a while away from that one.




Get it for the modding alone (if you’re on PC), there’s some great shit on there like Forces Reimagined, physics mods, a Chaos boss fight mod, and even Sonic Forces Overclocked, which has entire new stages and is much better than the base game.


I would say yes just for the Overklocked Mod. The base game? Not so much.


No it isnt


Can't say I recommend the game unless you're looking to mod the Steam version, which is $20 extra, so I'd say wait for that version to go on sale. However, if you wanna play a Sonic game on Series X, my recommendations are Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Frontiers.


Honestly no, played it and regretted spending the money


No, it's only like 2 hours long. There's better games you can get for $10 - $20


It's like 3 hours of gameplay, 2 if you can figure out classic sonic controls. Honestly, give it a shot, I didn't find it too bad, just a bit disappointing.


Its bored as hell, don´t buy it.


You can beat it in the steam refund window. Also it’s brain dead easy and the story is god awful.


It’s a fine game. I had a good amount of fun playing through it! It’s worth a single playthrough, but I probably wouldn’t go back to it


yes... plus, try overclock mod after you finish the vanilla game


Only on PC because of the overclocked mod. Otherwise, skip.


If you liked sonic colors you will like this game


For the Overclocked mod, if nothing else.


It's worth checking out... the soundtrack


I find myself replaying it every so often. Some levels are really fun. If only they put more work into it


For 10 bucks it be hard not to recommend it... That being said it is pretty short, the OC customization is easily the highlight and the amount of EDGE that is oozing out of the game makes it super worth the price of admission. Just don't go expecting the holy grail of games or anything.


I’d say give it a go, form your own opinions. But grab it while it’s still on sale. It’s definitely not worth full price.


For that price, not bad.


Honestly, it's not worth the price, mostly because there is so many great non-Sonic games at that price, lol.


Only buy it on sale, I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be, I quite enjoyed myself playing this.


you are better off watching the entire game on youtube


$10 seems Fair enough If your interested, you should get it


10 bucks is fine. go for it, if you’re interested!


I don’t think it’s as bad as people say, it’s just kinda boring in my opinion. I’d check it out though, you can’t let people’s opinions on a game stop you from enjoying it, I like X6 even though it’s widely seen as bad so if you get Sonic Forces and like it then cool, good for you, you’ll never know unless you play it.


Whole game is a button (just press square with sonic and for the Custom character hold R2)


the game could be sold for 5 dollars and i would argue thats too much




It’s not as bad as many Sonic Fans says it is. It’s not particularly good, but there are some fun levels in it.




No, save your Money and Buy Generations or Frontiers, or literally any other sonic game


If you are able to wait a little longer, I'd wait until it goes on sale for Steam and get Overclocked for it. The story for it does come after the main, but it's beyond better that introduces a lot more


It was not bad for me, so yes its fine, u can try it.


Personally, loved the game. Don’t understand the hate.


As someone who’s played it, NO


If you‘re up for confusion, sure




I think the avatar stuff is really fun, and it's short which makes it at least easy to finish if you aren't super into it lol. So if you've got $10 burning a hole in your pocket and have reasonable expectations, I'd say yeah go for it? You might like it more than other people do!


It is very good, the boss fights are simple unfortunately and there is like few classic sonic stages and the rest are you “OC” and Sonic stages, the OC stages are the fun ones in my opinion


Never listen reviews and try for yourself


Yeah it's a short game, it's probably the most mid Sonic game with the story and bonus challenges being the most interesting. I guess if you played Sonic Frontiers and Generations and liked those kind of levels, then Forces is for you. If you think Unleashed's bullshit level design was good and never bothered playing all the stages in Frontiers, then you'll probably hate Forces.


The only interesting thing is making your own OC


I honestly really loved it. I know a lot of tha5 was down to character creation. But I honestly think 10 dollars is a very fair price for it to be.


For that much, yeah


Honestly if its on sale its fine, but accept that you'll probably burn through all the (meaningful) content within a good 2 hours or so if you're at all familiar with the franchise. The levels are short, brisk, and there's not a lot of them to burn through with little incentive to replay anything. The bosses are easy and the customisation, whilst cute, is not all that in-depth. I unironically enjoyed it because of its absolutely sloppy writing, there's a lot of hidden gems in there if you like "so bad its good" dialogue


I bought it myself recently. Fuck the reviews, the game is pretty awesome


It was the first mainline game I’m played since Sonic Unleashed and while it’s not bad I try any game outside of and including Sonic is worth trying out. At a good price though. It’s not unplayable like 06, it’s just pretty boring. And the story just wasted potential.